Vol. XXI OCTOBER,1928 No. 4 :\. S. B \ Ri...1, , · ( Dirwtur) l .\1111, .\ ! " · 1101 1, (ha · 111,;;TR, Sau Pnlro . l "ali 10111::1 Wanted-A Slogaf ~ ( Sl'c p:IJ.:l"•J) / 20 Centa Per Copy PUILUH!O IT ff . P. ODELL COMPANY ! 2.00 Per Yea r COPYf.lCHT 19:zl- ALL RICUTS IU!Sf.11.\'EO INTE UD Al IECOND Cl.AU MATTH JUNE 9, 1909, AT nt .l POST OFF1C! AT BOITOS. •u suc 11u11rr n. c suu AC1 nF . , ,u c 11 }, 1 87 0 Th, CRESCF.NDO TH E 1:-.GF.XUF.s, for mcrl)' with Zie gfe ld Folli es, Mu sic Renn .· (Co urt rsy <1{ r1 •9fl Co,} SOUTI-IERXM ELODYB o \ 'S (Co urlrs,, of Gihso11 Co.) L A:-.DF.:-.'IIERGERS RA:""J n BAxn, 1\·rl.:asic, Pa. J OH N AASON , Nonvc gian Giant JERR Y RI CHARDS L EON W ARREN fe:itur ed with Harold Lloyd National Broadcastin g-Co. Popular banjoist at Yale U niversity (Co urltS}' Sou th tr11 Calif. A1usir C o.) (Co urt uy of U 'urli tr.rr Co.) PL!A S! MllN T ION Tl, , CRESCENDO WHEW WRITIN G TO AOVEIITISl!lS October , 1928 Th, CRESCENDO ( 1 J The tunes you have been waiting for "FEIST" Popular Hits No. 8 for FRETTED INSTRUMENTS .,) MANDOLIN HAWAilAN GUITAR TENOR-BANJO SOLO Solo and arcomflani,ru nt So1;,,a::,~!~f°'o with r19ular 9uilar acc. in ont bool PRICE $1.00 PRICE $1.00 PRICE $ 1.00 [> Playable as Solos, Duets or any combination of the abov e part s <I CONTENTS My Ohio Home Ramona Chiquita A II parts art in the You 're a Real Sweetheart Th u e books art for same ity, so they can Baby Your Mother sale only i n U . S. A. Coquette be ftlaytd togd her. Lonesome In the Moonlight and Canada - - - - Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Mc 1f I Can't Have You I'm Wingin' Home She's Got 0 11'" There Must Be a Silver Lining That's My Mammy Too Busy When You're With Sombody Else 214-16-18 East l◄ tq Str u t Wm.J. Smith Music Company, Inc.NEW YORK CITY PL&AH wurn o N Tiu CRESCEND O- WHUf wamw o TO ADVH. TI 5U I ( 2] The-CRESCENDO October, 1928 Jacobs' Collections .for Banjoists C ~~~;~~L~~l~~~~ VOLUlilE 1 VOLUME 2 J ust. Salli• , ••• , , • , . , . , . • Sons Fo:11-Trot Sunny Smile .. , • , • , • , • , , Sons Fo:,;-Trot FSylns Cloud •... , •••• · •••, March On Dut7 •.••...•• . ••.•••• ... ,. Marc h J un,8- .. .. .. .. , . •... .• Walta When You R.ttum . , , , • , • Son• Fox-Trot ~1sii~~~~::·.::"So~~ti~::] Dre am• ot ToJ,land . • . • • . D&J1oe Capri ce Vera ..• . • .. •• . • . •.• ,, • .. • . •• , Walta JACOBS' ENSEMBLE for TENOR and PLECTRID,J BANJOS AD LIB »arta for A.LL band uid 1rcbnlra ln ■ b"amuita. Fourteen of the moat l)Opu\a r Jata American cop7r lahta In th e .Tacobll eataloa. ThrN booQ : T enor Ban jo Solo, Plectrum Banjo 1 r::::.~.!!i1~0~::i:::l:;~ ~~~:ti-:FiE=~ ·::/i!:ni.Je:i UipaC:~~1:1'; CONTENTS ~~1:!~~~\i,~~:. ·.·. ·.: ·.·. •. 1: t Weldt V. M. AC. R.S n ee- arch ... , • A. J . lfarchNonl ty Cl nlah Serenade , R. -Calop ., . .••. PRICES- .