SOURCES OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND INDEXES SOURCES OF PHOTOGRAPHS H.M. the Queen: Fig. 181 London, A.C.Cooper: Figs.12, 23, 31, 47-50, 53, Althorp, The Earl Spencer: Fig. 13 71, 82, 102, 129, 160, 172, 176 Amsterdam, Fotocommissie Rijksmuseum: London, Courtauld Institute Galleries: Figs.147, F ig.87 149 Amsterdam, Gemeentemusea: Fig.45 London, J.Freeman: Figs.16, 30 A n tw e rp , J. D e M ae y e r: Figs. 17, 18 London, National Gallery: Figs.9, 10, 85, 110-112, Antwerp, Rubenianum: Figs.2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 152, 200, 201 15, 39 , 43 , 44 , 46 , 55 , 66-69, 7o, 74, 74 , 78, 81, London, S.Newbery: Figs. 165, 227 90, 91, 93, 98, lo i, 105, 108, 121, 125, 126, 128, London, H.J.Orgler: Fig.229 131, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139, 142, 146, 150, 151, London, Royal Academy: Fig.116 156, 157, 159, 162, 163, 166, 167, 169-171, 174, Madrid, Museo del Prado: Figs.3, 76 175, 177, 178, 189, 193, 198, 203, 208-213, 2,18, Munich, Bayerische Staatsgemaldesammlungen : 222, 228, 234, 240, 241, 111. p.206 Figs.24-27, 29, 42, 84, 92, 145, 184-188, 192, Antwerp, ’t Felt: Fig.207 220, 239 Barcelona, Mas: Fig.22 New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kultur- Figs.117, 133, 195-197, 135 besitz: Fig. 191 New York, Pierpont Morgan Library: Fig.230 Berlin (DDR), Staatliche Museen: Fig.83 Nîmes, Musée des Beaux-Arts: Fig.32 Brunswick, Herzog Anton-Ulrich Museum: Paris, Archives Photographiques: Figs.97, 119, Fig.216 123, 124 Brussels, A .C .L.: Figs.120, 122, 153, 223 Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale: Fig.237 Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale: Fig.236 Paris, B u llo z: Figs.96, 226 Brussels, Speltdoorn: Fig.109 Paris, Giraudon: Fig.118 Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Art : Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux: Figs. 103, Figs.35, 36 104, 114, 182 Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst: Fig.242 Pasadena, Norton Simon Inc. Museum of Art: Cracow, W awel Castle: Fig.134 Fig.130 Détroit, The Détroit Institute of Arts: Figs.75, Philadelphia, John G.Johnson Collection: 77, 79, 80, 206 Fig. 194 Douai, Musée de la Chartreuse: Figs.224, 225 Pittsburgh, Frick Art Museum: Fig.63 Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen : Figs.94, Prague, Nârodni Galerie: Fig.215 202 Rome, Anderson: Fig.140 Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland: Fig. 141 Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen: Düsseldorf, Kunstmuseum: Fig. 19 Figs.99, 100 Florence, Alinari: Figs.51, 173 San Francisco, M.H. de Young Memorial Florence, B rogi: Figs.40, 41, 168 Museum: Figs.59-62 Fort Worth, The Kimbell Art Museum: Fig.54 Sarasota, The Ringling Museum of Art: The Hague, Dingjan: Fig.154 F ig.73 T h e H ague, A .F re q u in : Figs.28, 65, 86, 115, 155, Schaan, W . W a ch ter: F igs.i, 232, 233 158 St Louis, City Art Museum: Fig.217 The Hague, Dienst Verspreide Rijkskollecties: Stockholm, Nationalmuseum: Fig.231 Fig. 199 V ien n a, A lb e rtin a : Figs.33, 34, 52, 57, 113, 143, The Hague, Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische 214 Documentatie: Fig.238 Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum: Figs.88, 89, Kassei, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen: Fig. 161 144, 148, 179, 180, 183 