Arecibo Barceloneta Barranquitas Bayamon Cabo Rojo Caguas

Arecibo Barceloneta Barranquitas Bayamon Cabo Rojo Caguas

mhz: 14.5 kw. Ant 470 ft. Stereo. Box 3909. Marina St., Caguas Puerto Rico Radio Mayaguez (00708). (809) 833 -7352. Centro Colegial Cristiano. Format: Ed, rel, Sp. Rev. Oscar Corrca, WBROIFM) -See Cidra. pres: Julio Cesar Bonet, gen mgr: Lillian Pagan. prog dir; Nirma Figueroa, mus dir & prom mgr: Hilda Gisela WNEL(AM) -July 21, 1947: 1430 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 Morales, news dir; Samuel Morales, chief engr. w -N. Box 487 (00626). (809) 744 -3131. Turabo Radio Corp. (acq 4- 1 -73). Format: Top -40. Jesus M. Soto, pres; Carmen Pagan, gen mgr; Cesar Perez, coml mgr; Fajardo Arecibo Pedro Ruiz. prog dir; Manuel Rivera Ortiz, news dir; Alberto Pereira, Juan R. Rivera, chief engr. Rates: WLID(FM) -See Vieques. WCMN(AM) -June 24, 1947: 1280 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 S12; 12: 12; 12. kw -N. Box 436 (00613). (809) 878 -0070. Caribbean WMDD(AM) -May 31, 1947: 1480 khz; 5 kw -U, Box Net: APR. Format: Top Bcstg Corp. -40. Carlos WPRM -FM -See San Juan. 948 (00648). (809) 863 -0202. Pan Caribbean Bcstg Esteva, pres; Archie Velez, gen mgr; Jose Luis Velez, Corp. (acq 6- 15 -65). Richard Friedman, pres & gen prog dir; Rafael Gonzalez. mus dir; Marro Maldonado. WVJP(AM) -Nov 24. 1947: 1110 khz; 250 w -U. Box mgr; Laura Jimenez, coml mgr; Angel Luis Vasquez, news dir: Carlos Arroyo, chief engr. Rates: $12: 12: 207 (00625). (809) 743 -5790. Borinquen Bcstg Co. grog dir; Paquito Soto Jr.. news dir; Carmelo Soto 12: 12. Hector Pereira. gen mgr; Jorge L. Arzuaga, coml mgr; Perez. chief engr. Federico Virella, prom mgr; Manuel Rivera Ortiz, prog WCMN -FM -Jan 1, 1967: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 205 -owned with WMDD(AM). Feb 15, dir; Vicente Pinero Schroder, news dir; Jesus R. WDOY(FM) -Co ft. from AM. Format: MOR. Rates: Stereo. Prog sep Gomez, chief engr. 1969: 96.5 mhz; 6.8 kw. Ant 300 ft. (CP: 50 kw. Ant $20: 20: 20: 20. 970 ft.). Prog sep from AM. Format: Good mus. WVJP -FM- October 1968: 103.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WMIA(AM) 21, 1957: 1070 khz; 500 w -U. Box -Feb minus 370 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Guayama 1055 (00612). (809) 878 -1275. Abacoa Radio Corp. Net: APR. Format: Var. Spec grogs: Farm 1 hr, Sp 19 WBJA(AM) -March 1, 1981: 1540 khz; 250 w -D. hrs wkly. Carlos M. Pirallo. pres; Epifanio Rodriquez - Camuy (CP: 250 w -N). Box 1540 (00655). (809) 864 -1555. Velez, gen & coml mgr & chief engr; Miguel Melendex Radio Musical Inc. Format: Sp. George M. Arroyo, de la Rosa, news dir; Angel L. Cappion. mus dir: WCHO(AM) -Oct 23. 