DOCUMENT RESUME ED 268 440 CG 018 999 TITLE Child Victims of Exploitation. Hearing before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, First Session (October 31, 1985). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. House Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 170p.; Portions contain small print. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adolescents; *Child Abuse; *Children; *Crime Prevention; Hearings; *Pornography; *Sexual Abuse; Victims of Crime IDENTIFIERS Congress 99th ABSTRACT This document contains witness testimonies and prepared statements from the Congressional hearing called to examine the plight of child victims of exploitation. The opening statement by Congresswoman Boggs outlines federal legislation and Congressional action regarding the exploitation of children. Representative McCain discusses legislation he has introduced which deals with child pornography. Kenneth V. Lanning, a special agent from the Behavioral Science Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Training Division, provides information concerning the law enforcement perspective of the problem of child victims of exploitation. Victoria Wagner, the executive director of the Seattle Youth and Community Services describes some of the youth whouse her organization's services, how they get on the street, and what happens to them. Michael Jupp, executive director of Defense for Children International-U.S.A., discusses the commercial sexual exploitation of children. Thomas Berg, the director of clinical services with the Chesapeake Institute speaks to the perspective of the clinicalor therapeutic side of the issue. Bruce Taylor, from the Citizens for Decency Through Law suggests ways to help solve the problem of child exploitation. Steven Finkelberg, a detective from the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department discusses hisown experience in the ways children and young adolescents can be exploited for criminal purposes and what measures can be used to address the problem. Prepared statements from witnesses and committee members, letters, and supplemental materials appear throughout the text. (NB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** CHILD VICTIMS OF EXPLOITATION czi HEARING co BEFORE THE r\I SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION HEARING HELD IN WASHINGTON, DC, OCTOBER:11, 1985 Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families CD U.S. DEPARTMENT Of EDUCATION Cm) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) The document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it II Mira changes have been made to improve reproductron quality Points of view or opinions stated in this docu meet do not necessanly represent °novel NIE positron or policy U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 'a) nt7O WASHINGTON 1986 For s.ile M the Superintendent of I)ocuments U S Government Printing Office Washington IX', 20102 56 037 0 - 86 - 1 SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES GEORGE MILLER, California, Chairman WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida DAN COATS, Indiana PATRICIA SCHROEDER, Colorado HAMILTON FISH,JRNew York LINDY BOGGS, Louisiana THOMAS J BLILEY,JR, Virginia MATTHEW F McHUGH, New York FRANK R WOLF, Virginia TED WEISS, New York DAN BURTON, Indiana BERYL ANTHONY,JR, Arkansas NANCY L JOHNSON, Connecticut BARBARA BOXF.R JOHN R McKERNAN,JR ,Maine SANDER M LEVIN Michigan BARBARA F VUCANOVICH, Nevada BRUCE A MORRISON. Connecticut DAVID S MONSON. Utah J ROY ROWLAND Georgia ROBERT C SMITH, New Hampshire GERRY SIKORSKI. Minnesota ALAN WHEAT, Missouri MATTHEW G MARTINEZ, Californw LANE EVANS, Illinois COMMITTEE STAFF ALANJSTONE,Staff Direitar and Oin,e1 ANN ROSM ATER,Deput% Staff Dire( tor MARK SOI. DER,Afinor.bi Stuff Dim for CONTENTS Page Hearing held in Washington, DC, October 31, 1985 Statemm, of 1 Berg, Thomas, director of ciinical services, Chesapeake Institute,Kensing- ton, MD.. 50 F'inkelberg, Steven, detective, Metropolitan Police Department,Washing- ton, DC . 65 Jupp, Michael, executive director, Defense for Children U S.A International , Brooklyn, NY . .. 26 Lanning, Kenneth V,special agent, Behavioral Science Unit, Training Division, Federal Bureau if Investigation . 18 McCain, Hon John, III, a Representativein Congress from the State of . Arizona . 2 Taylor, Bruce, vice presidentgeneral counsel, Citizens forDecency Through Law, Phoenix, AZ. 57 Wagner, Victoria, executive director, Seattle Youth andCommunity Serv- ices, Seattle, WA . ... 