News Ii views Vision • Integrity • Quality Vol. 9, No. 9 •September 1995 TG Accident Victim Denied Treatment Dies from injuries Washington, D.C. ported to D.C. General Hospital where she was pro­ A male-to-female transgendered person was fa­ nounced dead. tally injured in a traffic accident in Washington, In response to questions raised by eyewitnesses, D.C., on Monday, August 7, 1995. The Washington Hunter's family, friends, and the Washington, D.C. Post identified Tyrone Michael Hunter as 24 years activist group CLOY (Gays and Lesbians Opposing old and a "transvestite." Hunter's friends stated she Violence), Chief Otis Latin of the D.C. Fire Depart­ liked to be called Tyra, and had lived full-time as a ment held a meeting in his office on August 11, which \VOman since she was 14. Hunter worked as a hair­ resulted in no immediate action. CLOY issued a dresser and was well-liked in her neighborhood. press release demanding an independent investiga­ Tyra Hunter was a passenger in a car when it was tion, suspension of the D.C. Fire Department per­ hit broadside in the middle of an intersection in sonnel involved, and diversity and sensitivity training Southeast Washington by another car at a four-way for the D.C. Fire Department. stop. Tyra and the car's driver were both pulled from The D.C. Fire Department announced it is con­ the demolished car by neighborhood residents. Ten tinuing its investigation while refusing further com­ minutes later, D.C. Fire Department personnel ar­ ment. A gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender task rived on the scene. As a crowd of people gathered force, Together In Tyra's Memonj, formed to take around the scene, a male fire-fighter began treating additional action. The group is composed of: CLOY; Hunter for her injuries, until he cut open her pant the D.C. Coalition of Black Gay Men, Lesbians and leg and saw male genitalia. Bisexuals; the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against At that point, according to eyewitnesses quoted in Defamation of the National Capital Area (GLAAD­ both The Washington Post and Th e Washington NCA); Capital City National Organization for Blade, the firefighter stood up and backed away from Women (CapCity NOW), Log Cabin Club Republi­ the victim. One witness quoted him as saying, 'This cans - DC Chapter; the Gay and Lesbian Activists Al­ ain't no bitch," as he began joking with the other fire liance (GLAA), Queer Nation; and Transgender Na­ department personnel at the scene. Another \.vitness tion of Washington, DC; with the assistance of the at the scene heard one of the firefighters say, "Look, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National it's got a cock and balls." Other \.vitnesses also re­ NOW, Todd Moseley of ANC-1C(06) and GLAAD's ported that as Hunter lay injured, bleeding and gasp­ National Field Director, Donna Red Wing. Addi­ ing for breath, her treatment was temporarily discon­ tional transgendered groups endorsing the Together tinued while the firefighters made jokes about her. In Tyra's Memon; coalition include the Washington­ After people at the scene began complaining about Baltimore Alliance, Tran°Quility, the Transgender the cessation of her treatment, the other firefighters Support Group of Baltimore, and It's Time, Mary­ resumed treatment of Hunter. She was later trans- land! A meeting is planned with Chief Latin. continued on 71age 18 Cal I For Scholarly Papers are no set criteria concerning topics but the papers If you are a scholar whose area of expertise is should examine the transgender movement or trans­ transgenderism, you may be interested in submit­ genderism at a societal level. Papers must be origi­ ting a paper for a session that will be held at the nal pieces of scholarly work and must be submitted North Central Sociological Associations' annual before October 30, 1995. You can contact Emilio L. meeting April 12 through 14th, 1996 in Cincinnati, Lombardi at the Department of Sociology, U niver­ Ohio. Emilio L. Lombardi of the Department of sity of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44325-1905. His phone Sociology at the University of Akron is the man to number is 216-972-5358 and he can be reached by contact if you would like to present a paper. There email at <[email protected]>. Renaissance News & Views, Vol. 9, No . 9 ~ Chapter & Affiliate Information ~ Clrnph.