I I FOREWORD This year's PEAVEY has been designed to coincide with the wishes of both the student body and the alumni. Technical articles have been omitted and in their stead are articles on your school, your activities, and your interests. The Alumni News section has been enlarged and a strong effort has been made to strengthen and improve this section. We, the staff, present for your ap­ proval the 1948 GoPHER PEAVEY AND ALUMNI NEWS. ( 2) The Gopher Peavey and Alumni News 1948 Annual Pu&lication ol the F 0 R EST RY CL U B University ol Minnesota l Table of Contents Dedication: E. L. DEMMON 6 THE FORESTRY SCHOOL Faculty 9 Seniors 10 Juniors 13 Sophomores 14 Freshmen . 15 Graduates. 16 ORGANIZATIONS PEA VEY Staff 18 Xi Sigma Pi 19 Alpha Zeta 20 ACTIVITIES Bonfire 21 Forestry Assembly 22 Forestry Club 23 Foresters' Day 24 ARTICLES The Deserted Camp 28 Itasca Corporation 30 Cloquet Corporation . 32 I Remember Itasca . 34 THE ALUMNI NEWS Report of Chief 38 Alumni News Notes 43 Alumni Directory 60 (5) DEDICATION E. L. DEMMON FoR HIS RECORD OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN FOREST RESEARCH, his ability to bring the message of forestry and conservation in general to the public, his interest in the training and develop­ ment of young foresters, and for his helpful suggestions and guidance to the Forestry Club of the University of Minnesota, we affectionately dedicate this issue of the GOPHER PEAVEY· ALUMNI NEWS to E. L. Demmon, Director of the Lake States Forest Experiment Station. We welcome you back to the Lake States after your absence of more than twenty years. The South's loss has been our gain and we look forward to a period of forestry development in the Lake States as active as were the years you served as Director of the Southern Forest Experiment Station. ( 6) THE FORESTRY SCHOOL FACULTY SENIORS JUNIORS SOPHOMORES FRESHMEN GRADUATE STUDENTS ( 7 ) Faculty Louis W. Rsss FRANK H . K AUFERT RANDOLPH M. BROWN joHN H . ALLISON H ENRY SCHMITZ YALE WEINSTEIN T. ScHANTZ-HANSEN RAY J. Wooo HENRY L. H ANSEN RALPH L. H OSSFELD PARKER 0. ANDERSON DONALD P. DUNCAN (9) Seniors ANDERSON, JOHN F. Minneapolis, Minneso1a AHLGREN, CLIFFORD E. Freshman football, B 1quad foot· ball. intramural bukeiball and Brimson, Minnesotn touchball: Foru iry Oub. Summtr work: Chelan National Forest: Forestry Club. IMA, Student Coun· Brampton Pulp & Papor On­ cil. YMCA, LSA. Summer work: Co.. t•no: Wey~ rha eus~r Timbtr Co. Fore.st Nursery. Eveleth. Minn. Clemmons Tree Farm . ANDERSON, ROBERT Forestry Cub; Steward, ha.5a Corp., '42; steward, Ooquel Corp.• '48: CAMPBELL, RODRIC J. Son of Paul, ' H: Foros1ry softball Superior, Wisconsin and football. Summer work: Su· p~rior National Forest. '42; Bromp· Xi SiRm• Pi. ion Pulp & Poper, Oniorio. '46: Ochoco Nation:1.I Fores1, Prinvill_e. Ore., '47, COLLINS, PAUL E. CARLSON, GLENN A. Welch, Minnesoia Eau Claire, \'<'isconsin BA. Gu•tavus Adolphus Colltjle_: Summe.r work: Ctnual Wiscon$in Forutry Oub. Xi Sigma Pi. U . Conservation Area. "46-'47. Chorus. Summer work: Lake Scates Expenment Station. HANSON, RAYMOND C. EHLY, ALTA E. Duluth, Minneso1a Logan, Kansas Fore.try Club: Farm House Frater­ Ft. Hays Kansu State College: Tau nity. Ag. YMCA. Summer work: Kappa Epsilon. Summer work: V•lemine Clark Corp.. St. Paul, Director of Boys' camps. Minn., '47. HIRATSU KA, MAS Forestry Club: sec.. pre5., and on Forestus' Day comm .. '41, '46, '47: Peavey Staff, '47, circ. mgr .. a$$t. HOLMES, CARLTON A. creas.; Social Coordinating comm.: Itasca Corp.: Cloquet Corp.: Wes­ ~t . f?odge .Junior Coll~ge" Iowa, ley Found., sec., ' 44.'48: YMCA )8. )9; X1 Sigma P1. 