A ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. LXVIII, No. 81 14th DECEMBER, 1990 Price $2 General Notice of 739 of 1990. Tender GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD number 8776. M anufacture and supply of 2 200 raincoats and 540 cyclists’ waterproof caps. Closing date, 10.1.91. Tenders Invited 8777. M anufacture and supply of 1 100 caps black/peak blue band. Closing date, 10.1.91. All tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, 8778. M anufacture and supply of 5 310 pairs grey trousers of P.O. Box S075, Causeway. various sizes and 6 850 grey shirts of various sizes. Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. Closing date, 10.1.91. Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with Documents for tender Nos. 8773 to 8778 may be the advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted collected from the Secretary, PTC Purchasing Com­ in time to be sorted into Post Offi^ Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered by hand mittee, Room No. S16, Tenth, Floor, PTC Headquarters, to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, Fifth Floor, Fanum House, 57, 107, Union Avenue, Harare, or by writing to the Secre­ Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. tary, PTC 'Purchasing Committee, P.O. Box 8061, Causeway. , Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the tenderer, the service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post Tenders are invited from structural engineers for: Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. on the closing date and the confirmation tender posted not later than the closing time and date. CON.219/90. Rusape: Timber roof trusses for combined The telegraphic address is **Tenders, Harare**. courts. Closing date, 20.12.90. Documents are obtainable from the Secretary, M inistry of Public Construction and Note. -Tendeis which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing d^e, whether National Housing, Samora Machel Avenue, P.O. Box by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late tenders. 8081, Causeway, Harare. If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded on receipt of 6556:2870. General tools: Forks overall, boiler suit, blue a bona fide \jend9T or if the tender documents are returned complete and unmarked before the closing date. denim. Closing date, 17.1.91. For supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. When tenders 6571 : 2872. Overall, boiler suit, blue denim. Closing date, are compared, a degree of preference is deducted from prices tendered for goods 17.1.91. manufactured in Zimbabwe. 6525 2874. Rod, piston, brake cylinder. Closing date, 17.1.91. No tender can be.withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 days (or 6517 : 2875. Spares for Turbo-blower HS 419-HS 439-Bl 17,5 another period specified in tender documents) from the stated closing date. P9A 79. ' The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and 6517 : 2876. Main bearings. Closing date, 24.1.91. reserves the right to select any tender in whole or jn part. 6544 : 2878. Portable radios. Closing date, 24.1.91. Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Board in Documents for tender numbers 6556 : 2870 to 6544 : 2878 envelopes with the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the are obtainable from the Supplies Manager, NRZ, P.O. outside are not opened until 10 a.m. on the closing date. Box 1999, Bulawayo, or the District Storekeeper, P.O. Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders*on Fifth Floor, 'Box 764, Harare. Fanum House, 57» Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, from 10 a.m. onwards on t he date specified. General Notice 740 of 1990. C. C. MUCHENJE, Secretary, MINES AND MINERALS ACT {CHAPTER 165] 14-12-90. Government T^der Board. Reservation Notice 1081: Bulawayo Mining District Tender number IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (6) of section CSC. 1/90. Supply of FHF-SSB Radios. Closing date, 3.1.91. 36 of the Mines and M inerals Act [Chapter 765], that the area Tender documents are available from the Purchasing described hereunder has, on the instructions of the Secretan^ Manager, Cold Storage Commission, P.O. Box 953, for M ines, been reserved against prospecting and pegging in Bulawayo. terms of subsection (1) of section 36 of the said Act, by notice 8773. M anufacture and supply of 1 000 leather belts “S” posted at the office of the Mining Commissioner, Harare. ■ buckles and 100 leather belts driver. Closing date, 10.1.91. 