•n Atlanta: Atlanta Gender Explora­ © 1995, Renaissance Education Asso­ tions (A.G.E.), PO Box 77562, Atlanta, ciation, Inc., 987 Old Eagle School Delaware GA 30357, 404-939-2128. Rd., Suite 719, \l'layne, Pa. 19087. Phone: 610-915-9119 Wilmington, Delaware: meets Louisiana second Saturday of each month. Write New Orleans; The Gulf Gender $2 per issue, $16 per year (12 issues). for info to: PO Box 5656, Wilmington, Alliance, PO Box 870213, New Or­ Back issues are available for $2 per DE 19808 or call 302-995-1396. leans, LA 70187-1300. copy plus $0.52 postage and handling. Send check or M.O. to the above ad­ New Jersey Maryland dress, attention: Beth Marshall. South Jersey/Shore Area: Write An affiliate is forming in the Editor-in-Chief Renaissance South Jersey, Box 189, Baltimore area. Write Tran°Quility, Angela Gardner Mays Landing, NJ, 08330. Meets first clo Colleen N. Harper, 3044 Abell Contributing Editors Saturday of the month at the Atlantic Ave., Baltimore, MD, 21218-3912. Dina Amberle Mental Health Center, 2002 Black JoAnn Roberts Horse Pike, McKee City. Doors open New Jersey Layout 7PM. Call 609-641-3782 for details. N. Central Jersey: Monmouth/ Creative Design Services Pennsylvania Ocean Trans Gender, (MOTG), write Distribution PO Box 8243, Red Bank, NJ 07701 or Rachel & Beth Marshall Greater Philadelphia: Write Re­ call 908-219-9094. Business Manager naissance GPC, 987 Old Eagle School Barbara Schwarz Rd., Suite 719, Wayne, Pa. 19087. New York Meets third Saturday of the month in Manhattan: Metropolitan Gender Articles, opinion pieces, and letters to the King of Prussia. Doors open 8 p.m. all Network (MGN), write 561 Hudson editor are always welcome. Ideas for ar­ ticles and opinion piec?es should be sent to year 'round. Call 610-975-9119 for in­ St., Box 45, New York, NY 10014, or our editorial office care of Renaissance, formation. call 201-794-1665, Ext. 332. PO Box 530, Bensalem, Pa. 19020-0530. Lower Susquehanna Valley: Long Island: New York GIRL & Or use email to <[email protected]>. Write Renaissance LSV, Box 2122 Partners , PO Box 456, Centereach, NY Complimentary and irate letters to the editor may be sent to the same address. Harrisburg, PA 17105. Meets on the 11720, Call 516-732-5115 for info. first Saturday of the month. Call 717- Renaiuance is a SOl[c)[3] non-profit orga­ 780-lLSV (780-1578) for location and Oklahoma nization providing education and support meeting times. Central Oklahoma: Sooner Diver­ to the transgender community and the general public. sity, part of the Central Oklahoma .\fliliales Transgender Alliance (COTA). Con­ tact, Rachel Rudnick, P.O. Box 575, Local Calendar September California Norman, OK 73070. 2 Ren. South Jersey Burbank area: Powder Puffs of Cali­ Pennsylvania 2 Ren. LSV meeting fornia, PO Box 1088, Yorba Linda, 9 Ren. Delaware Lehigh Valley/Pocono area: CA92686, or email to <[email protected]> 9 NEPTGA, Allentown Northeastern Pa. Transgender Alli­ 14-17 Paradise In The Poconos Connecticut ance, NEPTGA, meetings on the sec­ 16 Ren. GPC ond Saturday of the month in the Bridgeport/New Haven area: 23 Balto. Affiliate connecticu1View, c/o Denise Mason, Allentown area. Call for directions and more information, 610-821-2955. PO Box 2281, Devon, CT 06460. October Monthly newsletter and activities. 7 Ren. South Jersey Interested in having your group 7 Ren. LSV meeting Georgia join the Renaissance family? Write 7 Ren. Delaware to Co-director of Outreach/Com­ Atlanta: The American Educational 7 NEPTGA, Allentown munity Relations at the Wayne ad­ Gender Information Service (AEGIS), 14 Ren. GPC dress above or send email to PO Box 33724, Decatur, GA 30033- 21 Balto. Affiliate 0724 or call 404-939-0244, or email to <[email protected]>. <[email protected]>. Informa­ tion resources & referrals. Renaissance News & Views, Vol. 9, No. 9 Attack Of The Drag Cowgirls A while ago I mentioned the Cow­ boy LaCage Club in Nashville. Marisa Richmond, the lovely leader of th e Tennessee Vais, has fil ed a repo1t on how the club is doing. According to her, their March opening was delayed till June, but despite the late stait they're packing th em in. The place is located in downtown ashville at the corner of 4th and Broadway and it's ca­ tering to the tourist trade. The hefty $15.75 cover charge keeps the locals out till Sunday nights when they have a "Local Yokel" special that gets you in at two-for-one with a Tennessee ID. September already? Where'd the in the last issue. Miss Bamvil was talk­ overly humid, hurricane plagued, long ing about her gown made of "slipper" The club does three shows nightly; hot summer go? I didn't stop dressing satin. I thought she had mistyped and I at 7PM it's Country Legends, 9 PM brings Hot Rock 'n Country and at for the summer but I really started to changed it to "slippery." Oops, sorry. It get annoyed at all the extra planning­ really is "slipper" satin. It's a heavier llPM it's a Celebration. Not all of the "Ok, tonight I'm wearing loose silk grade of our favorite fabric and prob­ acts are musical, even though you'll be pants, not shaving legs and shaving the ably got its name since it was used to treated to the usual country suspects - Dolly, Loretta and Winona, they also arms up to the shoulder so I can wear make slippers first and sexy gowns sec­ include drag comedy acts.
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