JULY 6, 2017 • VOL.36 NUMBER 27 EUGENEWEEKLY.COM FREE EVERY THURSDAY! NEW RECORD store in town p.29 Socializing with SOCIALISTS p.10 MIRAME BIEN at JSMA p.31 Fair freaks Music Setup, g circuseseeks& & bands at OCF p.12 BARGAINS OF THE MONTH® SAVE 35% OR MORE SAVE 20% 49.99 OR MORE Extra-Large Padded Zero Beautiful Gravity Chair Includes side YOUR CHOICE table that conveniently folds with the chair. T 182 548 3 While supplies last. 4.99 6 pk. Choose-a-Sheet White Paper Towels W 216 279 F4 While supplies last. 12 pk. Big Roll Bath Tissue blueberries! W 218 143 F4 While supplies last. SAVE 25% OR MORE YOUR CHOICE 4.99 4 pk. Halogen Light Bulbs Choose 29W, 43W, 53W or 72W. E 154 861, 858, 860, 862 B12 While supplies last. SAVE 40% OR MORE SAVE 30% OR MORE HOT DEAL! YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE 16.99 4.99 8.49® 16 in., 3-Speed 16 pk. AA or AAA Filtrete Allergen Defense Air Filters Oscillating Stand Fan Alkaline Batteries Choose from 16x20x1, 16x25x1, 20x20x1 or 20x25x1. W 164 550 1 While supplies last. E 182 537, 539 While supplies last. F 395 830, 913; 396 143, 291 F6 While supplies last. July17 BOM Ad Eugene True Value Hardware 2825 Willamette • Eugene, OR 11th & Olive Downtown Eugene (541) 342-5191 Sale ends 7/31/2017 am pm • am pm www.truevalue.com/Eugene Mon-Fri 8 -8 Sat & Sun 9 -8 ® ©2017 True Value Company. All rights reserved. kivagrocery.com • 541-342-7019 Find the right products for your project and expert advice at True Value®. 2 July 6, 2017 • eugeneweekly.com shoe·a·holic PREPARE FOR FAIR ASTRAL DOT DASH TINKER IN SPARKLE EGGPLANT POWER (VEGAN CONSTRUCTION) TEVA HURRICANE XLT HERSCHEL IN PEAKS FIFTEEN BLACK HIP PACK 957 Willamette St 541-687-0898 $10 OFF PURCHASE OF $60 OR MORE shoeaholic.biz With this coupon | Expires 7/15/17 eugeneweekly.com • July 6, 2017 3 LETTERS HAIL QUEEN HILLARY from Amazon. But what will it mean for I enjoyed Rick Levin’s perceptive ar- the environment if we start getting the bulk ticle about Ashland’s culture [“Taming of of even our organic food from the other the Shrewd,” June 29], except for his line side of the planet? comparing Hillary Clinton to Lady Mac- Amazon’s prices for imported foods beth. Clinton is not a murderer, nor a wom- would not reflect the actual cost of their an who can only go mad when defeated. I business practices. Our children will pay would compare Hillary Clinton to Queen the full price through climate change. I Catherine, first wife of Henry VIII. don’t begrudge anyone their Costa Rican In Henry Vlll, Catherine faces a rigged banana, but your kale shouldn’t come from trial. Shakespeare used some of her actual Kazakhstan. We can grow it at a reason- speeches directed to the King, from Holin- able price here without damaging the en- shed’s Chronicles. She speaks with dignity vironment. and fierce anger to a court that is complete- Marty Wilde ly biased against her (Benghazi). Eugene When Henry fought French wars, he had left Catherine in charge of govern- AUDIT PLAUDIT ing England, knowing that she had been a Kudos to Mayor Lucy Vinis for propos- wise counselor to him (Senator, Secretary ing a rational, fact-based approach to im- of State). During their marriage, he was proving city transparency by creating an flagrantly unfaithful to her, which she en- independent performance auditor [View- dured (Bill Clinton). point, June 22]. As she points out, other Until 2016, Hillary Clinton had the communities have performance auditors respect of many people in our country, in place — I wonder how much they cost as shown by her victory in the popular and what are the best ways for Eugene to vote. By this year, people were disrespect- implement an auditor’s office. ing her in terms such as Levin used, adding The extreme polarization of Eugene’s to the general air of our country as a nasty, BEWARE THE FOOD and horseradish that hadn’t come to the political discussions is silly. Community bitter, dirty-mouthed reality show. MONOPOLIES U.S. in a container ship. wide, political activists aside, I believe Hillary Clinton will have another act I grew up on an organic farm west of Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods the vast majority of community members in her life, when she has healed from the Eugene. My dad cofounded Organically concerns me. Amazon’s purchase undoubt- agrees more than we disagree. An indepen- wounds of the last election. Grown, bringing healthy, local food to the edly will further Walmartize a supply chain dent performance auditor would be very Dina Wills people of the Willamette Valley from lo- that already transports food great distances helpful in improving the quality and cost- Eugene cal farmers. He also sold his produce at at a high carbon cost. effectiveness of city services and the tenor the Farmer’s Market and to local restau- Sure, like