£11.CH BOOK Tenor BanJo Solo .... ..... ti0cnc t An,-Or chewtra or Band P lectru m Banjo Solo l utrumen t . ,.li0cnet With Tenor DanJo Chord.I . •.. \ t.ocn cl Pla no Part . •• . ..• $1.00 net WE ID T ' S _ JA CO BS ' Tenor Banjo Collection Five-String Banjo Collection 5 VOLUMES 10 VOLUMES Thouu.nU of teachen In C notatJoa-wlth cultar an d J)lano aceoml)an lmu1L ual nc thla tamou. Weldt <ba.racterlatJc tMuijo muala tha t appea l1 to playen and ftft.eenCC1111P01itiona.b:, llirtenen. Volwne■ l to a ln chal. .. , ftmnir play ln &: compoaera. all an,i.nced .olu me. i and 10, plec:t.nnn p)aylnc, ter-mel od,-, e.. CONTENTS-VOL. 10 CONTENTS-VOL. li •::.".' .'.' .'.' Ar.r'. •a.~E HJ~~ •·•••••• · ·••••••• .• Kata Dolb:, .. .......... Geora-a L. Cobb Marcia , •• , •• Th oa.. 8. Allan if.;~~?~:~JT:;'.:;;;;;>}1,1-~0~)_'._W~b ' (n!a:) Croab,- Da:,I ••.• • , ••••••.• . Cobb Al'l' , W.t ter J acot. ••...• . • .. • , •••• , • . • All en d Two-Step . • Anthon:, 8. Brull nade •••••• .••. , ••• Smith • • ·· ••···••·•••·• · · A, J ,We ldt ••..• . .• , • . , •.•• . All en ., • .. • .•. •. , •••• . • , A. J. W ddt Dance •••• •. • ••. Wddt ••••• , • , • . , • . • Norman Ldirh .••••.•••...•• . ••• Shattuck UonaJD anC9 (WlenlaWlkJ) .•..•... ...• . .• . •• .• ••..• Weld t Al'"l', R. E. ffild reth 8:ii~~1~:~~:~.:-i=~C:-.::: ::~.: ~~)6';!~:=:cji ·:~ii,~lli("i.~.ra-:_iic~! Tenor Banjo Solo 11ic net Plano Aoc, $1.00 net . Banjo Solo 15c Guitar AQCDmp, 11io Plano AccomJ). $1,00 Send for Descriptive Circular and Sample Part s Walter Jacobs, Inc., 120· Boylston Street, Boston Publiabcra of Jacob s' Orchestra Monthly, Jacobs ' Band Monthly, Melody (for Piani sts and Organists) PU:AH MlNTION Tiu CRESCENDO WHlN WUTINC TO ADVUTIHU Th, CRESCENDO ( 3 J © c1s so2The CRESCENDO The oldest and foremost fr etted in strum ent monthly devoted to the interest of the The DRElscH JO- MANDOLIN - GU ITAR ~nd kind«d BAN 1n1t rumc n t1 Combined Founded / T enor-Guit ar 1'l'ith FRETS ADOLPH F. ]OII NSON, Mana ging Editor in Publi shed M onth ly by H. F. ODELL COMPANY Genuine ICa\~~ ,.. - d cl&N l!lltlff, JIIIMIt, 1009. •l Ille l'o,t O!!k9 11 llooton. 11, .... • 11111ttt1heAclofJr, lu-i:h3, 1111 Ma hogany SUBSCRIPTION l United Stain $o.20 $2.oo PRICES C:rn~da .20 2.2s Foreign .25 2.50 Ad.itrli1in9 Ratt s will be un i on .:ipplic:uion. FGrms close on tht 111of c:ich month _for ,thc snccttd ing mo111h'1issue . Rtm itla'!cts shouhl be made by Post Office or E:irpreu Money 1 1 accepted ~;,~.'~n ~':i'~t~'::t,h·:~•:ha~~;10"~!;~~\~rN~,:.a~~rk:h«k1 <;orrt 1Jond ~nrt is_ so1ici1cd from C\'crybody inlcrcstcd in the BanJo, Mand olin, Gmtar, Harp, t ic. \Ve will be pleased to rcceh•e program1 and reports o( concer ts, club an d orchestra news, per wna l note, and music recemly issued. , Wt art ,iot rn po,isiblr for tlit opinions of con t rib✓ors. Add rtss Commu,iicatio,is to tht Edi tor, All Rtmi ttancrs should be m:ule payable to H . P. ODELL COMPANY 157 Co lumbut Avtnue, Bosto n, M.au. BANJOISTS! Vol.X XI October. 