List of Completed Schemes (PHED) 2010-11 Sr. Cost Name of Scheme District No. Rs. in Million 1 Replacement of Outlived / Old Damage Pipe Lines, Gujrat District Gujrat 9.398 2 Urban Water Supply Scheme Pasrur Sialkot 39.934 3 Water Supply & Sewerage/ Drainage Scheme, Sultan Lahore 18.100 Town. 4 Urban Water Supply & Sewerage / Drainage Scheme, Lahore 17.803 Nawazishabad (Revised) 5 Urban Water Supply Scheme Raiwind (Revised) Lahore 86.623 6 Replacement of Outlived / Old Damaged Pipe Lines Nankana 25.159 Nankana Sahib (Revised) Sahib 7 Replacement of Outlived/Old Damaged Pipe Lines Vehari 42.182 Vehari(Rev.) 8 Ext.&Improvement Urban Water Supply D.G.Khan 453.540 Scheme,D.G.Khan City & Adj.abadies. 9 Urban Water Supply Scheme, Haroonabad B/Nagar 35.586 10 Urban Sewerage/Drainage Scheme Kahuta, District Rawalpindi Rawalpindi. 59.491 11 Laying of RCC Sewer from Sillanwali Road Disposal Sargodha 63.406 Works to Mona Seepage Drain Sargodha City. Urban Drainage Scheme & PCC at UC187 Gujranwala 12 2.121 Urban Drainage Scheme & PCC at UC188/2 Gujranwala 13 2.106 14 Ext: & improvement Urban Sewerage/Drainage Gujranwala Scheme Alipur Chatha. 29.662 15 Urban Sewerage / Drainage Scheme Daska Phase-III, Sialkot District Sialkot 56.670 16 Urban Sewerage Scheme Raiwind, District Lahore Lahore 156.156 17 Revised Urban Sewerage /Drainage Scheme Kot Abdul Sheikhupura 93.782 Malik. 18 Urban Sewerage Scheme Sheikhupura (Phase- Sheikhupura 113.738 II).(Revised) 19 Urban Sewerage Scheme Sangla Hill. Nankana 51.346 Sahib 20 Disposal of Storm Water of Nankana Sahib. Nankana 47.610 Sahib 21 Ext. Sewerage Scheme. Jaranwala Faisalabad 77.732 22 Extension Urban Sewerage Scheme,Sahiwal(Rev.) Sahiwal 102.404 23 Extension and Improvement of Urban Sewerage D.G.Khan 604.079 Scheme D.G.Khan 24 Construction of Drains and Brick tuff tiles and sullage M/Garh 7.200 carrier Basti Ghulam MuhammadPage Mouza 1 of 25Gugray wali mad wala Sr. Cost Name of Scheme District No. Rs. in Million 25 Urban Draiange and Sewerage Scheme Allah Abad, R.Y.Khan 9.647 Tehsil Liaqatpur, Dsitt: R.Y.Khan. Water Supply Scheme Dhoke Kithal and Auroo Kass Rawalpindi 26 1.835 Murree. Water Supply Scheme Manga Village UC Tret Rawalpindi 27 3.995 28 Water Supply Scheme Bewery to Mallot UC Sarwar Rawalpindi Lodge 2.832 29 Water Supply Scheme Nallah Muslimana UC Nallah Rawalpindi Muslimana 0.500 30 Water Supply Scheme Dhoke Subedar Qurban UC Rawalpindi Deberan Kallan 0.200 31 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Village Rawalpindi Sumbal UC Sumbal District Rawalpindi 0.300 32 Construction of Streets / Nullah Shams Colony Ward Rawalpindi No.19 Gujar Khan. 0.000 Construction of Streets Barki Jadeed Gujar Khan. Rawalpindi 33 10.483 Construction of Streets / Nullah Jhanda Gujar Khan Rawalpindi 34 0.000 35 Water Supply Scheme Morgah, Tehsil Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi District Rawalpindi 6.370 Reh: of Rural Water Supply Scheme Jattal Rawalpindi 36 2.517 Rural Water Supply Scheme Noorani Rawalpindi 37 4.852 38 Rehabilitiation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Salar Rawalpindi Garh, Distt. Rawalpindi. 1.400 39 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Lab Rawalpindi Thatho 3.629 40 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme, Punjgran Rawalpindi Kalan, Tehsil Gujar Khan, District Rawalpindi. 5.585 41 Rural Water Supply Scheme at Buch Mandra I/C Rawalpindi Chehari 6.120 Rural Water Supply Scheme Hoon Rawalpindi 42 4.056 43 Rural Drainage Scheme Mahota, Tehsil & District Rawalpindi Rawalpindi 7.440 44 Rural Water Supply & Drainage Scheme Chak Dinar Rawalpindi 8.290 45 Rural water supply & Drainage Scheme Sood Budhana, Rawalpindi R.Pindi. 