Leningrad, Hermitage: Figs.56, 164 Vienna, W olfrum : Figs.20, 21 L o n do n , B ritish M u se u m : Figs.38, 58, 95, 127, Warsaw, University Library: Fig.219 190, 221 Washington, National Gallery of Art: Fig.37 370 Index I: Collections This index lists ail extant paintings, oil sketches and drawings, as w ell as a retouched proof State of an engraving, catalogued in the present volume. Copies have also been included. The works are listed alphabetically according to place. References to the number of the catalogue entries are given in bold, followed by copy numbers where relevant, then by page references and finally by figure numbers in italics. ALTHORP HOUSE, EARL SPENCER George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, on Horse- G. de Crayer, painting after Rubens: back, N 0 .8 1, cop y; 64 Albert, Archduke of Austria, No.64, copy 2; 40-41; fi g. 13 ANTWERP, STADSARCHIEF Anonymous, drawing after Rubens (?): AMSTERDAM, RIJKSMUSEUM Jean de la Court (?)Rubens Hélène Fourment, N 0 .9 6 b ; 88, 90-91; fig.Sy BARCELONA, MUSEO DE ARTE DE CATALUNA (?) R ubens, pain tin g: ANTWERP, MRS BOUDRY Alethea Talbot, Countess of Arundel, N o .7 1; Anonymous, paintings after Rubens: 47-48 ; fig.22 Albert, Archduke of Austria, No.64, copy 3 ; 40 Isabella, Infanta of Spain, N o.65, copy 3 ; 41 BARCELONA, PRIVATE COLLECTION Rubens, painting: ANTWERP, KONINKLIJK MUSEUM VOOR Heliodorus de Barea, N o .73; 52-54 ; jig.y 1 SCHONE KUNSTEN Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Rubens, painting: Peter Paul Rubens, N o.134, copy 1; 151 Jan-Gaspar Gevartius, N o.106; 26, 113-116, 138; fig.122 BARODA, INDIA., BARODA MUSEUM AND N. de Keyser, drawing after Rubens: PICTURE GALLERY Albert and Nicolaas Rubens, N o.142, copy 4; (?) A . van D y c k , p ain tin g: 175-176 Frederik van Martselaer, N0.Ï19; 133-134; ANTWERP, MUSEUM PLANTIN-MORETUS fig -H i E.Quellinus II, painting after Rubens: BERLIN-DAHLEM, STAATLICHE MUSEEN Ludovicus Nonnius, N0.124, copy; 137-139; PREUSSISCHER KULTURBESITZ, KUPFERSTICH- fig -H i KABINETT (?) T. W illeboirts Bosschaert, painting after Rubens, drawing: R u ben s : An Old Woman in two Views, N o .13 9 b ; Jan-Gaspar Gevartius, N o.106, copy 1; 168-169; fig.191 113 -114 Anonymous, drawings after Rubens: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Alethea Talbot, Countess of Arundel and her Peter Paul Rubens, Philip Rubens, Justus Train, N o.72, copy; 48 Lipsius and Johannes Woverius (‘The Four Michael Ophovius, No.127a, copy 1; 143 Philosophers’J, N o 117 , cop y 2; 128 BERLIN (DDR), BODE MUSEUM ANTWERP, RUBENS HUIS (?) R ubens, pain tin g: Rubens, painting: Ferdinand, Cardinal Infante of Spain, N o .94; Peter Paul Rubens, N o.136; 157-159, 166, 8 lfig-S 172; figs.177, ïyS 7 3 Workshop of Rubens: BOSTON, MASS., MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS Michael Ophovius, N o. 126, copy 1; 140, 142; Anonymous, painting after Rubens: fig-H 6 Jan Brueghel the Elder and his Family, N 0 .79 , Anonymous, painting after Rubens: copy 1 ; 60 INDEX i: COLLECTIONS BRUNSWICK, HERZOG ANTON ULRICH- CASTAGNOLA-LUGANO, VILLA FAVORITA, MUSEUM COLLECTION BENTINCK-THYSSEN Rubens, painting: Rubens, painting: Ambrogio Spinola, N o.149; 126, 185-187; Albert, Archduke of Austria, N o.70; 47; fig.19 fig.216 CLEVELAND, OHIO, THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM BRUSSELS, BARON CARTON DE WIART OF ART