An alert anS vigorous newspaper Before you shop, it will be wise to' devoted to the activities and inter- RARITAN study carefully the values and $er- ests jof the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each, Read it regularly each week to be edition carries merchandise news of fully informed of every newsworthy utmost importance to. the thrifty event in your home town! buyer. You can trust our advertisers! VOL, XII—NO. 25' FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS RQtartan Aids Kiwanis Fund Legion Post Warns Against Hate Large. Crowd Carnival Set Hears Eaton Valentine Fire Brick For June 5-10 Memorial Day any and Missouri d--. Berry Street Site Is Representative Urges ' Selected; Gardner, Residents to Preserve Kath Head Committee 'Spiritual Dignity' WOODBRIDGE—W i 11 i am A. WOODBRIDGE—"There is only Gardner and Thomas F. Kath one essential question before man- were named co-chairmen of the kind today hi order to determine carnival to be held June 5-10 in- our destiny. Shall we live in a free world, or hi a slave world? o Change'in-'Policy or Personnel clusive under the auspices of Shall we be free as we have been Woodbridge Post,' the American since the beginning of this nation Legion, on the site across from the or will we live under a dictatorship Expected; to Retain Valentine Legion Home o'n Berry Street. with no morals, no humanity, no They will be assisted by Richard dignity for the human being? H. Foerch and Edward S. Brook- Ladies and gentlemen, we are here .an field. in honor of our dead. They must Mayor August F. Greiner, a member of the Woodbridgre Kolary DR. CHAELES A. EATON not have died in vain. It is for you Club, buys first ticket for wrestling show to be sponsored by the The committees are as follows: WOODBRIDGE—William H. Peterson, president of the Kiwanis Club, from. Louis Horner, chairman of the event, to be Finance, Leon E. McElroy, Michael and me to teach our children the A nnounces 'Merger Valentine Fire Brick Company, announced today that the held June 29 at Woodbridge High School Stadium. AH proceeds J. Trainer, Joseph Silas, Russell dignity of being free." , will be turned over to the Kiwanis Fund for Underprivileged H. Deppe, Dr. George F. Freder- Gottstein to Head So declared Dr. Charles A. Eaton, concern has merged with the A. P. Green Fire Brick Com- Children. Mr. Horner reports a large sale of reserve seats. icks; merchandise stand chairmen, representative from the Fifth Con- pany, Mexico, Mo. Vincent G. Chaney, Stephen J, gressional District, in his Memorial However, there will be no change in policy and personnel Thompson, Henry D. Nelson, Wil- Day address Tuesday at the war and the local plant will still be known as the Valentine Heads Banking Group liam M. "Bratoyn, Frederick Mc- monument in Woodbridge Park. Fire Brick Company, Mr. Peterson said. • Elhenny, Edward Witkowski; stand The large crowd, including hun- 1, Edward Olsen, Walter Coan, Board of Directors to dreds of children, listened solemnly • Mr. Peterson will serve on the Board of Directors of the William Baldwin, John Van DecV^r Meet Monday Night at as Dr. Eaton, who is ranking mi- merged firm, while William H. Peterson, Jr.-, will be general er, Otto Hunt, Kenneth Derick, nority member of the House For- manager of the Valentine Fire Brick Company. George Van Tassel, John Royle, Home of Otto Mayer eign Affairs Committee, warned Mark D. McClain, Colonia, vice president in charge of Proceeds to go to Buy Thomas Kath Jr., William Treen, against Communism. sales, will be head of sales from the Woodbridge office. Charles H. Kuhlman, Martin Cse- WOODBRIDGE-—Adolph Gott- "I wish I could assure you that Equipment Needed by negi, William Kath, Bernard Con- stein will head the Woodbridge there will be no more fighting," The A. P. Green Fire Brick Company is a larger concern cannon, Charles Paulson, Vincent Lions Club for the year ending the speaker continued, "but I can't. and has sales outlets all over the world. As a result, the Boy Scout Troop 25 G. Kafton, William Smith. June 30, 1951, according to a re- There is greed, hate and passion local plant will benefit as it will be able to sell its product, Also on Committee port submitted by the nominating in the world. I hope you won't a semi-silica fire brick known by the trade name "Valentine RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Plans committee. The election will be have to celebrate a new generation are-now we'll underway for the Stand No. 2, Henry Smithies, held at the next meeting June 12, of dead heroes. XX," in altogether new markets. The Missouri firm manu- strawberry festival being sponsoi'ed chairman; William H. Van Tassel, 6 P. M., at the Log Cabin. factures what is known as super- toy the