\ Go often to the house of thy friend; for weeds soon choke up the unused path. •oeluar Free Public I hr >. —■Scandinavian ProV&b&a.T ,Neve Jersey ’’ l The Coast Advertiser (established 1893) Fifty-Third Year, No. 16 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 1945 Single Copy Four Cents Faculty Announced 350 PERSONS ATTEND J. A. Mohn New Pres. CONCERT HERE For Belmar School The concert for the benefit of the Al- | Central of N. J. Ry. Orders bert Einstein fund for Jewish refugee Of Bell Telephone Co. Three teachers have been hired by war orphans in Soviet Russia, held in [ J. Allen Mohn has been appointed the Belmar board of education to fill the Hebrew community center last manager for the New Jersey Bell Tele­ the vacancies in the faculty of the Wednesday, attracted more than 350 phone company at Asbury Prak in Belmar grammar school according to persons. Improvements at Belmar place of Harry W. Crawford, manager an announcement made by Mrs. Ella Miss Esther Schatzow, well-known Labor Day . there since 1942 who has been trans­ At Tesday’s meeting of the Bel­ S. Ricketts, supervising principal of soprano along the shore, appeared on WITHOUT LABOR there would not the school. ferred to the staff of the company’s the program accompanied by Helen C. mar Board of Commissioners Mayor- have been a force to resist the enemy Marion S. Cleaver will teach the General Commercial Engineering as EARLY COPY! Hummed. Also appearing was Jacque an engineer. Leon T. Abbott announced that as a. in war, much less conquor him. Such seventh grade; Margaret D. Clayton a flood of strength has been wrought: the third grade and Carrie M Cope_ Margblies, New York, violinist. He was Mohn has been telephone manager Advertisers and contribu­ result of a meeting between repre­ from factories, mines, fields, shops,'land the aub-primary. accompanied by Walter Roberts, also for the last three years at Red Bank, tors are asked to send in sentatives of the Central Railroad of New York. that the war comes to a conclusion as other teachers on the faculty in- early copy for next week of New Jersey regarding the dis­ a just reward. From millions of elude: music superivsor, Della Phillips; Miss Schatzow was heard in the following selections: “Carmena,” “Wir because of the Labor day agreeable condition resulting from hands has come materials needed by domestic arts, Dorothy G. Bush; man- holiday. our military forces—guns, tanks, mu- ual training, Lon Crandall; physical Wandelten,” “Je Disque Rien Ne M’- j dirt and dust arising from incoming nitions, ships, planes. Providing for education, Natallie M. McAllister; Epouvante,” “The Time for Making] trains at the Belmar station, a sat­ the needs and comfort of the fighting ] special class, Rutn Van Gelder; grade Song Has Come,” “Jewel Song,” and isfactory arrangement had been: man, labor has taken care of the c i-' eight, Belle W. Pearce and Dorothy Yours Is My Heart Alone.” Mr. Mar- j BOX LUNCHEON GIVEN agreed upon. viiian here at home as well as our al- Villapiano; grade seven, Marie Kelly; golies played “Partite in E Minor” BY WOMAN'S CLUB The railway company has asked the lies overseas. Labor is honored for grade six, Goldie Megill and Dorothy and “Concerto No. 1 in D Major.” A box luncheon was given Friday borough to correct the roadbed making a peace possible. Labor has a Patterson; grade five, Ann Wyckoff State Sen. Haydn Proctor, Asbury by the garden department of the Bel­ the depot by treating it and making; louder voice than ewer before. Let us j and Edythe C. Martin; grade four, Park, acted as master of ceremonies. mar Woman’s club at the home of such other repairs as is found nec­ hope and pray that it has the leader- Dorothy P. Daniels and Elizabeth Speakers included Rabbi Julius No- Mrs. Charles Heyniger, 1005 Thir­ essary. This work will include treat­ ship void of greed and strong enough Heyniger; grade three, Martha f)ow- vack, Belmar, and Rabbi Meyer Coh­ teenth avenue. Plans were made for ing the track bed between Eighth and to guide the masses in a wise and just; ney; grade two, Eleanor Miller and en, Asbury Park. a flower show to be held Sept. 14. Tenth avenues. Payment for the work manner. j Norma Patterson; grade one, Hilda Contributions from the audience to The first fall meeting will be held at aid the refugee orphans amounted to will be borne by the Jersey Central r ' • M- Berne and Helen D. Laehder; and the clubhouse Sept. 7 with Mrs. Eliza railroad, upon receipt of a bill for vJICi . sub-primary, Anna M. Cubbon. $400. Growing Stephenson, home demonstration' ag­ same after completion of the