Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus College Football Programs Football 10-29-1932 Ursinus College Official Football Program, Saturday, October 29, 1932 Varsity Club Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/football_programs Part of the Social History Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Club, Varsity, "Ursinus College Official Football Program, Saturday, October 29, 1932" (1932). Ursinus College Football Programs. 7. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/football_programs/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Football at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GEORGE L OMWAKE, LL. D., President To the Fathers of UrsinliS Students­ Greeting: We cordially welcome you today to our campus. Especially are we pleased to have you see our football team in action. Whether or not the game is won by Ursinus you will see, on the part of our team, sportsman­ ship at its best. In athletics, as in all other activities, our aim is to excel, never sacrificing our honor and ever maintaining the fair reputation of Ursinus. We are assured that in this contest as in every other, you will find pride and satisfaction in the practical exemplification of these ideals. GEORGE L. OMWAKE, President Gettysburg Places Its Hopes On These Boys GETTYSBURG COLLEGE VARSITY FOOTBALL SQUAD Reading Right to Left- Fron t Rcw: Jones, Morris, Gronlund, Mel'gard, Eden, Capt. Stoner, Azar, Cowell, McCarty, Gilbert, Eby, McMillan. Second Row: Coach Bream, Hallman, Olkewicz, Howard, Moody, Nye, Dunbar, Bogal', 'Voodwal'd, Hall, Messinger, Ewing, Smith, Maust, McGinnis, Mac­ Millan, Gifford, No.l'wicki, Line Coach Frank. Back Row : Bel's, Seifert, Eckert, Guy, Mumford, Ulrick, Jones, Palliloni s, Caldwell, Timmins, K ozma, Kuhlman, Garverich, Robb, Hough, Mulligan, Sutherland, Strode, Etzler, Enders, Karns, Gill, Houghton. ===================================================~ Gettysburg-Schedule and What They Have Done So Far Oct. I-G-Burg 2; Juniata 3-Hame Oct. 8-G-Bl1rg 0 ; \' ill ano"a 31-Awa,l' Oct. 15- G-Bul"(; H ; Swarthmore O- Away Oct. 22-G-BIIl"fr 6: Mt. St. Mary'~ O- Home Oct. 29-G-Burg .. ; Ursinus - Away ","av. 5- G-Burg vs. Dickin <a n -TI om~ Kav. 12- G-Buqr vs. Muhlenberg- Away X()\,. 2+-G-Burg v . F. & i\L-Away (Thanksgiving Day) [21 U BEARS victor over Ursinus. The Bullets were going great guns that season; Villanova was one of their victims VARSITY CLUB that year; Bucknell conquered the Gettysburg team by a scant margin. So, it is easy to understand why our favorite football prophets were upset when the Grizzlies defeated the Bullets by a 13-0 score. U One year ago U rsinus had been undefeated and un­ tied till the time of t he Gettysburg fame. aturally, the Bears were the pre-game favorites. The Gri zzlies, URSINUS COLLEGE however, did play their usual good brand of ball, but were surprised by a sturdy Gettysburg team. The COLLEGEVILLE, PA . final score of that classic fray at Gettysburg was 6-6. \Vith the performance of recent years to consider, a A Pllblica tion of the VU1' sity Club prediction of today's game would by all means be out of place. Whereas, we of U rs inus are hopeful and feel GRIDTRON DIRECTORS confident of our team, we wish )'oU lots of luck, Gettys­ burg; and, as shculd be, ma y the best team win! R. C. J OH NSON Direct, r of Athletics ... Head Coach of Football J. C. McAvov COACHES HAVE COMMON INTEREST R. E. CHASE. ... Line Coach J. DONALD STERNER .. .Coach of Freshman Football Strange as it may seem one might say that today's opposing coaches received their start at the same KERMIT B. MOli N .... Undergraduate Mgr. of F ootball school. Back in 1922 tales came from Phoenixville PROGRAM COMMITTEE High School football {ollowers of one, Jack McAvGY, who was making a name for him elf in scholastic JOSEPH H. DEIBLER, '33, e.c-officio ranks. Thus we have the beginning of the gridiron A. CLARK SAUTTER, '33 .. .. .. Chairman ca reer of our headcoach. \Vhile "Mac" was up at Dartmouth, making a name for himself and giving the TRVING E. SUTIN ...... Business Manager folks back home something to talk about, the high ALFRED C. ALSPACH MAURICE P. SHUMAN school got a new coach, a young chap just out of col­ lege by name of Henry Bream. In the two short years uHen" was at the little "ircntown" school, he produced TODAY 'S GAME probably the best teams of which they have ever boasted. When he then went back to his Alma Mater Strangely enough when the opening whi stle blows he took several of hi s boys with him, two of whom will this aftemoon