r first With The News! For Value - Shop TheAdvs Keep Astride All The Activities Of The Town With Tour The Largest And Best Shops And Home-Town Paper Services In The Area Are Our Advertisers' Patronize Them! VOL.^XXXUl-nu—NO. 11U0 _______ (Ertere' C/VRTF.RKTCARTERKT,. N. .1..!., , !FRIDAYt, JUNE 18, 1954 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Dedication St. Mary's Church Set for Dedication Ask Zoning Of Church ^^^ >* ^ Ordinance Fund Campaign Over Is Mapped For Boro/ The Top, St. Joseph's .in,|s«iping Work Is Gordon Roberts says It,, jug Done by Holy Homeowners in Need Nil me Society Unit Of Zoning Protection Committee Reports ,.\i(TmET -flev. Paul Har- CA.RTERiET—A plea for action n pastor of St. Mary's to svdept a zoning ordinance was , MIU, Catholic Church, is mud* to the Borough Council last Mrs. Coughlin is Elected Pledges for over vitli plans for the dedica- nmht by Gordon Roberts. f i he new church structure . "i'.,,,(.!• Roosevelt Avenue at Tinder the present setup, he $153,000 signed, ,.,••/ street, scheduled for Sep- said, a junk yard can move In State AOH Unit Historian „ .'„.;• |9. There Will be special next, to a residential house and there is no way to stop It. OARTERiET—Mrs. Catherine „;.",,.. in connection with the Coughlin, 99 Longfellow Street Sheridan says Because the borough Is lacking ', .,,:; of the church. was elected State Historian at a zoning ordinance, he said, there «-,,;\: on the structure Is about the recen* state convention of C A R T E R E T — St. Joseph's Is no central location for stores, .',',,vird. At present, the land- the Ancient Order of Hibern- Hiirh has gone over tho to In ' Industry; ov homes. ,'.','-1,- work around the church ians and Ladies Auxiliary held •; rimpniun to raise $125,000. '.'./,. mid adjoining property Is He recalled that two hearings in Atlantic City. Mrs. Coughlin The sum of $153.*3&fj has been were held sometime ago on a zon- .. iionr by members of the Is also president of the Middle- to the Fund Campalm' Nnmc Society of the parish, ii WHS announced last nteht. by I! sex County Board and financial parish was organized on Minutes now read; secretary of local division #3. (;.'<>!•!!<• Sheridan. General Chair- „: M. 1949, and Its first pas- This announcement was made man, following the first general ,is the Rev. Leo B. Pelensky. takes half an hour to the local auxiliary members "rni'i.il report meetlmt. AH funds ! .ii Us untiring efforts and by Mrs. Madeline Klnnelly and (Vrhvd from the drive are to be r-o. a building fund cam- CARTERET — An innovation iini to help defray the cost of Miss Eileen Kennedy, delegates 1 was started and all efforts NKWKST ( III K<M KDIFICK: Here St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church, just compieiea at in which valuable time went to to the convention, at a meeting i In now church and- six classroom M-hnol addition to be constructed •iiadr to build ft new church. Roosevelt Avenue and lleald Strete. The pastor und parishioners are busy with plans for the waste, was inaugurated at the held In fire hall #1. in tin1 pnrlfih. .irust, 1951, the Building blessing and dedication eeremnnies tn he held in September, meeting of the Borough Coun- Mrs. (Madeline Klnnelly, presi- Drive Campaign Committee cil last night. dent, presided and gave a re- Thi' church, as was announced vri i> drive for funds. Let- For the first iime in more port on the recent cake sale. A 'iv Father Louis M. Cortney. iilrltinK contributions were Carteret Housing Problem and Remedy than 30 years, Borough Clerk report was given by Miss Eileen o«M.. Pastor on last Sunday. U -! to Oirteret residents, Michael Maskaly had to read Kennedy on the special project. uoint! to be a separate building etc While the campaign the minutes of the previous A communication was received :is his been authorized by His ;i!-om-oslnB. the long-awaited Frank Hanry, Chairman of the Carteret Housing Authority Reviews the meeting-. It consumed thirty by the local group In reply to ffxrellencv, George W. Ahr, in"Piired by architects were minutes. Someone commented; a pledge recently sent to Pope Bishoo of Trenton. Orlfiinallv a :'t >d to the Church Buildin? <'<'mbinatton of church and .school ( Picture as it affects this Community; Offers Suggestions. "It's punishment." (Continued on Page 6) MRS. CATHERINE COUGIIIJN r rv.iuittrp for consultations and addition was planned. With Its ,,.