16— MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, March 20, 1990 CONDOMINIUMS HOMES IMISCELLANEDUS CARS I FOR RENT FOR RENT LAWN CARE I SERVICES FOR SALE Fraud MANCHESTER-2 bed- DATS UN-280 ZX, 1979. Hike GSL Building Mainte­ Paying dues MANCHESTER-2 family rooms, 1'/j baths, air. nance Co. Commercl- Good running condi­ flat. 1st floor, 4'/a room R.D. Mainville '^ t|^ Speciolis^ Fully Equipped kitchen al/ResIdentlal building tion. Needs some body apartment. Applian­ $695. 272-2410 O w ner work. New front ces. Adults preferred. repairs and home Im­ MANCHESTER- YARD provements. Interior brakes, new tires all Medicaid investigation No pets. Security. $550 around, oil changed Sanitary div ision 192 grab Immaculate, 2 bed­ monthly. 649-7885 MAINTENANCE and exterior painting, room, 1 '/2 bath light carpentry. Com­ eyery 1000K, a new bra. prompted 40 arrests/4 Townhouse. Air, fully UNLIMITED plete lanitorlal ser­ $2500 or best otter. Call budget is up 39%/3 UConn tickets/11 647-0061, leaye mes- appllanced, washer/d- No Job Too Small 643-2315 vice. Experienced, rel­ Ddlf! soge, ask tor Pan. rver. No pets. $750 + STORE/OFFICE iable, free estimates. utilities. Available I FOR RENT 643-0304. RENAULT-1982 Le Car, April 1. 643-7388. LAWN MOWERS ATTENTION Dog Excellent body, no MANCHESTER- OFFICE FOR RENT- Owners-RegIstratlon rust, new tlres/brake- CHILDCARE Immaculate, 2 bed­ Includes utilities and REPAIRED now In progress tor s,AM FM cassette, CARPENTRY/ PAINTING/PAPERING needs dlstrlbuto- room, l '/ 2 bath, parking. Location 485 ★ Free Pickup & Deiivery basic obedience REMODELING Townhouse. Air, fully E. Middle Turnpike. In Manchester classes. Please call tor r.Owners have no 646-1698. space or time.$250 or Licensed Daycare/Playgroup a ppl lanced, washer/d- ★ Frompt, Courteous, training site location Wall. Papering and Paintinj best offer,649-0003 Bill. Full and part-time available. 2-4 ryer. No Pets. $750 plus M A N C H ESTER-330 Expert Service nearest you. 659-2482 or CUSTOM CARPENTRY 30 years Experience yr. olds. Beautiful Manchester utilities. Available square feet. $302 per A- R eas o n ab le P rices 267-7025. Trainer Joe DISanto. home w/many indoor and out­ UNLIMITED Insurance, References and April 1st. 1 month se- month. 1 mile to 1-84. A Free Estimates door activities. A lot of TLC and Peterman Building Co. U concadi Insured Free Estimates cu rlty. 643-7388 individual attention given. Early evenings. 649-9404. A 15% Senior Discount SCRANTON starting hrs. Decks, Kitchens & Bath­ MARTY MATtSSON ECONOMY LAWN I MISCELLANEOUS CHRYSLER-PIYMOUTH 649-9694 7am-5pm. rooms designed & remod­ 649-4431 FOR SALE 55 Windsor Ara. (Rte. 83), Wmon HanrliPHtpr HrralJi INDUSTRIAL MOWER eled. Ceramic tile, all phases 85 Dodge 600ES $3,495 Call Anytime Loaded, Traraportalion Special of carpentry & repair. HOMES I PROPERTY ^LEANING SERVICES . McHugh Himself 647-5705 END ROLLS 85 Toyota Pickup $4,665 C a l Now For Spring Specials FOR RENT MANCHESTER- 27'A" width — 504 AirtomMlc, Extra Clean Painting & wallpapering at 528-5502 Anytima BOLTON- 9 room Con­ Avallable Imme- 13" width — 2 for 504 87 Mazda B-2000P.U. $4^85 dlately. 