1 J J'*** *********************************** »»»»»»#»» ►»»#»»»»»»»»*»»»»»»»»» **»»**»•** »*^>******************** ******************* ************************************* | 3Sfc BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION Edinburg and Methodists Out in Round Robin 3L It V U u u uuuuuuuuu MttttltltttJtUMlfc ....---— w w » » • tt ^ • • • Step• -w~ » w -9- • 1 • ■ ■ ■ - DONNA STILL Owlets and A. C.J.M. Meet Thursday forSandlot Title BRITON R t 1 :•..—■ ■ ■ ■ O SPEED MARK THREATENING time praying for San Benito to take f a Amateurs Meet BROWNS pair of falls out of Danna. HAVE GODDARD AND ARMSTRONG the Methodists Firemen Will Pay Call On Tuesday night got HERALD AND At Harlingen Crack Race Driver to Try back into the form which charac- (Special to The Herald) For Goal on Sandt Of San Benito Saints terized their play in running thru HARLINGEN, March 5—Or- GOOD HURLERS LEADING TOURNEY SCORERS Tonight the regular season undefeated. JACKALS OUT ganization of a Valley Amateur Daytona Beach The box follows: baseball league will be taken up There are two good reasons why Vest of Donna, follow In quick suc- at the city hall here 8 p. m More Punch at Bat Would Methodists <33> are lead- in and fifth NEW W. L. Pet. at a called the Harlingen Methodists cession fourth places YORK, March 5—<V)—An- Team P. FG FT TP PF Park Protests Wednesday meeting .750 Washington Aid Club, ing in the Valley Amateur Basket- respectively. Blackburne has scored other carefree, Harlingen.4 3 1 f by Spitz Clark, leader of ama- Says Manager smiling Englishman Goddard, .8 0 18 0 ball championship round robin 25 points: Vest 23. 3 2 1 .666 teur in the Is In America Edinburg Garrison, f .2 2 6 0 Vicars; athletics Valley. Bill Killifer today to challenge 2 .500 May Play Namely, they are: One, Mr. God- The leading scorers follow: Donna . 4 2 Definite decision in the mat- ; death and Armstrong, c.3 1 7 o dard and two. Mr. Armstrong Name FG FT TF man-made speeds on the Elan Benito 3 0 3 500 ! ter is expected to be reached. All Meade, g .0 0 0 1 Again Sunday (HM) .17 5 39 hard sands of of teams These hoopsters are high point Goddard Daytona beach. Game Tonight Servies. g.2 0 4 4 players and managers By ALAN GOL'LD scorers In the round robin. God- Armstrong (HM) ....15 This time It Is Kaye Don. crack Rucker, 0 0 Interested in entering the league Associated Press Editor Edinburg at San Benito. g .0 31 The A. C. J. M. and Owlet , Sports the field with a total of Garrett (Edin) .11 « quints are to be Clark dard tops British race driver, who will follow Richards, g .0 0 0 0 ; urged present by WEST PALM Fla. .19 5 Tuesday Results a.11 clash on the Port Brown court BEACH. Mar., 39 points, and Armstrong is sec- Blackburne (Donna) in the wheel ruts of his famous 5—<iP>—Baseball and do not ond. seven to the rear. Vest (Donna) .7 9 i.t Edinburg 32. Donn 14 8 p an. Thursday for the sandlot boxing points Totals.15 3 33 8 (Edin) .10 1 21 English predecessor. Sir At 33. San Benito 13. of Brownsville. have a great deal In common, but When a team can place one-twc T. WInRham Major Harlingen championship 5 f _ San Benito (18) that outfit has Newman (SB) .6 Henry Segrave. Last on The semi-finals were there In scoring honors, March, the strenuously is one essential factor neces- 5 15 FG FT TP PF extreme end of its (SB) . 5 Florida sands that have HAL EUSTAC E contested on the same court Tues- HOLDOUTS SIGN the league by the Taylor cost two By sary to success in either Adamson, f.2 2 8 2 sport. vertebrae on the downward side of Gibson (Donna) .7 American speed kings their lives. to the quick by thetr pre- day evening with the result that ctung Wallace, f.0 0 0 1 "A boxer must start with the the incline. Garrison and Garrison (M> .5 Segrave drove his Golden Arrow of the the Catholics eliminated The Her- sloping vious defeats at the hand Taylor, f .3 1 7 0 are tied (HM) .5 3 13 Sunbeam to the record of ald 15-8, and the Owlets put the punch,” says Gene Tunney. “That Servies of the Prayer Boys Servies amazing Harlingen Meth- J. Newman, c.2 0 4 1 finned (Donna) .4 231 36 miles an hour. Donna quint, the Jackals out of the running 20-7. ON DOTTED LINE is his main asset.” in tenth place, each having Dailey Firemen .0 0 o .4 2 1C Don. a veteran odists and the Edinburg Campbell, g l The opening round of the tourna- 13 points into the basket. Lowe (Donna) good-natured of night to Reynolds, g .0 1 1 2 *‘A ball team must