Anonymous, paintings after Rubens: Rubens, painting: Albert, Archduke ofAustria, N0.64, copy 4; 40 Isabella Brant, N0.75 ; 25, 54-56, 107, 109-110, Isabella, Infanta of Spain, N o .65, cop y 4; 42 112 \fg.36 BRUSSELS, G.DULIÈRE COPENHAGEN,KONGELIGE Anonymous, painting after Rubens : KOBBERSTIKSAMLING Michael Ophovins, N o.125, copy 1; 139; Anonymous, drawing after Rubens : Albert, Archduke of Austria, on Horseback, fig-173 N 0 .58 , cop y 7; 35 BRUSSELS, R. PINCK COPENHAGEN, ADAM PASLER Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Anonymous, painting after Rubens : Hélène Fourment, No.141a, copy 5; 174 Matthaeus Yrsselius, N o. 161, copy; 204 BRUSSELS, F. C. JACQUES COPENHAGEN, STATENS MUSEUM POR KUNST Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Rubens, painting: Michael Ophovius, N o . 126, copy 2; 140 Matthaeus Yrsselius, N o . 16 1; 204—206; fig .242 BRUSSELS, MUSÉES ROYAUX DES BEAUX-ARTS CRACOW, WAWEL CASTLE, STATE DE BELGIQUE COLLECTION OF ART T. van Thulden, painting after Rubens: (?) Rubens, painting: Ferdinand, Cardinal Infante of Spain, N o .93, Ladislas-Sigismund, Prince of Poland, on cop y 6 ; 82 Horseback, N o.114; 124-125; fig. 134 Anonymous, painting after Rubens: DANZIG, MUZEUM NARODOWE Petrus Pecquius, N o.128, copy 1; 144-145 Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: Hélène Fourment, N o.96, copy 6; 88-89 BRUSSELS, PRIVATE COLLECTION Rubens, painting: DETROIT, THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS Suçanna Fourment, N0.101 ; 105-m ; fig.109 Rubens, painting: Anonymous, paintings after Rubens: Philip Rubens, N o .144; 130, 179-1S1 ; fig.206 Albert, Archduke ofAustria, N o.64, copy 5; 40 Rubens, oil sketch: Isabella, Infanta of Spain, N o .65, cop y 5; 42 Ferdinand, Cardinal Infante of Spain, on Horseback, No.93a; 31, 84-86; fig s.75, 77, BUDAPEST, SZÉPMÜVÉSZETI MUZEUM 79, <5o Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Ferdinand, Cardinal Infante of Spain, N o .91, DETROIT, PRIVATE COLLECTION copy 1 ; 80 Anonymous, painting after Rubens : Ambrogio Spinola, N o.149, copy 3; 186 CAMBRIDGE, FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM DOUAI, MUSÉE DE LA CHARTREUSE A.Watteau, drawing after Rubens: W orkshop of Rubens, paintings: Isabella Brant, N o.76, copy 10; 57 Petrus deSpira, N o.153; 191-194, 198; fig.227 Anonymous, drawing after Rubens : Nicolas Trigault, N o.154; 191-198 -, fig .224 Peter Paul Rubens, Hélène Fourment and Clara-Johanna Rubens, N o.141, copy 2; 170 DRESDEN, GEMALDEGALERIE Johannes Woverius, N o.117, copy 13; 129 Workshop of Rubens: Albert and Nicolaas Rubens, N o.142, copy 1 ; CANBERRA, NATIONAL GALLERY OP AUSTRALIA 175, 177- 178 ; fig-202 Workshop of Rubens: Anonymous, paintings after Rubens : Peter Paul Rubens, N o.135, copy 1; 153-154, Albert, Archduke of Austria, N o .64, co p y 13 ; 40 156-15 7 , 159; fig -172 Isabella, Infanta of Spain, N0.65, copy 12; 42 372 INDEX i: COLLECTIONS DRESDEN, KUPFERSTICHKABINETT GENOA, PALAZZO DURAZZO-PALLAVICINI Rubens, drawing: Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Frans Rubens, N o.98a; 95 \fig.94 Ladislas-Sigismund, Prince ofPoland, N o .113, co p y 2 ; 123 EDINBURGH, THE NATIONAL GALLERY OP SCOTLAND CHEKT, PRIVATE COLLECTION Andrew Geddes, pastel after Rubens : Anonymous, paintings after Rubens : Suçanna Fourment, N o .
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