6.819 46 Rural Drainage Scheme Dhoke Sabri, Mughal Abad & Rawalpindi Mohra Gangal, Tehsil Kallar 6.761 Page 2 of 25 Sr. Cost Name of Scheme District No. Rs. in Million 47 Rural Water Supply & Drainage Scheme Chinan Tehsil Rawalpindi & 2.378 District Rawalpindi 48 Rural Water Supply & Drainage Scheme Mohara Rawalpindi Bakhtau Tehsil 1.881 & District Rawalpindi 49 Rural Water Supply & Drainage Scheme Chappur Rawalpindi Tehsil & District Rawalpindi 6.386 50 Reh. Of Rural Water Supply Scheme Maira kalan Matra Rawalpindi Khurd 10.353 Water Supply Scheme Ranotra Rawalpindi 51 13.445 52 Water Supply Scheme at Ward No.7, Mouza Lowar Rawalpindi Bhunti, Tehsil Murree 0.506 Rural Water Supply Scheme Dhoke Manata. Attock 53 7.466 Reh: of Rural Water Supply Scheme Ratwal Attock 54 3.760 Rehabilitation Water Supply Scheme Dhurnal. Attock 55 5.566 56 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Naka Attock Khurd. 9.815 57 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Shaheen Attock Bagh 5.373 58 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Nathial & Attock 2.091 Rawal 59 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Dhulian Attock 4.349 60 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Sheen Attock 4.711 Pind 61 Rehablilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Jaba Attock 3.941 Tehsil, Jand, Disrtict Attock. 62 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Chauntara Attock 2.882 63 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Scheme Dhoke Attock 4.381 Maki 64 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Singwala. Chakwal 5.464 65 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Chawli. Chakwal 7.533 66 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Dhab Pari Chakwal 4.662 67 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Mari. Chakwal 3.334 68 Provision of Water Supply Scheme Dhoke Ban Amir Chakwal 8.005 Khatoon Page 3 of 25 Sr. Cost Name of Scheme District No. Rs. in Million 69 Rehabilitation of Rural Water Supply Schem Sakriala Chakwal 2.534 Teshil & District Chakwal 70 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Wahali Chakwal 1.534 71 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Taman Chakwal 4.824 72 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Qadir Pur Chakwal 3.980 73 Water Supply Mouza Jora Skasar. Sargodha 10.951 74 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chak No. 47/NB, District Sargodha 19.455 Sargodha. 75 Rural Water Supply Scheme 46/SB District Sargodha. Sargodha 19.562 76 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chak No. 13/ASB Sargodha 1.920 77 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chak No. 60/NB Sargodha 2.553 78 Rural Water Supply Scheme Deawol Sargodha 6.314 79 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chak No. 9/ML Sargodha 6.031 80 Rural Water Supply Scheme Ishtaqlalabad, Sarlgodha Sargodha 9.908 81 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chak No. 113/SB Sargodha 4.300 82 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme, Chak No. Sargodha 5.832 125/SB 83 Rural Water Supply Scheme Sial Sharif Sargodha 1.982 84 Rural Water Supply Scheme Nehang Sargodha 4.120 85 Reh: of Rural Water Supply Scheme Nawab Pur Sargodha 2.616 86 Reh: of Rural Water Supply Scheme Kalra Sargodha 4.442 87 Rural Drainage Scheme Village Dodha Distirct Sargodha 9.990 Sargodha. 