
~- .. ''.·111,·Jew ·iS .~fHe·ra, Newspaper · .. d !. VOL. XXXIlI, NO. 30 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1948 PROVIDENCE, R. I. -· 48 PAGES 7 CENTS_ THE COPY '~· ;,· GJC Dri,v·e Reacbes Half-Way ·Mark .Trades, Industries Men Active in T rode and I ndu~try Drvision List Services For En Route to lsra~I . Dominate Calendar High Holy .Days ·' As is spurted pass the halfway Rnode Isfand's Synagogues and mark this week in its drive to­ Temples were poised this weekend - ward a goal of $1,350,000 iIJ. behalf for the coming'Of the most impor­ of the 1948 United Jewish Appeal, tant holidays on the Jewish cal­ the local. General Jewish Commit­ ·endar:_Rosh Hashanah and Yorn tee campaign found various sub- ...­ Kippur. The holiday season will divisions of the overall Trades and be ushered in Sunday evening at · Industries Division ·dom!Jiating sundown, the beginning of the the week's calendar. two-day Rosh Hashanah obser­ Virtually every night of.the past vance, and will conclude with the w e e k witnessed an important -, meeting in' this major division;_ blowing of the shofar at sunset on Yorn Kippur Day, Wednesday, and a similar jam-packed agenda 1'· October 13. The holiday marks • of activity was in store for the the arrival of Jewish New Year coining week. - 5709. Jewelry Organizes "t, Here in Providence, radio mes­ Last Tuesday evening, the Jew- sages by ral>bis of several con-· elry group-headed by. Ch a r i. es gregations will ,inaugurate the· -Rothman as chairman and Harry holiday period .. Rabbi Morris G. Blacher, George .Gerber, Max Silk of Congregation -Ah a,v at li Kestenman and. Irving Kritz· as Sholom will be heard tomorrow ' evening at 8:30 o'clock over MRS. ARCHIBALD Sil,VERMAN co-chairme11 - completed its. or­ ganization with a dinner at the WEAN. -Rabbi Silk's sermon will Mrs. Archibald Silverman left Wayland Manor. be "Israel Reborn". Cantor Sam­ for Israel last Monday on· a The one non-member of a T and uel Klawansky of Baltimore, ·Md: will chant the Rosh Hashanah char~red plane which is carry- I group to steal the spotlight ·dur- i l ·t f I d ing ,the \feek was the Ar~a Divi­ liturgy, . ng a arge quanti Y -o b od - sion's combined East Greenwich-. WJAR will present Rabbi Eli A. plasma (or the. Red M9-g:en West Warwick unit. Last,W·ednes- . , j Bohnen of Temple Emanuel Sun~ Dovid (Red Shleld of David). day, at the East Gre~m'l'.i ch Club/ ·- · (: day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Cantor .Jacob Hohenemser and the Tern• This -group holds the positiim this group launched -its localized ple Choir, under the direction of in Palestine equivalent to the drive with an Initial Gifts Din~ Arthur Einstein, will provide a Red Cross in this country. A nS~lr pr_esided dovMer by Hermlisan- N. program of Holy Day music. commission . - headed by Con- c~:!1;:!~ 'an ax Margo • co- "Glory and Honor" will be the topic of Rabbi Abraham Chill of !;'~5::1=-s. ~fi:!1:~n ~se~e!;e.:~ Autom~tive -Underway ·Congregation Sons of Abr11,ham. ber, hopes to .pave the way for Last night at the Narragansett Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock­ collaboration between the In- Hotel, the Automotive division over WRfi3.-· ·; " · ternational Red Cross and the ·held a highly successful fund­ Other rabbinical radio addresses· Red Mogen Dovid. !\Jr!!. Silver- raising dinner, highlighted by the will be heard next weekend and man hopes to visit . the D .. P. address of a C!)-th_olic _headll:11.s~ will be listed · in the October 8 camps in Eur~pe on her way· tress of a school for Jewish child­ Herald. · back from Israel. · - ren during the _Nazi occupation Services Listed · · of Belgium. The schoolmistress, Following is a schedule of ser.: Miss Jeanne Daman, later served .vices listed at several Providence as a wartime underground secret Synagogues and Temples: Bevin Asks·UN to agent for Jewisn and Belgian par­ ·Rev. Nathan Braun is the can.J tisans. She is credited with saving tor for the High Holy Days at the· OK Bernadotte Plan the lives o~ thousands of .Jewish Congregation Sons of Abraham. , children from Nazi ,extermination. Services at" the Synagogue at PARIS-British Foreign .Secre- (Co~tinued on Page 2) • :Prairie and Potters Avenues will tary Ernest Bevin this week called ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;_; begin Sunday evening at .5:30 ' on the United Nations to approve o'clock. Monday and Tuesday ser- speedily Count Folke Bernadotte's (Continued on Page 2) Palestine peace plan. Announcing British ·support of the plan "in News Deadline its entirety," he termed it the ' "best hope for healing the breach" BV Men Starf between the _Arabs and tne Jews. For Next Week ·.