China National Human Development Report Special Edition In Pursuit of a More Sustainable Future for All: China’s Historic Transformation over Four Decades of Human Development This report is a collaboration between United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the China Institute for Development Planning at Tsinghua University, and the State Information Center China Publishing Group Corporation China Translation & Publishing House F OREWORD Foreword 1 his Special Edition of the China egory to the high human development TNational Human Development Report category since UNDP first began analyzing marks multiple anniversaries: the 70th global HDI trends in 1990. anniversary of the founding of the People’s China already had higher social indicators Republic of China, the 40th anniversary of than the norm amongst low-income coun- China’s Reform and Opening Up, the 40th tries at the beginning of its Reform and anniversary of UNDP and UN’s presence Opening Up period due to the implemen- in China as well as the 20th anniversary tation of widespread basic health care and of the production of National Human education. The reforms that began in 1978 Development Reports in China. resulted in rapid economic development, China has made extraordinary strides in which further propelled the improve- human development from its founding in ment of social indicators. By 2000, the era 1949 and especially since the beginning of economic scarcity was effectively over of the Reform and Opening Up. China’s and the government shifted its focus to Human Development Index (HDI) value address scarcities in other areas incorpo- increased from 0.410 in 1978 to 0.752 in rating social and ecological development. 2017. It is the only country to have moved The goal set in 2002 of achieving an “all- from the low human development cat- round moderately prosperous”(Xiaokang) i F OREWORD society by 2020 is well within reach. vestment, urbanization, housing and pov- erty alleviation. However, post 2020, complex challenges remain towards realizing the 2030 Agenda The Report identifies the next steps and and the Sustainable Development Goals institutional reforms needed to further (SDGs), such as inequality, the rural-urban advance China’s human development divide, regional divides and environmen- through improving environmental sus- tal degradation and pollution. Slower tainability, enhancing the quality of public economic growth, the demographic chal- services, improving both the quality and lenges of an aging population and rising sustainability of economic development international tensions coupled with higher and addressing economic and other types expectations from the public for a better of inequality. life, are all contributing to greater com- The concept of human development has plexity in navigating the next stage of Chi- always been about enlarging people’s na’s development. choices, advancing human well-being and This special edition report comprehen- expanding the richness of human lives. sively examines China’s national and local UNDP has witnessed and supported Chi- level changes throughout the Reform and na’s rapid development over the past 40 Opening Up period. It examines the re- years. As the pioneering agency advanc- forms, which helped achieve the rapid rise ing the concept of human development, in its HDI values from the earliest reforms UNDP continues to expand the theoretical of agricultural production, the establish- underpinnings of the HDI by adding oth- ment of a market based economy to the er critical dimensions such as gender or ongoing reforms in education, health and multidimensional poverty. UNDP will con- other public services. Several lessons are tinue to support China’s strategic vision of drawn from China’s approach to reform “human-oriented development” not only such as the importance of allowing for through specific projects, but also by help- local experimentation, the importance of ing to inform solutions to tackle the new gradual progress, and the significance of frontiers in its development pathway-in- consistent guidance on reform objectives cluding challenges related to an aging so- by the leadership. Case studies illustrate ciety, maintaining the ecological balance, specific reform measures such as the decreasing inequality as well as the fourth establishment of the household respon- industrial revolution, the role of artificial sibility system, the creation of township intelligence, etc.–from a human develop- and village enterprises, the restructuring ment perspective. of State-owned Enterprises, as well as This report is collaboratively produced reforms in areas such as infrastructure in- ii F by UNDP, the China Institute for Develop- this report, Phoenix TV, together with oth- OREWORD ment Planning at Tsinghua University, and er donors such as the Peace and Develop- the State Information Center of China. It ment Foundation, and National Social Sci- was compiled by a distinguished team of ence Fund of China, for their contributions experts. I would like to extend my sincere to this study. thanks and warmest congratulations to I hope that this National Human Develop- the members of the research team for ment Report Special Edition will not only their outstanding work, and to the many help the world to better understand the colleagues in the United Nations System in human development context and experi- China who provided valuable insights and ence in China, but can also contribute to assistance. strategies and policies that will take sus- I would also like to take this opportunity tainable human development in China to to express my appreciation to the main the next level. financing and communication partner of Beate Trankmann Resident Representative UNDP China iii F OREWORD iv F OREWORD Foreword 2 hina has achieved extraordinary Next year, China will complete building a Cdevelopment since the founding moderate well-off society in all respects of People’s Republic of China 70 years and thus achieve its first centennial de- ago, and the launch of the Reform and velopment goal. After that, the country Opening Up more than 40 years ago. From will build up upon its momentum and the beginning of the Reform and Opening embark on a new journey to building an Up to date, 740 million people has been all-round modern socialist country and lifted out of poverty, taking up more than march toward the second centennial 70% of the total population lifted out of goal. At the vital historical juncture of the poverty worldwide. It is an unprecedented two centennial goals, it is necessary to development achievement. In the reflect on the significant achievements meantime of rapidly increasing national in human development made by China income, significant improvement is also since the Reform and Opening Up, and seen per capita years of education and summarize policy experiences that drove life expectancy in China. At present, China human development. Strategies to ad- has become an upper-middle-income dress challenges for continuing human country and has a high level of human development in China need to be dis- development. cussed. v F OREWORD Development conditions in China have and provide more equal public services in undergone profound changes. Firstly, the greater quantity and quality. Furthermore, principal contradiction in Chinese socie- it is important to promote sustainable de- ty has transformed to that between the velopment and provide more high-qual- ever-growing needs of the people for a ity ecological products to create inviting better life and unbalanced and insuffiicent landscape, clear water, and fresh air for the development. Economic development people. will not naturally lead to human develop- China Institute for Development Planning ment. Balancing between the economic (CIDP) at Tsinghua University is a high-end development, human development, and think tank following a high-level, open and sustainable development, or the “three de- forward-looking orientation. On the occa- velopments”, is the key to addressing the sion marking the 70th anniversary of the unbalanced and insuffiicent development founding of the People’s Republic of China, in China. Secondly, China’s economy has CIDP released China Human Development been transitioning from a phase of rapid Report Special Edition partnered with the growth to a stage of high-quality develop- United Nations Development Programme ment. High-quality development focuses and the State Information Center. The re- not only on the economic sphere, but also port not only enriches the global human on high-quality human and sustainable development knowledge system, but also development. It is necessary to maintain provide experience for other developing stable economic growth to provide more countries to advance sustainable human and better agricultural, industrial, and ser- vice products. In additon, actions should development. be taken to promote human development, Yang Weimin Dean China Institute for Development Planning Tsinghua University vi F OREWORD Foreword 3 019 marks the 70th anniversary of the been constantly created, the employment 2founding of New China. Over the past structure has been gradually improved, the 70 years, under the strong leadership of incomes of urban and rural residents have the Communist Party of China and the increased significantly, and consumption unremitting efforts of the people across has improved markedly. The quality of life the nation, China has created miracles in has improved significantly, and the social rapid economic development and
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