* * THE MERCIAD pOL 70 NO. 12 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD HILLS, ERIE, PA. 1654C January 23,199? Unexpected Resignation of Laker Head Coach By John Murphy Describing the events that led culating since Hartis' failed re- up to the official announcement, ^km Editor in chief turn, the official news still came :m Russo said the whole affair was as a suprise to all concerned. "I In the late afternoon of Tues- an unusual one for him as athletic expected him to be back. Suprise day, January 21, days of rumor director. Trior to the break we would be a good way to describe and speculation about the posi- talked and he said Til see you the developments," said Russo. 9 tion of Richard Hartis as head after the break. He was going to "We spoke before he went home coach for the Mercy hurst men's go to the All-American tourna- at Christmas and he told me he and women's soccer teams, were ment in Nashville with senior A l l - was thinking of getting involved Jrww finally set straight America n Glenn Francis. Antici- in the pro-game, so I'm not In a meeting called by Athletic pating this, I even paid their way surprised that he left But, I am Director Pete Russo, members of to go," said Russo. surprised at the abrupt manner in both teams were informed "that "After a week or so into the which he did it," said Assistant Hartis had officially resigned as start o f s c h o o l , I became nervous Men's Coach Melody. their head coach. Russo outlined and I tried to have John (assistant "lam surprised at his leaving the to those present that he had re- coach John Melody) track him program at this point because we ceived two faxes from E n g l a n d at down. Finally he called me on had come so dose to a national 8:3 0 a.m. Tu esda y morning. One Friday, January 17, and he told championship. But, you can't re- was a letter of resignation ad- me.he wasn't',returning," said ally blame anyone for following dressed to Russo.The other was a Russo. their dream," said Women's As- personal letter from H a r t i s to his Both in the letter to the players, sistant Coach, Yvonne Parker. players. Upset Players and in his conversation with Russo, Rich Hartis Both letters outlined the rea- Hartis emphasized that he didn't sons behind his decision to leave plan to leave Mercyhurst this way. "There were a lot of rumors and "j Rich's promises that I would get Angle Montesano. Mercy hurst and return to his na- "He told me he didn't w a n t it to the meeting confirmed our suspi- four years competing tor a na- "He is die one who recruited tive England. Saying that t h i s was be this way, he would have pre- cions, but lam disappointed at the tional championship, I feel like be me. He is a major reason in me die hardest decision he ever had ferred to pa rt personally ra ther than way he did it," said top scoring lied to me. It was disrespectful to being here. Now I am n o t so sure to make, Hartis said, Tor quite a through a fax." freshman Barry Allen. the players, he owed us more th an what my future is going to be while now I have had a desire to To his players, Hartis wrote, "I guess it's no great surprise he this." ! with Mercyhurst soccer," said comeback t o England to live and "While I would have loved to have left, but I'm still shocked at the W "Rich always preached to us freshman Th eresa Roach. work. Even though I have had a been there to tell you all person- way he did it," sophomore Eric about being professional fat o u r Although he was disappointed tremendous time in America, I ally, unfortunately this is not p o s - Qark said. approach to the game, in our pla y, in the way that his fellow coun- have always wanted to work in sible so I'm afraid for now atleast "I feel betrayed. He told me he'd in our presentation. I feel that his try m a n departed from professional soccer. I have come you'll have to make do with this be here until I graduated," said actions in handling this shows h e Mercyhurst, sophomore Stuart back to England to pursue my letter." Junior Women's Captain, Nikki does not practice what he Hogg tried to look on the bright dream." Although rumors had been cir- Esposlto. 1 came here believing preached to us," said sophomore Go to Coach, p. 3 March, Speech Mark Erie Celebration of King's Birthday By Chris Wloch the 50s and 60s, As an action "What the man and the move- cepts and wrong beliefs about pete on a global scale unless it News Editor director, Vivian led one of the ment did was to take us from p e t t y themselves and other people. listens to its prophet In the final first civil rights marches to pro- personal introspective concerns "Before Martin, racial hatred anal y s i s , we must be involved in On Monday Ian. 20, members test segregation in the South. to a cosmic social consciousness. was all too often tolerated in a political activity, in the decisions of the Erie community gathered "No one has done so much for Martin made ua realize that we largely Christian, democratic so- Which shape our lives, in relation- downtown to celebrate the 12th ao many people on as many criti- were a sick nation: sick on race, ciety. Martin took two things that ships that determine life," Vivian annual observance of Rev. Dr. cal and crucial social, economic sick on sex, on materialism, on many Americans believed in, the said. Martin Luther King'a birthday as and educational issues as Martin violence. He called ua forth as Constitution and the Bible, and Betty Damper, director of Act a national holiday. Following a King," he said. Whatever we are doctors to ourselves so that we turned them to the people as a 101, who attended the lecture, noontime march from City Hall as a nation, as atmgglers for j u s - would listen to those in our midst mirror in order that they might aaid that she especially liked the to the MLK Memorial Center, tice, as religious people, regard- who knew the truth by creating an see the tragedy of democracy in emphasis on King as a prophet participants convened in the less o f o u r faith, he made us more environment in which they could this country," he said. with a vision of society that is Warner Theater for a 1:30 p.m. human because he was in our be heard," he said. Although County Executive universal in both its scope and celebration featuring presenta- midst* In his discussion of K i n g ' s idea Judy Lynch described King as a implications. "It's good that Dr. tions and hymns led by local lead* In a 45-minute lecture, Vivian and practice o f n o n - v i o l e n t direct person who stands above 20th King's contemporaries are still era, clergy and church choirs and discussed the monumental con- action, Vivian said that "non-vio- century Americans, Vivian said able to speak about his life and a speech by King's close friend tributions that»King.made to lence means more than just 'not- that he prefers to think of him as purpose. I appreciated the fact and associate Dr. C T. Vivian. American society In combatting hitting back.* It's about loving a "21st century man. Martin was that Dr. Vivian acknowledged preparing us for the next century | Vivian, the author of Black segregation, racial prejudice, v i o - those that persecute you." Vivian King's commitment to social j u s - in a world that is three quarters Power and the American Myth lence and poverty. "As the spokes- also addressed the significant tice as something that benefits and founder of the Black World man, mentor and spirit of the civil impact that King has had on race da rk t o Mack, where there will be more Latinos in the United States people of all ethnic backgrounds. African Institute for the Study of rights movement and the greatest relations in this country by point- I also think it's very important Human Values and other activist ing out that "what Martin did social strategist of our time, Mar- than Blacks, and only 16.5% of that young people in Erie are ex- groups, was one of the members helped more whites than blacks. tin provided us with the means the new work force wfll be white Go to King, p.2 of King's personal staff during and the method to be free. He freed w h i t e s from false con- male. This nation cannot com- - - • * • „«,««»>-- * ..*.*•* * . v • * PAGE 2 THEMERCIAD January 23.1997 Gampi&NOTH Cash P r i z e s Offered During Flu Vaccin e R e - I n i m u n i z a t i o n s R e c o n i n i e n d e d Parke Davis Pharmaceutical Company has notified Cohen Student Health Center mat the flu v a c c i n e which was administered this year has a decreased potency of o n e of i t s components.
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