Gettysburg will be starting its first be seen cavorting about the fi eld today, "Joe" Olgewicz, Conference game ; Ursinus will be playing the fourth quarterback, and "Larry" Morris, the ace of his ball and la st game of its Conference schedule. A victory toters. r ~ 1' Ul' sinu s will mean that it will have completed, un­ Today both coaches look back upon their connec­ tions with the same school with pride, follow the for­ defeated, its Conference schedule. The Bears will, tunes of the teams, and think of it as the place where therefore, be sure of at least a tie for fir st place with they received their start in football careers. The same an excellent chance for the undisputed championship Lwn call s them both HOur Boy." of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, the title that it has held for the past two successive seasons. On the PAST G-BURG URSINUS GAMES other hand, a win for the Battlefi eld boys will ea rn In the past years, the Bullets, in their series with the for them the esteem of a serious title contender- be­ Bears, have held the edge, winning seven of the twelve games played. and stalemating two more. We must sides other things. adn.li~, too, that several of their victories were by Thus far this season both teams have played foul' deCISive scores as one sees by glancing at the results games each. However, the Collegeville Bears have, below. Followers of the Bears, however, need nGt be judging by these performances, a more impressive annoyed by these statistics, for in recent years the record. Jack McAvoy's charges have two victories to Red, Old Gold and Black has not been lowered. Two years ago, here on Patterson Field, Ursinus defeated their credit, one tie game and one defeat. The one that great battlefield team which set Villanova down trouncing of the Ursinusites was administered by the by a 3-0 score, 13 t, 0, giving the Bears their first hal dy V ilia nova eleven; this was the opening game of Conference championship. Last season we saw two t he season for the Bears. Following this game the great teams battle to a 6-6 deadlock each pushing over a touchdown with neither being abl~ to convert the try Bears were destined, by the various sports writers, for for the extra point. a very poor season. Despite these predictions the In the past Ul'sinus has won but three games from fighting Grizzlies showed a different brand of foot­ G:Burg. In the past two seaSGns, though, she has a ball in their following games. The Ursinus boys found Win and a. tIe, proving;, ~ollowers of the Bears say, no trouble in defeating Dickinson and F. and M. on that the reIgn of supeJ'Jontv of the Bullets is broken that the. Red. Old Gold and Black are now the color; successive Saturdays. \Vith these two Conference of the vIctors. We shall see. victories under its belt the Grizzly team last Saturday travelled to Allentown to be forced to a stalemate by Results of previous Ul'sinus-Gettysburg games are: the Muhlenberg College aggregation. Year U. G-Burg. Gettysburg, to date, has met only one of t he teams 1903"""" " " 22 " """". 0 that Ursinus has played-Villanova. If comparative 1904. O. • . 0 scores mean anything, the Bear squad was 7 points 1905" 0 """"". 17 bette I' t han the Bullets at Villanova. However, t his 1906. " .• " "" 0 " " .... " 59 game was t hree weeks ago. Since then t he Battlefield 1907. .. O. • . 12 lads have encoun tered and defeated both Swal,thmore 1912" " 21 """"",,. 6 a nd Mt. St. Mary's ; Gettysbu rg held her opponents 1920. .. .. 0.. • . 6 scoreless in both t hese t il ts. In the other game played 1921 . .. 0.. ... .. 34 by t he Bu llets t hey lost a hard-luck game to J uniata; 1925. .. .... .. .. 0... .. .... 27 the score was 3-2. I n t he fall of 1920, Gettysburg came to Collegeville, a well heralded organization and highly favored as t he m~ : ::: : : : : : : : :: 1~ : : : ::::::::: : 3~ U BEARS [3] FREELAND loath Anniversary of Learning at Ursinus 1832 - 1932 Just one hundred years ago, the present site In 1848, another milestone toward the Ursi­ of Ursinus College was first consecrated as an nus of today was marked in the founding of educational center. It was in 1832 that the Freeland Seminary, a preparatory boarding Todd School, a private school, was founded on school for boys. The Seminary, located at the these grounds to serve as a country day school site of what is now Freeland Hall, was one of for the youngsters in and about the locality the outstanding preparatory schools of its day that is now Collegeville.
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