800, 1200, 1750 S Speed, Low miae. Ready M Qo its best Free Estimates. Fully temporary. SI 400 —TaRBKCSTOIS— Nawiprint end rollt cm be Wednesday, March 21,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents CANEPA square feet. Commer- picked up et the MetKheeter 87 Dodge Dakota P.U. $6,785 Insured. Established 1974. monthly plus utilities. SPRING YARD Long Bad, Low m la,, Sharp truck COLTART CARPENTRY D.W.FIsh 643-1591 or clal/lndustrlal. Ill Herald ONLY before 11 am. JANITORIAL Phase Electric. 646- 'and Monday through Thuriday. 87 Chrysler New l ^ e r ^ ,6 7 5 For all your carpentry needs. 643-9321 871-1400. 4 Door, Loadad, Laethar bitartor. Extra Additions to fit your style. 5477. HOME CLEAN-UP SERVICES MANCHESTER-3 bed­ dean CALL NOW!' Decks, roofs, porches, finished MANCHESTER- ALL TYPES OF YARD WORK 87 Mercu7 Cougar $7,865 basements. References & Low room Cape, fireplace, -TmtOwidi -TnidiaBKMw, QUALITY fully appllanced kit­ Avallable Imme- RmmW W M /In W* WANTED TO ZDoor, Many extras, Needs lobe aold 645-6707 Prices. 1-11-4tC 1-12-4tB. dlatelv. 2700 square ■laltaiKiifW -angnASat 87 Chrysler Lebaron $9,245 PAINTING chen, dining room, 2 ■YMdtamnd CMnOmS BUY/TRADE Cox threatens feet. Cold storage with Automsllc, 29,000 mllat 633-1835 COMPANY baths, 1 car garage. No -CUMraClMrad -GraWCWpaWy Interlor/Exterior loading dock. 646-5477. ■BtatitlnHwiowJ EiMorHouM STEINWAY GRAND PI­ 88 Ch^s Lebaron Convert $SAVE O’Neill shuns battle ‘toll’ pets. 2 month's secur­ ^ecializing in: -RiniluraMiMd MnInB ANO wanted (only), Automatic, Top Down Special Painting Done HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Custom Painting ity. $950 plus utilities. tMnCUttMMM WiWMBrtir 89 Plymouth Sundarioe $8,645 649-0795. -ConpMMBijidina -U n d a d n g any size In any condi­ Automsllc, A/C, Only 9,000 m llat •light carpentry Cleanlno. HauUng, Cflipenliy, Remodsnng ■Sheetrock SPrapwlyMiMnnoi rniWaTm, Reasonably Pricsd MISCELLANEOUS tion. Will pay top price 89 Dodge Grand Caravan $14,995 •ceilings and walls repaired «iW -labC(iMidMa and pick up. Call now •attics and cellars cleaned Free Eslknales ■Textured FOR RENT FULUNNSURFD H t£E ESTIMATES 7 pau., 6 cyl., 6 year warranty to raise rates Few are Al Cats Answered 1-800-238-6324 anytime. c e ilin g s I STORE/OFFICE CAIL. YARDMASTERS 643-6386 Risk's Handyman & CAR Garage on Ridge­ ■W allpaper 643-9996 FURNITURE W anted- 875-3311 the regulatory agency has levied V.3t Jullvinsured/fee estimates FOR RENT wood Street. (Across By Rick Santos Carpentry Service Bedroom set or against Cox. '-V- •P laster from Willies). Strictly Manchester Henald surprised 646-1949 dressers, dining room ■Interior /Exterior storage. $75 per month. It says the company takes strong CLEANING set and misc. furniture. exception to DPUC’s attack on the References - MANCHESTER Coll Rose, 647-8400 or BOOKKEEPING/ 524-8824. Homes, offices, etc. CARPENTRY WORKS FREE Estimates 646-8646. INCOME TAX WANTED TO If the state does not change a company’s commitment to public For all your •Repa'rs 'Remodelling FOR SALE OR BUY/TRADE preliminary decision regarding the at decision Quality workman­ access programming; the agency cleaning needs •Additions -Garages renewal of Cox Cable’s franchise •Decks ship and materials. LEASE/OPTION CARS called it “lackluster.” CPA TAX PREPARATION license, Cox will pass on the subse­ By Dianna M. Talbot Call Call Mark Written guarantee. 