· ¥ork~btre. CHAPEL ALLERTON, &c. Uinot ~ Qro.'l GENTRY & CLERGY-Contd. Mitchel Thomas, Potter Newton STONE MASONS • . !tlartin Mt•. Dickinson, Meanwood Rothery Joseph, Moor Allerton Dickiuson Benju. Chapel Allerton 1\Iastet·s Mr. John, Moor Allenon BPoT &; SHOE M.AKERS. Fawcett Williarn, Potte1· Newton Maude Mr. Jamel'l, Potte1· Newton Annul Thomas, Potter Newton HargraveJames, Chapel Allerton Medley Mr~.Joseph,,PotterNewton Banks John, Chapel Allerton Smith George & Sons (and quarry Menlow l\h~s ,Jane, Chapel Allerton. Braithwaite John, Mean wood meu), Potter Newton .1\lorgan Mr. Thomas, Meanwood Lawrence Levi Chapel Allerton Smith James, Potter Newton M.orris Mrs. J?hn, Meanwood Layton George: Chapel Allerton SURGEONS. Nlcholson l\1tss Hannah, Chapel Nicholls John, Chapel Allerton Abe .Francis, Chapel Allerton Allerton (l\1 eau wood Scott Joshua, Chapel Allerton Spink William, ClJapel Allerton Oates 1\lr. Jos. Henry, Cm· house, Stead John, Chapel Allertou TAILORS. Paley Mr. Wm. Frankland, Gledhow Tate Benjamin, Potter Newton Lazenby George, Moor Allerton Pease Thomas Ben son, esq. Allerton i Tavlur Ahraham, Mt~anwood Naylor Joshua, Chapel Allerton Polla. rd Mr. Wm. (steward to John. Wood Mary, Chapel Allerton Smith & Field, Chapel AlleJ·ton D ) All 1Smith Richard, Mcanwood . JXOn, est • · erton grange BUTCHERS. j Speak George, Chapel Allerton Prmce .Mr. Thon~.ts, Mo01 Allei ton John son Richard, Chapel Allerton T'll Joh Ch 1 All Ras~dale M•~· Ehz. Chapel Allertont Spink Francis, Chapel AUerton 1 n, ape erton ~ohmson Mt. Thos. Potter Newton I Stubbs William, Potter Newton Howson Joh~~~~~~~v~d ~c?tt Mr. John, Potter Newton Ward William Meanwood Pwcte1· Nenian, Meauwood ShtresMr.Theophls. Chape1Allerton 1 ' Skeltou Mr. John, 1\loor Allrrton I GROCERS & FLOUR DEALERS· Sawyer Matthew& Son, l\leanwood Strathan 1\11·. Thomas (solicitor), (See tt!so Slwp,keepers, Sr'c.) TAVERNS&: PUBLIC HOUSES, Potter Newton [lerton Preston Edward, ~hapel Allerton Bay Horse,Matt.Pearson,ChapeJAllert~n Tarbotton Mr. William, Chapel AI~!' Tattetosall James, Chapel Allertou Beckett'sArms,SusannaAskey, Meamvd 1Blakewell Ox, Wm. Buckle,Chape!Allertu Tetley Miss Elizbh. Chapel Allerton1 JOINER,S & BUILDERS. j Chain'd Bull,Geo.Johnson,MoorAIIerton Tetlow Miss Elizbh. Chapel Allerton . Brethertou Charles, Mean wood Mexbro• Arms,Jas. Benson,Potter:Newta U rtJuhart Rev. J ohu, Potter Newton Harrison J ohu, Moor Allertou Na~;'s Head,J onathan Robinson,ChapeiA. Wamwright Mr. J no. Potter Newton Preston John (and cabinet maker), Qneen'sArms,John Cookso'!,ChapJAllrb ·toll Shoulder of Mutton,Mary Mitchel,PottrN. Walker Mr. Spence, ChapelAIIe1·tou Chapel Allel w HEELW GHTS W lk "1 1 C A Rollinson John, Meanwood . RI • a er l> rs. l\ ary, hapel llertou Rt s ·ll Tho as Chapel Allet'ton - Atic~ Damel, Potter Newton Walton Mu•s -, Chapel Allerton 1•8• c ..m • . Ham~ou John, Moor Allerton 1 \Vat~onMr.William,ChapelAllerton Shnes Wllham, Chapel AI cl ton R 0 lli 1lson J 0 hn M al 1wood Wilsou Rev. Edward, Potter Newton Walker William, Chapel Allertou _ ' e Wise Mr. Gem.,.e, Moor Allertou Walkiugton Jo:s. Potter Newton lane . Mlscella.ne~us · " B1bby Timothy, beer retailer, Meanwool ACADEMIES &; SCHOOLS. PLUMBERS & GLAZIERS. Chadwick James, saddler and maltsler1 Not otherwise dt>scribed are Day Schools. Cook son John, Chapel Allertou Chapel Allerton Greaves the .1\Iisses (ladies' board- Gott Richard, Chapel Allerton England James, beer retailer, Mranwool Fawcett Simon, miller, Chapel Allertllll ing), Potter Newton SHOPKEEPERS & DEALRS IN Howard John Sands, wood dealer, Cha. Harrison James, Chapel Allerton GROCERIES &; SUNDRIES. pel Allerton Roherts Matthew {boarding & day) • .Franks David, Chapel Allertou In~ham Joseph, cooper, Chapel Allertou Chapel A llerton Knapton J ames (and druggist), Cha~ Johnson l\'1 ary, milliner, Chapel Allert011 Stead .Matthew, Chapel Allerton pel Allerton Marshal! Benj. beer retailer, Meanwood Martin James, paper maker, 'Vood mifl1 SuBSCRrPTIONSCHOOL(girls),Chape1 Lazenby George, l\Ioor· Allerton l\titr:hell John, beer retailer, Meanwood Allerton-Sarah J effrey, mistress I Mawsou William, Moor Allerton Pawson Sml. gardener, &c. Chapel A!lerta Wilcock Mr. & Mrs. (ladies' board- Oddy Johu, Meauwood Priestly Charles Thomas, wine,spioi~ & ing & day), N ewtou grove, Allerton Slater Thomas, M eau wood porter commission agent, Potter Newto. BLACKSMITHS. Watson William, ChaiJel Allerton Thackray Mary,earthenware dealer,Cha. pel Allerton [ Allertoa BmdleyCharles, Meanwoodlaneend Whitfield William, Meanwood Todd Rebecca, straw bat mnker, Chap!! Brool;:s John, l\1eanwood Wilkinson Ch1·istopher, l\leanwood WrigbtJohn, cattle dealer, Moor Allertoa Hall James, .MoOl' Allerton Wilson George, Potter Newton OMNIBUSES Limbert Thomas, Chapel Allerton Wood Hannah, 1\:leanwood To LEEDS, from the Membro• Arm1, Luck Thomas, Chapel Allertou Wright John, Mean wood many times a day. CLECI<.HEATON, HUNS\VORTH & NEIGHBOUitHOODS. CLECKHEATON, or Clackheaton, is a chapelry and factured, as are coarse woollen cloths; and the vicinity village in the parish of Bh·stall, West Riding, about 198 abounds with mines of coal, which ar·e wmught to a miles from London, nearly 6 s. s. E. from Bradford, and considerable extent. There are here two chapels of 9 s.w. from Leeds; finely situated in a valley, stretching ease under Birstall one dedicated to Saint John, the from north to south: the hills, which rise ~radually on other called the White Chapel; the livings of both are each side, are very fertile, and the valley 1s in a high curacies, the first-named being in the patronage ofthr 8tate of agriculture, and, with the acclivitie8, abounds vicar of Birstall, and the latter iu the presentation of with wood, that greatly improves the general scenery. Miss Fmnces Riclmrdson Cmrers. There are place! This village has, within a few years, undergone cons1- of won;hip fot· Weslcyan methodists and indepeuoents, derable improvement, and its consequence been much and a school conducted upon the Briti~h plan. The ad,•auced by the erection of many very handsome resi~ chapelry contained, in 1831. 3,.317 ihhabitants. deuces; and it may, at this period, he considered a HuNSWORTH is a township and village, in the same flourishing and rel'pectable place. The manufacture of parish, wapentake aud l'idiug as Cleckheatou, about2i machinery fo1· carding and spinning wool is the most miles from that chapl'lry, The wdollen manufacture is prominent feature of business: worsted, also, is manu~ carried ou here to some extent. Population about 1,000. POST OFPIC'B, CLECKHEATON, PeterSnowden, Post .Maste1'.-Letters arrive (by horse post fmlll Leeds) every morning at nine and afternoon at four,and are despatched every afternoon at three and night at eigh~. •.J~>• Tile names without address are in CLECKHEATON. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Kidd Mrs. ACADEMIES &: SCHOOLS. Booth Mrs. Ann Knowles Mrs. M artha BRITISH ScuooL, William James Burnup Mr. Thomas Russen, master Lister Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgsou William Dearnaly l\1 r. Edward Scott Rev. James Firth Mrs. Ellen Robinson -, (ladies') Seaton Rev. John Syke~ Thomas Heward l\h. Robert • Holdsworth Mr. William Tarlor Rev. Robert Fitzcr Wooller James -42 .
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