H400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 10, 2004 Burglary and robbery are reasons for In short, between 8 and 10 million Mr. Speaker, I firmly believe we can people to be indicted and sent to jail. people die needlessly every year be- end hunger among children, both here That is what happened to G. Gordon cause of hunger and malnutrition. in the United States and around the Liddy, that is what happened to How- Last year, the World Health Organi- world. It only takes the time, commit- ard Hunt, and we will see whether the zation listed the top 10 health risks ment, and political will to do so. Republicans in control of this House around the world. The number one risk f and the other body, and in control of is not cancer or HIV/AIDS or heart dis- Washington and all of its agencies, will ease. It is not war or armed conflict or RECESS make sure that there is a criminal in- accidents. The number one health risk The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. vestigation of this theft. Stealing from in the world is simply the lack of food. BOOZMAN). Pursuant to clause 12(a) of a safe is wrong, even if one has been In an effort to reach out to students rule I, the Chair declares the House in trusted with the combination. and communities throughout the If this does not happen, then we in United States, the World Food Pro- recess until 2 p.m. today. the House will have to look at the addi- gramme has launched a campaign to Accordingly (at 1 o’clock and 1 tional governmental expense involved raise money and awareness about the minute p.m.), the House stood in recess in having a separate Democratic e-mail hunger and educational needs of chil- until 2 p.m. server. Because how can we trust a Re- dren in Third World countries. f publican Party that seems to have This campaign will help shine a light gone from a party that puts the rule of on what life is like for the more than b 1400 300 million children who daily endure, law first to one that glorifies burglary AFTER RECESS and defends criminals? suffer and die from hunger. Nearly half I look forward to the indictment of of these children, mainly girls, do not The recess having expired, the House those who committed robbery. go to school. The campaign will give was called to order at 2 p.m. students in communities a simple yet f concrete way to make a difference in f 19-CENTS-A-DAY CAMPAIGN ON these children’s futures. PRAYER SCHOOL FEEDING The campaign is called the 19-Cents- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- a-Day Campaign depicted in this poster Coughlin, offered the following prayer: ant to the order of the House of Janu- here. Why 19 cents? Because 19 cents is Lord, did Your ancient seer David see ary 20, 2004, the gentleman from Massa- the average daily cost to feed a child in a school setting. people gathered on Capitol Hill when chusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) is recognized Think about this for a moment, Mr. he asked: ‘‘Who shall climb the moun- during morning hour debates for 5 min- Speaker. Nineteen cents a day, a dime, tain of the Lord? Who shall stand in utes. a nickel and four pennies, that is half the Lord’s awesome presence?’’ Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I have the cost of a first-class stamp. For come to the well of this floor many Surely the Members of Congress about the cost of one Big Mac, a soda times to speak in support of the George know the answer to this question as did and an order of fries each month, we McGovern-Robert Dole International David’s own: ‘‘Those with clean hands can feed a child for an entire school Food for Education and Child Nutrition and pure hearts. Those who do not de- year. sire worthless things or have never Program. Mr. Speaker, we know that one of the McGovern-Dole provides hungry chil- taken an oath only to deceive their best steps anyone can take to reduce or dren around the world at least one nu- neighbor.’’ escape poverty is to get an education. tritious meal a day in a school setting. Lord, this great Nation and its full- Offering a meal at school is a proven The Bush administration’s own Depart- ness, the whole world and all its people method of convincing poor families to ment of Agriculture has evaluated this are Yours. Renew Your blessings upon send their children to school, including program and found it to be very effec- us today and make us humble enough their daughters. to acknowledge that all is Your gift. tive at reducing child hunger, increas- Last month, Judith Lewis, the Wash- ing academic attendance and perform- So we enter into Your presence to ington Director of WFP, traveled to praise You now and forever. Amen. ance, especially among girls, and her home State of Mississippi to offi- strengthening community commit- cially launch the 19-Cents-a-Day Cam- f ment to education. paign. Mississippi is a place that knows THE JOURNAL The McGovern-Dole program is car- something about hunger. Last year, ried out in the field by a wide range of over 392,000 Mississippi children re- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- partners, principally through U.S. pri- ceived free or reduced school lunches. I ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- vate voluntary organizations and the am happy to report the response from ceedings and announces to the House United Nations World Food Pro- the high school students in Brandon, his approval thereof. gramme, which has a special unit spe- Mississippi, was overwhelmingly posi- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- cializing in school feeding programs. tive, raising hundreds of dollars for nal stands approved. Currently, the World Food Pro- WFP school feeding programs. f gramme, or WFP, carries out McGov- The 19-Cents-a-Day Campaign is a ern-Dole-supported school feeding pro- great way to talk about child hunger, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE grams in Bhutan, Bolivia, Cambodia, both around the world and in our own The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Cameroon, the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mo- congressional districts. It is a great zambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Tanzania from Maine (Mr. MICHAUD) come for- way to raise awareness and funds and ward and lead the House in the Pledge and Uganda. But this is just part of engage our own students and commu- WFP’s worldwide effort in the area of of Allegiance. nities in the fight against hunger Mr. MICHAUD led the Pledge of Alle- school feeding, which reaches literally abroad and here at home. every corner of the world. giance as follows: Mr. Speaker, over 840 million people b 1300 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the do not have enough food to eat on a In the weeks to come, the campaign United States of America, and to the Repub- daily basis. Three hundred million of will be launched in high schools in Illi- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. these are children, who go to sleep nois, North Carolina, and California. I every night without enough food to hope to launch a similar campaign in f eat. Today, and every day, 24,000 people Massachusetts, my home State. I en- will die because of hunger and its ugly courage my colleagues to contact the COMMUNICATION FROM THE effects. This is more than HIV and World Food Program to find out more CLERK OF THE HOUSE AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis com- about the 19 Cents a Day Campaign and The SPEAKER laid before the House bined, although hunger and disease are how more students and communities the following communication from the closely intertwined. can become involved. Clerk of the House of Representatives: VerDate jul 14 2003 04:34 Feb 11, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10FE7.032 H10PT1.
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