Spr!n;port Bindery WARMER Springport, Micb. Partly clourfy and a little warmer tonight and Thursday; low tonight in low 50'~' high Thursday in /ow 80's. Vol. 106i No. 29 2 Sections 1 22 Pages Wednesday 1 July 21, 1965 10<;: Per Copy Death Flirts Centenn ia I,T o Show With 2 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Royer, 705 s. Lansing street are counting themselves as 2 fortunate peopie, They survived an accident early Profit, Magel Says Monday morning that easily could have resulted fatally for one or both. It happened on highway US- 27 between Alma and Ml. Pleas­ ant about 3:45 a.m. They were Figures on their woy to Mason from their Merger cottage on Lake George. A bread truck coming up br•• hind them started to pass. The Due in truck driver glanced llehlnd him Proposal to see if another car was com­ ing alongside from the rear and during the moment he glanced October back, i11s truck. hit the Royer D.ropped car in the rear. In the bookkeeper's ledger the The collision caused the Roy. Mason Centennial observance Two suspects in a Wisconsin murder caught in a car near Stockbridge er car to roll over and it land­ The proposal that a study be made in the school districts of will be recorded In the profit ed on its top, Mr. and Mrs. Roy­ Tuesday await a search by officers. Five men were picked up among a Williamston, Webberville, Dans­ column. er era wled out of a broken ville and Dog as to the illchard Magel, general chair­ lettuce picking crew on a farm near Stockbridge Tuesday afternoon. They window on the left side of the White value of merging them into one, man of the event, said the cen­ car, as gasoline bagan flowing are wanted in connection with a murder in Wisconsin last Friday. will not be pushed further at tennial celebration will definitely from the car's tank. The car did the present time. show a financial profit, but that not catch fire. This was the consluslon reach­ the exact amount will not be:· Taken to Alma hospital by a ed at a m e e t l n g ·of' thf' tu Ii known untll sometime In October. passing motorist, R. C, Schwer study reoganizatlon committe(' of "Bills are still coming Into Near Stockbridge of Brooklyn, Michigan, the Mason the Ingham Intermediate district 1'he Centennial corporation and couple were treated for !Jruises. last Wednesday night at the Sher­ sales on centennial souven!ers Schwer, who was on his way to Idan Head school, are continuing In various stores Jackson, brought Mr. and Mrs. The proposal made by a sub In town so that no definite figure Royer to Mason. committee of the study [:roup can be quoted now," he said. There was another passenger was prPsented to school hoard Profits from the centennial will In lhe. Royer car--a ~>mall Chi­ BABY JAMMIE ANN ACKLEY AND MOTHER 5 Suspected Killers members and superintendents of also depend on the stock holders huahua dog named Fudge . He the 4 districts a week ago and who Invested money In the event. had been riding on the front seat For them a Dozen Pink Roses a vote on the matter of a study In September the stock holders with Mr. and Mrs.. Royer. Mrs. being madr! by the sub committee may redeem their bonds, There­ Royer was driving. After the ex­ was opposed hy school officials fore, the exact amount of pro­ citement had died down Fudge was hy a vote of 15 to 9. fit will remain undetermined un­ nowhere to be found. Two state Trapped By Officers The vote followed a discussion til October. troopers and a conservation of­ at which several points w P r P In anticipation of the expected fleer finally located him. Hr; had 2,000th ~aby Born ilrt>ught out on the proposal for profit, the Centennial corpo~atlon Some 50 sheriff's deputies 16 and taken from his car by swamps. Authorities fell it would a hump on his head and his paws be too easy for the suspects to a study, Is looking for a place to put from Ingham, Washtenaw and 8 subjects, He was then beaten, were cut. State police put him in the money to good use. During Livingston counties captured 5 spot approaching pollee and es­ Among thrm wer~ these: shot once In the face and twice a cage and took him to the the observance there was a sug­ migrant workers wanter! for mur­ cape In the woods, therefore, I. The schools represented in the back. , Ithaca pollee post where he was at this meeting are presenlly At Mason General gestion box in the centennial der in Wisconsin. The five men arrested came deputles chose to walt unli I the !cept un(ll Tuesday alter noon when rJnlng a good job, one board headquarters, but this has now into Stockbridge sometlmc Sat­ bus was loaded and out of the Deputies converged on the Mr. and Mrs. Ro)'er ·Wf;nt to get nwmtJer stated. 