JULY 2020 Happy 80th Birthday to Terry Pinner 26th May2020 See Page 28 2 August 2020 Magazine Cut-off Date Cut-off date for the August 2020 Stukeleys Parish Magazine is 9am Saturday 18th July 2020 **** Please do not be late **** FUTURE EVENTS Mon 31st Aug Jazz Afternoon See Page 9 Tue 22nd Sep Royal Air Force Museum Visit NEW DATE See Page 12 Mon 12th Oct Specer House Visit See Page 12 Sun 15th Nov Thursford Christmas Spectacular See Page 13 *** All sizes of colour advertising space now available *** Contact Martyn Fox for information Take a look at the Magazine website at www.stukeleysmag.co.uk Email to: Martyn at [email protected] Post/drop in to: 7 Hill Close, Great Stukeley PE28 4AZ Tel: 01480 432633 Mob: 07710 171924 Please include your phone number in case of queries. Space in the magazine is limited, so articles should be about 300 words. This is to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute to the magazine. It would be helpful if you could submit articles sized to an A5 page in Word or PDF. We reserve the right to refuse an article, cut its length or hold it over to a later issue without notice. Please Note:This magazine is published by Martyn Fox with administrative and financial support from The Stukeleys’ Parish Council. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or of the Parish Council A charge is made to advertise in this magazine. All enquiries should be directed to Martyn Fox (Tel: 01480 432633) or Ramune Mimiene, (Parish Clerk) Email: [email protected] This Month Page4: StukeleysParishCouncilReport Page5: EmailfromHDC Pages 6-9: Great Stukeley Village Hall Trustees’Report Page10: InLovingMemoryofJohnByrneOBE Page11: StukeleysBranchofRBLthanksTerryPinner Pages14-15: Updatefromthe501st Combat Support Wing Page16: StMartinsChurchRoofRepair 3 Page17: LittleFlyers Stukeleys Parish Council Report Due to Coronavirus the June Stukeleys Parish Council Meeting was held remotely via ZOOM with the following participating Parish Council Councillors Terry Pinner (Chairman), Tim Close (Vice-chairman), P Tuck, G Evans,BParkyn, S Burton,SSmith, and also present were R Britton, U&C. T Slater, Planning Advisor, and HDC Cllr T Sanderson. Meetings will continue remotely until furthernotice, members of the public who would like to take part in the Open Meeting between 7.15 to 7.30 should contact the [email protected] U&C presented the update of delivery on site and ran through in more detail. Alconbury Weald have around 320homes occupiedatthe moment andanew bus stopistobe located on Ermine Streetnear the Swynford Roadjunction. Further traffic calming measures, road signageand thecondition of the road surface on Ermine Street were addressedand discussions with relevant agencies involved continue. Outline Planning Application - Land north east of Ermine Street, Huntingdon Savills UK, on behalf of The Master, Fellows and Scholars oft he College ofStJohn theEvangelist in the University of Cambridge, has submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council an ‘Outline planning application for the phased development of up to 648 dwellings with associated public open space, services andother ancillary infrastructure with all matters reserved except for the meansof access’ on land north east of Ermine Street. The site forms the northern part of Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036 allocation HU1. A proposal to place outdoor table tennis tablesatboth Great and Little Stukeley playing fields was raised and will be ont he agenda for the July meeting. 4 Email from HuntingdonshireDistrict Council Subject: Digital inclusion Hello, My name is Lauren andIwork for Huntingdonshire District Council. We are working to deploy a voice botsolution within Huntingdonshire District council, the aim of the bot is to provide voice based access to the FAQ content on our customer portal so there is a non-digital channel to getto the FAQ content for our customers. We are thinking primarily of those who wish to pick up the phone rather than go online. This work is primarily LGA funded with a mind for digital inclusion for the older communityin our district so they have access to the same information that our other customers can get online. We were initially looking to do some User research testing sessions to assess ifthe product we currently have is viable and what improvements can be made before we go live. Unfortunately, due to the Covid19 pandemic, we have been unable to carry these sessions out. As an alternative, we are looking to recruitmembers from the older community to take part in over the phone surveys and potential user testing. I was hoping there would be someone within your organisation who could pointme in the right direction as to how Icould contact people you feel would be interested in taking part. Any help you cang ive would be greatly appreciated. Lauren Adams Recovery Officer Huntingdonshire District Council 01480 388030 [email protected] 5 The Stukeleys HeritageGroup We were due to meet in July to hear Mike