tlbe Comentan MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Volume LXX Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, September 16, 1966 Number 1 Highlights Of Freshman Orientation Include Vespers, Convocation, Receptions, Dinners College began early for 302 freshmen who checked in September 4 for three days of orienta¬ tion before the start of classes. Vesper services were held Sunday afternoon at the Central Moravian Church. Dean James J. Heller addressed the freshmen and their parents after greetings were extended by President of the College Raymond S. Haupert. A reception and historic tours scheduled to follow the service were Additional rained out. Bequest The freshmen attended a Labor Day convocation at which Dean Current Total No Heller urged them to begin work Two recent bequests to Mora¬ immediately. Pointing out that vian have brought the total they had been selected from 1,400 Moravian Juniors amount received by the college applicants, he warned, "We can¬ during the past 12 months to not tolerate the campus buffoon. $171,000. Continuing Studies There are too many serious-mind¬ ed students who want to take A $100,000 grant from the es¬ In France, Germany your place." tate of Frederick H. Wilhelm, late Three Moravian juniors major¬ The Dean president of Beek-Wilhelm Decor¬ presented college ing in modern ating Co., languages are con¬ seals to three for Bethlehem, is to be sophomores high tinuing their studies abroad added to the this academic achievement. Miss Lin¬ Imogene Beck Wil¬ year. helm Memorial Fund, established da Wells had the highest record Miss in memory of his late wife. The Mary Jane Edmondson, followed by Miss Maureen Cour- 1714 money represents Butztown Rd., Bethlehem, sen and Edwin Gianelli. Also at payment of the and bulk of the residual estate after Martin G. Crabtree of Phila¬ the convocation, Mrs. Ronald certain grants and delphia, German majors, will Sherry, vice-president of the col¬ outstanding trusts had been met. Final settle¬ spend the year at Philipps-Univer- lege Alumni Association presented ment of the estate is sitat in Marbury, Germany. They the Class of 1970 banner to James expected this year. sailed for Europe on Aug. 17. and Jeffrey Griffis, twin freshmen. Miss Linda Froelich of Tenafly. Wilhelm stipulated in his will After a battery of psychological a N.J., French student, sailed FACULTY MARSHAL: Dr. Alan F. Herr leads the that the college trustees use the faculty procession and reading tests, the freshmen Sept. 7 as a member of the Sweet during opening convocation held 7. funds "for whatever purposes September At that time, nine new were rewarded with a they Briar holiday pic¬ College group, to study in faculty members were introduced may decide upon." (for story see page 8). A record nic at the College Union. The Jazz Paris. 302 freshmen were welcomed. A total of 869 returning upperclassmen In Montage provided musical enter¬ 1964, he made possible con¬ Miss Edmondson and transfer students made and Crabtree this year's enrollment a record high. tainment. A struction of the meeting with faculty Imogene Beck will study under the Marburg pro¬ (Photo and upperclass advisers Wilhelm by Bratspies) rounded Dormitory with a gift gram administered by Millersville out the afternoon's activities. of $130,000. State College. Students will com¬ The Sleepless Knights were fea¬ Moravian also has received plete their undergraduate work at tured at Monday night's dance. $11,146 as unrestricted endow- Moravian after the year abroad. Dave Kelber emceed as Bruce Sin¬ Miss Jean Pearson of Main St. (Cont. on Discusses Aims pg. Haupert 6, col. 2) ger and Jeff Waxman sang folk Extension, Bethlehem, also a Ger¬ music. man major at Moravian, has re¬ turned to the United States Of A total of 869 upperclassmen Eastern Culture after Education Revolution completing a year of returned to campus Tuesday as study at Philipps - Universitat. She will freshmen attended a reception at To Be Stressed by Carolyn Felker complete her senior the President's home. They were year at Mora¬ vian. the dinner "Education has become a guests of the Alumni In New Courses political issue at the grass roots Association in the College Union observed President level," Raymond S. Haupert at con¬ Cooperative appointments opening Building and in private homes. A by vocation, Moravian and September 7. hootenanny followed dinner. Muhlenberg Col¬ leges will provide Afro-Near East¬ Inside Haupert renewed his attack of Pennsylvania's Master Plan for ern and Story: Oriental specialists for Higher Education as lacking fore- both institutions. sight. Its goal of 51% of high Haupert To Attend tinued, warning that any philoso¬ The school students to continue their program began this sem¬ "A Very Good Year" phy must take account of the fin¬ ester with education is already outdated. He Rutge3ers Celebration the appointment of a "Off To A Good Start" ite