September, 2007 I. NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English Books 000 GENERALITIES 1 Sohan Lal, ed. Perspective on current affairs / edited by Sohan Lal.-- Dehra Dun: Natraj Publications, 2007. 414p.; 19.5cm. ISBN : 81-85019-03-7. R 001 LAL-p B178587 2 Ray, Swapna Public library Act in Indian perspective / Swapna Ray.-- Kolkata: Prova Prakashani, 2005. 504p.; 20cm. Bibliography: p.309-316. ISBN : 81-86964-85-1. 027.454 SWA-p C62613 3 Bhardwaj, R.C., ed. Library and information services to the Sansad / edited by R.C. Bhardwaj.-- New Delhi: Lok Sabha secretariat, 1995. vii, 178p.: plates; 23cm. 027.6520954 BHA-l C61266; C62826 4 Ganesh, Narayani, ed. The best of speaking tree / edited by Narayani Ganesh.-- New Delhi: Bannett, Coleman, 2004. 3v.; 23cm. Reprinted in 2007; collection of articles from the column `The speaking tree' of `The Times of India'. ISBN : 81-903995-2-7. 070.4491339 P4 B178312-B178314,(V.1-V.3) 5 Ninan, Sevanti Headlines from the heartland: reinventing the Hindi public sphere / Sevanti Ninan.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007. 308p.: tables; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-7829-741-5. 079.54 SEV-h B178221 6 Narain, Prakash, ed. The human condition: eleven eminent thinkers speak / edited by Prakash Narain.-- New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 2007. 168p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-241-1262-5. 080 NAR-h B178219 100 PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY 7 Sharma, Robin The greatness guide / Robin Sharma.-- Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House, 2007. 221p.; 22cm. ISBN : 81-7992-576-5. 158.1 P7 B178319 8 Swami Hariharananda Aranya Yoga philosophy of Patanjali with Bhasvati / Swami Hariharananda Aranya; translated by P.N. Mukerji; foreword by Swami Dharamamegha Aranya.-- 4th ed.-- Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 2000. xxx, 736p.; 24cm. ISBN : 81-87594-00-4. 181.452 P0 C62624 200 RELIGION 9 Baig, Murad Ali Reflections in a sacred pond: an inquiry into India's history, mythology and religion through 80 questions / Murad Ali Baig.-- New Delhi: Tara Press, 2007. xxvii, 217p.: figs.; 22cm. Bibliogrphy: p.203-206. ISBN : 81-8794-354-8. 294 P7 B178354 10 Mohanty, Bimalendu Glimpses of buddhist legacy / Bimalendu Mohanty; foreword by Bhupender Kumar Modi.-- Delhi: Winsome Books India, 2007. xx, 116p.: plates; 21cm. Bibliography: p.115-116. ISBN : 81-88043-50-8. 294.3 P7 B178560 11 Kashyap, Subhash C., ed. Understanding India: relevance of Hinduism / edited by Subhash C. Kashyap and Abhaya Kashyap.-- New Delhi: Vitasta Publishing, 2007. xi,536p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.513-5 2 6. IS BN : 81-89766-04-x. 294.5 P7 B178225 12 Jhanji, Rekha, ed. The philosophy of Vivekananda / edited by Rekha Jhanji.-- New Delhi: Aryan Book International, 2007. 206p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.201-202. IS BN : 81-7305-320-0. 294.555 P7 B178242 13 Madanjit Kaur, ed. Guru Nanak and his teachings / edited by Madanjit Kaur; foreword by G.S. Randhawa.-- Amritsar: Guru Nanak Dev University, 2003. 239p.; 22 cm. ISBN : 81-7770-022-7. 294.663 P3 C62544 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES 14 Nussbaum, Martha C. The clash within: democracy, religious violence, and India's future / Martha C. Nussbaum.-- Cambridge: Belknap Press, 2007. xviii, 403p.; 25cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 0-674-02 482-6. 302.140954 P7 B178399 15 Chomsky, Noam Necessary illusions: thought control in Democratic societies / Noam Chomsky.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2007. viii, 422p.; 22cm. IS B N : 8 1-309-0624-4. 302.2 P7 B178323 16 Nancy, Jean-Luc The creation of the world or globalization / Jean-Luc Nancy; translated by Francois Raffoul and David Pettigrew Albany.-- New York: State University of New York Press, 2007. 129p.; 23cm. (Suny series in contemporary French thought). ISBN : 978- 0 -7914 -7026-8. 303.4 P7 B178351 17 Suresh Kumar, R.K., ed. Governance and development: lessons and experience of Kerala / edited by R.K. Suresh Kumar and P. Suresh Kumar; foreword by K. Raman Pillai.-- New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing, 2007. xlix, 367p.; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-313-0071-4. 303.44095433 P7 B178397 18 Chopra, R.M. Indo-Iranian cultural relations through the ages / R.M. Chopra.-- Kolkata: Iran Society, 2005. 128p.; 24cm. 303.48254055 P5 C62614 19 Sikka, Pawan Rajiv Gandhi: his vision of the 21st century: science, technology and national development / Pawan Sikka.-- New Delhi: Kalpaz Publications, 2007. 285p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.271-276. IS BN : 81-7835-559-0. 303.483 P7 B178333 20 Veerabhadrappa, R.P. Teaching of peace and conflict resolution / R.P. Veerabhadrappa.-- New Delhi: Lotus Press, 2007. xiv, 240p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.231-234. ISBN : 81-8382-111-1. 303.6 P7 B178167 21 Heiberg, Marianne, ed. Terror, insurgency, and the state ending protracted conflicts / edited by Marianne Heiberg, Brendon O'Leary, and John Tirman.-- Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. viii, 499p.; 23cm. ISBN : 0-8122-3974-1. 303.625 P7 B178400 22 Livi-Bacci, Massimo A concise history of world population / Massimo Livi- Bacci.