'i'he DansvHJe been closed. urday and stayed overnight at field before trying to make an A ''little miss" nameu Jammie Ann Ack- Stockbridge-Gregory area early him and brought him home. school, for example, now has Those who have an Idea for the migrant wor)<ers' camp at arrest. Tuesday morning following a tip The driver of the bread truck excei!Pnt program anrl facilities.· 1ey has the distinction of being the 2,0 OOth the money to go toward may M-36 and Brogan road, On Sun­ was Jack Sailem of Grand Rap­ from the Montello, Wisconsin A dlscrlpllon of the suspects' 2. The 2000 membPrship bring the suggestion to the Ing­ day they were hired to harvest ids. baby horn in the Mason General hospital. authorities. The men were want­ car was given by 2 other mur­ guideline may have been design­ ham County News office. Some ed for the murder of Pete Ste­ lettuce. der suspects who were arrested Mr. and Mrs. Royer were ed for schools being organized; ,Jam m i.e, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ideas already submitted Include · Alerted by Wisconsin pollee, wart, 20, a mechanic In Men­ In EI Passo, Texas. bringing home several articles, not nee(•ssarily for established creating a museum, endowing a Ingham sheriff's deputies be­ Jan1es E. Ackley, 109 Cox boulevard, Lan­ tello, on Friday, July 16. including a coffee pot, some bed­ school districts. (Committee historical society or lighting the came certain the men were In Arrested Tuesday near Stock­ ding and some eggs. Four of the men were appre­ bridge were Richard Costilla of members Indicated that in meet­ sing, was born Friday, July 16, at 9:15a.m. court house dome. hended In a bus used to trans­ The eggs were smashed to hits. ings with thE' chairman of the Final decision will rest with See pictures page 5 Arizona Carlo Gucula, 21, Jimmy Mrs. Royer's purse was torn She weighed a petite 6 pounds 8 1/2 ounces port workers from their camp In Panya, 20, Frederick A. Pala­ state committee and represent­ the corporation. Any suggestion Ingham countytothelettucefields t11e area when the car thE\y re­ apart and the contents scattrred fox, 27, and Avina Esplna, 21, atives of the state education and was 191/2 inches long, must also meet, with the federal In Livingston county. At the purtedly had been driving when over the pavement. Pollee found office the imprPssion was gained u, · '.atlons on a nonprofit ac­ Intersection of M-36 and Kinsey the murder took place was spot­ all of California. most of the articles ami put them Dr. Thomas Miller of Mason delivered Jam­ The prosecuting attorney and a that the r:ritr>rlon applied to all tivity. road the bus was stopped and ted by a patrol car. in lhe coffee pot in which Mrs. deputy from :.fontello arrived sehools, no! only to those being mie Ann, the Ackley's first child, The rna-. One of the biggest celebrations each passenger searched for Calling for assistance from Royer carried them home. oq;anized.) ever to take place In ·Mason, weapons. Livingston and Washenaw county late Tuesday night with warrents Mr. Royer had no coat with for the jailed men. Authorities 3. Putting the four sehool ternnl grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. George the centennial attracted thou­ All four of the suspects were deputes, Ingham county sheriff's hlm !Jutsoonfoundhtmselfdraprd are waiting to see If the men districts tog·pthr>r would not make sands of people to the city to carrying 11-!nch lettuce and men began to surround the area. In a bed spread. Mrs. Royt!r's Baker of Mason. Paternal grandparents are will waive extradidion or fight It. any more dollars, which the see the parade, pagent and many The suspected murders were glasses were broken. 1\Ir. and Mrs. John Potter of Beaverton, other events. butcher-type knives they had been working among 30 other migrant Aslrle from nursing aches and (See MERGER . P ,;e 5 A) 'using to cut lettuce on the Bas- d h d In honor of the 2,000th baby, RobertRecher, People from all over the coun­ ore Farms. The fifth subject laborers. Deputies decided the La n p u rc a se pains, Mrs. Royer said she and try returned to Mason to see old best action would be to walt her husband were in fairly good was apprehended in a car as he The Mason school board has assistant administrator of Mason General, friends and participate in the returned from Stockbridge with until the day's work was com- 4 f shape.
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