
CONTACT INFORMATION Mining Records Curator Arizona Geological Survey 1520 West Adams St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-771-1601 http://www.azgs.az.gov [email protected] The following file is part of the Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources Mining Collection ACCESS STATEMENT These digitized collections are accessible for purposes of education and research. We have indicated what we know about copyright and rights of privacy, publicity, or trademark. Due to the nature of archival collections, we are not always able to identify this information. We are eager to hear from any rights owners, so that we may obtain accurate information. Upon request, we will remove material from public view while we address a rights issue. CONSTRAINTS STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey does not claim to control all rights for all materials in its collection. These rights include, but are not limited to: copyright, privacy rights, and cultural protection rights. The User hereby assumes all responsibility for obtaining any rights to use the material in excess of “fair use.” The Survey makes no intellectual property claims to the products created by individual authors in the manuscript collections, except when the author deeded those rights to the Survey or when those authors were employed by the State of Arizona and created intellectual products as a function of their official duties. The Survey does maintain property rights to the physical and digital representations of the works. QUALITY STATEMENT The Arizona Geological Survey is not responsible for the accuracy of the records, information, or opinions that may be contained in the files. The Survey collects, catalogs, and archives data on mineral properties regardless of its views of the veracity or accuracy of those data. , I ' I " PRINTED: 09/05/2002 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES AlMILS DATA PRIMARY NAME: TUNGSTITE ALTERNATE NAMES: TUNGSTENITE MOHAVE COUNTY MILS NUMBER: 507A LOCATION: TOWNSHIP 18 N RANGE 15 W SECTION 8 QUARTER NW LATITUDE: N 34DEG 57MIN 06SEC LONGITUDE: W 113DEG 53MIN 31SEC TOPO MAP NAME: WABAYUMA PEAK - 7.5 MIN CURRENT STATUS: PAST PRODUCER COMMODITY: TUNGSTEN BIBLIOGRAPHY: ADMMR TUNGSTENITE MINE FILE ADMMR MOHAVE CUSTOM MILL PROJECT BLM UNIT RESOURCE ANALYSIS STEP 3 & 4, HUALAP AI UNIT DALE. V.B. "TUNSTEN DPSTS OF GILA. YAVAPAI, & MOHAVE CO. Al" USBM IC 8078 P 87-88; 1961 CONFLICTING LOC. INFO: ADMMR FILE - SEC. 7 10/07/85 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES FILE DATA PRIMARY NAME: TUNGSTITE ALTERNATE NAMES: TUNGSTENITE MOHAVE COUNTY MILS NUMBER: 507A LOCATION: TOWNSHIP 18 N RANGE 15 W SECTION 8 QTR. NW LATITUDE:N 34DEG 57MIN 06SEC LONGITUDE:W 113DEG 53MIN 31SEC TOPO MAP NAME: WABAYUMA PEAK - 7.5 MIN CURRENT STATUS: PAST PRODUCER COMMODITY: TUNGSTEN-(M)W03 CONTENT-PRIM. BIBLIOGRAPHY: ADMMR TUNGSTENITE MINE FILE ADMMR MOHAVE CUSTOM MILL PROJECT BLM UNIT RESOURCE ANALYSIS STEP 3 & 4, HUALAP AI UNIT DALE, V.B. "TUNSTEN DPSTS OF GILA, YAVAPAI, & MOHAVE CO. AZ" USBM IC 8078 P 87-88; 1961 CONFLICTING LOC. INFO: ADMMR FILE - SEC. 7 +, Name of Mi ne or Pros ' ", Townsl Range Section Priority Tungstite Group l8N l5W 7 A Principal Minerals: 1:250,000 Quad "7 . 5 I - 15 I Qua d Scheelite, Wolframite Williams Wabayuma Peak Associated Minerals: District Principal Product Quartz Mavnard Tungsten-Molybden~ Type of Operation: County State Type of Deposit Underground: Shaft, Adits Mohave Ar. Vein Ownership or Controlling Interest: J.F. Moore, P.o. Box 2, Yucca, Ar. (1961)1 Access: From Yucca, Ar., proceed 17 miles east on McKenzie Wash Road. Bear right at ......::= the Boriana Mine and continue 0.5 miles. Turn right on jeep trail and travel 2 miles . ~ Mine is not shown on topographic quadrangle. ·Sc- :: -o Structural Control or Geological Association: U "Tungsten mineralization appears to be closely associated with numerous quartz stringers in green ledge. The 