Contents Sommaire LiFLoD Livestock Farming & Local Development Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 31 March – 1 April 2011 www.liflod.org Workshop held during the 9th International Rangeland Congress ISSN 1951-6711 Publication du Centre de coopération internationale 51-53 Livestock farming embedded in local development: Functional perspective en recherche agronomique pour le développement to alleviate vulnerability of rural communities. Tourrand J.-F., Waquil P.D., Sraïri M.T., http://revues.cirad.fr/index.php/REMVT http://www.cirad.fr/ Hubert B. (in English) Directeur de la publication / Publication Director: LIVESTOCK FARMING SYSTEMS AND VALUE CHAINS Michel Eddi, PDG / President & CEO SYSTÈMES D’ÉLEVAGE ET FILIÈRES Rédacteurs en chef / Editors-in-Chief: Gilles Balança, Denis Bastianelli, Frédéric Stachurski 55-59 Vulnerability of family livestock farming on the Livramento-Rivera border of Brazil and Uruguay: Comparative analysis. Vulnérabilité des éleveurs familiaux à la Rédacteurs associés / Associate Editors: Guillaume Duteurtre, Bernard Faye, Flavie Goutard, frontière entre Livramento et Rivera au Brésil et en Uruguay : analyse comparative. Waquil Vincent Porphyre P.D., Neske M.Z., Ribeiro C.M., Schlick F.E., Andreatta T., Perleberg C., Borba M.F.S., Trindade J.P., Carriquiry R., Malaquin I., Saravia A., Gonzales M., Claudino L.S.D. (in English) Coordinatrice d’édition / Publishing Coordinator: Marie-Cécile Maraval 61-67 Opportunism and persistence in milk production in the Brazilian Traductrices/Translators: Amazonia. Opportunisme et persistance dans la production de lait en Amazonie Marie-Cécile Maraval (anglais), brésilienne. De Carvalho S.A., Poccard-Chapuis R., Tourrand J.-F. (in English) Suzanne Osorio-da Cruz (espagnol) Webmestre/Webmaster: Christian Sahut 69-74 Rangeland management in the Qilian mountains, Tibetan plateau, China. Maquettiste/Layout: Alter ego communication, Aniane, France Gestion des parcours dans les montagnes du Qilian, plateau tibétain, Chine. Ding L., Qi X., Long R., Yang T., Tourrand J.-F. (in English) COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE / SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD 75-78 Contribution of small ruminants to household income in the agroecological Hassane Adakal (NER), Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux (BEL), northwestern coastal zone of Egypt. Contribution des petits ruminants au revenu du Michel Doreau (FRA), Mohammed El Khasmi (MAR), ménage dans la zone agroécologique côtière du nord-ouest de l’Egypte. Metawi H. (in Philippe Lescoat (FRA), Hamani Marichatou (NER), English) Ayao Missohou (SEN), Harentsoaniaina Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo (MDG), 79-85 Roles of small ruminants in rural livelihood improvement – Comparative Jeremiah Saliki (USA, CMR), Jeewantee Sunita Santchurn (MUS), analysis in Egypt. Rôles des petits ruminants dans l’amélioration des conditions de vie Hakim Senoussi (DZA), Taher Sraïri (MAR), en milieu rural – Analyse comparative en Egypte. Alary V., Aboul-Naga A., El Shafie M., Hussaini Tukur (NGA), Jean Zoundi (BFA, FRA) Abdelkrim N., Hamdon H., Metawi H. (in English) 87-92 The paths to last in pastoral sheep farming in the Cevennes in France. Les https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ chemins pour durer en élevage ovin pastoral des Cévennes. Dedieu B., Pailleux J.-Y. (in Cirad, Montpellier, mars 2016 English) tropicaux, 2015, 68 (2-3) des pays et de médecine vétérinaire Revue d’élevage 4949 93-99 Changes in production methods in Tandil area in Argentina. Changements dans les méthodes de production dans la région de Tandil en Argentine. Nogar M.L., Nogar A.G., Jacinto G., Carrizo S. (in English) 101-105 Evaluating grassland feed resource utilization by extensive livestock farming systems. Evaluation de l’utilisation des ressources alimentaires des prairies par les systèmes d’élevage de bétail extensif. Asheim L.J., Haukås T., Rivedal S., Øvreås O.-J. (in English) 107-113 Livestock Farm Networks, a system at the center of French farming development. Les Réseaux d’élevage, un système au centre de l’évolution de l’élevage en France. Jousseins C., Fagon J., Belvèze J., Servière G. (in English) ENVIRONMENT AND TERRITORIES ENVIRONNEMENT ET TERRITOIRES 115-122 Māori livestock farming achieving functional integrity? L’élevage Maori réussit-il l’intégrité fonctionnelle? Wedderburn M.E., Kingi T.T., Paine M.S., Montes de Oca O. (in English) 123-128 Extensive livestock farming in Morocco: From marginal territories to major social and environmental roles. Elevage extensif au Maroc : des territoires marginaux aux rôles essentiels socio-environnementaux. Sraïri M.T. (in English) 129-133 Rethinking the role of sheep in the local development of Patagonia, Argentina. Repenser le rôle des moutons dans le développement local de la Patagonie en Argentine. Coronato F., Fasioli E., Schweitzer A., Tourrand J.