47. 48. cabinet, '46. Summer worlc: USFS Kanik$u National Fores:t; Michigan Rivor Timber Co .. '46; Routt Na. tional Forest. Colorado, '47. ( 10) JOHNSON, ARNOLD R. JOHNSON, DONALD E. Fairfax, Minnesota Minntapolis, Minnesota Th••• Oti. Xi Sig_ma Pi. Summer Lumber Merchandisintt work: Southtrn Fore.st Exp. Sta· tion: Harrison Exp. Forest. Saucier. Summer work: We5tern Mineral Miss.. 0 46: Cabinot Na1ional For· Produces Co.. Minn•apolis, "47. •••· Si. R•gis. Mone .• '47. KITTLESON, J. MARVIN JORGENSON, ROBERT Fort>try Club: Intermediary Board. Fergus Falls, M innesota '46; Honor Case Comm .• "47: Stu· dcnc Council, 1 48; Farm Hou'e Forestry Oub; Forestry baske1ball, Fraternity. Summer work: Olvm· softball. foo1ball. Summor work: pie Nation=t l Forests, \V.ohingcon. Superjor Nationnl Forcsc, ''42; 47. ~7~t h · K elly M ills. Springfield, Ore., LINNE, JAMES MANGAN, JOHN W. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minnesota For•stry Club: pl•dg•. Tau Phi Lumber Merc-handisin11 D•lta. Summe-r work: L.O . ac Washington. ' 47. Xi Sigma Pi NELSON, GEORGE NOBLE, JOH N R. Lumber Mcrchandl$lni: Minneapolis, M innesota Universi_ty Ushers Assn. Summer work : USFS, M edicina National Wood Technology Foresc. Cal.. '11: M. & O . Paper Co. International Falls. Minn .. '46. Forc•rrr C lub: Sota ns. Summer work: ngman Laboracorles. OSBORNE, EARL M. SCHUMACHER, RODNEY B. Minntapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minnesota Forutty Oub: Farm Bunch o( YMCA. Forutry Oub. Summer work: Wood Conversion Co., Cloqu•t, Minn. ( 11 ) THOMPSON, THOMAS A. WEBB, ROBERT N. Ely, M innesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Summer work: Fi.re aua_rd, La Croix Fore11ry Oub; trHs., Itua Corp., Dinrict, •36 .. ')7; Valencine Oa.rk, '-4 ). Summer work: Timber c.rui.s­ Sr. Poul, ' 47. ing, Connor Land 6: Lumber Co.• Laona. Wis .• '47. WELLNER, JUDD St. Paul, Minnesota Foresr Management Forutry Oub CHERN, JOSEPH KALTON, WJLLIAM M. St. Paul, Minnesota Wells, Minnesota Forestry Club. '47·"48: Feder•lisu. Foresr-Wildli(e '4 7·'48 : Ame.rican Veterans Com· mottee, '47.'48. Wildlife Manaaers Club. Summer work: Minnesot.t Oepar1menr of Conservacion. Division of Game and FINCH, HERBERT Fish, '46. Minneapolis, Minnesota HEINSELMAN, MIRON Lumber Morchandising Mound, Minnesota Forutry Club, '41-'42. Foresrry Oub; Wildlife Managers Oub. GEBHART, NEJL St. Paul, Minnesota BRANDT, HENRY R. Lumber Merchandising Minneapolis, Minnesota Forestry Oub. '41-'42. HANNA, ORVILLE ZIEMER, WlLLIAM River Falls, Wisconsin Minneapolis, Minnesota Wood Technology Lumbor Merchandising Foresrry Club, Xi Sigma Pi, Alpha For.. try Oub, '41·'42. Zeta, Alpho Gemma Rho . SPENCER, RICHARD L. Williams Bay, Wis. Lumber Merchandising Forutry Oub, '41·'42. ( 12 ) Juniors Row I: uRoy Fish, Sam Dickin.son, Edward M. Christianson, George Kilen, Del Gierke, Stanley Ursic, J. Donald Meyer Row 2: Putt Ru$S, Reynold P. Dahl, William Miles, Eugene Steinbrenner, Wilmer F. Strelow Row 3: Phillip