PRIORITY PUBLICATION Melanosome Morphologies in Murine Models of Hermansky^Pudlak Syndrome Re£ect Blocks in Organelle Development Thuyen Nguyen, Edward K. Novak,w Maryam Kermani, Joachim Fluhr, Luanne L. Peters,n Richard T. Swank,w and Maria L. Wei Department of Dermatology,Veterans A¡airs Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.; nJackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME and wDepartment of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Center, Bu¡alo, NY, U.S.A. Hermansky^Pudlak syndrome is an autosomal recessive fer. The Hermansky^Pudlak syndrome strains are disease characterized by pigment dilution and pro- classi¢ed into morphologic groups characterized by longed bleeding time. At least 15 mutant mouse strains the step at which melanosome biogenesis or transfer to have been classi¢ed as models of Hermansky^Pudlak keratinocytes is inhibited, with the cappuccino strain syndrome. Some of the genes are implicated in intracel- observed to be blocked at the earliest step and gunmetal lular vesicle tra⁄cking: budding, targeting, and secre- blocked at the latest step. We show that all Hermansky^ tion. Many of the Hermansky^Pudlak syndrome genes Pudlak syndrome mutant strains except gunmetal have remain uncharacterized and their functions are un- an increase in unpigmented or hypopigmented imma- known. Clues to the functions of these genes can be ture melanosomal forms, leading to the hypopigmen- found by analyzing the physiologic and cellular pheno- ted coat colors seen in these strains. In contrast, the types. Here we have examined the morphology of the hypopigmentation seen in the gunmetal strain is due melanosomes in the skin of 10 of the mutant mouse to the retention of melanosomes in melanocytes, and Hermansky^Pudlak syndrome strains by transmission ine⁄cient transfer into keratinocytes. Key words: mela- electron microscopy.We demonstrate that the morphol- nocytes/organelle biogenesis/pigmentation J Invest Dermatol ogies re£ect inhibition of organelle maturation or trans- 119: 1156 ^1164,2002 he Hermansky^Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is observed subunits of the adaptor complex AP3 (Kantheti et al,1998; in humans and mice and is caused by mutations Dell’Angelica et al, 1999; Feng et al, 1999), which binds to endo- in genes that regulate the biogenesis of lysosomes somes and the trans-Golginetwork. A neuronal-speci¢c isoform and lysosome-related organelles such as melanosomes of AP3 is required for synaptic vesicle formation from endosomes and platelet-dense granules (Dell’Angelica et al,2000), (Faundez et al,1998).Pldn (palladin) protein binds syntaxin 13 Twhich suggests that these seemingly disparate organelles share a (Huang et al, 1999), a member of the family of soluble N-ethylma- common pathway of biogenesis or maturation. The resulting de- leimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNARES), fects in these organelles cause prolonged bleeding and oculocuta- which mediate fusion of intracellular membranes. Rabgtta encodes neous albinism in a¡ected individuals (Huizing et al,2000).HPS a subunit of a Rab geranylgeranyl transferase (Detter et al,2000), exhibits genetic heterogeneity: in humans, four genes have been and is required for e⁄cient polarization of cytolytic T cell gran- cloned, and each when defective in isolation gives rise to a clinical ules (which are also specialized lysosome-like organelles) to the syndrome classi¢ed as HPS. In mice, at least 15 HPS genes have immunologic synapse (Stinchcombe et al,2001).Rab27a encodes been noted (Swank et al,1998). a member of the family of GTPases that controls intracellular Whereas the functions of many of the HPS gene products re- vesicular transport (Novick and Zerial, 1997; Chavrier and Goud, main unknown, it is likely that most of them will function in 1999) and is required for melanosome transport from the cell vesicle/organelle biogenesis and membrane tra⁄cking along the body to the dendritic processes (Wilson et al, 2000; Bahadoran pathway of melanosome formation. The functions of ¢ve genes et al, 2001; Hume et al, 2001). In mice with defective HPS1, (Ap3b1, Ap3d, Pldn, Rabgtta, Rab27a) have been implicated in ve- HPS3, HPS4, Pldn,ormu genes, melanosomes in eye tissue have sicle/organelle formation and tra⁄cking. Ap3b1 and Ap3d encode been observed to be abnormal (Ito et al, 1982; Gardner et al,1997; Suzuki et al, 2001, 2002; Zhang et al, 2002a). Eukaryotic cells are distinguished by the presence of mem- Manuscript received August 18, 2002; revised September 6, 2002; ac- brane-bound organelles. The study of organelle biogenesis has cepted for publication September 12, 2002 been greatly advanced by the study of organisms such as Sacchar- Reprint requests to: Dr Maria L.Wei, Dermatology Service (190), Veter- ans A¡airs Medical Center, 4150 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA 94121, omyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster that exhibit mutations U.S.A. Email: [email protected] in genes that regulate organelle development (Dell’Angelica et al, Abbreviations: HPS, Hermansky^Pudlak