-F. (in English) 135-142 An innovative method to assess the sustainability of pastoral systems in their territories (PSSAF). Méthode innovante pour évaluer la durabilité des systèmes pastoraux dans leurs territoires (PSSAF). Lambert-Derkimba A., Aubron C., Ickowicz A., Touré I., Moulin C.-H. (in English) FEED RESOURCES AND FEEDING RESSOURCES ALIMENTAIRES ET ALIMENTATION 143-147 Water harvesting model for improved rangeland productivity in Butana, Sudan. Modèle de collecte de l’eau pour améliorer la productivité des parcours dans le Butana au Soudan. Elfaki E.A., Saïdi S., Adeeb A.M., Ickowicz A. (in English) Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 2015, 68 (2-3) des pays et de médecine vétérinaire Revue d’élevage 50 LiFLoD Livestock Farming & Local Development Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 31 March – 1 April 2011 www.liflod.org Workshop held during the 9th International Rangeland Congress Livestock farming embedded in local development: Functional perspective to alleviate vulnerability of rural communities Jean-François Tourrand1* Paulo D. Waquil2 Mohamed Taher Srairi3 Bernard Hubert4 ■ INTRODUCTION the Tibetan Plateau to the humid Pampa in Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil. The aim of this thematic issue was to increase our understanding Depending on the local context, the authors attempted to answer of how livestock farming can contribute to the functional integrity the four main following questions: of socio-ecosystems and which dimensions of livestock farming are embedded in local development. Today throughout the world, – How can livestock farming contribute to reduce the vulnerabil- livestock farming is mainly considered for the goods it produces ity of livestock farmer populations and how to build vibrant rural for the market. But it also has other major and secondary functions communities by adding value to local resources, especially from a which include savings, food for home consumption, transport, natural and social point of view? draft power, production of by-products and manure to fertilize – How to assess the contribution of livestock farming to local crops or for heating; it is a key factor in pastoral landscape man- development notably through the importance of its different func- agement; and as an essential component of heritage, traditions and tions? These functions address livelihoods and household econ- local knowledge it plays a major part in social rules and collective omy, but also the life of communities and local society, the envi- actions, relevant domains for policy making. In other words many ronment and agriculture, all domains interacting with sustainable roles of livestock interact with local development. development. – How and under which conditions or contexts does livestock Based on local study cases, this issue presents a global overview farming (even if it is just a fragment of rural history) contribute to of both the functional integrity and the roles of livestock farming local sustainable development? in local development. The fourteen contributions that make up – What is the role of policy making, at local, national and regional this issue cover various countries across the world, from China to scale that guarantees income security or satisfaction of primary South America (Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay), and from Europe needs – food, health and education – in pastoral areas? (France and Norway) to New Zealand, passing through Africa (Egypt, Morocco and Sudan). The study cases regard contrasted The present articles differently address the four questions. The biomes, from the Amazonian rainforest to the arid areas of North- role of livestock in reducing vulnerability is mainly discussed ern Sahara and Southern Patagonia, and from the dry highlands of in Waquil et al., De Carvalho et al., Ding et al., Wedderburn et al., Metawi, Elfaki et al., Alary et al., and Dedieu and Pailleux. 1. CIRAD-Green, TA C-47 / F, avenue Agropolis, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, Articles more focused on the contribution of livestock to local France. development are those of Sraïri, De Carvalho et al., Nogar et al., 2. UFFRGS-PGDR, IEPE, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil. Wedderburn et al., and Coronato et al. The conditions and context 3. Hassan II Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine Institute, Department of Animal of the interactions between livestock and local development are Production and Biotechnology, Rabat, Morocco. addressed by Waquil et al., Sraïri, Asheim et al., Coronato et al., 4. Agropolis International, 34394 Montpellier, France. * Coordinator of the workshop and corresponding author ■ How to cite this article: Tourrand J.-F., Waquil P.D., Srairi M.T., Hubert B., 2015. Email: tourrand@aol.com Livestock farming embedded in local development: Functional perspective to alle- viate
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