Petty talk about the 1947 floods. However, given the current Covid 19 situation I have decided it is too soon to return to meetings, so I have cancelled this meeting, and also the planned trip to Colchester in September. The next meeting could be November, but we will need to review the position nearer the time. In the meantime, we have had VE Day, so I wondered if we could share stories about the Second World War. It would be a pity to lose those stories, which could be about people or places. So please email or write or phone and I will try to capture them. Given that many of us have come into our villages from further afield such experiences need not be just local. You may also have stories handed down from older family or friends who are no longer with us, in which case please include themas well. Another set of stories mightbeour experiences during the Covid 19 pandemic and howit has affected our lives. Are there local heroes helping others which we could record? Let’s share as a community! And look out for our forthcoming new Facebook page.... Michael Monk Convener, Stukeleys Heritage Group 33 Church Road, Great Stukeley 01480 456634 [email protected] Great Stukeley Village Hall ManagementCommittee: OurAGM was duetobe held inMaythis year but of coursehadtobe cancelled due to the coronavirus lockdown. The management committee members have agreed to continueintheir current positions for now and the nextAGM willbe held in May 2021. We have included our Trustees’Report in thisedition of the magazine whichwould havebeen presentedatthe AGM. We are pleased to report that we are continuing with our latest round of improvementsandarejust completing refurbishment work to the Committee Room. We’re sure you will be as pleased with the resultsaswe are. Our next project willfocus on the car park. Over the coming months we will continue to meet, subject to the latest government guidelines, and will maintain the village hall until wecanreopen it. We are currently looking for a tech-savvy person to help manage our on-line booking system. If you are that person, please getintouch! Ithasbeen a difficult few monthforusalland we hope that we will be able to welcome you back toourvillage hall very soon. On behalf of Great Stukeley Village HallManagement Committee, thank you for your support in the past, keep safe for now, see you in the future. Nicola Oldfield, Secretary Telephone: 01480 437115 Email: [email protected]= 6 Great Stukeley Village HallTrustees' Report The trustees submit their annual report and the unaudited financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2020. The trustees have adopted the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)"Accounting and Reporting by Charities" issued in 2005 in preparing the annual reportand financial statements of the charity. Nature of the governing document–Trust Deed One representative member shall be appointed by each of the following organisations: The Parish Council,The Women’s Institute, the Parochial Church Council and any other village organisation in existence at the time. Charity Trustees June 2019 – February 2020: Carol Buttercase Nicola Oldfield Iain Shaw Helen Silsby David Silsby Aims of the Trustees To maintain and manage the village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Great Stukeley, without distinction of political, religious orother opinions including use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other formsof recreation and leisure time with the objectof improving the conditions oflife for the said inhabitants. Organisation The Charity isadministered by the managementc ommittee who are the Charity Trustees.The Committee shall consist of 4 elected members, representative membersof those village organisations who wish to be represented and may include no more than 3 co-opted members. Elected members are elected at the AGM: Secretary and Treasurer nominated at AGM Chair and vice chairelected by committee following AGM Co-opted members One paid member of staff–Caretaker Bank accountsa re held with Barclays Bank, Market Hill, Huntingdon. Accounts are independently examined by Bulley Davey, 4 Cyrus Way, Cygnet Park, Hampton, Peterborough PE7 8HP. Simon Baker BA (Hons) FCCA is our contact. Activities 2019-20 User groups The following groups have regular bookings: Stukeleys Parish Council, Stukeleys WI, Stukeleys 7 Heritage Group and the Craft Club. Other regular users include Ladies Badminton, U3A Bridge Club, Jazzercise, Pilates classes, community coffee morning, Pentecostal Church and dog training. Hiring agreement The current hiring agreement was adopted in June 2012. Hiring charges were updated in June 2017. These are inthe process of being updated for 2020/21. Bookings In addition to the regular lettings there were a number of single lettings during the year. Improvements project and fundraising The Committee continues to raise funds through events held at the hall for the benefit of the village residents.
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