syndrome; TEM, transmission 2000). Morphologic studies of yeast cells bearing mutations in electron microscopy; Tyrp1/TRP-1, tyrosinase-related protein 1; TRP-2, genes that govern the biogenesis of the yeast vacuole (an orga- tyrosinase-related protein 2. nelle analogous to the mammalian lysosome) have helped to 0022-202X/02/$15.00 Copyright r 2002 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc. 1156 VOL. 119, NO. 5 NOVEMBER 2002 MELANOSOMES IN HERMANSKY^PUDLAK SYNDROME 1157 identify and classify more than 40 genes that were involved (Novak et al, 1980, 1984; Gibb et al, 1981; Zhang et al, 2002b).The cappuccino (Banta et al, 1988; Raymond et al, 1992;Wada et al, 1992). Although strain arose on the C3H/HeJ background (Gwynn et al, 2000). The cocoa the human HPS1, HPS3,andHPS4 genes have no sequence mouse arose on the C57BL/10J background (Novak et al, 1988). The three homologs in yeast, the HPS2/Ap3b1 gene has a yeast homolog control strains had very similar melanosome morphology (data not shown), so C57BL/6 was used as a representative control. The HPS mice and some of the as yet uncharacterized mouse genes may have examined and the corresponding human diseases and genes are listed in yeast homologs as well. HPS mutations result in mammalian dis- Tabl e I . All animal procedures were approved by Institutional Animal eases due to defects in organelle biogenesis. We have undertaken Care Use Committee. the current morphologic study in order to characterize and classi- fy HPS mouse strains as a step towards understanding HPS gene Measurement of coat color The dorsal back coat pigmentation (P) was product function. measured using a Mexameter MX 18 (Courage & Khazaka, Cologne, The melanosome is an organelle uniquely suited for morpho- Germany), which gives a calculated value of melanin content based on logic examination in tissue samples by transmission electron mi- the absorption of light emitted at 568 nm and 880 nm. Background was subtracted by subtracting Ptyr, the coat color measurement for the white croscopy (TEM) due to its electron-dense pigmentation. Other albino mouse C57BL/6J-Ty r c^2J (TyrG291 T), which is lacking tyrosinase organelles consistently a¡ected in HPS are not readily amenable activity and has no pigment production. A comparison with the coat to examination by TEM. Platelet-dense granules in HPS lose pigment of the control strain (Pcon) was done: their electron density (Witkop et al, 1987) and lysosomes are only easily identi¢ed after internalization of electron-dense material or Percent pigment ¼ðP À PtyrÞ=ðPcon À PtyrÞ100 by antibody labeling, and thus are more di⁄cult to identify in tissue samples. Electron microscopy Tissue was ¢xed in modi¢ed Karnovsky’s ¢xative The melanosome has four distinct stages of maturation (Nordlund (2% paraformaldehyde/2% glutaraldehyde/0.1 M cacodylate bu¡er, pH 7.3/ et al, 1998), stages I^IV.Type I melanosomes have intralumenal vesi- 0.06% CaCl2) for 24 h, washed twice in 0.1 M cacodylate bu¡er, post¢xed cles (Raposo et al, 2001) and resemble multivesicular bodies, struc- in reduced osmium (1.5% potassium ferrocyanide/2% osmium tetroxide) tures found along the endosomal pathway. Type II is characterized for 2 h, rinsed in H2O, dehydrated with increasing ethanol concentrations, by an elongated, elliptical shape, with intralumenal ¢ne ¢brils giv- and embedded in Epon resin. Grids were stained in 10% uranyl acetate/ ing a striated appearance; type III exhibits pigment deposition along 50% methanol. Cross-sections of melanosomes were measured at  50,000 magni¢cation for major axis and minor axis, in order to assess the ¢brils, and type IV has dense pigmentation ¢lling the organelle relative size and shape. Images of a calibration grid were taken to control and obscuring the ¢brillar structure (Seiji et al, 1963). In normal mel- for any variability in magni¢cation. Melanocytes were identi¢ed by their anosome development, the type I melanosome is distinguished by organization in hair follicles, as well as their lack of keratin ¢laments and its accumulation of the Pmel17/gp100 protein (silver locus product) desmosomes (both are present in keratinocytes). Each melanosome was (Kushimoto et al,2001;Raposoet al, 2001; Raposo and Marks, measured and classi¢ed by morphology, i.e.: (i) multiple intralumenal 2002), which is cleaved and localized to the intralumenal vesicles vesicles present, no pigment or striations seen; (ii) striated matrix present, (Berson et al, 2001). Two enzymes involved in pigment synthesis, round cross-section; (iii) striated matrix, elliptical cross-section; (iv) fully Tyrp1/ tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-1 and dopachrome tauto- pigmented, round cross-section; and (v) fully pigmented, elliptical cross- merase/TRP-2, may also be in the type I melanosome, but appear section. Noted also were any melanosomal features unique to any particular strain. For each strain at least 100 melanosomes were examined to be inactivated in this compartment by proteolytic cleavage (Kush- in each of at least two di¡erent animals.
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