AÄÄç½ RÖÊÙã 2011-12 M®Ä®ÝãÙù Ê¥ M®ÄÝ GÊòÙÄÃÄã Ê¥ IÄ® M®Ä®ÝãÙù Ê¥ M®ÄÝ Web Site Addresses: Ministry of Mines - hƩ p://mines.gov.in Geological Survey of India - www.portal.gsi.gov.in Indian Bureau of Mines - www.ibm.nic.in NaƟ onal Aluminium Company Limited - www.nalcoindia.com Hindustan Copper Limited - www.hindustancopper.com Mineral ExploraƟ on CorporaƟ on Limited - www.meclindia.com Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development - www.jnarddc.gov.in and Design Centre NaƟ onal InsƟ tute of Rock Mechanics - www.nirm.gov.in NaƟ onal InsƟ tute of Miners Health - www.nimh.gov.in Non- Ferrous Technology Development Centre - www.nŌ dc.res.in Centre for Techno Economic Mineral - www.c.tempo.org Policy OpƟ ons (C-Tempo) CÊÄãÄãÝ CChapterhapter 1 HHIGHLIGHTSIGHLIGHTS OOFF 22011-12011-12 0011 CChapterhapter 2 MMINISTRYINISTRY ININ BRIEF-ROLEBRIEF-ROLE ANDAND ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATION OOFF TTHEHE MMINISTRYINISTRY 1133 CChapterhapter 3 MMINERALINERAL ANDAND METALMETAL SCENARIOSCENARIO 1919 CChapterhapter 4 MMININGINING POLICYPOLICY ANDAND LEGISLATIONLEGISLATION 5555 CChapterhapter 5 MMINERALINERAL CONCESSIONCONCESSION SYSTEMSYSTEM 6969 CChapterhapter 6 RROYALTYOYALTY 7755 CChapterhapter 7 IINTERNATIONALNTERNATIONAL COOPERATION,COOPERATION, TTRADERADE ANDAND IINVESTMENTNVESTMENT PPROMOTIONROMOTION 7799 CChapterhapter 8 GGEOLOGICALEOLOGICAL SSURVEYURVEY OOFF IINDIANDIA ((GSI)GSI) 8899 CChapterhapter 9 IINDIANNDIAN BUREAUBUREAU OFOF MINESMINES (IBM)(IBM) 137137 CChapterhapter 1100 NNATIONALATIONAL ALUMINIUMALUMINIUM COMPANYCOMPANY LIMITEDLIMITED (NALCO)(NALCO) 115151 CChapterhapter 1111 HHINDUSTANINDUSTAN CCOPPEROPPER LIMITEDLIMITED (HCL)(HCL) 116767 CChapterhapter 1122 MMINERALINERAL EXPLORATIONEXPLORATION CORPORATIONCORPORATION LIMITEDLIMITED (MECL)(MECL) 117575 CChapterhapter 1133 SSCIENCECIENCE ANDAND TECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGY 118585 CChapterhapter 1144 SSUSTAINABLEUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORKFRAMEWORK FORFOR THETHE MININGMINING SSECTORECTOR ANDAND CORPORATECORPORATE SOCIALSOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYRESPONSIBILITY 220101 CChapterhapter 1155 WWELFAREELFARE MMEASURESEASURES 221515 CChapterhapter 1166 PPROGRESSIVEROGRESSIVE UUSESE OOFF HHINDIINDI 222727 CChapterhapter 1177 DDEVELOPMENTEVELOPMENT OFOF MMINERALSINERALS ININ NNORTHORTH EEASTERNASTERN REGIONREGION 223535 AAnnexuresnnexures 224747 22.1.1 OOrganizationalrganizational CCharthart ooff MinistryMinistry ooff MMinesines 33.1.1 PProductionroduction ooff SSelectedelected MMinerals,inerals, 22007-08007-08 ttoo 22011-12011-12 33.2.2 EExportsxports ooff OOresres & MMinerals,inerals, 22006-07006-07 ttoo 22010-11010-11 33.3.3 IImportsmports ooff OresOres & MMinerals,inerals, 22006-07006-07 ttoo 22010-11010-11 33.4.4 DDistributionistribution ooff MMinesines bbyy ssizeize ((StatewiseStatewise MMajorajor MMineralineral oonlynly eexcludingxcluding CCoal)oal) ((AsAs oonn 331.03.2010)1.03.2010) 33.5.5 RReserves/Resourceseserves/Resources ooff MMineralsinerals iinn IIndiandia aass oonn 1sstt AApril,pril, 22010010 33.6.6 CContributionontribution aandnd RRankank ofof IIndiandia inin WorldWorld PProductionroduction ofof PPrincipalrincipal MMineralsinerals & MMetalsetals 33.7.7 DDegreeegree ooff SSelf-sufficiencyelf-sufficiency iinn PPrincipalrincipal MMineralsinerals & MMetals,etals, 22009-10009-10 55.1.1 SStatustatus ooff ReconnaissanceReconnaissance PPermitermit ((RP)RP) pproposalsroposals dduringuring tthehe pperioderiod 11.4.2011.4.2011 ttoo 331.12.20111.12.2011 55.2.2 SStatustatus ooff ProspectingProspecting LLicensesicenses ((PL)PL) pproposalsroposals dduringuring tthehe pperioderiod ffromrom 11.4.2011.4.2011 toto 331.12.20111.12.2011 55.3.3 SStatustatus ooff MiningMining LLeaseease ((ML)ML) pproposalsroposals dduringuring tthehe pperioderiod ffromrom 11.4.2011.4.2011 toto 331.12.20111.12.2011 66.1.1 EExistingxisting RRatesates ooff RRoyaltyoyalty ooff SSomeome IImportantmportant IIndustrialndustrial UUsese MMineralsinerals 77.1.1 EExportsxports ooff MMetalsetals aandnd AAlloys,lloys, 22006-07006-07 toto 2010-112010-11 77.2.2 IImportsmports ooff MetalsMetals andand Alloys,Alloys, 22006-07006-07 toto 2010-112010-11 77.3.3 SSectorwiseectorwise DDespatchesespatches ooff IIronron OOrere fforor DDomesticomestic CConsumptiononsumption andand ExportExport iinn 22011-12011-12 (April(April toto AugustAugust 22011)011) 77.4.4 DDataata ExportExport ooff IronIron OOrere dduringuring tthehe yyearear 22009-10009-10 andand 2010-112010-11 77.5.5 DDataata ImportImport ofof IronIron OreOre duringduring tthehe yearyear 22009-10009-10 andand 2010-112010-11 88.1.1 FFinancialinancial PPerformanceerformance ooff GGSISI aagainstgainst tthehe aapprovedpproved pplanlan ooutlayutlay dduringuring 22007-08,007-08, 2008-09,2008-09, 2009-10,2009-10, 2010-11,2010-11, 2011-20122011-2012 88.2.2 TTargetarget vvs.s. AAchievementchievement dduringuring tthehe LLastast TThreehree YYearsears ((2009-12)2009-12) ooff XXII PPlanlan ((2007-12)2007-12) ofof GGeologicaleological SurveySurvey ooff IIndiandia 88.3.3 FFreeree DDataata PPolicyolicy ooff 55thth JJune,une, 22009009 99.1.1 PPrincipalrincipal vviolationsiolations ooff MMCDR,CDR, 11988988 ddetectedetected bbyy IIBMBM dduringuring 22011-12011-12 (up(up ttoo DDecember,ecember, 22011)011) 99.2.2 SStatustatus ooff MiningMining LLeaseseases iinn tthehe CCountryountry iinn rrespectespect ooff sscheduledcheduled mmineralsinerals 99.3.3 SState-wisetate-wise MMiningining PPlanslans / SSchemeschemes ooff MMiningining / FFinalinal MMineine CClosurelosure PPlanslans aapprovedpproved BByy IIBMBM dduringuring 22011-12011-12 ((upup ttoo DDecemberecember 22011)011) 99.4.4 DDetailsetails oonn MModificationodification ofof MMiningining PPlanslans / SSchemeschemes ooff MMiningining 99.5.5 SState-wisetate-wise NNumberumber ooff MMinesines WWorkingorking oonn DDeemedeemed EExtensionxtension aass oonn DDecemberecember 22011011 99.6.6 SStatustatus ooff ReconnaissanceReconnaissance PPermitsermits iinn IIndiandia aass oonn 331.12.20111.12.2011 99.7.7 SStatustatus ooff ProspectingProspecting LLicencesicences iinn IIndiandia aass oonn 331.12.20111.12.2011 99.8.8 RReturneturn oonn IIllegalllegal MMiningining ((MajorMajor MMinerals)inerals) fforor tthehe yyearear 22011-12011-12 (upto(upto SSeptembereptember 22011)011) 99.8(A).8(A) RReturneturn oonn IIllegalllegal MMiningining ((MinorMinor MMinerals)inerals) fforor tthehe yyearear 22011-12011-12 (upto(upto SSeptembereptember 22011)011) 