work., IN LAST WEEK’S Outside Column The committee consisted of Abra­ ent for the Jersey Central Power and ham R. Klitzman, chairman; Mrs. bill for same after completion of tha we mentioned the fact that “Growing Light company, Asbury Park, as guest work. Old” was fast becoming a lost art. Philip Poliak, Mrs. Naomi Glickman, speaker. SLOOP BREAKS UP Julius Lasky, Mrs. Mary Friedland, Complaint has been made against Here is another example that people A covered dish luncheon will pre­ Mrs. Clara Zeitz, Mrs. Dora Ast, Mrs. certain taxi drivers who have been have acquired the habit of not grow­ cede the meeting. Mrs. Howard accused of over -charging. This mat­ ing old. Over in Long Branch is ON BELMAR BEACH Anna Glickman, Mrs. Anna Fleckmar Hayes, American home chairman, will and Herman Poliak. ter will be taken up with the drivers man by the name of Harry Blodgett— A 36-foot auxiliary sloop, off Asbury direct the program and Mrs. William at an early date. At the same time known everywhere in Monmouth coun­ Park, sprang a bad leak Sunday and Pinkerton, president, will conduct the inquiry will be made regarding crowd­ ty. His father was a U. S. senator and was towed ashore off Belmar, just J. A. MOHN business session. ing of taxis at the parking grounds at often mayor of the town. Harry was south of the Shark river inlet, by the Belmar Building and the railway station. a railroad man many years. He has coast guards. where he has taken an active part in COUNTY ADDS TO The new roof on the water works just celebrated his 78th birthday. Re­ The boat, the Bateu Ivre, was own­ community affairs as a director of the building is being laid. It was suggested tired? Yes, from railroad work, but by ed by Maj. Howard H. Powell, New Loan Asso. Dividend Red Bank Community Chamber of MUSEUM EXHIBIT that in order to protect the roof, a no means otherwise. He held the title York, who had three passengers with At a regular meeting of the Belmar Commerce, member of the executive Recent acquisitions to the collection t la-dder be constructed that employees of the world’s speed typist champion, board of the Red Bank branch, Red him. The sloop was oh its way from Huilding and Loan association, the of the Monmouth County Historical maV S° over parts of the surface with- an still holds that title so far as we Norfolk, Va., to New York. As the Cross, industrial chairman of the Red association include the following out danger of damaging the roof. directors authorized the retirement in can learn. He keeps busy daily in the boat now lies on the Belmar beach Bank Area War Loan committee, di­ A very fine Sheraton mirror from an Materials are now available that November, of their next installment law office of Solomon Tepper, teaches but little remains of the wrecked hulk. rector of Monmouth County Federa­ old Monmouth county family, present­ work on the new fire alarm signal series amounting to $44,600,00. This typing and shorthand, does public The motor and many belongings of tion, Y.M.C.A., and member of Red ed to the association by Edward C. may be continued. will bring to $2,439,500.00 the total paid stenagraphic work and has just made the crew were lost at sea. The owner Bank Rotary. He was previously man­ Fielder in memory of his wife. A Mr. Goldman, living near the by the association since it was formed extensive plans far into the future. He of the boat, his wife, dog and two ager for the company at Long Branch B. J. Barry, Rumson, has presented Shark River Basin beach, on Route is .always cheerful and optomistic. in 1891, and is the Forty-sixth con­ for nearly eleven years and was ac­ a painting of the Battle of Monmouth 35, was present at the meeting an members of the crew were rescued by secutive series which will have been When the writer asked him regarding a passing fishing boat. tive there also in chamber of com­ which has been hung in the Washing­ praised the commissioners for the ex­ paid without default. A record sur­ the matter of age, he replied that he The vessel had tied up at Manasquan merce and Y.M.C.A work, and in ton room where there are other paint­ cellent cooperation given the residents never even thought about it; in fact passed by few associations of its Rotary which he served as president. of that section of Belmar in providing Sunday, when nothing appeared wrong kind in New Jersey. ings of the battle. There is still some that he did not have time to give it a He began his career in the telephone questio nas to the painter of this spi­ them with extra bathing facilities for with the craft.
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