Ray, Jack Bandel, Walter B. Wallin, Paul Haack, Jr., John B. Hlastala Kenneth Sahlin, Donald B. Johnson Row 4: Alvin R. Hallgren, Dayron Larsen, Kenneth E. Winsnus, R. Nordstrom, Olaf Grme, Howard B. Johnson Clifford E. Ahlgren Neill Gebhart Stanley Olson Leo Ahsenmach er Alvin Hallgren Richard Reinarz Robert Anduson William Hamlin Darrell Ru ss Jack Bandel Herbut Hayes Donald Sage Neil Bassett Claude Hazelroth Warren Sanderson Henry Brandt Robert Jorgenson Richard Schroeder Richard Burrell Palmer Kvale Keith Seaburg Reynold Dahl Dayton Larsen John Spehar Ce<:il Damron, Jr. James Linne Eugene Steinbrenner Calvin Dunnell William Miles Stanley Ursic Bernard Fashingbauer Gerald Ness Robert Wilkins Herberr Finch Joel Nitz James Wolfe Charles Flink Ralph Nordstrom WiJlim Ziemtr Sigurd Olson ( 13) Sophomores Row 1: William Ault(aihor, D•le J , Pfankeich, S1anley Ringold II. Richard A. Skok, John D. Besse, Merle Tellikson, Eugene Ronanski , Ourles Urann, Truman Clark Row 2: Roger A. Keepers. Ray Brendemuehl, D on lngram, Poul Sundin, Paul Roeber, Donald Warman, Richard Trestrail. Donald L. Anderson. David Swenson Row 3: Ralph W . Carlson, Marvin Pe•rson, Harlan C. Lampe. Bernard Paudis, Gurry B. Ringold, Nick Kolby, Vance Sitterholm, Clea Hyland, Ralph J . Kurka Row 4: Andy Barden, Rober! De La Martte, Ralph J . Somb•. William W . Hamlin. Philip Corson. John Finko , Marcin Coyer, Arihur E. Schuhz John P. Anderson LeRoy Fish Edward Klanchnjk Loren J . Rychaman Donold Anderson Richard E. French Clay1on J . Knutson Dixon L. Sandberg Leo M . Anderson Elsmore A. Friberg John L. Kolb Richard E. Schaefer Rober! E. Anderson Wallace R. Frowming Frank J . Kopecky Ernesl Scholer Sherrill E. AngSlman John F. Frojen Ralph J . Kurka Arihur E. Schuhz William Auhhiher Stanley C-.it Loyd Lo Mois Rodney B. Schumacker Vernon D . Axmark Del Gierke Harlan Lampe Erwin Schwinghamer Andrew G. Borchett Gordon Gilbert Richard I. Lange John 0 . Sedgwick Rober! Beemon Louis V. Grapp George Larson Vance C. Setterholm Au.stin Belyea Olaf V. Gropp Philip R. Larson Keiih R. Shea Willia_m R. 8ennewi1~ Olaf G reue Richard Lee Richard W . Shiely Donald M . Benson Donald W . Grimm J ohn M . Lord Jack T . Simmons John D. Bere nds Paul M. Huck Glenn Herbert Lund Richard A. Siak Robert E. Bergqui11 John F. Hall John W . Mangan Ralph J . Sombs ohn D. Besse George W . Hammer Rona.Id E. Manninen Vernon C. Spagrud ohn R. Boice Winford H . Hanna Eldon C. Man1hey Richard L. Spencer Louis H. Boudriau Thomas W . Hanson William J . Marshall Cort R. S1rane Edwin G. Bru Wayne R. Hanson Herman R. Martin Wilmer F. S1relow Raymond Brendemuehl David J . Haslund Herman A. Matthets John H. Siudinger Richard A. lkinggold Thomas F. Hayes. Jr. Richard McCliniock Gerald J . Sullivan Robert M. &own Jack R. Helm Richard McCune Paul A. Sundin Robert E. Burke . Arthur A . H enderson John D. Meyer Thomas Su1herland Byron J . Cacharelis Jack Henry Merle P. Meyu Lester w. sw~n son Ralph W. Corlson D•niel R. Herbe,rt Thomas A. Milne.r Winston E. Swanson Lowell 0 . Carlsted John B. H lu1ala Jerald A. Martensen David V . Swenson William E. Carr Barret A. Hoffman Robert C. Nelson J oser.h B. Sylvia Alvin H. Q\ris1enstn Ronald L . Horswe,U W aher A. Nelson Mere Tellekson Edward M .
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