Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper University Archives 1902 Normal College News, February, 1902 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Normal College News, February, 1902" (1902). EMU Student Newspaper. Paper 11. http://commons.emich.edu/student_news/11 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '1., ' . •, . ·. ·U ,r ,. ,, 1 1·· s :i 1• . ...,,.t,_.1 ____ _.._ .. ' ' -Detroit. ' , , First; car leaves Ypsilanti for "Detroit at 6:15 a. m. , Every lialf µour thereafter ·until 'J��=-, . ' 1 . (: le. IDobge Y p·silanti .. · '1 . I.'.·.$.· '9:l5 p. m. Then at 10':15 and 11 :45•p. m. " . ,, ¢'ptfeta n First car leaves Detroit for Ann, Arbor at Rll E.tl!Jrttnatton� jJi:ce Ann Arbor& I 6 :30 a . Ul:, half > hour thereafter tinfil 9 :00 p. m.. Every.Then at W :00 and 11 :lS p. m. J a,ck.son R;y. • i ' I : Gold, and War- F. oun .t a1n • pens ranted· in every J -� I I , respect, for One 'Dollar·�- .. f • . "t And every other... ,• School Supply a little r . cheap.er and better than E1-nywhere els�, . ...... ·i'.. always to b�. fout1d·.e.t i · �. lb. lDot,oe & Son 9 ' FRANK' ) SMITH'S ... ie,-----------�l , fl- �-i"�:- · l ' · 104 CongreH St. I i",, � 'i Students STUDENTS.... ' .'. WISHlNG "1!:11.PS or 9WB1\TUIJS Sell :V�ur Cast.on Clo<:hl,i,Q and Shoes .at _ Mf>NE'G�RMBO 01' PILLews # BMBRt)IDBRBD, LlU\V.B «)R• ,.. } ·, I • OBRS... WITH .•'. .• • . • •• ••• E. Congress'RUMMAGE STORE ' 9 . ,· • I St..1·;. .... ·:· , -�Ypsilanti ... , .... --���MR.S•. M.cKEAND • . --•• •. ·0¥61 ·------ Jlortord �. - • � &Smith's • _ -�-�--�IMiiHfflDimimWnmmiifffli. __ . '' . - "' ··O.. S. WoR·�LEY & -Co.� • W' · l•s � . -"'(psi/anti,•. reliable Clothing Store. · . 1" ,. ... February is here' and, brings . us a token of. Spring• .:1, .JI. .. 1 ..,. < ' ' i , r One �undred and . .seve'11Y three Suits from the famous �·�tyle !ofaKers.'�. }J'art, Schaf'Cner i':J M�x. I •· . � ' ' :· T I '• � �·I • ' C. $. V\lOR.TLEY. & CQ. .._"' r L.___ ___ _ ' j ADVERTISEMENTS A. G. SPALDING � BROS. (INCORPORATED) OFFICIAL OU'l'FITTERS TO Tm;; LEADING COLLEGES. SCHOOLS AND ATHLETIC CLUBS OF THE COUN'l'RY Spalding's Officio! Athletic Goods W. 11.SWEET are standard of Quality and are recogni7-ed as such by all the lending organizations controlling sports, which invariably adopt Spalding's Goods as the best. THF. SPALDING Official League Baeeball, Official Inter­ & SON collegiate Football, Official Gaelic and Associalion Footballs Official Basket Ball. Official Indoor Base Ball, Official Polo Ball, Official Athletic Implements, Official Boxing Gloves. Insist on getting Spalding's goods and refuse to accept any­ Offers the best facilities for students' trade, as thing that is offeredas "Just as g-oodas Spalding's." they carry a general line of Handsomdy iUuslrrzttd calaloE11< of atllleticgoods mailtd free to any address. A. (i, SPALfJING & 11'11,,0S. New York. Chicago. 1Jmbtr, �!.'Ir �00�.5>o f-O©'fil@fll5 "THE OLD RELIABLE" ll11©Jilt�1ro �l©Wf.5> tl2t1ilOC� � MillU!Nlt�lr Savery Clluib Also a Dress Making Department. 