2 of the best located pro- FOR SALE W e buy clean, late model In the letter, Cox cites testimony CHILD CARE For Individuals & Business. quent financial tiurdcn to customers 645-0668 644-2362 643-5337 Licensed & Insured. fesional office suites in town. used cars and trucks. Top from public access users who sup­ Manchester Herald Your home or mine. Eve­ CHEVY 1983 Cltloflon-4 in the form of Inighcr rates, accord­ LIcensed/lnsured CONSCIENTIOUS prices paid. port the company’s initiative in that C all (1) First floor facing Main S t door,excellent conditi­ TIRED OF HOUSEWORK? Mother of ISmonth nings or Weekends. Mr. DufI • Carter ChevroM ing to documen'ts on file at the slate HARTFORD — In 1982, Wil­ 203-875-9094 1250 square feet. Huge, pri­ on,Immaculate area. OR A HOUSE ONLY daughter will baby Reasonable Rates 1229 MNnStreel Department of Public Utility Con- vate parking lot. throughout. 1 owner. Although the letter says Cox will liam A. O’Neill walked through a o SURFACE CLEANED. MASTER CARPENTER 24. H o u rs sit,my home. Referen­ Call 528-1947 Mancheeter, CT 633-5518______________ U'ol in New Bn.tain. agree to the stipulations of the door and into a popular room in THEN CALL ME AT (2) 2500 square feet, 2 story ces 649-0923. 646-8484 J3 “n Doors and windows to custOiTi builL CHEVORLET 1987Sprlnt- The inform;iiion is in a Icllcr renewal, the stale’s acting Consumer the state’s elegant red-brick 644-1134 traditional style building. Nojcbtoosmal. WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. 5 speed, 45 miles per dated TUesday from Cox Cable of Counsel Eugene M. Coss and Governor’s Mansion at 990 ^ F ASK FOR ANITA Quality work at a Very near famous Cavey-s •FREE ESTIMATES I ^ C A R S gallon. Low mileage. CARS , Greater Hartford’s Vice President Manchester’s Town Manager Prospect Avenue to announce BONDED S INSURED reasonable price! Restaurant. Off street park­ One owner. Blaupunkt. •SENIOR DISCCUNTS FOR SALE and General h lanagcr Jayson Juras- Interior & Exterior ing. LAWN CARE FOR SALE Richard Sartor have recommended that he would run for governor. $1995. 644-2115. ka. — m OVER 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE Free Estimates CALL TOM BOYLE the DPUC amend the draft decision On Tuesday afternoon, the SWEEP MR. WINTER Call Brian Weigle The letter stales the company by making additional demands on scene was awkwardly familiar, O o OUT THE WINDOW! NEIL MILLER OWNER/AGENT 645-8912 BUNKER LANDSCAPING wants the 15-year franchise exten­ the cable company. but this time, O’Neill announced Our daaning tervio* b B O Y LE R E A L ^ 0 0 thorough A d o p o n d ^ 646-5692 & DESIG N sion it had requested rather than the The Office of the Consumer something diiTerent: he would ; F ^ . r ^ ^ a . ESTATE ■Full lawn care & 'Hand Raking 10 years tht; DPUC has recom­ H - < landscaping service -Dethaching Counsel represents customers of not seek a third term as governor. ALL PHASES OF HOME MISCELLANEOUS mended in itr, draft decision. And a m . Free EytlmatM/Unbaatabla Prtcas SERVICES 6 4 9 - 4 8 0 0 •Spring Clean-up -Ferliliang & Lime public utilities.
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