have good world war will to stepped out strong Tuesday ment was played Sunday. Garrett of the Edinburg Firemen flying day's try convincing per- and we have smash that record in a come back with Spirit was especially high In the Travis Jackson Comes To pitching, it,” says Bill upper bracket champions for all bigger, and. Totals.7 4 18 7 he thinks, better Sunbeam, this one formances. Owlet-Jackal contest. Following the Killifer. manager of the St. Louis these years, is close behind Arm- re- a mammoth seven ton creation in The Firemen took personal With the winning brothers back tilt, the Jackals protested on the Terms With Giant Browns, "but we can use more punch strong with 28 points. His scoring f/GHTS 4A5T back Dick silver gray labelled the “Silver venge on Donna, turning in the line-up. Edinburg ran away grounds that the Owlets used Vicars, at the bat.” has been cut down considerably by The Don- Bullet." It is his turn to drive be- Hornbuckle's crew 32-14. with the Donna quint. Garrett, big whom they claimed was ineligible. Management Given another slugging outfielder the fact that the Flame Consumer: ■(XilCHiaa, had defeated the Firemen cause Segrave. one of his best naltes Fireman center, was high They maintained that Vicars was of the type of Heinie Manush and have a game with the the point postponed friends, has while a couple of scorer stick work on YORK. Canzoneri. definitely turned from Monday night with 15. a first string high school player NEW March 5—One improved the part of San Benito Saints which Is to be NEW Tony were out. YORK, automobile record-smashing to his Winnlngham brothers Edinburg (32) with the El Jardin Comets. the other regulars, the Brownies playde off tonight. Blackbume and New York, stopped Solly Rite. be a borne by one holdouts among the New -... first love, the building of a speed It just seems to fact, FG FT TP PF Geo. Champion, manager of the would be as formidable as any out- Brooklyn (1) that the Harlingen on boat that will conquer all time out bv figures, T. Wing'ham. f_6 1 13 3 Owlets, agreed to meet the Jackals York Giants are signing the; fit challenging the hold of the INDIANAPOLIS Tony Herrera. in the standards on the water. Methodists are unbeatable Cochran, f .0 l l o again Sunday in the event Vicars dotted line. Athletics on the American League Reed. Chicago, outpointed Jimmy Don arrived In New lower bracket. Last night they with El Jardin in the coun- Killifer York yes- Trig. Wing'ham. f. .0 0 0 2 played Travis Jackson came to terms championship. is searching Erie. Pa.. (10); Joe Lynn, Detroit, on the San Benito Saints terday on the Berengaria. a few romped L. Wing'ham, g....l 0 2 0 ty tournament. for the remedies while also hoping HOGS LEAD Jimmie Dale, Decatur, Meth- yesterday, and Larry Benton final- outpointed cabins away from where the Silver 33-18. Incidentally. Goddard, Garrett, c .5 5 15 Tire opening fray of the after- his holdout worries soon will be l let the club know his where- 111. (8) Bullett lay crated and lashed to forward, off highi was ly over. odist grabbed Arrington, g .0 1 l 4 noon the one between The Ber- robin abouts. Benton wired he would be HOT SPRINGS. Ark —Roger the forward deck. scoring honors in the round Fitner, g .0 o o 2 Herald and the Catholics. It was The Browns have one of the finest in camp Thursday. The red headed nard, Detroit, knocked out A1 de tournament by ringing up eight a rough and tumble match which pitching staffs in either league, ON A. P. TEAM the course of thi. right hander has not signed a Rose. Pittsburg. <3> Brook trout eggs from Pennsyl- field goals during Totals.12 8 32 12 held the fans’ Interest from the with Gray, Crowder, Stewart. Og- contract yet but the fact he was | Fla. — Young vania streams supply many Cali- game. outset. Charley Baker of the Cath- den. and Blaeholder as the “big JACKSONVILLE. Donna *14) on his way to San Antonio was Fla., out- fornia hatcheries. Despite the comeback of the lead- olics was high point scorer, ropmg five.” besides a number of likely 2 Manuel Quintero. Tampa. FG FT TP PF taken as an indication that he was Razorbacka, Steer, Poney, ers. it may be too late to keep the nine tallies. Loya did the best sharp prospects in training here, includ- pointed Harry Wallace, Brooklyn Lowe, f .2 0 4 2 ready to come to terms. Donna aggregation from finishing shooting for The Herald.
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