Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended October IK, 1966 Fair, much cooler Umlgntt low 35^0; aunny and a little milder tomorrow, high aow 4^ 1 4 ,9 3 3 Manche»ter~—A City of VMage-Charm (OlMMlltod Advertlalnc on Page U); PRICE SEVEN C E N H VOL. LXXXVIi NO. 14 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER l7 , 1966 i * <' •'fy ' ^ f * r JW. h r ; LBJ Off on Peace Mission; ( ' ■ y - ■ Promises No ‘Magic Wand’ * ( • y ' -' '* « ' ,% i, r -i <■ Honolulu First ’I K I- ■- I ■ -> ‘ . On 25,000-Mile Trip KB. t ■take A tha n it WASHINGTON (AP)—President Johnson departed Oakta. i Rick* on a momentous, 25,000-mile mission to the Far East '« ? , today with a vow to “do my best to advance the cause 'I L of peace and of human progress.” > I- Johnson tempered this pledge -------------------------- — ------- over M with word that “ I know that I corps along the way. A wife or can wave no wand” or offer any g<,t h presidential kiss on a date 1: ' promises to work magic on his u,e ©heek. i S i W i SiMW aerial expedition to at least six on the observation deck far Asian and Pacific nations. above the field, spectators held SittlUL «« he aad Yet, he said, he was undertak- aloft unanimously friendly post­ i j : « ing “a hopeful mission.” ©i-s bearing such inscriptions as a t aad 1 It was 9:26 a.m. when John- “ All 4 U,” “ U.S.A. backs LBJ” son’s big Air Force jet lifted off and “ Luck from Snoopy.” > the runway at Dulles Interna- At the doorway to the plane, ■ i ’ fe fv t ' tional Airport, 25 miles north- the President and Mrs. Johnson >* i" im': 1 ; west of Washington. It swung turned for a moment, waved, 1 westward toward the first stop then disappeared inside, MuUoa at Honolulu, 4,500 miles and 10>^ For the first leg of this presi- »d Me* M Kart* hours away. iirtf:- <See Page Six) Beyond, lay state visits to 4'y. Vk New Zealand, Australia, Ma­ laysia, the Philippines, Korea, Thailand—and the Manila con­ Aussie Papers Btweaa naarioa ference of nations combatting Monument of Note Rais»ed in Poland Commimist aggression in South Receive Threat Sculptor Wladyslaw Haaior designed this modem version of the aeolian harp Viet Nam. Against LBJ for a monument erected at Snozka Pass in southern Poland. It commemorates In a short departure speech at I the Polish patriots who lost their lives, in the surrounding mountain areas. a ceremonial sendoff at the air* SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — Musical effects are produced when the winds blow over the monument. port, Johnson said he was in­ Newspapers to Adelaide and spired by the presence of l^d- Sydney said today they had re- ers of Congress and members of Presit’/'nl and Mrs. Johnson Wave Before Leaving, DulleB Airport t.1 r-i-ui .... j u. celved telephone calls saying an his Cabinet and the “unity of iihe American Tiennle ’ * be made on Unexpected Guests the American people. President Johnson’s life when At Navy: Exercise It was a cool, crisp, sunny ijg visits Australia this week, Electoral College morning, with the temperature The . papers said anonymous MILWAUKEE, Wls. (AP) tm Ott vp^from Qear-freezing to around calls had been referred to the Presidential Panel Nanfed — Officers conducting a 60 degrees when the President, Australian Security Service. It Navy Reserve exercise were and Mrs. Johnson stepped out of declined to comment, but a sen- Action Blocked interrupted yesterday by un­ a helicopter that had brought ixic paUce officer in Sydney said WASHINGTON (AP) —The al votes, the court refused to expected guests from the them from the White House to it was not unusual for the police To Investigate GE Strikes SupretAe Oourt refused today to ■ bear three other ap)>eals involv- Coast Guard. j the airport tor a spectacular m receive ail sorts of telephone . n a*. Tha Coast Guard dis­ larewall of the type usually used calls and threats to important NEW YORK (AP) — FresI- waJkout by 6,000 at a f ^ n e memben observed naobtolfll eutlra permit Delaware to file a suit took on for ___review,__ _ two__ ____ patched a patrol boat after in reverse to welcome chiefs of visitors to Australia. ^ent Johnson set up a Taft- plsnt to Bjri«aaalb, 'OW6,’ 'U(Wbh, picket lines, stoppong produo* a MB challenging constitotimellty of a th tm business .................. .. re^dents^ o lo ^ I ^ o . stet^ from other ^ d s on their caller told a .reporter on the baa slowed production of .