§ 165.1101 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) p.m. on March 27, 2010 through Sep- thence running generally northwest- tember 6, 2010. If the event concludes erly along the shoreline of the Naval prior to the scheduled termination Station to the place of the beginning. time, the Captain of the Port will cease All coordinates referenced use datum: enforcement of this safety zone and NAD 1983. will announce that fact via Broadcast (b) Regulations. (1) In accordance with Notice to Mariners. the general regulations in § 165.33 of (c) Definitions. The following defini- this part, entry into the area of this tion applies to this section: Designated zone is prohibited unless authorized by representative, means any commis- the Captain of the Port San Diego; sioned, warrant, and petty officers of Commander, Naval Base San Diego; the Coast Guard on board Coast Guard, Commander, Navy Region Southwest; Coast Guard Auxiliary, and local, or the Commanding Officer, Naval Sta- State, and Federal law enforcement tion, San Diego. vessels who have been authorized to (2) Persons desiring to transit the act on the behalf of the Captain of the area of the security zone may contact Port. the Captain of the Port at telephone (d) Regulations. (1) Entry into, transit number 619–683–6495 or on VHF channel through or anchoring within this safe- 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permission to ty zone is prohibited unless authorized transit the area. If permission is grant- by the Captain of the Port of San Diego ed, all persons and vessels must comply or his designated on-scene representa- with the instructions of the Captain of tive. the Port or his or her designated rep- (2) Mariners requesting permission to resentative. transit through the safety zone may re- (c) Authority. In addition to 33 U.S.C. quest authorization to do so from the 1231 and 50 U.S.C. 191, the authority for Sector San Diego Command Center. this section includes 33 U.S.C. 1226. The Command Center may be con- (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast tacted on VHF–FM Channel 16. Guard may be assisted in the patrol (3) All persons and vessels shall com- and enforcement of this security zone ply with the instructions of the Coast by the U.S. Navy. Guard Captain of the Port or the des- [COTP San Diego 04–019, 70 FR 2021, Jan. 12, ignated representative. 2005] (4) Upon being hailed by U.S. Coast Guard patrol personnel by siren, radio, § 165.1102 Security Zone; Naval Base flashing light, or other means, the op- Point Loma; San Diego Bay, San erator of a vessel shall proceed as di- Diego, CA. rected. (a) Location. The following area is a (5) The Coast Guard may be assisted security zone: The water adjacent to by other Federal, State, or local agen- the Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego, cies. CA, enclosed by the following coordi- EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By USCG–2010–0213, nates: 75 FR 19250, Apr. 14, 2010, temporary § 165.T11– 32°42.48′ N, 117°14.22′ W (Point A); 304 was added, effective from Mar. 27, 2010 32°42.48′ N, 117°14.21′ W (Point B); through Sept. 6, 2010. 32°42.17′ N, 117°14.05′ W (Point C); 32°41.73′ N, 117°14.21′ W (Point D); § 165.1101 Security Zone: San Diego 32°41.53′ N, 117°14.23′ W (Point E); Bay, CA. 32°41.55′ N, 117°14.02′ W (Point F); (a) Location. The following area is a 32°41.17′ N, 117°13.95′ W (Point G); security zone: the water area within 32°41.17′ N, 117°13.97′ W (Point H); Naval Station, San Diego enclosed by thence running generally north along the the following points: Beginning at shoreline to Point A. 32°41′16.5″ N, 117°08′01″ W (Point A); (b) Regulations. (1) The general regu- thence running southwesterly to lations governing security zones found 32°40′58.3″ N, 117°08′11.0″ W (Point B); to in 33 CFR 165.33 apply to the security 32°40′36.0″ N 117°07′49.1″ W (Point C); to zone described in paragraph (a) of this 32°40′17.0′ N, 117°07′34.6″ W (Point D); to section. 