Mathematics People The Ramanujan Prize is awarded annually to a re- Krishna Awarded ICTP-IMU searcher from a developing country who is younger than Ramanujan Prize forty-five years of age on December 31 of the year of the award and who has conducted outstanding research in a Amalendu Krishna of the Tata Insti- developing country. Researchers working in any branch of tute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) the mathematical sciences are eligible. The prize carries has been awarded the 2015 Ramanujan a cash award of US$15,000, and the recipient is invited to Prize of the Abdus Salam International deliver a lecture at ICTP. Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the International Mathematical Union —Elaine Kehoe (IMU), and the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India. Krishna was recognized “for Church Receives First his outstanding contributions in the Duszenko Award area of algebraic K-theory, algebraic cycles and the theory of motives.” The Thomas Church of Stanford Amalendu Krishna prize citation reads in part: “In his University has been named the work, Krishna has shown an impres- inaugural recipient of the Kamil sive command of a very technical subject, applying the Duszenko Award. The award is modern theories of algebraic K-theory and Voevodsky’s given by the Wrocław Mathemati- theory of motives to study concrete problems. His results cians Foundation (WMF) for out- on 0-cycles on algebraic varieties with isolated singulari- standing work or research that ties effectively reduces their study to the corresponding has significantly contributed to study on the desingularization, together with information the deepening of knowledge and further progress in mathematics. about multiples of the exceptional divisors. This allows the Kamil Duszenko was a young complete calculation of the Chow group of 0-cycles on an mathematician who died of acute algebraic variety in many cases, like the case of rational lymphoblastic leukemia at the varieties or cones. Working initially with Levine, and later age of twenty-eight. The award Thomas Church with Park, Krishna built up the original constructions of was founded in his memory by Bloch-Esnault on additive Chow groups into a full theory. his mother. The prize is given at least every two years. This includes proving fundamental properties, such as The 2015 award carries a cash prize of 3,000 euros (ap- the contravariant functoriality and a projective bundle proximately US$3,400). formula, as well as constructing an action of the usual Further information about the prize is available at kamil. higher Chow groups on the additive ones.” math.uni.wroc.pl/en/. Krishna received his PhD in 2001 from TIFR. He has Church's research has taken three main directions: low- taught at the University of California, Los Angeles, and dimensional topology with emphasis on the mapping class the Institute for Advanced Study before taking his current group, cohomology of arithmetic groups, with emphasis position at TIFR. He received the B. M. Birla Science Cen- on high-dimensional cohomology, and, perhaps most tre Prize in Mathematics in 2009 and the Swarna Jayanti importantly, representation stability, which is a new Fellowship Award in Mathematical Sciences from the Gov- phenomenon he discovered and studied with collabora- ernment of India in 2011. tors. This is a general phenomenon arising in (families 1218 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUmE 62, NUmBER 10 Mathematics People of) arithmetic groups, outer automorphism groups of the complexity. In this scenario, a spurious counterexample free groups, mapping class groups of surfaces, and other can point to those invisible state-holding elements that areas. It is a beautifully simple, very general principle need to be made visible again. Localization reduction was that has already proved its usefulness in helping to solve generalized and formulated as CEGAR in the late 1990s by several outstanding problems. Clarke, Grumberg, Jha, Lu, and Veith, and published in the CAV Conference in 2000 and in the Journal of the ACM in —From a WMF announcement 2003. This work by now has over 2,000 citations. CEGAR- based techniques have become so commonplace that they often do not warrant a separate publication, but are 2015 Computer-Aided standard ingredients of state-of-the-art model checkers.” The CAV Award is given annually in recognition of a Verification Award specific fundamental contribution or a series of outstand- ing contributions to computer-aided verification and Announced includes a cash prize of US$10,000. The recipients of the 2015 Computer-Aided Verification (CAV) Award have been announced. Edmund M. Clarke, —International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification Carnegie Mellon University; Orna Grumberg, Technion; Ronald H. Hardin, Bell Laboratories; Zvi