A MOLA VE OF HIS COUNTRY Souvenir book in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of a man who in the first decade of this century proved the capacity of the Filipino for leadership and integrity in public finance and the administration of justice, and thereby laid down the foundation of the nation's capacity for self-government and independence. 19 April 1 8 6 9 -1 9 April 1969 Los caracteres se forman PARRAFOS DEL DISCURSO PRONUNCIADO POR EL HON GREGORIO ARANETA, SECRETARIO DE HACIENDA Y JUSTICIA EN LA SOLEMNE INVESTIDURA EN LA IGLESIA DE STO. DOMINGO, CON OCASION DEL TRICENTENARIO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE STO. TOMAS . Los caracteres se forman con el yunque del trabajo y de la constancia, crecen en la lucha y con los sacrificios, se fortalecen con el dominio de la propia voluntad y las privaciones de los placeres de la vida, y se purifican con el crisol de la emulación ante el espejo dé vir­ tuosos actos; y la vida escolar universitaria suministra tales medios de perfeccionamiento del carácter. Y bien sabéis, señores, lo que vale el carácter en los hombres. Los problemas que afectan á la humanidad no se resuelven por medio solo de axiomas filosóficos ni de sabias legisla­ ciones; es factor esencial el carácter de las personas llamadas á resol­ verlos . Nadie puede negar que la religión cristiana es la base de la verdadera civilización. Ella representa una renovación de la vida entera de la humanidad. Ella dignificó al hombre; quebró las cadenas del esclavo; combatió la tiranía; predicó la igualdad ante Dios y ante la ley, la sumisión y obediencia á la autoridad, el amor al prójimo, el perdón de las injurias, la generosidad con el vencido, el socorro al desvalido, el amparo de la inocencia; ella elevó a la esposa, haciéndola compañera del varón y estrechó al mismo tiempo que suavizó los lazos de la familia; ella dulcificó las lágrimas del desgraciado, ensalzó la virtud y condenó el vicio, reconcilió los pueblos; ella fundó la verdadera democracia uniendo en su amoroso seno a todos los hombres, especialmente los pobres y des- heradados de la fortuna, para ser todos ellos hermanos. Sus doctrinas fueron el rayo de luz que iluminó el espíritu del mundo y sus enseñanzas el rocío que fecundo la conciencia de la humanidad. Los hombres están divididos, más ó menos marcadamente, en dos bandos en cuanto al concepto de la vida. Unos la consideran como la posesión de una cosa propia para satisfacción y goce propios. Otros, en cambio, la conservan como un preciado fideicomiso recibido dé Dios y usan de ella para gloria de este y bien de la humanidad. Y estas dos tendencias el egoísmo y el altruismo han influido en la vida de las naciones y en la política de los gobiernos. Haced que impere el egoísmo en un gobierno, y lo vereis pronto convertido en la oligarquía más des­ pótica y arbitraria; quitád los hombres altruistas, y vereis á las naciones ir al retroceso . Para el engrandecimiento de nuestro pueblo, para la realización de nuestras supremas aspiraciones, no debemos obrar movidos del egoísmo y de la ambición personal, hace falta generosidad, abnegación, sacrificios en aras de la patria. En el ejercicio de vuestras respectivas profesiones no os mueva la conveniencia personal, sino el amor al prójimo y la honra de Dios; no os impulse la codicia, sino la satisfacción de hacer el bien. Sea la vestidura que hoy lleváis puesta la majestuosa enseña de la ciencia, el distintivo honroso de una noble profesión, y no la convirtáis, no, en. ,1a envoltura y etiqueta de una mercancía. Sea la fé la antorcha que ilumine nuestras inteligencias la caridad la palanca que mueva nuestras voluntades, y la esperanza en otra vida superior y eterna el néctar que apague la sed de nuestras ambiciones. El libro oficial de estas reseñas publicado por la Universidad de Sto. Tomas ofrece la siguiente nota, al final del discurso: “Fue tan grande la emoción que este magnifico discurso admirablemente dicho por su autor, causó en el numerosísimo público que le oia, que a pesar de hallarse en el templo, el auditorio prornimpió en una formidable salva de aplausos." What I know of Don Gregorio Araneta comes from what I read and heard about him. His is a deathless existence in Philippine history. He belonged to another generation past mine. I saw him but once in my life. He was delivering the above tercentenary speech on the University of Santo Tomas from the chancel of the Santo Domingo church in Intra- muros in Manila. I was inspired by his personality and the way he ex­ pressed himself. By any human yardstick, he was a great man, a noble man, a suc­ cessful man. At the turn of the XXth century, when America took over the Philippines in sovereignty, he was one of the two Filipinos who impressed the early Americans here most for their character and bril­ liance of mind. The other man was Don Cayetano Arellano, who be­ came the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. The