115.15.1 RRTITI AApplicationpplication / RequestRequest SStatustatus ((1st1st April,April, 22011011 toto 331st1st DDecember,ecember, 22011)011) 115.25.2 RRTITI AAppealppeal SStatustatus (1st(1st April,April, 22011011 toto 31st31st December,December, 2011)2011) 115.35.3 CCICIC 2nd2nd AppealAppeal StatusStatus (1st(1st April,April, 20112011 toto 31st31st December,December, 2011)2011) 1166 SStatementtatement sshowinghowing ppendingending AAuditudit PParaara iinn tthehe MMinistryinistry 1 HHighlightsighlights ooff 22011-2012011-2012 NNEWEW LLEGISLATIONEGISLATION Committee on Coal and Steel are awaited. NNewew MMinesines aandnd MMineralsinerals ((DevelopmentDevelopment aandnd RRegulation)egulation) BBill,ill, 22011.011. NNationalational GeoscienceGeoscience AAwardswards - 22010010 1.1 The Mines and Minerals 1.2 To honour geoscientists for their (Development and Regulation) Bill, outstanding contribution in the field of 2011, prepared by the Ministry to mineral discovery, exploration, mining H HIGHLIGHTS OF 2011-2012 I replace the existing Mines and Minerals and applied geosciences, the Ministry G (Development and Regulation) Act, of Mines has expanded the National H L 1957 approved by the Cabinet and the Mineral Award Scheme instituted in 1966 I and renamed it as ““NationalNational GGeoscienceeoscience G Bill has been introduced in Lok Sabha H th on 12 December, 2011. The Bill has AAward”ward” Scheme from 2009. The T been prepared after several rounds selection of awardees is the outcome S of consultation and workshop with all of rigorous mechanism of scrutiny O Stakeholders. The Bill seeks a complete and evaluation undertaken by the F and holistic reform in the mining sector various members of expert committee 2 with provisions to address issues constituted by the Ministry under the 0 1 relating to sustainable mining and local Chairmanship of Secretary (Mines). 1 - area development, benefit sharing 2 mechanism to the people affected 0 by mining operations. The Bill, also, 1 2 aims to ensure transparency, equity, elimination of discretions, effective redressal and regulatory mechanisms along with incentives encouraging good mining practices, which will also lead to technology absorption and exploitation of deep seated minerals. The Bill has been referred to Standing Committee th Mrs. Meera Kumar, Hon’ble Speeker of Lok Sabha on Coal & Steel on 5 January, 2012 and conferring National GeoScience Award 2010 on 16th the recommendations of the Standing February, 2012 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Annual Report 2011-12 1 2 1 0 2 - 1 1 Shri Dinsha Patel, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Mines, with National Geoscience Awardees 0 2010 at the presentation ceremony held on February 16, 2012 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. 2 F O 1.3 Forty Three (43) Geoscientists and S SStrategictrategic PPlanlan fforor MMinistryinistry ooff MMinesines T Engineers were selected for ‘National H Geoscince Awards-2010. Hon’ble 1.4 The Ministry of Mines has G finalised a detailed Strategic Plan I Speaker of Lok Sabha Smt. Meira Kumar L conferred the awards in a function held document “Unlocking the Potential of H on 16th February 2012 at
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