1971: 1360 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 pres & chief engr; Tomas Carrasquillo, gen mgr; Jesus Manuel Pirallo, prom mgr; Enid Gomez, prog dir. w -N, DA -2. Box 629 (00627). (809) 898 -1360. Camuy M. Cruz, coml mgr; Miguel Osorio. prog dir; Hector Rates: S2; 2; 2; 2. Bcstg Corp. Net: UPI. Format: Sp, top -40. Dr. Jesus Melendez, news dir. Rates: S5: 5; 5: -. Rodriguez Garcia, pres; Gilberto Rodriguez, tress; WNIK(AM) -1957: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D. 250 w -N. 462 Jose A. Cordero Martinez, sec; Epifanio Rodriguez. WCRP(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown; 88.1 Jose de Diego Ave., Box 908 (00613). (809) chief engr. Rates: $5.50; 5.50; 5.50; 5.50. mhz; 32 kw. Ant minus 219 ft. (CP 27 kw., Ant 1,890 878 -1366. Arecibo Radio Corp. Frank Velazquez, ft.). Box 344 (00654). Ministerio Radial Cristo Viene gen, corn) & prom mgr; Angel M. Natal. prog. mus & WCHO -FM -Aug 15. 1968: 102.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant Pronto Inc. Format: Ed, rel. news dir; Ronald T. Cushing, chief engr. 303 ft. (809) 898 -2510/4284. Format: Adult contemp. oldies, Sp. Rates: .$10; 10; 10; 10. WSRA(FM) -Co -owned with WXRF(AM). November WNIK -FM -July 17. 1965: 106.5 mhz: 19.5 kw. Ant 1966: 106.9 mhz; 50 kw horiz. Ant minus 240 ft. (CP: minus 270 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. 25 kw; Ant 1,994 ft.). Stereo. Prog sep from AM. For- Carolina mat: SP. Juan Ramon Rivera, chief engr. Rates: $7: 7; 7; 7. Barceloneta WIDA(AM) -March 16, 1964: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. 203 -7 Calle Ignacio Arz. (00630). (809) WXRF(AM) -July 1948: 1590 khz; 1 kw -U. Box 1590 WBON(AM) -March 1, 1975: 1160 khz; 1 kw-U. 769 -4103. Primera Iglesia Bautista de Carolina. Net: (00655). (809) 864 -3435. Guayama Bcstg Co. Inc. DA -2. Box 761 Manati (00701). (809) 854 -2450. Cadena Radio Voz. Net: UPI. Format: Sp. Pedro Format: Sp popular. Jose Raul Fuster, pres; Frederico Radio Borinquen Inc. Format: Top -40, Sp. Angel M. Roman -Collazo, gen mgr; Pichin Roman -Collazo, prog Leon, gen mgr; Maria Elisa Gallardo, coml mgr; Egar- Rivera, pres; Luis R. Rivera Caban, gen mgr & chief dir; Pedro Ramon, mus dir & prom mgr; Amedee Ro- do Jose Ortiz, prog dir; Victor Colon Fuentes. mus dir; engr; Angel M. Rivera Caban coml mgr; Jaime Colon, bles, news dir; Margarita Nazario de Espinosa, coml Francisco Melendez, news dir; Alberto Pereira, chief mus dir: Carlos Ruiz, news dir. Rates: $10.25; 10.25: mgr; Jose J. Arzuagae Jr., chief engr. engr. Rates: 12: 12; 12. 10.25: 10.25. $12; WIDA -FM -Not on air. target date unknown: 90.5 Hatillo Barranquitas mhz. (CP: 25 kw; Ant 1,904.63 ft.). Christian Bcstg Corp. WMSW(AM) -Not on air. target date unknown: 1120 WOLA(AM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 1380 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N, DA -2. (CP: 1 kw-U, DA -1). 537 WVOZ -FM -Mar 3, 1967: 107.7 mhz; 50 kw. khz; 500 w -U, DA -2. Box 189 (99618). Torrecillas Miramar Ave., Arecibo (00612). Aurora Bcstg Corp. Penthouse Darlington Bldg., Rio Piedras. San Juan Bcstg Corp. (00925) (918) 764 -1077 or 758 -7108. Net: Cadena Hormigueros Radio Voz. Format: Big band. Angel O. Roman. pres: Bayamon Margarita Nazario, gen mgr; Pichin Roman Collazo, WGIT(FM) -Oct 12, 1980: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus prog dir; Wilfredo Blanco Pi, chief engr. Rates: WGSX(FM) -Co -owned with WRAI(AM) San Juan. $20; 110 ft. (CP: 3 kw, Ant 870 ft.). Stereo. Mayaguez Mall. 18; 18: 8. Dec 3, 1959: 94.7 mhz; 31 kw. Ant 110 fl. (CP: 16 kw: (802) 756 -8700. Southwestern Bcstg Corp. Cadena ant 1,760 It.). Stereo. 