'green ledge' is composed of fine to coarse-grained green amphibole. It is 4 to 6 feet wide and is traceable by intermittent outcrops for several hundred feet. At the prospect workings the ledge strikes N100E and dips about 800S. Tungsten is present as scattered fine-grained scheelite and as one of the wolframite group minerals. The green ledge referred to previously is in an altered schist and gneiss near a granite outcrop."l Age of Mineralization: Production History Geochemical Analyse~ Located claims (1948) Assayl 4.08% to 5.39% W03 . :::. ~.. =o ~ References 1) Dale (1961) p. 87-88. I i 5-27-57 - This properity idle. MARK GEMMILL see TUNGSTITE GROUP - I.C. 8078, p. 87 9/3/71 - Met Mr. J. F. Moore of Yucca who has 17 unpatented tungsten claims, some of which adjoin the Boriana property. He is in­ terested in getting them patented. Will send him the information on patent application. G. W/ Weekly report. NINE NJu'fE: -' . LOCATION: _l!LQ:lL4~~~L~~(}_l~_~~-t.-~~ -~ OHNER AND lOR LEASEE~ . ADDHJLSS: ~ .c Ibs COPfER ~~f~~;..;u; """",;, ,,,,,~ .,..... .~ J . ...~ ZINC «()!iHl~~~i) ~ i.t~L,'" l.t} <1't, Yf.~·: ' If you have qi'~f~~to I!rl;ne Pl$~rri!i ' ~t·v~ :V(iiir ~i>ti,liW,£e 1)£ t.11 i!i Amount or ~tal (nam f{~ each meta.l) that yo:u -eoutcl' pfbdu);~f}'J ;,h one year (a.i~ter al~U:)'li\f1.n g 60 daijts to g~~t $tar' t~d)i.fthere . w.~re pr~nJ1iWJ1B , a ·R~y.epl.)e .$e.nt :X4~~J~keti ,prit:eso Wattle ' .amount, v·r1tb a l<)w premiuln, and a.l101.trl'b:(~t :.'~ · lti·]>gri ' lY!:tiilfrrit~1~r :$uoh~r$' ~ COP I::H~l· at 22~¢ pIt/. s' ~)¢ prfJmjAntlo." ~ ''''' :i(~ ~~' co' ~ " ''' ' + ' $ . ~oocr;ooo Lb~1 ~ ('"i,.,.o· ·.I'\' h". ~"II\. a+ -:''l?~11~' 'p'·.'.n..· ;"...". In·/, l: "t' :'~ ~ 'f~..\l : hn\ · . !1 ·l:::C)·';·i {"Of)' 1"~, t" 'V t .. t'f£....... IJ' ~.........,~~ ;...v. •. ,. .. ~.6 ·1 r _:.-i-...;;o t;"J!U... ...l;l:rl' .a .\;; ~ ~ ' 1:\: " .,. , " · ~·~f ~ .. J : V",V ·"l ...i~ £'k~:"J~·.Q (A) Doyouth1nk a l~ea. -sot~!~bl~ de~~:eJ~ ~ptii~t~t ,. 'lilpg: !~~tanl'Witt7.tJ"d ptQdu(Ji$ So justif:i,ed tonnage t,:t~ (~Olii~11~r 'eial ore a,t above;tlfi:ini.;~{? ~~~~~~~~~~"",",,' ~~~.,;;-.;. (B) Wii~h a. 'p~em:tum prfo .~ J~~f:~~~ ~~i~'mi~~d:" t:01; . 6ti~·: i~n:q·)p~\l~ld · you car14Y out $ueh a d$Vf;iloptrltH'ld~. Pt'4;Jgi~;am jf¢*i4:riJ;161!'?' Whs.t p.ramiwn.? How about, a. Stage 1: .-.;" stage 2~ If rem.llta of (b'illir~ (ol<t·': ~~drithoui~ fh111ing) just:tfy u~1~~,n~g;ro~1(t·", developmi)nt and/or' 'p::r'Qd'ueti6n erII"d.plnent!! SaXIl1€l t~o b~ ~'btain~ble ; vi~~ a mort.gage loan Oll i')r.ope~.. tu" SUGGESTIONS: DA1fn: r·'··'·........ ---·---- --- ' ;,~ " ......... -···:··.: .. · ·' ··· -'-~·.:.· : · .:.: .. ,_. · ··· ·- · ·- ' ···- ·~- ... t . ! , ~: ;~? '; . [/! ; i':l f,: ~ :I .,1 , L l'" . \ DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL RESOURC~S ! / " .1 State of Arizona MINE OWNER'S REPORT d ;~f\ ! 25 ~ . .. Date J~::'·-~:J..:~~:t:9;;~ I. Mine ~i' ...........f~ .....~.=-" _ .. • 2. LocatlOn. s;c Z~1 .T:p~3 RangeI~tf!:~e~ ~wi:~~~.A A R1;Z o Distance O( .D/~ DirectiO~q ........ RO~d Condition ... LJ,Af.. ...~~'Y' .. \\" ...... v. Mining District & County:_ _____ .. ____ _ _:- -----_QvL .... ___ .. ____ .... __ ~~..... " !~t--- - -~- (-- --- - -:----- - ------ - : :::::~a~~u .Of u~'~~. n;;Q£:::::~~:i:lI5 : ... ·.: ... ·: .. · Address: ____ _.. ________ __~~~~-I----/~~ --- -.- ----- -/------- --- . ~~~----~~~-~-cJ -- -- ---- ............. ___ .. _______ ._____ ._____ ____ ______ _ 6, Operator: __ __ ______ ______ __ __. _________ . ______ . ___ . ___ . ____________________________ .. _. __ _____________________ .---.---.-----.------- ---- .--- --- -- -------- ----- ---- .. ----------------.---. A.ddress: ________________ c ______ ____ . _______ _________ _ --.-- __ __ ] ___ .. ----------------()_~. II-- . - .----' -- ----- ----- --- -- -------- -------- ---- ---- .. -- -----------------:-... ------ --- ---.-- -- I ' , ! ~ " 7. 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