· Spokesmen for the Arab nations Because of the High Holy­ expressed opposition to any im­ days on Monday and Tuesday, General-Solicitation position of a Palestine settlement the news deadline for n ex t by force. Sir Mohammed Zafrul- week's Herald has been ad­ PAWTUCKET _ T h e general lah Ka_hn, foreign ,minister for vanced to Saturday noon, Oct­ solicitations phase of the Black- Pakistan, assailed Israel as a ober 2, We cannot promise to stone Valley United Jewish Appeal "cancer" in the Middle East that Insert items received after that is in full swing Harry A. Sch- must be removed "through a sur- time. wartz, chairman 'said Tuesday. ·· gical operation." Following the successful InitlaF Gifts meeting held last Wednes­ day nlgnt at the Narragansett Hotel, a corps of solicitors started their solicitations _job last Sun~ Mote New Year Greetings Next day. Cards were distributed a.t a meeting held in the home of Mr. - Week in ·our Yom-Kippur Issue Schwartz, 281 Rochambeau Ave-' . nue, Providence. The corps of solicitors will re- ' . - .~ Place Your Order Now! port back Monday, October llth DR. HERMAN P. GROSSMAN DR. NATHAN BOL'()TOW at 6:30 o'clock at the Narragan­ Ca UGAspee 4312 r Co-chairman Medical Dlv.lalon Ch~lrman Medical' Division sett tt;otel. '-, .-the fastest growing _nation in the Aid Work tof Brande.is University ~ GJC Re.aches $ wo:i;ld, Ress said that its popula­ tion, during the PQJ!t four months, · has increased fr0m . 697,000 ' 740,000 . I .. (!}~ 1__ 4 ! Half-Way Mark: . Ress emph~sized that the agen, .... , ( cies. supported by the United Jew-· MRS. SARAH MOGELEVER--' i:i:: (Continued from Page 1) ish Appeal were· primarily res­ The funeral of Mrs. sitI-ah Mo- 1 r.i Miss Darman gave a dramatic ponsible for this great influx of gelever, 75, mother of, th'.ree form- , ~ account of the courage of Jewish immigrants to the new Jewish er Pawtucket n~_vJspapermen, was J ~ men, women and children in re- homeland and that they, in turn, held yesterd:.>;.;·· in Newark, N. J., 0 sisting the Nazi onslaught and were supported by the gifts of Am­ with buri;iJ: in Ohav-Sholom· Cem­ 0 emphasized the needs of surviving erican Jewry. etery,"Hillside, N: J. ,.;- Belgian Jewry in its bitter en­ "Cash-and more cash-is the' Widow of Bernard Mogelever, < deavor to rebuild homes and in- only instrument by which we can she was a native of Warsaw, Po­ 8 stitutions destroyed by the Nazis. accomplish this miracle of seeing land, and lived in Pawtucket for i:i:: The Automotive .division is Jewish life saved before our very 35 years until she moved to New­ r.. spearheaded by Irwin N. Silver­ eyes on a scale _never before wit- ark, N. J., with her family about ~ man, chairman, assisted · by Max nessed in our generation. · 15 years ago. _ ~ Botvin, Jacob M. · Kaplan and "In a spirit of solemnity that The three sons, · formerly em­ < Henry Levaur, co-chairmen. equals the traditional mood of the ployed at the Pawtucket Times, ~ Ress Stresse·s Influx forthcoming High Holy Days, I are Jacob . of Chevy Chase, Md., = Joseph W. Ress, general chair- appeal to every member of the former Times managing edit<;>r, man of the T and· I Division, Jewish community here-who is who is now with the treasury de­ ~ this week called attention to the contacted by workers of the partment in WashJngton;- Louis '"' tremendous flow of Jewish immi­ Trades and Industry Division-to J. of Elizabeth, ,N. J ., wqo is with ' ~ grants to the new Republic of Is- give as freely as possible · to this the Newark Star-Ledger, and Mor-- 2:; rael. Pointing out that Israel is gre~t cause," Ress ·urged. ris of Asbury Park, N. J., who is managing editor of the Asbury r.i Park News. • ~ Mrs. Mogelever also leaves three r.i · .daughters, Mrs. Ann Cohen of 8 Providence, who is associated with the Jewish .Herald; Mrs. \Rose Reichart of Cleveland and Mrs. ~ Mrs. Bertram L. Bernhardt (seated, left) and Mrs. Louis I. Norman Salant of Washington, Kramer (seated, right), both of Providence, are shown .with Mrs. D . C. _Edwin Kl'ssel of Canton, Mass. as they signed the guest book at BEN SOPKIN ! the. recent charter luncheon of the Women's Committee for Funeral services for Ben Sop­ Brandeis University. kin, former Providence. resident The luncheon was in honor of and retired president of the ing of the services. Mrs. Milton Went,.;,ort\1 Manufacturing Co. of Dr. Abram L. Sachar, president Leand is in charge of floral de­ ·of the newly-created Waltham, Fall River, were held last Sunday corations and Mrs. Murray Tr-in­ in Los Angeles, Calif., where he Mass. institution, and a check was kle has charge of the reception to presented by the women to .
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