first American Civil Governor of the Philippines, Mr. William Howard Taft, who subsequently became President of the United States and the Chief Justice of its Suppreme Court, placed them intellectually and morally on the same level as the highest and best leaders in any civilized country in the world. In assessing the greatness of Don Gregorio Araneta, it is enlighten­ ing to do it by what he might do today if, for instance, he were the President of the Philippines. This writer advances the following opinions for what they may be worth : 1. He would maintain law and order with both firmness and un­ derstanding, appreciating the economic and social considerations involved in any given case. He would work for a more equitable distribution of the country's wealth. And he would ameliorate the country’s poverty. 2. He would extirpate graft and corruption in a thorough-going manner whoever might be hit and he would make the culprit suffer for his faults. And thus he would end the comico-tragic era of investiga­ tions without results. The government would be cleansed and its work would be more efficient. 3. His example of personal integrity would be a sure guide for his subordinates as well as of the social and business leaders of the country in private life. That would make for the purification of the moral tone of the nation which today has much to condemn itself. 4. He would have democracy and involvement-called by one of his sons, Salvador, “Bayanicracy”—as the basic ideal of the Filipino people as against any form of totalitarianism, economic or political. 5. He would be a Chief Executive who by hi3 dignity, authority and sense of justice would earn the respect and confidence of the Fili­ pino people. That would make for public tranquillity and stability of the government. 6. Finally, he would work for a new Philippine Constitution that would carry out the ideals of the Filipino nation in a faithful and effective manner and thereby captivate the admiration of the world. April 18, 1970 Vicente Villamin u A MOLAVE OF HIS COUNTRY Souvenir book in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of a man who in the first decade of this century proved the capacity of the Filipino for leadership and integrity in public finance and the administration of justice, and thereby laid down the foundation of the nation’s capacity for self-government and independence. 19 April 1869 — 19 April 1969 The spiritual heritage left by Don Gregorio Araneta to the nation and his children. Copyright, 1970 All Eights. Reserved AIA' Ihc. Press' Victoneta Park, Malabon, Rizal Philippines Introduction With loving interest, Salvador, who is the oldest living member of our family has put together this modest collec­ tion of items, to serve a two-fold purpose. It is a tribute to our father, Gregorio, from those who knew and loved him. It is a personal introduction for those who have only heard of him. Father will be remembered in history as a public servant. But he was much more than that. He was a full man both in the classic and the Christian sense. He was a man of learning and a man of great personal discipline. He was a family man. He brought fourteen children to the world. He had time and love for all of us. He was a devoted son of the Church. He was strict in the fulfillment of every duty. But he understood his Chris­ tianity more deeply than that. Long before our modern ideas on the lay apostolate had been developed, he under­ stood the role of the Christian in the economic and political life of the country. He made every effort to bring into these areas integrity and the spirit of service. Though his generation and its ways have passed, we who knew Father also know that he was “a man for all times.” FRANCISCO ARANETA, S.J. Table of Contents Los caracteres se forman—By Gregorio Araneta ................................ i Preface—By Vicente Villamin .................................................................... ii Introduction—By Rev. Francisco Araneta, S.J........................................ v Life With Father—By Salvador Araneta ............................................... ix Curriculum V itae.............................................................................................. xi Program of "activities ................................................................................... xiii He was the Government’s good servant but God’s first— By Rev. Horacio de la Costa, S.J. ................................................. 1 He goes on animating us!—By Salvador' Araneta................................ 8 The man was greater than the legend—By Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion .......................................................................... 11 A monument to the capabilities of the Filipinos— By Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion.....................................
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