415 Perrin Street Our 1Janking 'Department you will find $2 Board for $1.80 very convenient, as we cash all bankable paper at PAR. Deposits received, payable on One Block East of the Normal demand. 9/sk for a 'Dank 1Jook. If it is out of order t take it, and all broken jewelry, to BR1\BB The Jeweler COOPER THE STUDENTS' WILL BE PLEI\SED TO see YOl] CI\LL /\ND INSPECT lllS PHOTOGRAPHER I\RTISTIC WORJ<: PRICES /\ND WORJ<: I\RR/\NGED TO /'\l:!CT Tile DEl'\/\NDS OF THE STUDENTS HOLID/\Y /\ND CO l"\l"\ENCEl"\ENT PHOTOS I\ SPECI/\L1 Y r............. ADVERTISEMENTS Dress Suits Sulliban-@ok @mpany To 114 Congress Street Rent Clothiers and Men's Furnishers MATT DUFFY RATES, '$2.00 Boots and Shoes Repaired McKay Club eor. Washington and �earl tf.01- Ballard Street A. C. CLUFF, Steward GOOD WORK DONE FINE DRY GOODS D. S PALS BU RY, D. D. S. WOOLTEX CLOAKS Dentist Office Cor. Congress and Washington Sta. Over Horner Broa. • Shoe Store BERTH. COMSTOCK Local Anaesthetic for Painless Extra.c• 128 Congre.s.s St. tion Term of twelve weeks from time you start. BEGINNERS-Gentlemen, $5; La­ Granger's Sc�ool of Dancing dies, $3. ADVANCED PRACTICE CLASS­ SECOND SEMESTER Gentlemen, $3, with privilege of lady company. Lady members of the school admitted to all practice classes without extra charge. GRANGER'S ACADEMY ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN ADVERTISEMENTS NORMAL CoNSfRVATOR� Of Music G. w. DENSMORE'S 'Frederic H. Pease, 1Jireclo1 Cor. Washington and Congr ss Sts. " " Is headquarters for everything in the Faculty line of : Pl11no Genta• e1othlng and Furnlabl•g• MISS AL,ICE LOWDE:C. MISS MYRA L, BIRD MR. ARTHUR BOSTICK We also carry a large line of Holi­ MRS. JESSU: P. SCRIMGER MR. F. L. YORK MR. MINOR WBI'l'E day Grips and Telescopes. Students are especially invited to inspect our Organ stock. MR. HOWARD BROWN MR. YORK MR. FREDERIC PEASE Vlolln MISS ABBA OWEN JoHoWortney Vloloncello MR. H. W. SAMSON Fire Insurance Voice Culture and Singing Real Estate Bought MISS BIRD MISS CARRIE TOWNER MISS ELLEN C. WORTLEY and Sold MR. aud MRS. FREDERIC PEASE Homes Rented lt11llan Money Loaned MR. MARSH.ALL PEASE t For circulars coucerning terms and tuition, apply to the No. a 09 Peall"ll Stll"eet Director. STUDENTS Make this your necessity store. We've so Horner many articles which are in constant use in the homes and rooms as well as a full table sup, ply. Every article ls guaranteed and our Brotbers prices are always correct. The Most Reliable DAVIS� 00. Shoe Dealers ON 'T'HE CORNER Cordially invite all students to make their headquarter• at their store, No.130eon, B, W, Ferguson P, J, Snyder areas Street "SORO SIS" Fergu500 & Soydu JENNESS MILLER DEALERS IN and ULTRA SPECIALTIES A nice line of PatentLcatlicrSlioes and Party Slippers. The Groceries and Provisions only Regulation GY::l'lNASIUM SHOES. 123 Congress St. Phone 7\l.o. 70 Rubbers Neatly Fitted. Watcli our windows for Our aim is to furnish good e-oods at honest prices. May we serve you in an v wav? The La 1;es1; No�mal College FEBRUARY, 1902 Ne"W"s CONTE.NTS PAGE FRONTISPIECE, CHANGED ? 