74 Mayaguez St., San Juan Radio Voz, Cadena Nacional de Puerto Rico. Format: (00917). (809) 763 -0020. Radio Aeropuerto Inc. (acq Cayey Sp. Pedro Roman -Collazo, pres, gen & prom mgr; 12- 31 -66). Group owner: Pirallo Lopez. Net: APR. For- Jose A. Marti, chief engr. WLEY(AM) -Dec 3. 1965: 1080 khz; 250 w -U. Box mat: Sp, top -40. Carlos M. Pirallo- Lopez. pres, gen & 1186 (00633). (809) 738 -2276. Ponce Bcstg Corp. sls mgr; Fernando Colon. prog dir; Rudi Rivas, chief (group owner). Rep: Carlos Bethel. Format: Contemp Humacao engr. Rates: $20; 20; 20; 20. Latin. J.H. Conesa, pres; J.H. Conesa Jr., gen mgr; WALO(AM) -Feb 11, 1958: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Martin Colon Jr., stn mgr & prog dir: Carlos Arroyo. WLUZ(AM) -1966: 1600 khz: 1 kw -U. DA -1. (CP: 5 w -N. Box C (00661). (809) 852 -1240. Ochoa Bcstg kw, DA -2). Box 9394, Santurce (00908). (809) chief engr. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 9. Corp. (acq 3- 19 -70). Format: Sp. Efrain Archilla- 785 -1600. Lucas Tomas Muniz. Format: MOR, Lucas Roig, pres; Efrain Archilla -Diez, gen, prom & coml mgr, Tomas Muniz, own & pres: Herren Nigaglioni, gen mgr; Cidra prog dir & chief engr; Luis A. Gandara- Gomez, mus Tomas G. Muniz, coml mgr & prog dir: Manuel Ruiz dir; Angelo Pena - Perez. news dir; Rudy Rivas, chief Martinez, news dir; Rodolfo Rivas, chief engr. WBRO(FM) -March 1. 1972: 97.7 mhz: 360 w. Ant engr. Rates: $15; 15; 15: 15. 860 ft. Box 2 (00639). (809) 743 -8260. Radio Musical WRSJ(AM) 1560 khz; 5 kw -D. 250 w -N. Box -1947: Inc. Format: Prog, Sp. George M. Arroyo, pres; Tomas Isabela 1560 (00619). (809) 782 -6388. P. H. Bcstg Corp. (acq Carrasquillo, gen mgr; Francisco Resto, coml mgr; 1974). Format: Btfl mus, rel. Paul Hernandez Jr., Nestor Perez, mus dir: Tania Arroyo, news dir; George WISA(AM) -Oct 19, 1961: 1390 khz: 1 kw -D. 500 w- pres: Jose A. Cruz, prog & mus dir, prom mgr; Miriam N. W M. Arroyo, chief engr Rates: S6; 6: 6; 6. Box (00662). (809) 872 -2680. Radio Noroeste Hernandez, gen & coml mgr; Hector J. Hernandez. Bcstg (acq 8- 3 -65). Luis A. Melia, pres; Samuel news dir; Jesus (Tutu) Gomez, chief engr. Rodriguez, coml mgr; Ronald T. Cushing, Coamo chief engr. WXYX(FM) -Feb 1, 1979: 100.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WKSA -FM -Co -owned with WISA(AM). 101.5 mhz; minus 45 ft. (CP: Ant 691 ft.). Km 1.9 -Carr. 831 -Bo WCPR(AM) -1967: 1450 khz: 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. Box 42 kw. Ant minus 26 ft. Dups AM 100 %. Minillas (00619). 786 -8181, 4323. RAAD Bcstg Corp. 316 (00640). (809) 825 -1775. Coamo Bcstg Corp. Format: Latin jazz, Sp. Roberto Davila. pres & gen Format: Top -40. Jose David Soler. pres, gen mgr & Juana Diaz mgr; Nestor Perez. prog dir; George Arroyo, chief engr. chief engr; Albert Alvarez. news dir. Rates: S10; 10; 10; 10. Rates: $13; 13; 13: 13. WCGB(AM) -Nov 23, 1967: 1050 khz; 1 kw -D.

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