Parent-Auxiliary of Boy "Can't Be Conquered" liuty brick made of a different George.Del Grosso, Anthony An- Others on the slate are first vice Scout Troop 25, Clara Barton sec- dersch; stand No. '3, William >G. "I was reared in a faith that clay than is mined in Wood- tion, to be held Sunday afternoon, president, Edward Kopper; second honored our fellowman. It is not .aritan 'bridge. Messick, chairman; William Fitz- vice president, Herman Stern; June 11. patrick, Joseph Pender, Stanley what kind of a house a man has, Mr. Peterson, hi making the an- third vice president, George Kay- or the clothes he wears or the nouncement, stressed the fact that Mrs. Joseph Merker, chairman, Cheslak, James Ward; stand No. ser; secretary, F. C. Stancik; treas- .oners War Dead has announced the following com- 4, Donald Miller, chairman; Gor- bankroll he boasts or the car he the "Valentine Fire Brick Com- urer, Irving Gpodstein; Lion tam- drives that counts. I bow in rever- pany has not been sold but we are mittee: Mrs. Karl Kreuscher and don Hunt, Leo Moffett, Harold er, Martin Gergasko; tail-twister, 'Mrs. Leonard Nelson, tickets; Crowe, Peter P. McCann, Nazareth ence to the humblest man, looking Parade, Program at partners with the A. P. Green Fire Dr. Cyril I. Hutner; directors, two at him in the very essence of the Karl Johnson, chairman of re- Barcelona; stand No. 5r William WILLIAM H. PETERSON Brick Company." Mason, chairman; Anthony Sila- years, Otto Mayer and Dr. Edward spirit of God. These dear little Commons is Part of freshment, assisted by. Mrs. E. A. J. Novak. Established in 1865, the Valen- Shockley, Mrs. George Aspericolos, koski Jr. boys and girls he-re today are spir- tine Fire Brick Company is the Delegates to the State Conven- itual beings made in the spirit of Bay's Observance and Mrs. Joseph Leshick^ Hosts Supplies, Eugene Bird, chair- tion at Atlantic City, June 16-17, oldest of its type in this area will be Leonard Nelson, Joseph God. I beseech you to emphasize RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Under and is believed to be the oldest man; Anton Larson, Louis Zehrer, are Dr. Henry A. Belakfsy, Dr. to them the dignity of man. That Leschick, Mi'. Karl and Nicholas FRED P. BtfNTENBACH Charles Anness; electricians, Eldon Hutner, \A. A. Diseavage, Dr. Isa- the sponsorship of VFW Post No. fire brick manufacturing concern Kreuscher. is the reason America can't be in the United States. The firm WOOBBRIBGE—Mr. Bunten- Raisen and Edward Walt; genera- dore Rabinowitz, Mr. Stancik. Al- conquered. It is not their money, 3117, Memorial Day was observed Proceeds from the affair will "be bach, cashier of the Woodbridge tor, Robert McDonnell; .publicity, trenates are Mr. Gottstein, Mr. has approximately 140 employes. it is their spiritual dignity." in this Township with a tradi- Throughout the years its product used to help toward the Camp National Bank, has been elected Dr. Irwin Goldman; refreshments, Gergasko, Mr. Kayer, Mr. Good- Welcomes Assembly fund and to. purchase needed president of the New Jersey John Prekop, chairman; Meinert stein and C. Deutsch. A parlor Force * Lauded by Mayor tional program. has been known as the best of its equipment for the troop. Conference of the National As- Mayor -August F. Greiner in his A parade was held from the kind, particularly in the steel in- Hunt, Bremond Hancock, Kenneth suite is toeing provided by the club address of welcome said: The troop held a candlelight sociation Bank Auditors and Coffey, Emil Siry, J6hn Einhorn, at the Haddon Hall Hotel for And Commissioner at Plainfield Avenue firehouse, pro- dustry. Comptrollers. "In accordance with reverent ceremony for scouts receiving their Edward. Kilroy, Joseph Leahy, Jo- Woodbridge guests. " Annual Inspection ceeding up -Woodbridge Avenue At •itber same, 'time that ,3Rbv tenderfoot -badges and second class seph Leahy -Jr.,-Anthony Silakoski, custom-, .it-is my .privilege to wel- New Jersey Conference of A meeting of the board' of "di- come our townspeople and our dis- and returning to St. James' Peterson announced the merger, badges. Einer Larsen, scoutmaster Bank Auditors and Comptrollers James Webb. rectors will be held Monday, 8:30 WOODBRIDGE —The Wood- he also announced^ a pension plan, was assisted during- the session by tinguished guests to these annual Church and the commons, where organized in 1941, now has a Members of the auxiliary who P. M., at the home of Otto Mayer, Memorial Day exercises. bridge Police Department was providing a minimum monthly Conrad Karnish and Nicholas membership of over 120 banks in are assisting are Mrs. W. A. Gard- 131 Grove Avenue. All members highly commended Tuesday by services were held.
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