« i- 'thin at the 6,000.employa plant mar- the state unit vote system “ rn«s cases ttimed back wWwut ■jpan re^ftisi'seeing distress lifiJVBl. Adelaide-TUWs that a **°*‘^ ‘^ “^ **" ® ftea*used to Viet At ^wtsviUe,^ a Btrika vote arac* choosing presidential electors. There was the stirring music fpom Adelaide planned to take a widespread strikes against Nam ' -was scheduled for 11 aJn. EDT Jonaa, review were: flares being fired from the Com. The court, to a brief order -A challenge_____ by^ Thomas______ F. US8 Portaga. of trumpeters and bandsmen, rtfie with a telescopic sight to General Electric Ca plants in a Under tha Tafk-Hartley law today 800 metoUam «f the merely said the motion for Oaidand' Calif., janl the crashing roar of a 21-gun Sydney to shoot President Jol»- balf-dozen states. tjm hoard oan recommend to- Coast Guard spokesmen (8aa Fage Two) “leave to file a WU of con^dalnt repeatedly convicted of said the Navy fttrgot to tell salute, the flags of all the states gon. strikes have Idled more junctions against strikes it it is denied.” drunkenness, to crimlnel pun- them the flcures would be whipping in the breeze, a review Although the call appeared to 80,000 of the firm’s laP.OOO fimja they initetfere iHtfa nation- The high tribunal gave per- jehment of alcoholics. Justice part of the training exercise. of an honor guard of crack cere- i,© » pubUMty-seMitog hoax, the unionized workers, despite rati- deiensa, misslcn to Kentucky, Pennsyl- Fortas, backed by Justice monial units to all the armed security men treated it serious- Acatlon of a new nattonal con- m ,, strikes wtateb btt piants vania, North and South Dakota, wniiam O. Douglas, contended services. jy because President John F. by the ABIj-CIO toterna- fpom Massachusetts to Indiana Bob Swift Dies, Oklahoma, Utah, Whomang, court should hear the case, And diere was the actual red Kennedy was shot with a rifle iioual Union of Electrtoal Work- were caUed by locals of the lUB Fkxrlda, Iowa, Arkansas, Kan- arguing that punishment "fs Lynda’s Late carpet, oaxefully swept, tor the ^th a telescopic sight. *” • ^ presidential pexiM helped gjid other unions. Ten other un­ Twice Handled sas and West Virginia to line neither a deterrent nor a cure” walk to the ramp of the plane. The Sydney Dally Mirror said the national settlement ic(,s negotlatod Jointly with the themselves up with Delaware as ^nd that alcoholics act tovtSun- For New Job with handshakes and brief jt had received a oaU from a ^bich averted a nationwide lugj jiut have not yet ratified Detroit Tigers words for the upper echelons of ^]jg strike. agreements. prospecUve complainants, tarily, on the same basis as the . „ said: “I’m going to DOIROrr (AP) Boh Bwlfi; lliere it turned ha<A the whole insane who are immune. Two NEW YORK (AP) Can the Washington officialdom and The— presidmtial^------------- board------- -------- of to- General Electric has about . _ _ . „ ^ action. lower federal courts have taken daughter of a Texas rancher members of the diplomatic (Sea Fage Six) qulry will start by examtatog a 906,000 employes to its 160 do- David P. Bucicson, D e la w ^ Fortas’ line. find happtoess In the Mg city? mestlc plants, many, of 1h«n » salaried white-collar woricers. today oc caacar. Ha permission to file an original Winters, an Arkansas bus boy, ^ Among the striken were 12,* suit to the Ugh tribunal under ^ extend to misdemeanor cases 22-year-old elder daugh- Terror Returns to Saigon 000 members of the TUB at In both the 1006 and 1906 sea- the ConaUtudon’s grant of au- court’s recent riding that ter of the President, finds out Schenectady, N.Y., 1,600 macW- sans, the fonner major league ■ on thocity to the court to settle con- courts are required to pro- today as sdie begins work as a mats at Auburn, N.Y., and 2,000 catcher replaced Oiartie Dres- troversies between ^tes. lawyers for poor defend- writer and oonniltant for Me- machtoiaU at Utica, N.Y. »«n »«»« Dreaaen suttered Buckson’s request for permis- jjj fei(u,y actions. ’The De- Call’s magazine. At PittafleW, Mass., 8,000 heart, attache. Dreaeen Had to Mon to sue said that under the fgnse and Educational Fund of qihe part-time job is the first 121 Cong Sampans Sunk members of the lUE respected Auguet. unit vote system the total num- ^jjg National Association for the for Lynda since she graduated picket lines of striking drafts- Swift himself wae replaoed ae her of presldenUal Mectwal Advancement of Colored People last June from the University of men, and at Aahland. Mass., 2,- acting manager by Frank Shaft votes of a state is aihitrarily carried Winters’ case to the Texas. She is working in a new 000 members of the independent during the 1066 season. Hie TU misappropriated” for the high court.
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