--4th ed.-- Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. xv, 279p.: figs.: tables; 23cm. ISBN : 1-4051-4696-6. 304.6 P7 B178227 23 Jones, Adam, ed. Men of the global south: a reader / edited by Adam Jones.-- London: Zed Books, 2006. xii, 425p.: plates; 23.5cm. (Global masculinities). Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 1-84277-513-8. 305.31091724 P6 B178211 24 Johnson, Janet Elise, ed. Living gender after communism / edited by Janet Elise Johnson and Jean C. Robinson; foreword by Karen Dawisha.-- Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007. xii, 263p.: plates; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 0-253-34812-9. 305.4094 P7 B178391 25 Purushothaman, Sangeetha, ed. Engendering governance and development: grass roots women's best practices / edited by Sangeetha Purushothaman and Monica Jaeckel., 2001. xvii, 156p.: plates; 22cm. ISBN : 81-87380-62-4. 305.42 P1 C62514 26 Ghadially, Rehana, ed. Urban women in contemporary India: a reader / edited by Rehana Ghadially.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007. 372p.; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-7829-675-3. 305.420954 P7 B178356 27 Pattanaik, Anjali Women education / Anjali Pattanaik and Snigdha Rani Swain.-- New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing, 2007. x, 133p.: tables; 22cm. Bibliography: p.127-133. ISBN : 978-81-313-0204-0. 305.42095424 P7 B178324 28 Chalam, K.S. Caste-based reservations and human development in India / K.S. Chalam.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2007. 210p.: tables; 18cm. Bibliography: p.187-198. ISBN : 978-81-7829-742-2. 305.5680954 P7 B178222 29 Pabla, A.S. Warriors of untouchable: Ambedkar and Gandhi / A.S. Pabla.-- New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2008. 263p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-7884-335-3. 305.56880954 P8 B178528 30 Radhakrishnan, R. Between identity and location: the cultural politics of theory / R. Radhakrishnan.-- New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2007. xxv, 249p.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-250-3156-1. 306 P7 B178377 31 Singh, K.S., ed. Assam / General editor K.S. Singh; edited by B.K. Bardoloi and R.P. Athaparia.-- Calcutta: Anthropological Survey of India, 2003. 2pts.; 23cm. (People of India, states series, vol. xv). 307.095421 P3 C57802-C62604, pt.1-pt.3 32 Dwivedi, Rishi Muni, ed. Urban development and housing in India 1947 to 2007 / edited by Rishi Muni Dwivedi.-- New Delhi: New Century Publications, 2007. xxxv, 457p.; 23cm. ISBN : 81-7708-123-3. 307.14160954 P7 B178610 33 Chakravarti, Amalendu Kishore The quest for identity: the tribal solidarity movement in North-East India, 1947-69 / Amalendu Kishore Chakravarty; foreword by Dilip Coomer Ghose.-- Kolkata: The Asiatic Society, 2004. xii, 320p.; 22cm. (Monograph series; XLI). Bibliography: p.295-320. 307.77209542 P4 C62704 34 Singh, K.S., ed. Nagaland / edited by K.S. Singh.-- Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1994. xvi, 286p.: 24cm. (People of India, states series Vol. xxxiv). Bibliography: p. 261-277. 307.7720954211 N4 C48182; C62606 35 Singh, K.S., ed. Meghalaya / edited by K.S. Singh.-- Calcutta: Seagull Books, 1994. xvii, 263p.; 24cm. (People of India states series, Vol.xxxii). Bibliography: p.252-256. ISBN : 81-7046-123-5. 307.7720954212 N4 C62605 36 Munshi, Indira Adivasi life stories: context, constraints, choices / Indira Munshi.-- Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2007. ix, 271p.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-316-0044-0. 307.772095452 P7 B178543 320 POLITICAL SCIENCE 37 Kahler, Miles, ed. Territoriality and conflict in an era of globalization / edited by Miles Kahler and Barbara F. Walter.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xii, 340p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p.297-3 33. ISBN : 0-521-67503-0. 320.12 P6 B178383 38 Bakare, M.G. Reassessment of marxism / M.G. Bakare; introduction by N.B. Vaidya.-- Pune: M.G. Bokare Memorial Foundation, 2006. xix, 148p.; 21cm. 320.5315 P6 C62574 39 Wydra, Harald Communism and the emergence of democracy / Harald Wydra.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. ix, 314p.; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-0-521-85169-5. 320.532094 P7 B178382 40 Burke, Jason On the road to Kandahar: travels through conflict in the Islamic world / Jason Burke.-- London: Penguin Books, 2007. xvii, 297p.: maps; 20cm. ISBN : 978-0-141-02435-6. 320.557 P7 B178339 41 Ralhan, S.S. Political sociology / S.S. Ralhan and S.R. Lambat.-- New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers, 2006. 260p.: tables; 21.5cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-311-0047-2. 320.954 P6 B178235 42 Pai, Sudha, ed. Political process in Uttar Pradesh: identity, economic reforms and governance / edited by Sudha Pai.-- Delhi: Dorling Kindersley, 2007. xlviii, 415p.: tables; 23.5cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-317-0797-0. 320.95417 P7 B178321 43 Vile, M.J.C. Politics in the USA.-- 6th ed.-- Oxon: Routledge, 2007. ix, 318p.; 23.5cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-0-415-41418-0. 320.973 P7 B178387 44 Chaubey, R.K. Federalism, autonomy and centre-state relations / R.K.
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