FCCC NEWSLETTER Play to Learn, Learn to Love FEBRUARY 2016 Director’s News Inside this issue: Have you heard? Care Bear News 2 kept organized, fo- Bear Cub News 2 Yes, we all tearfully Shaquae cused and prepared; Cuddle Cub News 3 wished Eileen well and Walker – Is Eileen managed to ad- Baby News 3 thanked her for the currently dress all of our needs Puddle Jumper News 4 many wonderful working as she put her heart Triangle News 4 things she has done afternoons into her work and Quad News 5 throughout her 8year in Triangles achieved all that she Upcoming Events 6 tenure. Her warmth with Teresa and Bjay. set out to accomplish. Announcements & 6 and competence has She is a student at Reminders We wish her much supported every facet Community College of School Closings Dates 6 success as she tackles of our community Philadelphia in the School Closing Policy 6 her new venture! whether you are a par- early childhood educa- Allergy Info & Health 7 Policy ent with a question, There are several new tion pro- need or nudging, child faces around FCCC and gram. Website Information 7 needing a tickle or it is my pleasure to Meet our Staff 7 Edwina hug, staff needing sup- make formal introduc- Director’s News 8 Suah – Is (continued) port or guidance, or tions to the communi- an Assis- Fundraising 9 director (that would ty at large. tant Bake Sale 9 be me!) needing to be Group Supervisor in Contact Info 10 Care Bear News Time is surely flying and the them over and over again. One story time with bigger groups, Care Bears are really grow- sense we would like to focus etc. if you have any idea to ing!!! If you have not noticed on this month is taste. As the contribute to our circle time we have all mobile babies. children are getting a lot old- (ex: songs you may sing at Walking, running, crawling, er and able to eat solid foods home or books you may like to rolling, scooting, etc., so we we will be introducing some read) please feel free to let us are always on the go! As we new snacks that are pur- know!! continue to follow the Care chased for us by the center. Bears needs individually we Please feel free to ask the Care Bears would like to say will also have a lot of planned staff what they are and let us farewell to Eileen!! We will activities and projects for know if they can or can not miss your morning walk our group as well. Many of the have them. The snack will be through, and your random pop- children have shown a lot of listed in your child's commu- ups to say hello!! interest in art activities with nication log each day. We are non-toxic paints, markers and looking forward to expanding Happy Birthday to Emma on dotters. Please send your our taste buds at school!! 2/13; Lucia on 2/21 and Bryce children in clothing that you on 2/28! Put a candle on your With the children being a lit- are ok with getting a little cakes... tle on the older infant side we dirty during these art activi- will be taking advantage of ties. the things we can do with Our five senses are very im- them that we would not be portant!! Each day we use able to do with our young in- fants. Scheduled circle time, Bear Cub News For our Black History celebra- The theme for February is " If also help the Bear Cubs express tion we will create traffic lights you're happy and you know it". their feelings, as well as notice invented by Garret Morgan in The Bear Cubs will be working their friends feelings. Aside 1923. The Bear Cubs will identify on activities and projects involv- from all of, that we will make the colors green, yellow & red ing Chinese New Year, Valen- and they will learn how to say tine's Day and Black History light. The Bear Cubs will learn month. how to say bike as the Bicycle frame was invented by I.R. John- For Chinese New Year celebra- son in 1899. Aside from all of tion we will create dragon masks that the Bear cubs will learn and march around the classroom about caring, sharing and differ- listening to music. ences. For our Valentine celebration we Welcome Nicholas and his par- will create Valentine cards, dif- ents Carol and Tom who came to ferent size heart collage and us straight out of the Care create a Valentine mailbox for red Jell-O and on Friday Febru- Bears. our special Valentine cards that ary 12,2016 we will have a Val- we will receive from our friends entine celebration. There will be games, dancing, special FYI: February 12,2016 Valentine and teachers. We will practice celebration. giving hugs & kisses and learn snacks and socializing. about loving and caring. We will February 15,2016 FCCC closed for President's Day. Page 2 FCCC NEWSLETTER Cuddle Cub News ing a tad cooped up, but are weighing in at 9lbs. 1oz. Mom- February is fixing to be pret- trying our best to keep busy my, Daddy and big sister, La- ty action packed for the with play, arts and crafts and dy are very excited and doing Cubs. This month’s lots and lots of dancing. We well! Congratulations Taylor & themes include Valentine’s encourage you to bring in any Anessa! Day, President’s cd’s you think the class would Birthday wishes go out to Bo, Day and Black History enjoy from home. who turns 2 on February Month. We welcome two new Cuddle 3rd and to Barbara, who cele- We will learn all about Martin Cubs to our class. Aiden and brates her big day on Febru- Luther King, Jr., Jackie Rob- his parents Naveen & Bindu ary 10th! Happy Birthday to inson, Rosa Parks, Jesse Ow- and Aviva and her parents Bo & Barbara!! ens, Barack Obama and many Stefan and Sara. Welcome! We would also like to bid a more prominent figures. We The Blizzard of 2016 didn't fond farewell to Mabel, look forward to exposing the stop the stork from visiting who’s graduating to Puddle Cubs to these important one of Cuddle Cubs families: Jumper status this month. trailblazers in history Walden Charles Foxwell was through art projects and born on January 23, 2016, books. The Cuddle Cubs will al- so celebrate Valentine’s Day with a super fun Val- entine’s Pajama Party. More details to follow soon! We are hoping that Feb- ruary allows for much more outdoor play and ex- ploration walks through- out the city. We are feel- Baby News And delivered Walden Charles Foxwell On January 23, 2016 A precious little bundle at 9 lbs. 1 oz. Adelaide (in the Cuddle Cubs classroom) is very proud of her new baby brother. Anessa and Taylor are doing just fine. FEBRUARY 2016 Page 3 Puddle Jumper News Happy February! Time is party. The PJ's will be able to to flying fast here in the Pud- wear there favorite pajamas dle Jumper classroom. to school and have a dance party along with making some yummy smoothies for snack. The PJ's theme for this month will be "I love you to Pieces / Black History February is also Black History Month". We will be busy month. We will be honoring crafting and getting messy some important people who painting, gluing, and cutting have made contributions to all different size and our nation over the years. The label all of your child's be- shaped hearts. The PJ's will children will work on a few art longings. As the colder weath- use the colors red and pink project/ inventions such as er is finally here we have lay- a lot throughout this month. traffic lights, horseshoes, ers of clothes, hats, boots, We will paint with ice cubes hot combs etc. gloves and we do not want to and snow to experiment how cause any mix-ups. the paint melts onto the snow and ice and turns into The Puddle Jumpers would colored water. The Puddle like to welcome Mabel and her FYI: Updated Emergency Con- Jumpers will also help make family as she is new to the PJ tact forms due! classroom! some red homemade play dough. We will have a super Wish List: Dust Pan (stand up fun Valentines day pajama Reminders: Please remember one) Triangle News Even though February is the We have a celebration planned portunity to welcome Race and shortest month of the year, the for Valentine’s Day, and ask if his parents Danielle and Horace Triangles have much going on! It you would please send in cards to our class. We would also like is the international month of for your child to share with to wish Margot good luck as she “friendship” which we will honor their classmates. Our valentine join the Quads. with discussions and stories curriculum will feature the chil- about how we treat others. Our dren decorating a box to accom- Reminders: Winter weath- children will be encouraged to modate their cards, and many er: Please make sure your child speak kindly to one another. art explorations using theme col- has a hat, gloves/mittens, and a They will practice inviting ors (red, white, and pink) with a coat that is appropriate for out- friends to work together, and variety of heart shapes to adorn door play.
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