DETROIT TIMES. JULY 11, 1941 PAGE 17 7 Young Par-Busters SCALLIONS Sarazcn s Match FOR HER Lead Way in State Meet SKIPPER String Hits 47 | Dick Dayne Gets Leads PGA Parade 1 1 #« Ace to Earn Topping Hagen’s IcoUtacdontU 69 SPORTS EDITOR Medal at Mark by 7 ~~7 Tiger s, Yanks play Believe Edward Barrows By M. F. DRt’KENBROD DENVER. Colo.. July 11 With] to BHMBr mM l^pPT a record of 47 winning matches' CHARLEVOIX. July 11.- Seven * in South Persuaded to Wilt BE tjup | > Bk>, A j, already under his now-expanding| Exhibitions par. bus tore, all smooth swinging ¦¦dML t, if i ' m *'.l9t.Mgg s J Trip golfers still in their twenties belt. Gene Sarazen, the veteran Next Spring, Report During All-Star in Mood out as the 64 qualifiers in j campaigner, was still there the State pitching today in tne quarterfinals' Amateur tournament ; TRI CKS j charger! into todays first round MAL- L. of the twenty-fourth national P.j TIGERS WON’T RECALL HITCH. (i. “ of match A. championship at Cherry Hills • play. ¦ § sKF i ffi * r • / »r**"™®®**^ charming Walter Heading this lineup is Dick course. Whether it was the persuasive powers of Dayne. 25, So were B\ ron Nelson, the de- caused tall and slender, from Briggs Jr., or an accumulation of Detroit hospitalities that Glen Oaks of the Detroit District fending champion Samuel Jack-' ’¦'ytm him to wilt, it is reported, in the wake of Kdward (I. Barrow s In capturing medal honors in yes- Min Snead, littleBen Hogan. Dennyi Yankees will be on terday’s qualifying round with a Shute, Lloyd Mangrum. Vic Ghez/ij C.KNK SARAZEN visit here for the All-Star game, that the ami Jimmy Hines. But, without games in Floroida this Spring. tilt, three under j>ar. tie provided the Tigers’ schedule of exhibition an added thrill by sinking his four exeepuon, they were learning Thejr. Not only that, Barrow also promises games with the Boston iron tee shot on the 180-yard sev- golfing ABC's when the “Brook-, Red Sox and Washington Senators, which, in the future, will enteenth. field Squire'* wax*marching to hi', How They Stand first professional title, and. for the add luster to C.rapefruit League competition. All of which pleases The Glen Oaks star, an employe in the engineering department of moment at least, .stocky Gene ha' well as young Mr. Briggs, because AMERICAN LEALI E Jack Zeller and Del Baker as an aim alt firm, thereby proved the singe. the Tigers were getting rather weary of playing the same teams an ace can heal pvpn ln*-*1 knowl- Firing a grand 68 for the first W T, Prt. *GB * IS holes, three under on the - in the South all Spring. * edge. This was the first time he par New' York JO 20 .655 ever played this course. He didn’t U.Vtfi 71 layout Gene Uul yester- Cleveland 47 51 .60') s ! a arrive until early yesterday morn- day's parade through the third Boston 40 55 .548 8 ing, alter driving most round with a 0 and 7 triumph in Chicago 59 56 .520 10 # of the Tigers See Short Trips in South night. a sehealuled sfl-h«4e mat eh - with- DETROIT -3a-41) A9l 12 of long exhibition schedules on the Bruee Coltart, and the old master Philadelphia 54 41 .455 15 With the abandonment OFFSETS BOUEV that breaking an added week now holds a mark exceeds St. Louis M 170 21 after the of camp and - northward jaunt Payne's hole-in-one protected Walter Hagen s4»mg Uy no Washington 20 IS .251 22*4 Tigers to add more of training at Lakeland, the were anxious him against a bogey 5 on the than seyen. It was gained over aj •Games behind leader. prey first class games. Now if they can add eighteenth and enabled him to heal span of rompetition in 20 inu« : Y FITTERDAY '8 REBILTS pro and three matches the Red Sox to their list, they will have out the six other par busters by a tournaments ehlragn ft 1« I R tnev and Tre«h. in the current classic. , Waahmgt >n 17 2 Cha«». Ca-ra'qual ys stroke. (7) and Early. To xhow how Lhe picture is con- (il l.l) might STOPS MIL Cleveland 3 10 1- Feller and De-au- 'h< n stantly changing in this tourna- let* • (7) won • very ment and new and younger play- While Sara/ep was touting the Phl'adelpht* 2 A l~l>ean. ’Ferrick he shntrnaker, and Hayea. ers aie crowding to the front, Absernn, N. J.. Nelson played against the Tigers in Dickey game only the name of Bill readily stopped Ralph Guldahl. New YorK 13 1 Oonrtez and the^^ probably • gieat name