most people, I’m happy to or- of our community discussions. rants. People liked eating garlic, rhubarb der small electronics and other little items Vinis’ example of combining auditing RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY The Continuum of Autism Spectrum Traits survey study WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? We welcome parents of children and adolescents ages 6 — 18 years old 1. Children who have not been diagnosed with a disability 2. Children identifi ed as being on the Autism Spectrum through school, doctor, or the CDRC at OHSU or UO 3. Children identifi ed as having a severe emotional or behavioral disorder through school, doctor, or the CDRC at OHSU or UO WHAT IS INVOLVED? You will be mailed a COAST survey tool and two other survey tools related to child behavior to complete at home, which will take less than two hours. You will return the survey tools to us in the pre-paid, self- addressed envelope. COMPENSATION This is an un-funded preliminary study. We cannot provide compensation, but we will mail a thank you and a $2 bill to volunteers, and a copy of research results and any published fi ndings to participants when the study is complete. Interested? Please contact Kate Panaccione at (503) 494-2669 [email protected] PI: Eric Fombonne, MD IRB: 10207 IRB Approved: 10/27/2016 4 July 6, 2017 • eugeneweekly.com The Shedd Institute efforts with Lane County is intriguing and This initiative only adds to the city bu- www.theshedd.org - 541.434.7000 might deliver multiple benefits including reaucracy and an already strained budget, cost-savings and measurably better out- and sows seeds of distrust and division in comes from better alignment between city the community. This is an issue that needs Shedd Theatricals 2017 and county priorities. to be discussed publicly and without ran- In establishing a new position to build cor to determine if we really need an inde- community trust (sorely lacking lately at pendent auditor or if there are other ways every political level, alas), the devil is al- to proceed if we do need one. Narrowing ways going to be in the details. How we the discussion to only one option is not do it will be critical to the success of this good policy. important venture. David Funk We should be careful to avoid a rush Eugene forward willy-nilly to implement any one person’s idea of how this should be struc- FOLLOW THE MONEY tured. We are getting wonderful news about I look forward to learning from other the proposed civic performance audi- communities what has worked well (and tor. The proposed initiative plans have un- hasn’t), and exploring our community’s doubtedly caused this. options so I can participate in a rational And thanks to the mayor’s comments discussion to select the best way forward and the public meeting with Gary Black- for Eugene. man, the past elected performance auditor Dawn Lesley from Portland, many are recognizing the Eugene value of this service to the community. We were close to getting that service NO CITY PROBLEM 15 years ago from the city charter review As far as I can tell, Bonny Bettman Mc- committee. Apparently the independence Cornack (Viewpoint, 6/29) is offering a of the auditor was still too threatening to solution to a problem we don’t appear to certain key people in the decision making have. She claims that there is escalating position. community distrust of city government, Independence is the key word for the a claim backed up by nothing. This is the description of this office, as Lane County opposite of what I hear. In my experience has discovered with the past three perfor- most everyone I know is proud that our mance auditors. As with the police auditor city government is so untainted by the kind of the city, the important issues are who will of corruption that plagues other cities in hire, fire and direct the research and recom- our country. mendations of the auditor? Will the results July 21-30 - The Shedd Nothing beats a new pair of comfortable sandals! Follow your feet to Footwise for Birkenstock sandals Blue Roosters Friday, July 7 - 7:30 pm Coming next at The Shedd 7.14 MTTA Summer 2017 8.2-12 Oregon Festival of Wouldn’t It Be Loverly American Music 2017 Musical Theatre in the ‘50s The Sweetest Melody Downtown Eugene • 181 E Broadway • 541.342.6107 7.21-30 Shedd Theatricals: Giants of the Classic Footwise.com • Mon-Sat 10-6 & Sun 11-5 GOOD NEWS! (1927) Songbook EW-Shedd-1-2v_2017-07-06.indd 1 eugeneweekly.com • July7/3/2017 6, 2017 4:15:30 PM5 LETTERS of the auditor be public at the same time to mission’ and my non-consent to its request uphold the so-called commission’s request, World nations’ citizens have this choice the council, the city manager and the pub- for my voter records.
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