88 Rehabilitaion of Rural Water Supply Scheme, Chowi Khushab 4.665 89 Reh:/Imp: of Rural Water Supply Scheme Rangpur Khushab 20.000 Baghoor 90 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chowa Khushab 9.616 91 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Behu Mianwali Sayyanda 3.026 92 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Chappri / Mianwali Chappri Thal 3.045 Page 4 of 25 Sr. Cost Name of Scheme District No. Rs. in Million 93 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Thamey Wall Mianwali 1.200 94 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Bhariunwala Mianwali 4.745 Rural Water Supply Scheme Kundianwala Mianwali 95 4.716 Rural Water Supply Scheme Sandan Wala Mianwali 96 4.046 97 Rural Water Supply Scheme Dera Gul Muhammad Mianwali Kholanwala and other darajats 4.617 98 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Vitnerary Hospital Gujranwala Wazirabad 1.000 99 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Lalzar Colony Gujranwala Wazirabad 1.000 100 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Guru Kotha Gujranwala Wazirabad 1.000 101 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Nizamabad Gujranwala Wazirabad 1.000 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Allahabad Gujranwala 102 1.000 Const: of Water Filtration Plant at Talwara Gujranwala 103 1.000 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Sohdra Gujranwala 104 1.000 Const: of Water Filtration Plant in Dhounkal Gujranwala 105 1.000 Reh: of Rural Water Supply Scheme Wandoo. Gujranwala 106 11.278 Water Supply for village Khattana. Gujrat 107 5.967 108 Rural Water Supply & Extension Drainage Scheme Gujrat Jheeranwali. 16.719 109 Water Supply Scheme Jamoo Boja, U/C 19, Ghakhara Gujrat Kalan 3.822 110 Rural Water Supply & Sewerage Drainage Scheme Gujrat Trikha Kana Tehsil & Dist. Gujrat 5.210 Rural Water Supply Scheme Rajake. Gujrat 111 4.552 Rural Water Supply Scheme Golayke. Gujrat 112 8.752 Rural Water Supply Scheme, Makwal. Gujrat 113 6.847 Rural Water Supply Scheme, Thootha Rai Bahadar. Gujrat 114 8.605 Rural Water Supply Scheme, Nauteh. Gujrat 115 5.571 Water Supply Scheme Mararian, District Gujrat Gujrat 116 6.851 Page 5 of 25 Sr. Cost Name of Scheme District No. Rs. in Million 117 Installation of Tubewell Mohallah Sadhu Dera Chodian Gujrat Jalalpur Jattan 2.183 118 Rural Water & Drainage Supply Scheme Rab Nawaz Sialkot Colony 26.550 119 Installation of Water Supply with Tubewell alongwith Sialkot Distribution Jodaywali Kalan UC Pindi Ariyan 5.795 Rural Water Supply Scheme Dogranwala Sialkot 120 5.600 Rural Water Supply Scheme Wains Sialkot 121 5.720 122 Rehabilitation Rural Water Supply Scheme Ramkay, Sialkot Tehsil Pasrur, Distt Sialkot. 5.000 Ext. Rural Water Supply Scheme Nonar Narowal 123 7.926 124 Rural Water Supply Scheme Sangial, District Narowal. Narowal 5.008 Water Purification Plant Village Jalalpur Narowal 125 0.705 126 Filtration Plant U/C Lala Village Kot Ramzani & Gill Narowal Kalan. 1.410 127 Water Purification Plant Village Sangran (UC Sukho Narowal Chak) 0.705 128 Water Purification Plant Village Anayat Pur (UC Narowal Masroor) 0.705 Water Purification Plant Village Chhahla Narowal 129 0.920 Water Purification Plant Village Fatehpur Kalan Narowal 130 0.705 Water Purification Plant Village Phalwari Narowal 131 0.920 Water Purification Plant Village Chakwal Lalotra Narowal 132 0.705 133 Rural Water Supply Scheme Kamahan Lahore 7.463 134 Rural Water Supply Scheme Satto Katla Lahore 9.994 135 Rehabilitation of Water Supply Scheme Dhakumpura Sheikhupura 14.892 136 Rural Water Supply Scheme Chak No.
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