world, the finite self, and the continued by charging the state specialist on Africa and the Near Page 2 infinite. Moravian of paying only minimal attention College President, East by Moravian, and will be Raymond S. to the needs of its Haupert termed the student's Haupert, will partici¬ followed next year with the New private col¬ ap¬ Faculty Members: inner pate in the leges. attitude toward life as a Rutgers University pointment by Muhlenberg of a Bicentennial Convocation which is "Afro-Asian Specialist In¬ prerequisite for the achievement faculty member who will offer Post-high school education for cluded in New of a quality education. He stated to be held on Sept. 22 in the Rut¬ courses in Oriental Faculty Civilization at everyone has already been pre¬ that God told man gers Stadium, New both of Appointments" through the Brunswick, the schools. dicted as soon as 1980. The 1,170 New Jersey. Page 3 prophet Micah to "do what is Both Moravian students are a part of colleges emphasize that right, love kindness with fellow About 30,000 persons from all higher education over six million students attend¬ in the past has human beings, and live in quiet over the world are expected to ing over two thousand institutes stressed the western tradition, fellowship with one's God." of attend the 200th "Thomas Houser . 'We higher education this fall. anniversary con¬ while the new program will pre¬ have to vocation, which will highlight the sent civilization and culture from project the image Campus development provides The COMENIAN needs year-long of the Rut¬ that USG is celebration the Eastern Hemisphere. really here' " both faculty and students with a photographers! Any inter¬ gers Bicentennial. Page 3 better Leon F. Sherman of North An- opportunity to reach higher ested student should contact Rutgers, the State University goals. Haupert cited the recent Ken dover, Mass., has been appointed Sports: Bratspies, photography of New Jersey since 1945, dates completion of the Wilhelm dormi¬ editor or Judy or instructor in Afro-Near Eastern Thatcher, "Potential tory, current construction of a its to 1766 when New Jer¬ Winning Team reply to Box "201" CUB. origin studies for the coming year. Sher¬ Lacks Needed Depth" new library, and the proposed sci¬ sey Royal Governor William man, who has traveled extensive¬ Page 4 ence building as evidence of such Franklin issued a charter in the ly, has pursued Afro-Near Eastern "Three Is A Crowd, Four progress at Moravian. The new Comenian name of King George III of Eng¬ —A Surprise" studies at Columbia and New York Haupert observed that "we are deadline is 5 p.m. Mon¬ land creating Queen's College. Page 5 in Universities. He received his bach¬ the midst of a revolution to¬ day. All announcements ward President Haupert will also elor's quantity and quality." He and articles for degree in 1965 from Colum¬ All College Worship: Friday stressed that both goals in this represent the bia college in the aca¬ and a master's this year from publication must be sub¬ "N e w Canadian "dual purpose revolution" can be demic Bishop procession which will mark NYU. He is a member of Studies mitted to the Comenian Will Speak Thursday" attained. the office or beginning of the convocation Association for Africa, Asia and Page 6 CUB mailbox "We must face and struggle proceedings. Italy. #291 by this time. with the ultimate issues," he con- THE COMENIAN September 16, 1966 Page 2 Editorial: Gbe^ Co^ men11 ? * ■ * tan* ■ * |LettertotheEditorAll letterstatters to the editor mustmus Off To A G be signed. Names will be withheld upon request. A good beginning for any academic semester is essential; it STUDENT WEEKLY MORAVIAN COLLEGE All letters must be typewritten sets a mood or tone to be followed throughout the year. Looking and signed in ink. The contents at this semester's beginning, Moravian College could not have will not be altered, but the Com¬ been Published weekly during the school year by the students of Moravian given a better start. enian reserves the right to correct College, Bethlehem, Two recent Pennsylvania, 18018. Subscription rates $1.50 a misspellings and glaring gram¬ publications will add helpfulness and aquaint the semester, $2.75 a year, payable in advance. Office in Room 2, College matical errors. student with the workings of the college, and to those new people Union Building. selected to take part in the academic community: the freshmen. Telephone: — (215) — 866-1682 They are the new College Handbook and a never-before com¬ Number 1 Volume LXX Friday, September 16, 1966 USG News piled publication of freshman entering this year. A job well done Editor-in-Chief and a vote of thanks to those who earnestly toiled on these two The Executive Committee will Judith Thatcher much needed endeavors. request WAC, the Woman's Activ¬ Business Manager New strides in discipline have been made.
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