Harel, Tech- nion; Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin; Robert P. 2015 ICIAM Awards Kurshan, Bell Laboratories; Yuan Lu, Carnegie Mellon University; and Helmut Veith, Vienna University of Announced Technology, were honored “for the development and The International Council for Industrial and Applied implementation of the localization-reduction technique Mathematics (ICIAM) has announced the recipients of five and the formulation of counterexample-guided abstrac- ICIAM prizes for 2015. The prizes were awarded at the tion refinement (CEGAR)”. ICIAM 2015 in Beijing, China. The prize citation reads: “Abstraction is a key technique Annalisa Buffa of the Institute for Applied Mathemat- in automated verification and program analysis, as it en- ics and Information Technologies (Pavia-Genoa-Milan sec- ables model checkers and many other kinds of analyses to tion) has been awarded the Collatz Prize “in recognition scale to systems of significant size. It is, however, difficult of her spectacular use of deep and sophisticated math- to provide an abstraction that is ‘just right’ for a given ematical concepts to obtain outstanding contributions model and property. In case the property fails to verify to the development of computer simulations in science on the abstraction, it is often not possible to conclude and industry.” The prize recognizes individual scientists anything about the original model, as any counterexample under the age of forty-two for outstanding work on in- may be spurious. The key idea of Counterexample-Guided dustrial and applied mathematics. It carries a cash award Abstraction Refinement is to put the counterexample to of US$5,000. good use: CEGAR-based techniques attempt to discover a Andrew J. Majda of the Courant Institute of Math- reason why the counterexample is spurious. This reason ematical Sciences, New York University, was awarded the is then used to discover those parts of the abstraction that Lagrange Prize “in recognition of his groundbreaking, lack detail. The abstraction can then be refined automati- original, fundamental and pioneering contributions to ap- cally. The specific merit of CEGAR is its versatility: CEGAR plied mathematics and, in particular, to wave front propa- applies to virtually any verification scenario, and has been gation and combustion, scattering theory, fluid dynamics, implemented in a vast number of verification algorithms and atmosphere climate science.” The prize recognizes with great success, and is often the key enabler for scal- individual mathematicians who have made an exceptional ability. CEGAR today is one of the central paradigms of contribution to applied mathematics throughout their model checking and automated verification, combining careers. It carries a cash award of US$5,000. two well-established model-checking techniques—coun- Jean-Michel Coron of the Université Pierre et Marie terexample generation and abstraction—into a new adap- Curie was honored with the Maxwell Prize “for his funda- tive model-checking algorithm. The basic idea of CEGAR mental and original contributions to the study of varia- is general yet compelling. A choice of abstraction can be tional methods for partial differential equations and the seen as a conjectured proof that the property holds. If this nonlinear control of nonlinear partial differential equa- proof fails, the counterexample is used to learn from the tions.” The prize recognizes a mathematician who has failed attempt, resulting in a new and improved argument demonstrated originality in applied mathematics. It carries for correctness. a cash award of US$5,000. Localization reduction, conceived and implemented in Björn Engquist of the University of Texas at Austin COSPAN in the early 1990s by Hardin, Harel, and Kurshan, was awarded the Pioneer Prize “for fundamental contri- is the first instance of this paradigm in model checking. In butions in the field of applied mathematics, numerical localization reduction, a particular abstraction is a choice analysis and scientific computing which have had long- of a subset of the state-holding elements of the model. The lasting impact in the field as well as successful ap- chosen elements are retained as visible, whereas all others plications in science, engineering and industry.” The are removed from the model, thereby greatly reducing its prize recognizes pioneering work introducing applied NOvEmBER 2015 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1219 Mathematics People mathematical methods and scientific computing tech- Oxford), Rice University; Michael Chmutov (University niques to an industrial problem area or a new scientific of Michigan), University of Minnesota; Otis Chodosh field of applications. It carries a cash award of US$5,000. (Stanford University), Columbia University; David
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