8774. M anufacture and supply of 1 600 gum boots full Description of \area length, 1 700 boots for office messengers (brown), 4 350 An area of approximately 1 432 hectares in extent, situated shoes for office messengers (brown) and 500 shoes in the Bulawayo mining district and bounded by a line (protective steel toe cap) (brown). Closing date, I0.1.9I. commencing on the Bubi River (grid reference 8775. M anufacture and supply of 5400 dustcoats, 700 khaki 35KPJ792668); thence proceeding on a bearing of 79“ for a aprons, 6 500 overall (orange) and 40 trench coats distance of approximately 3,3 kmi to a dam wall on a tributary (grey). Closing date, 10.1.91. (grid reference PJ824675); thence proceeding on a bearing 1158 Zimbabwean Government GA2jferE,_; 14th December, 1990 of 167° for a distance of approximately 3,3 km to a small “The Mining Affairs Board hereby, in terms of subsection mine dump (grid reference PJ832643); thence on a bearing (1) of section 125 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], of 187° for a distance of approximately 1,0 km to a small makes an order authorizing Independence Mining (Private) mine dump (grid reference PJ831633); thence proceeding Limited to peg and register on Caimdhu Estate Remaining on a bearing of 280° for a distance of approximately 3,2 km Extent, Lot 1 of Cairndhu Estate and Lot 2 of Caimdhu to the junction of two tracks (grid reference PJ800639); Estate, ten underground extension blocks for precious metals thence proceeding on a bearing of 315° for a distance of adjoining 15876 Constance Ext E on the east, 15930 E.M. on approximately 1,9 km to a mine dump (grid reference the east, 15931 E.M.2. on the east and west, 15932 Champion PJ787652); thence on a bearing of 19° for a distance of A on the west, 15933 Champion B on the east and west and approximately 1,7 km to the starting point. 15875 Dor on the west as shown on a plan registered with the Secretary for Mines. D. E. H. MURANGARI, This order is made subject to the following terms and 14-12-90. Secretary for Mines. conditions: (1) that the reef shall be mined within the said underground General Notice 741 of 1990. extension blocks at a depth not less than 70 metres below the surface; MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] (2) that nothing contained herein shall be construed to give, or purport to give, the said company any surface Application for Exclusive Prospecting Order; Bulawayo rights over the said undergroimd extension blocks. Mining District: Correction of Error S. MUTASA, Secretary, IT is hereby notified, for general information, that General Mining Affairs Board.”. Notice 658 of 1990 contained an error. In that Notice, in the last line of the last paragraph “2nd D. E. H. MURANGARI, of November, 1990” should read “7th December, 1990”. 14-12-90. Secretary for Mines. D. E. H. MURANGARI, General Notice 744 of 1990. Chairman, 14-12-90. Mining Affairs Board. MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] General Notice 742 of 1990. Order by Mining Affairs Board: Pegging and 'Registering Ten MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 765] Underground Extension Blocks for Precious Metals: Harare Mining District Application for an Exclusive Prospecting Order: Masvingo Mining District THE following order is published in terms of subsection (2) of section 125 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 765]: “The Mining Affairs Board hereby, in terms of subsection (1) IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section 88 of section 125 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], of the Mines and Minerals Act [ChajMer 765], that Quff makes an order authorizing Independence Mining (Private) Mineral Exploration ifZimbabwe) Limited has applied to the Limited to peg and register, on Mzuli Bstate, ten underground Mining Affairs Board for an exclusive prospecting order, over extension blocks for precious metals adjoining 18038 BM the area described hereunder, in the Masvingo mining district, Penhalonga East on the east and adjoining 1(M15 Monarch in relation to the maps refrehces Gaha 2129 B2 and Namande i.' North and 10472'Monarch South on the west, as shown on 2130 Al, both of the Second Edition and both of the scale Plan No. 143-23-4, registered with the Secretary for Mines. 1 : 50000, produced by the Surveyor-General. This order is made subject to the following terms and ri Description of area conditions: An area of approximately 4 683 hectares in extent, (1) that the reef shall be mined within the said underground situated in the Masvingo mining district and bounded by a extension, blocks at a depth of not less than 70 metres line commencing at a point on the intersection of two below the surface; streams, which is approximately 1,3 kilometres north-west (2) that nothing contained herein shall be construed to of the Chigule Dam wall (grid reference 35KRG098503); give, or purport to give, the said company any surface thence proceeding on a beanng of approximately 296° for rights over the said underground extension blocks.
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