-,•,.: -ITS in October, 1951. The (Ed. Note; This is the first of In June, 1952, Borough Qpun- time the F.H.A. had a backlog mnln entrance on Carteret Ave- ,• ,ni:iiittop worked harfl with a Series of articles by Frank dl, with apparent emphasis on of applications large enough to ing ordinance and later shelved. nue, the lifiht buff brick and lime- Fiiii.r F lensky until September Haury, chairman of the Car- the conditions In the Chrome account for the total authorized He said the same study. can be School Property Graduates Outline stone church fMturing a large •_>7 virii. when ground-breaking teret Housing Authority, deal- done to meet this problem in by Congress for the next three used In establishing a zoning or- bell tower, will enjoy a seating *, I., were held in the presence ing with Carterrt'x housing section, passed an ordinance or four years. It became, appar- dinance now, enoacity for gome BOO persons. / , :,ii'.p gathering of parlshlon- problem. Mr. Haury has been creating the Housing Authority ent, therefore, that the pros- He suggested that a commission Repairs Planned Plans for Future There will also be two side en- ,: ': ends and priests from this a member of the Borough of the Borough ol Carteret. Al- ipects for such a project in Car- be named with power to drew up trnnces. Thomas Moran of ,.. i Rev Basil Holowlmkl rep- Council for six years and served though there had been no prior teret were, and still are, rather such an ordinance so that the CAiRTERET—Led by Edward J. CARTERET — Many Carteret Princeton, New Jersey is the remote. owners can be properly protected. architect. :•, . i.'.-ri the Most Rev. Archbishop on the Board of Education for detailed or statistical study of Dolan, Jr., president, members-of High School graduates have defl- f.i:.'.iitinc Bohachevsky, head 13 years.) The second article the problem, the implied objec- Reservist Quit Ite plans for the future, while But a further study of local the Board of Education this week The volunteer workers of the „• i Ukrainian Catholic Dio- will appear next Friday. tive was the construction of a conditions proved that his was Carteret Police Reserve advised thers are uncertain. Een«r<U committee gathered in the ,. s, -.vivi has his See in Phlladel- multiple - unit' public housing1 not as serious a setback as It the Council that it was discon- made an inspection of the public Merck & Co. Inc. has offered church basement for their meet- ;>v. The diocese Is In complete By FRANK HAURY project. first seemed. tinuing its activities "until the schools to determine what repairs positions to Joan Mandichak, ing after only four days of in- OARTBRET—Like every other Council fulfills Its promises." ;;:; ,:; with the Roman Catholic The local Housing Authority Because of the large number are to be made during the summer Alma Zabel, Jane Horvath, Bar- tensive parish-wide house-to- community, Carteret has a Mayor Frank I. Bareford said the r : i h and rpcogni»es Pope Plus was finally appointed and sworn of new homes built during the season. >ara. Kolnak, and Lillian Lenart. house solicitation. Each of trie housing problem which has de- question is whether the group is xr: '.^ the head of the church in, in November, 1958. post-war years, it would be diffi- At the Woodbrldge office of the nine team captains made their veloped over the years. under the mandate of the bor- At the High School, it was de- report. The workers applauded T Ukrainian Catholic Church A preliminary survey was cult to justify, from an eco- Bell Telephone Company as oper- 1 As a community, we are grow- ough or civilian defense. The cided to install new windows, new ator will be Jean Katchur. At the the returns as they began to in- ,. United States and Canada matte of the most unsatisfactory nomic standpoint, a project of ing .old and It is beginning to matter was refered to the Bor- Rarltan Arsenal Audrey ColpanUlcate that the minimum needed i over 1,500,000 members housing conditions. Simultane- the size originally contem- front doors, repair the floors, fix show. We see it most vividly in. ough Attorney. and Dorothy Kublcka will work; had been'exceeded. • first church service was ously, discussions were held plated. the domestic science room and n tlie new church on April the lower Chrome section, but An ordinance setting the at Camp Kilmer, Eleanor Mi- Father Cortney, O.S.M. pres- with representative* of the Fed- The problem in Carteret is painting wo»k. it is not confined to ,that area salaries of the police chief and chaud; Ruth Westhoffj at the ently on retreat at the Mater 9)4. eral Housing Authority, who not primarily a shortage of alone. There tre signs of de- (Continued .on Page 6) Washington School needs plas- Prudential Insuranc* Company. Dolorosft Seminary of the Servitc urged Immediate filing of a housing, but one of rehabilita- 1 Komanemuft JMiAw terioration scattered through- tering and painting work and re- In local offices are the follow- Fathers in Chicago.' when con- tentative application for Fed- tion and1 conservation of exist- :•• church structure Is of an out the borough, which are pair of the steps outside the ing: Rose Marie Beam, Oliver tacted by phone and advised of eral assistance, sufbject to revi- ing housing facilities—and this .ins; Romanesque edifice of cause for concern.
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