H9140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2018 This is the third and final bill of the Rest in peace, Airman Naglak. lives and strong futures for everybody. tax reform 2.0 package that Repub- f Congratulations and happy birthday, licans have been working so hard on. FRCC. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION As the constituents of Texas’ 25th Dis- MONTH f trict know, I have been fighting for a RECOGNIZING CREWMEMBERS OF commonsense business owners’ perspec- (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given NAVY FLETCHER CLASS DE- tive on tax reform since day one. permission to address the House for 1 Less than a year ago, we passed the minute and to revise and extend his re- STROYER COMMISSIONED 1942– Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Since then, marks.) 1969 there are more jobs; Americans are see- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, Sep- (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- ing higher wages; and Main Street can tember is National Suicide Prevention mission to address the House for 1 finally breathe again. Month, reminding us that we lose too minute and to revise and extend his re- While all this is great, there has al- many to suicide each and every day. marks.) ways been the uncertainty of knowing Unfortunately, suicide is all too com- Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, it is my that these cuts would expire in 2025, mon among the men and women who honor and privilege to recognize the something I have been fighting to have served our Nation in uniform, a crewmembers of the USS Cony, a Navy change. population that is particularly at risk Fletcher Class destroyer that was com- I am happy to report that with tax of suicide. missioned from 1942 to 1969. I would reform 2.0, tax cuts will be made per- In fact, the VA estimates that 20 vet- like to welcome the esteemed ship- manent for families, workers, and erans and servicemembers lose their mates and their families to Wash- small-business owners across this coun- lives each and every day, and veterans ington, D.C., as they celebrate their try. are 22 percent more likely to commit 36th annual reunion. Regrettably, Mr. Speaker, I will be suicide than nonvets. Among female During World War II and the Korean unable to cast my vote in favor for tax veterans, the risk of suicide is a stag- war, the USS Cony protected and trans- reform 2.0 tomorrow. My youngest gering 250 percent higher. ported goods throughout Asia and the daughter, Sabrina, is getting married. Veterans are just 10 percent of the Pacific. The USS Cony received 13 bat- While I have a duty as a United States U.S. population but constitute 20 per- tle stars for its service and outstanding Congressman, I first have a duty as a cent of suicides. Measures like the Clay achievement that deserves recognition father and would not miss her wedding Hunt Suicide Prevention Act, which we today. day for anything in the world. I hope have already passed into law, are al- The Cony and its crewmembers also everyone understands my decision back ready making a difference, but even played a crucial role in defending the home and here. one veteran suicide is too many. U.S. during the Cuban Missile Crisis, This vote is historic, and I am ex- We should always remind our vet- and I commend the valiant efforts of cited to watch this economy flourish to erans, Mr. Speaker, and those who are the men and women who served this grow because of it. in need, that there are always ways to country while aboard the USS Cony. In God we trust. get help. Veterans can always call the Although the Cony was decommis- f VA’s crisis hotline 24 hours a day, 7 sioned long ago, her legacy lives on days a week. today. Thank you to all the members, HONORING AIRMAN APPRENTICE f past and present, of the United States JOSEPH NAGLAK military for your service and sacrifice. 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF FRONT (Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN asked and f was given permission to address the RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE House for 1 minute.) (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- WORK HIGHLIGHTS Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. mission to address the House for 1 (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given Speaker, I rise today to pay respect to minute and to revise and extend his re- permission to address the House for 1 the remarkable life of Airman Appren- marks.) minute.) tice Joseph Min Naglak of Navy Sta- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in rec- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I stand tion Norfolk. ognition of the 50th anniversary of with Democrats for the people. Airman Apprentice Naglak was born Front Range Community College in Republicans want to repeal the Af- in South Korea and adopted by Ken- Colorado, which I am proud to rep- fordable Care Act, risking healthcare neth M. and Jeanne Rand Naglak of resent. for 24 million newly enrolled Ameri- West Windsor, New Jersey. He grad- The college first opened in 1968 with cans and 129 million with preexisting uated from West Windsor Plainsboro only 2,000 students enrolled in a few conditions. I stand with the people. High School in 2015 where he lettered programs. Today, they have campuses That is why I held a healthcare in varsity football and took time to in Fort Collins, Westminster, roundtable listening session where 53 learn automotive restoration. Longmont, and Brighton—28,000 stu- healthcare administrators attended, Airman Apprentice Naglak studied dents, over 160 degree and certificate talking about strengthening the ACA, homeland security at Monmouth Uni- programs. improving the delivery and access to versity before enlisting in April of 2017. Over the years, FRCC has seen con- healthcare, and addressing social det- He lived with his fiancee, Nicole Weber, tinual enrollment increases, serving riments. and was an active and energetic volun- even more students. Go, Wolves. Making homeownership a reality for teer with the Special Olympics. During my time in Congress, I have Americans, I stand with the people. His life was cut short in an accident worked with FRCC to reduce the cost Democrats on the Financial Services last week aboard the USS George H.W. of textbooks, expand access to dual and Committee want to expand affordable Bush. In speaking of his courage and concurrent enrollment programs with housing and provide more homeowner- patriotism, his sister said: ‘‘He wanted our school districts, support career and ship opportunities to people like Mrs. to join the Navy to give back to a technical education, and ensure stu- Joyce Mayne, who, at 75 years of age a country who gave him so much. He was dents who have obtained credits are few weeks ago, purchased her first everything that I hoped to be one day, able to get their associate’s degree. home on her birthday. Happy birthday, and he should always be remembered as We recognize the hard work and per- Mrs. Mayne. It was with the help of a a hero with a big heart.’’ severance of the students and the staff nonprofit, Homeport, and the low-in- I send my condolences to the family at Front Range Community College as come housing tax credit. and the friends of Airman Apprentice we celebrate the 50th birthday of Front We are working to fix our broken im- Naglak. I express my sincere gratitude Range Community College and how it migration system. Right now, Mr. for his service and his sacrifice, and I has helped transform people’s lives and Speaker, families in my district are ask that my colleagues join me in a communities across Colorado. being ripped apart, like Edith Espinal moment of silence recognizing his her- For 50 years, Front Range Commu- and members of the Mauritanian, So- oism and his sacrifice to our country. nity College has fostered successful mali, Latin American, and Central VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:19 Sep 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.068 H27SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE.
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