32°39′36.4″ N, 117°07′24.8″ W (Point E); to (2) Entry into, or remaining in, the 32°39′38.5″ N 117°07′06.5″ W, (Point F); area of this zone is prohibited unless 778 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00788 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS § 165.1105 authorized by the Captain of the Port thence southeasterly to 32°42′21.0″ N, San Diego; Commanding Officer, Naval 117°10′47.0″ W (Point E) thence running Base Point Loma; or Commander, Navy southerly to 32°42′13.0″ N, 117°10′51.0″ W Region Southwest. (Point F); thence running generally (3) Persons desiring to transit the northwesterly along the shoreline of area of the security zone may request Naval Base Coronado to the place of be- permission from the Captain of the ginning. All coordinates referenced use Port San Diego at telephone number datum: NAD 1983. (619) 278–7033 or on VHF channel 16 (b) Regulations. (1) In accordance with (156.8 MHz) or from either the Com- the general regulations in Sec. 165.33 of manding Officer, Naval Base Point this part, entry into the area of this Loma or the Commander, Navy Region zone is prohibited unless authorized by Southwest by calling the Navy Port the Captain of the Port San Diego; Operation Dispatch at telephone num- Commander, Naval Base Coronado, or ber (619) 556–1433 or on VHF–FM chan- Commander, Navy Region Southwest. nels 16 or 12. If permission is granted, (2) Persons desiring to transit the all persons and vessels must comply area of the security zone may contact with the instructions of the Captain of the Captain of the Port at telephone the Port San Diego or his or her des- number 619–683–6495 or on VHF channel ignated representative. 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permission to (c) Definitions. For purposes of this transit the area. If permission is grant- section: Captain of the Port San Diego, ed, all persons and vessels must comply means the Commanding Officer of the with the instructions of the Captain of Coast Guard Sector San Diego; Com- the Port or his or her designated rep- mander, Navy Region Southwest, means resentative. Navy Region Commander responsible (c) Authority. In addition to 33 U.S.C. for the Southwest Region; Commanding 1231 and 50 U.S.C. 191, the authority for Officer, Naval Base Point Loma, means this section includes 33 U.S.C. 1226. the Installation Commander of the (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast naval base located on Point Loma, San Guard may be assisted in the patrol Diego, California; Designated Represent- and enforcement of this security zone ative, means any U.S. Coast Guard by the U.S. Navy. commissioned, warrant, or petty offi- cer who has been designated by the [COTP San Diego, 68 FR 25290, May 12, 2003] Captain of the Port San Diego to assist in the enforcement of the security zone § 165.1105 Security Zone: San Diego described in paragraph (a) of this sec- Bay, California. tion. (a) Location. (1) The following area is (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast a security zone: The water area adja- Guard may be assisted in the patrol cent to Naval Air Station North Island, and enforcement of the security zone Coronado, California, and within 100 described in paragraph (a) of this sec- yards (91 meters) of Bravo Pier, and tion by the U.S. Navy and local law en- vessels moored thereto, bounded by the forcement agencies. following points (when no vessel is [USCG–2008–1016, 74 FR 50708, Oct. 1, 2009] moored at the pier): (i) Latitude 32°41′53.0″ N, Longitude § 165.1104 Security Zone: San Diego 117°13′33.6″ W; Bay, CA. (ii) Latitude 32°41′53.0″ N, Longitude (a) Location. The following area is a 117°13′40.6″ W; security zone: on the waters along the (iii) Latitude 32°41′34.0″ N, Longitude northern shoreline of Naval Base Coro- 117°13′40.6″ W; nado, the area enclosed by the fol- (iv) Latitude 32°41′34.0″ N, Longitude lowing points: Beginning at 32°42′53.0″ 117°13′34.1″ W. N, 117°11′45.0 W (Point A); thence run- (2) Because the area of this security ning northerly to 32°42′55.5″ N, zone is measured from the pier and 117°11′45.0″ W, (Point B); thence running from vessels moored thereto, the ac- easterly to 32°42′57.0″ N, 117°11′31.0″ W, tual area of this security zone will be (Point C); thence southeasterly to larger when a vessel is moored at 32°42′42.0″ N, 117°11′04.0″ W (Point D); Bravo Pier. 779 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00789 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR.
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