120 121 THE STUDY OF ETHICS IN NORMAL SCHOOLS 122 WITCHIN' WITH THEIR EYES 127 THE BABBIT PIONEER COLLECTION 128 DEPARTMENTAL, 131 LIBRARY, 132 EDITORIAL, 135 GIRLS' SOCIAL LEAGUE 135 LOCALS, 137 ATHLETICS, 141 LYCEUM, CLUBS, 142 142 FRATERNITIES, 143 DIRECTORY LITBl'IAl'IY SOOI.Tll!!8 WEBSTltR CLUB President, - R. C. Smith AT�NltUM SOCIETY Vice- President, R. A. Smith Secretary, J. H. Waldron President, Iloyt C. Partch Vice-President, Ama C. Stevenson LINCOLN CLUB Secretary, Mayme Ballard President, - Earl G. Fuller OI,YMPIC socmTY Vice-President, Geo. K. Wilson Secretary, President, Clemens P. Steimle - Wm. C. Eldred Vice-President, - Ellen Pilcher PORTIA CLUB Secretary, Richard Smith President, Inez Clark CRitSCJtNT SOCIETY Vice-President, - - Miss Higgins President, James Melodv Secretary, - Miss Richardson Vice-President, - - Vinoua Beal CURRltNT TOPIC CLUB Secretary, Elizabeth Rawson President, - Louise Petit ATHI.ltTIC ASSOCIATION Secretary, Mollie Comstock President, Joseph Gill Vice-President, - Fred Scovill CHUACHl!S OF YPSILANTI Secretary, Carey Ireland Treasurer, Prof. S. B. Laird Basket-Ball Manager, - W. A. Whitney Baptist-Cor. Cross and Washington Sts., Rev. Baseball Manager, - J. A. Van Allsburg Mr. Brown, pastor. Football Manager, Fred Scovill Catholic-Cor. Cross and Hamilton Sts., Rev. M. I. A. A. Director, C. P. Steimle Father Kennedy, pastor. Y. M. C. A. Congregational-Cor. Adams and Emmet Sts., Rev. President, - J. A. Van Allsburg Mr. Beach, pastor. Vice-President, A. J. Craig Corresponding Secretary, - R. C. Smith Episcopal-Huron St., Rev. Mr. Gardam, rector. Y. W. C. A. Methodist-Cor. Washington end Ellis Sts., Rev. Mr. Allen, pastor. President - Emma Parmeter Vice-President,­ Ellen Pilcher Presbyterian-Cor. Washington and Emmett Sts. General Secretary, - Berthe Bellows Rev. Mr. Wharton, pastor. Normal College Nelvs Vol. 21 FF..BR.UARY. 1902 No. 5 CHHNGED? OOR little Cupid iI\ tflis age of II\ad l)_aste, P Scarce cal'\ fiI\d victiII\S suitiI\g llis taste. Yoid seeII\S tlle field of WOII\af\ly cl)_arII'ls, Forced is tl)_e Heart-k:tng to lay down flis arII\s, No tiII\e for sweet notl),ings as in long ago Wl),en laddie wooed ladylove surely but slow, "COII\e to tfle poif\t," saitfl tfle II\aid of today, HI\d sweet, winsoII\e Love tiatll notlling to say. Cloal:l;ed in a II\aI'\f\isl)_ yet stylisl)_ attire, Wllat wonder tfle II\essenger II\isses l)_is fire T 'Twould seeII\ frorri. witl)_out scarce a k:nock: would suffice To open tl)_e treasure-door lliding tlle price. Dear little tieart-piercerT Your days are not o'er, Willing nearts await you as ill early lore. If tlle secret you'd k:now, colile close and I'll tell, 'Tis only because tlley are guarded so well. T.-- The Study of Ethics in Normal Schools :g, L, :N'ORTON, DJIPARTl\1ENT OF EDUCATION HE day is past when we can regard the tion of the feelings and will toward different T curricula of our educational institutions types of situation. That large influence of as fixed.
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