railed end Spring training. Barclay of these TO shooters will Snead staged a comeback of fifth, raini. at Petersburg2H and Mangrum and Hogan survived With the Yankees St. register with most followers of St l.oii;a « 3 1 Ntggtltng and F»r- nnd the Red Sox at Sarasota, the Tigers amateur golf in this slate. Sev- the two tightest matches of the —¦—. £—I—I —«¦ eral of the others have qualified day. Boston at DETROIT, fraln). pee a compact in which the dftmt before, but never won more than Sarazen had his match in the TODAY R GAMES are attractive and the trips short at the mark as he a match or two. Cert a inly they bag half-way Roeton at DETROIT j#idos th* Senators v !;•> r-nn at never attracted as much attention went to lunch with a 7 up lead Washington at Chicago. 1 Orlando.^H^ and the rest was just a formality.! New York at St Loin*. ¦Lams that probably will be rescheduled, Ira as this time Only game* acheduled. Two are 21 year* old Sammy To get this one-sided lead, Sara-' include the St. rardinals. wlio.^^Bl Kor.-.is. member of Detroit's most /on s putter was blMering hot as like the Yankees, drill at St. famous golfing family, and Joe he one-putted six greens, ramming NATIONAL LEAGUE the Brooklyn Dodgers and the ('man- ffi Watson a Michigan State Mu- do\yn a 25-footer on the sixteenth W L Prt. *GB | gr**cn dent who wasn't eligible for the and one from 15 feet on the Brooklyn 'sl 24 .680 - Spartan golf team C«p»rl«hl ky Detroit tl«o*. All rlfht* roMrvcd. seventeenth. St. Louis 47 51 .605 s’> Incidentally, the Tigers do not plan the \ |R(;n, TRITKS Then there's Don O'Neil, a for- Just before TOMMY FTSHER shoved onions. The scallions were handsomely In turning hack Guldahl. New York 59 55 .542 It Hutchinson or \ irgil High boy. 1958 National Open king, for the 15 to recall Freddie mer Ann Arbor School firos.se Yacht Club wreathed in a bright red rihbon. It Cincinnati 59 57 .515 despite the fact the Detroit 21. and of the off from the Pointe second straight time. Nelson held Pittsburgh 54 55 .495 14'* Trucks from Buffalo this season, now a member Tu- 21-year-old League Team; ttn wtH en- with Apache for the Mackinac race start wasn’t a gag. The skipper a commanding lead throughout for Chicago 56 42 pitching brilliantly for the International lane University *.462 17 farmhands are Jane. Tom- a 1 and 5 Last year he such a ter the air service next week at Port Huron tomorrow, BETTY JANE likes onions. So does Betty victory. Boston 2ft 44 .397 21 club. The Tiger management is said to have made stopped big Ralph the .serm- Completing this group are Boh JACOBS tossed him his dufflebag and sur- my's crew keep him to leeward when he in Philadelphia 26 48 .351 31 Now in second place and battling promise to the Buffalo Bisons. onion-eating spree. •Games behind leader. Hutchinson (< ontinued fin Page 19) prised and delighted him with a bunch of is on an (Contlnued on Page IX) for top honors with Newark. To date this season. yesterday s results Chicago 3 6 1- Olaen and McCul- won 16 games and lost only 3. lough. Roatnn 1 7 1 —Javery and MaaL PHzold Boat Hit Scouts » Brooklyn lfl 1 Hlghe and Owen. s Influence e r Dizzy Recalls Tebbett Kovaleski Loses Sam's '9' Ties Cincinnati 3 5 1—IV and Meer, during Mhore (21. Beggi One of the yarns Dizzy Dean spun in Detroit 0» and Lombardi. Dean, here All-Star siege concerned Birdie Tebbetts. w'ho when Mackinac Racer lx Damaged by Freak Lightning To Honor St. Lon I* 13 17 2—Lanier, r, u m bert <7 i. ,tKrl*t 1 7> and the other day was about to go into radio broadcasting in St. Manfuao. Bolt; Sailor Loses His Hat Lead New York 9 2- Melton. Adam* (A), who For B' 3 by Frankie Frisch, To Seeded Rival Ixmis, recalled he was given pointers I .Witu* ikt, Mrr.e* Boston. Itriggs Jr. l9> and Danning. spent two years announcing in | Sam'« Club, probably the host 1 TTAVERFQRD, P;«. July IQ PitUhurgh A A 3—t well. Sullivan telling me about one day in Boston. Tebbetts. R\ GEORGE E. VAN *7) •’Frisch was Fred Kovaleski. Ilamtramck, .wfft 'hitting tram in Class B of the De- Walter O. Briggs .Tr.. vice presi- and Lopez. to fooled pretty badly on a ball.” Dean by Jim Evert, Chicago, the galley’ the lightning Philadelphia 3 * 1 —tHughea, Pelraoti came bat and was eliminated Josephine JJT William A.
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