1928 No. 4 - a N ew Effect IN Tf/1S ISSUE BEre~~~.!!~st 4h!0T:n!~~Gui\~rca;:1~"1h:!~~1f~ el~~ PAC! today . I t equips th e banjo play er with a brand new \\/h at Gui1ari~1,: ar..-Duing thc \\lnrld Around (\la htl:ih Hiclfnrtl ) 5 T alk Abom Pt~ ( Wahtr Grnnr) . ~~~:' t'!h~\q~~s::pi:i ~, in~lis.}sC1~:.1i~E\~iclN Tenor Guitars (str ung, tuned and _played like :i Tenor- FRETJT ORIAI. S hy 1hc editor . 2;; ~;c~t:~ ~~e. You play \\lamed-a Sln,itan! ::J/;)n~r~:~:~~fi~off~~~~o,:h~ Noic Chan,1tc 4 ~Lit~~~ln~l~tc,\tl; Th is Com;nn s Ynu Arti ~t-qu:ality at decidedly less-t hnn-usua l prices. Bu ilt PROG RAMS OF CONCERTS AND RE't::rr AT.S . of real mahogany. in clear naturnl color; hand rubbe1I THE ROUND TABLE sa ti n finish. Scie ntifi cally blocked nnd br:u_•('(\ for maximum st r ength and ton e. Scale!'! are faultle ss lr a<·­ BAh'Jo 1m'-Frank C. Br:adbury, Cond uctor . cu rate and full 23-inch, profe ssiona l length (JS-fret s). MANDOLINlm'-\Villiam Pl:acc, Jr ., Conduclo r ........... .. 23 FOUR-STR ING STYLES EIGHT -STRI NG MODF.:I.S GUITAIIISTS'-Va hd:ah Ok on-Hickfor d, Conductor ........... 2s No.J-220-Jl•nd rubbNI ptln Oouh le,.1trun,:11nddoubl~toncd finb h. llOM:"'ood 18- fr.t fln,:er- No , J -325-- 1'111ln m11hoi::11n, .. 2 , ••.••.•••••••.••••• $'25.00 MUSIC IN THIS ISSUE ~ti»,'.."ii;u'b'I~. bo,;~l!'t~ No. J -336--Doubl e bound boJJ'; bla ck-a nd•l\'or,eellul old:1 >1!arl pearl Inl aid he1ul-1,lcNr; delu~e Th e T oa~una!>ler, Mar ch- II. F. Och•ll inl1hl hHd•1 1lcc1: l'Hr'W J>eKI nnl ■ h. .131:',.00 •. $30.00 Fir~I Mand olin . Thc.e new Tl'.nOr-Gult are, H well a ■ a completa ■elerl l on o f Pian o ll I ] .iandHd aht-1trln1r Gult 11r1, S1111ni,h or lhw ali11n tunlna. ue m11nufac:tured and 11:u11rant e-ed by - Second Mand olin . .. 14 lhnjo Obliga 10 ,, 1 Gui tar . ,, fororAtl'aey~ Further Jnfonnat■O..c!~~nlon. ·• I• , (O dell Publ ication) FR~~ rP.~ !!klr!~ ~~~~O. I 1 , , • C Susanna-:arr. S. P:1pH T ell me mor11 about GRETSCH Guitar ■ Hawa iian Guitar Sulo . ,, (Co lumbia ~·11nic Co. Publication) t11rg1-G . F. I-lane.Id. arr. II. F. Odd i Mandola Solo . ,, (O d,11 Publi calion) ,uun ~f!NTION Tiu CRESCENDO WUEN WIIITINCTO ADVl!IIT1!1!115 [4 ] Th, CRESCENDO Oct ober, 1928 Famous Methods for Plectrum Instruments Such arc the World Renowned Stahl Meth od •, wri tt en, compoacd an d co mpil ed by a man of 40 years pro fessio nal ex perie nce as T cac her, Soloist, Composer, Performer and P ubl ishe r-a man, whose rep ­ ut ation is inte rnational. On e who haa m ade the p lect rum ins trum ents hia life atud y an d who knows ' exac tly w·hat he is ta ll:cing ab out.
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