22 Prepared statements, letters, supplemental materials, etc Berg, Thomas S , M S, director of clinical services, the Chesapeake Insti- tute, clinical director, Parents United, Montgomery County, Maryland Chapter, prepared statement of. .. ... ... 54 Bliley, Hon. Thomas J, Jr , a Representative in Congress from the State of Virginia, prepared statemen of . 7 Coats, Hon Dan, a Representative in Congress fromthe State of Indiana, and ranking minority member, ;elect Committeeon Children, Youth, and Families, opening statement of . 6 Fmkelberg, Steven S.Metropolitan Police Department, detective H, Washington, DC, prepared statement of 67 Jupp, Michael, executive director, Defense for ChildrenInternational U S A , Brooklyn, NY. A "minidossier" on sexual exploitation, articlefrom international children's rights monitor 1st quarter volume 2 No 1 101 International children's rights monitor, special edition, 1984 121 Prepared statement of . .. 31 The Commercialization of Child-Sex", Defence for ChildrenInterna- tionalU S A, Brooklyn, NY, article entitled 80 Lanning, Kenneth V,special agent, Behavioral Science Unit, Training Division, Federal But eau of Investigation, preparedstatement of 21 McCain, Hon John, Ill, a Representativein Congress from the State of Arizona, prepared statement . 4 McKernan, Hon John R, Jr ,a Representative in Congress from the State of Maine, prepared statement of 9 Miller, Hon George, a Representativein Congress from the State of California, and chairman, Select Committeeon Children, Youth, and Families "Child Victims of Exploitation" (A Fact Sheet) 15 Opening statement of 15 Monson, Hon David S, a Representative in Congress from the State of Utah, prepared statement of S Rowland, Hon J Roy, a Representativein Congress from the State of Georgia "Reports of Child Abuse Have Nearly Doubledin State" News- paper article entitled, from the Atlanta Constitution 11 Smith, Hon Robert C, a Representativein Congress from the State of New Hampshire, prepared statement of 9 PP" IV Page Prepared statements, letters, supplemental materials, etc Continued Stark, Hon Fortney H (Pete), a Representative in Congress from the State of California, prepared statement of . 165 Taylor, Bruce A ,vice presidentgeneral counsel, Citizens for Decency Through Law, Inc , Phoenix, AZ "A Decade of Organized Crime" 1980 Report, from Pennsylvania Crime Commission ....... ........ , ,.. .. 157 "Organized Crime in California, 1982-83," Annual Report to the Cali- fon...is Legislature, Bureau of Organized Crime and Criminal Intel- ligence, Sacramento, CA, article entitled .... 149 "Organized Crime's Involvement in the Pornov,-.-aphy Industry" arti- cle entitled, from Investigative Services Division, Metropolitan. Police Department, Washington, DC, November 1978 145 Prepared statement of . 62 "Report to the Governor of Ohio", Organized Crime, the Law En- forcement Consulting Committee, 1982, article entitled.. .. 152 Wagner, Victoria, director, Seattle Youth and Community Sernces Executive summary, "Collaborative Services for Seattle's Street Youth" article entitled ... - 141 Prepared statement of . 25 r ) CHILD VICTIMS OF EXPLOITATION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1985 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SELECT COMMITTEE ON CIW,DREN, YOUTH, AN.) FAMILIES, CRISIS INTERVENTION TASK FORCE, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9.44 a.m., in room 2118, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Lindy Boggs presiding. Members present: Representatives Boggs. Schroeder, Levin, Row- land, Coats, Bli!ey, Wolf, Johnson, McKernan, Monson, Smith, and McCain. Staff present: Ann Rosewater, deputy staff director; Marcia Mabee, professicnal staff; Mark Souder, minority staff director; Anne Wynne, professional staff; Syndy Chatfield, minority staff as- sistant; and Joan Godley, committee clerk. Mrs. BoG Gs. Good morning. The meeting will come to order. We are very, very pleased to have all of you here with us today to dis- cuss an important subject, especially important to the members of the Children, Youth, and Families Committee and to the task force on crisis intervention. And, we are especially honored to have the witnesses who have come from far and wide to be with us today and to take the time and the interest and to help us resolve some of the problems that we are go'aig to be discussing. Today's hearing reflects a concern of Members on both sides of the aisle aboat the sexual and criminal victimization of children and teenagers. Every Member of Congress cares about these issues. Ir. recent years, both the House and Senate have held hearings re- garding the exploitation
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