S T · JOHN & ST·KILIAN summer newsletter JULY|20 To pray, serve�oic� and love together in christ What Jesus left for us to do: At the Ascension of Jesus, He commissioned his disciples to go forth and fulfill the evangelic mission of the Gospel. This is often referred to as the “Great Commissioning.” It was an invitation to the apostles, but one also extended to believers in every generation. It is at the heart of our baptismal commitment and the social Gospel that Jesus proclaimed. In a very real sense, it fulfills the words of Jesus: “Truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” ( John 14:12 ) The “Works of Jesus” infuse the teaching of the things is our love for others and God. The example entire New Testament. It is a mission to proclaim the of how to do these things is that of Jesus at the Last Kingdom of God, announce the time of repentance Supper who washes the feet of his disciples to teach and forgiveness of sins, enter into an era of “the them that they must also be servants to one another. THE UNFINISHED Resurrecting of Humanity” (in the words of Pope As I finish my term in pastoral leadership at St. Francis), through being faithful witnesses to messages Kilian and St. John, I urge each of you to continue to MISSION and work of Jesus in the world today. And, in that Spirit, be faithful to the works of Christ in our communities to do “even greater things in Jesus’ name.” each day. Seeking to be faithful witnesses to family, One of the shortest summaries of the message of neighbors, the greater community, our nation, and the OF THE the Gospels and summations of the teaching of Christ world is what brings meaning, purpose, and fulfillment FAITHFUL is: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34) to our Christian path and journey each day. The Holy Giving substance and concreteness to that command Father and our bishops have encouraged us through gives a sense of direction on specifically how we are their pastoral responses and teachings in all essential to accomplish the work that Jesus has given us to missions in the church and world today. do. Two fundamental and broadly inclusive guides In the spirit of the Beatitudes and Last Judgement are found in The Beatitudes (Matthew, Chapter 5 and teachings of Jesus, we are directed by the Works of Luke, Chapter 6), and the Last Judgement Teachings in Mercy to be advocates and witnesses to life. This Matthew’s Gospel, 25:31-46. These teachings of Jesus includes all life issues. give a framework, definition, clarity, and substance to The late Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago the “greater things” that we are entrusted to accomplish summarized the unity of life issues as the Seamless as followers of Christ. The motivation for doing these Garment of pro-life imperatives, acknowledging that all life must be considered sacred and divinely A ChristiAn pro-life response inCludes imbued with dignity and respect. “ The lives of the unborn and newly born as well as “ Accepting the challenge of Pope Francis, and the health care and nutrition to provide for safe and healthy Scriptures themselves, that we be faithful guardians and development of both child and mother needed to stewards of Earth’s environment and resources to protect safeguard their future lives this and future generations from the effects of global “ Adequate medical assistance and help with the support warming and degradation of our air, water, land necessary for the elderly, chronically ill, and their eco-systems and all those not able to afford insurance, “ Working to free ourselves and society of the violence food or housing security against life represented by racism, cultural prejudices, disrespect for the religious beliefs of others, all forms “ Ending the use of the death penalty and all inhumane forms of punishment that violate the sanctity of hatred toward others, and victims of social, gender, of the lives of all prisoners education, and economic injustices “ Advocating for peace through dialogue, negotiations “ Protecting others and ourselves during this time of the and all efforts to avoid conflict, violence and war Coronavirus by following the best medical advice and practices, especially being aware of the most vulnerable “ Supporting meaningful and reasonable gun control and reform laws which protect innocent victims and In workIng to accomplIsh all these reforms and truly be a lower the level of violence in society by reducing the community of faith which protects and values all human life, availability of assault weapons through background we do the work that Jesus has left for us. checks and gun registration “ july 2020 Page 1 PRESENTING NEW PASTOR +F R . BR IT TO Dear St. Kilian and St. John Congregations, By now you have heard the news that I, Father Britto, have been assigned as your new Pastor. I am thrilled to have been given this new assignment. I look forward to getting to know and serve all of you. First, I would like to “break the ice” and share a wee bit about myself. y given name is Britto Raja Suresh, but I prefer to go by “Britto.” Both my parents are retired Mand living in my hometown in South India. I am the eldest of their two sons. My younger brother is a school teacher, teaching the native language of Tamil. In the village of my hometown, it is customary for sons to be named after St. John de Britto, a Portuguese Missionary of the Jesuit order. He preached the Christian religion, in the region of Madurai, South India for 20 years —1673 to 1693. It was in 1693 that he was executed in the place called “Oriyur” for defending the gospel values and was canonized St. John de hile I am excited and ready to Britto on June 22, 1947. transfer to my new assignment, I Being from the soil of “St. Britto’s great Martyrdom,” Wadmit that I feel a wee bit of stress I, too, was impressed by his values and started my vocation and sadness. Leaving behind the comfort as a Jesuit scholastic. I was soon called by the Holy Spirit to of staff, friends, and parishioners who have become a shepherd for God’s people. It is then that I decided become my family leaves me a bit saddened and to become a diocesan priest, as the Jesuits had limited stressed. Added to this is a new layer of stress opportunities for such a vocation. In 2003, I was ordained to from the pandemic and protests. Rest assured, I the priesthood in South India. will be comforted and guided by the Holy Spirit After 11 years of my priestly ministry in India, I was to overcome these stressors. awakened with the call to continue as a shepherd of God’s As I was working on this article, I happened to people in the United States. In 2014, I was appointed see this quote from an unknown author: as Associate Pastor at St. Veronica in Milwaukee and “Don’t confuse your calling with your served for two years. From there, I joined St. Alphonsus assignment. You’re called to fulfill God’s Congregation in Greendale and have been serving as the purpose. You’re assigned to specific tasks Associate Pastor for the past four years. for God’s purpose.” Is this not true? I have been blessed in my priesthood in the United States. New opportunities to share Christ’s love and I have had the privilege to serve, counsel, and minister mercy await me at St. Kilian and St. John. I am many. I have shared the joy of birth and baptism, the wide- officially set to begin my new assignment on eyed wonderment of First Communion, the confident August 4th. I am eager to be your shepherd; to commitment of Confirmation, the excitement of marriage, serve, counsel, minister, and become a part of and the sorrow of illness and death. I have cherished these your families. opportunities to share God’s love and mercy. Peace and Blessings, Fr. Britto Page 2 St.John/St.Kilian VOICE KNEW THAT ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD would be memorable, but I did not expect its unforgettable character be colored by the uncertainty and fear that a worldwide pandemic brings. However, Archbishop Listecki hit the nail on the head during his homily at the otherwise stripped-down ceremony. By being ordained on the original day amidst the challenging circumstances and sacrificing what would otherwise be a large communal Appeal Update celebration, it was made clear that ordination day really belongs to Christ and is a visible Isign for His continuing work of salvation. There is some good news to share, as The Ordination Mass was subdued. Only our immediate families could be present. the Archdiocese is in Phase One of the Thankfully, my entire immediate family and their families were able to attend. That alone Catholic Comeback. The 2020 Archdiocese was a great gift. Due to restrictions on numbers, there was unfortunately no choir nor Stewardship Campaign, “Many Hands, One could many of the presbyterate be able to attend. However, the subdued nature of the Vision,” continues on since the February Liturgy helped the Rite speak. For us newly ordained and not, the simplicity of the Liturgy launch. St. John and St. Kilian are strongly helped us all actively enter into prayer with the words and gestures that the Church gives committed to supporting this Appeal.
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