June 28, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1387 economy as the home for sawmills and the HONORING KEISHA CASON OF Even after leaving the Milwaukee Urban historic Detroit and Mackinac Railroad. It also BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA League, Mr. Scott continued to work for racial provided many tales of great lumberjacks from equality. As an advisor to the Metropolitan Mil- the Michigan lumber camps. Some local resi- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE waukee Association of Commerce, he helped dents believe that many stories we tell today OF FLORIDA open new doors for African-Americans in the about the great Paul Bunyan originated from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES corporate world, ensuring the development of that area. However, by the 1890’s the lum- Tuesday, June 28, 2005 a new class of African-American professionals bering boom had dwindled from depleted re- in Milwaukee. He also worked on behalf of Af- sources and the immense damage to the for- Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Mr. rican-American businesses, advocating for ests. The land resembled that of a wasteland Speaker, I rise today to honor Keisha Cason stronger mechanisms to ensure that disadvan- and farming quickly took over as a top indus- of Brooksville, Florida. taged business enterprises would benefit from try alongside fishing. However, with the inven- Keisha Cason is a high school senior, who the construction of Miller Park. tion of the automotive assembly line, young was recently recognized by the National Fed- Throughout his life, Wesley Scott was a tire- sons of farmers headed downstate to make eration of Independent Business (NFIB) as a less advocate for equality. Earlier this year, quick money leaving hundreds of family farms 2005 NFIB Free Enterprise Scholars Award the Milwaukee Urban League announced vacant. recipient. plans to honor his legacy by transforming its Created in 2002, the award identifies high headquarters into the Wesley L. Scott Senior With its natural resources exhausted, young school seniors from all around the country Living Community. I rise today, Mr. Speaker, people left the Tawas area. The once beautiful who demonstrate scholarship and entrepre- to salute Mr. Scott for his commitment to ad- landside was left naked, polluted and over neurial achievement. From the 2,100 appli- vancing equality and to celebrate the life he fished. Tawas thought it had seen the worst cants nominated by NFIB members, an inde- dedicated to serving our community. but, on July 11, 1911 a fire leveled commu- pendent selection committee selected 378 ris- nities of neighboring Oscoda and AuSable ing scholars to each receive a $1,000 scholar- f with five dead and 2,000 homeless. Tawas ship. PERSONAL EXPLANATION area residents took in survivors and helped Keisha Cason represents the future voice of the two devastated communities rebuild. In the small business in America. As one of these process of rebuilding the communities, they gifted youth, she has displayed a sense of un- HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ had the opportunity to establish six hydro- derstanding of free enterprise far beyond her OF ILLINOIS electric dams in the AuSable River that are years. As she makes the transition to college, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES still in use today. she will continue to perform at the highest Tuesday, June 28, 2005 It was around that time that Tawas City standards. Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, due to a would see nearly 70 years of revitalization and Mr. Speaker, ambitious young men and family emergency, I was absent from this economic opportunity come to the area. In the women like Keisha Cason should be congratu- Chamber on June 24, 2005. 1920’s the United States Army Air Corps lated for their accomplishments. It is truly a I would like the record to show that, had I began a flight training program that would privilege to honor Keisha Cason for her been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on evolve into Wurtsmith Air Force Base. From achievement as a National Federation of Inde- rollcall votes 308, 312, 313, 315, 317 and 321. the mid 1920’s to the 1950’s the Civil Con- pendent Business Free Enterprise Scholar. I would have also voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall votes servation Corps planted nearly 500 million f 309, 310, 311, 314, 316, 318, 319 and 320. trees to restore much of the area ravaged dur- ing the lumber years. In 1937, the Tawas Post IN MEMORY OF WESLEY SCOTT f of the Michigan State Police became a perma- PERSONAL EXPLANATION nent part of the Tawas community. Even dur- HON. GWEN MOORE ing the war years, Tawas played an important OF WISCONSIN HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP role in protecting America and its soldiers from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK poisonous attacks with the Tawas plant, Tuesday, June 28, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES staffed by women, producing up to 42,000 gas Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I Tuesday, June 28, 2005 masks a day. In 1965, Tawas Point State Park rise today to honor and celebrate the life of an was created and provided 175 acres of camp- esteemed advocate for equality, Mr. Wesley Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speaker, due ing sites, picnic areas, beaches and the light- Scott. Mr. Scott, a longtime leader in the civil to a personal conflict on Monday, June 27, I house area which attracts over 250,000 peo- rights movement in Milwaukee, died May 28, was not present in the chamber to cast my ple per year. 2005, at the age of 88. vote on rollcalls 322 and 323. In the 1990’s Tawas City would see another The oldest of 18 children, Wesley Scott Please indicate in the appropriate place in great challenge with the closure of the came of age in an impoverished community of the RECORD that had I been present, I would Wurtsmith Air Force Base. However, after West Virginia coal miners. After earning his have voted ‘‘aye’’ on both measures. nearly a century and a half of rising to meet B.A. from Xavier University in New Orleans in f challenges in the past, the local community 1942, Mr. Scott went on to serve his country, partnered with State, local and Federal re- fighting in the South Pacific during WWII. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND sources to turn the base into a thriving oppor- Upon returning home he continued his edu- THE GROKSTER DECISION tunity. The Wurtsmith redevelopment was so cation, receiving his Masters degree from Ohio SPEECH OF successful in turning the economy around they State University in 1950. By 1951, he was were cited as an example throughout the serving as Executive Director of the Massillon, HON. STENY H. HOYER country on how small towns can overcome the Ohio, Urban League. OF MARYLAND hardships of military base closures. In 1958, Mr. Scott assumed the position of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, the history of Tawas City is deputy executive director of the Milwaukee made up of the tales of brave fishermen, inno- Urban League. Within a year he was pro- Monday, June 27, 2005 vative entrepreneurs, legendary lumberjacks, moted to executive director, a position he held Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in dedicated neighbors, hardworking farmers, for 23 years. At the helm of the Milwaukee support of the Supreme Court’s decision on courageous soldiers, devoted workers, and Urban League, Mr. Scott distinguished himself Monday, June 27 in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer All-American families. The values that extend with a dynamic yet dignified style of leader- Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd. from each industry, every challenge, and ship. His contemporaries lauded his unflagging In a rare 9–0 decision, the Court found ‘‘that every triumph have added to the fabric of this commitment to the advancement of African- one who distributes a device with the object of community. I applaud the people of Tawas— Americans and poor people. He is credited promoting its use to infringe copyright, as past and present—for advancing this city to be with building bridges between white and black shown by clear expression or other affirmative the outstanding place it is today. Furthermore, communities, seeking out opportunities for steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for I ask the United States House of Representa- progress in a very difficult and often turbulent the resulting acts of infringement by third par- tives to join me in congratulating Tawas City environment. Under his leadership, the Mil- ties.’’ and its residents on their first 150 years and waukee Urban League became a premier or- Grokster and other companies that in wishing them well through the next century. ganization in the fight for civil rights. proactively enable the theft of creative and VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:47 Jun 29, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28JN8.062 E28PT1 E1388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 28, 2005 other protected works should immediately table events including the MS Walk, and the just east of the M–39 (Southfield Freeway) cease this activity. Heart Disease Walk. She is involved in the interchange in Allen Park. MDOT was also the MGM Studios v. Grokster is much more student council and through it she has helped World’s first transportation agency to automate than a legal battle involving movie studios, organize student functions such as the spring management and processing of construction record labels and the technology community. musical dance and is involved in peer medi- products from the construction site through Grokster is fundamentally about ensuring that ation. She participates in marching band, con- contractor payment, saving taxpayers more the creative and copyrighted works of millions cert band, and jazz band.
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