Coast Guard, DHS § 11.335 § 11.333 Requirements to qualify for an (ii) Leadership and managerial skills. STCW endorsement as second engi- (iii) Management of electrical and neer officer on vessels powered by electronic control equipment. main propulsion machinery of (b) For a renewal of an STCW en- 750kW/1,000 HP or more and less dorsement as second engineer officer than 3,000 kW/4,000 HP propulsion on vessels powered by main propulsion power (management level). machinery of 750 kW/1,000 HP or more (a) To qualify for an STCW endorse- and less than 3,000 kW/4,000 HP propul- ment as second engineer officer, an ap- sion power to be valid on or after Janu- plicant must— ary 1, 2017, each candidate must pro- (1) Provide evidence of meeting the vide evidence of successful completion requirements for certification as of approved training in the following: OICEW, as well as serving for not less (1) ERM if not completed at the oper- than 12 months as assistant engineer ational level. officer or engineer officer on vessels (2) Leadership and managerial skills. powered by main propulsion machinery (3) Management of electrical and of not less than 750 kW/1,000 HP. Expe- electronic control equipment. rience gained in the deck department (c) The Coast Guard may exempt an may be creditable for up to 1 month of applicant from meeting any individual the total service requirements; knowledge, understanding, and pro- (2) Provide evidence of meeting the ficiency required in Section A–III/3 of standard of competence specified in the STCW Code. These exemptions Section A–III/3 of the STCW Code (in- must be approved by the Coast Guard corporated by reference, see § 11.102 of based upon vessel type. Under these this part); and circumstances, the credential may in- (3) Provide evidence of having satis- clude a corresponding limitation. factorily completed approved training (d) Seafarers with one of the fol- in the following areas: lowing national officer endorsements (i) Engineroom resource management are eligible to apply for this endorse- (ERM) if not completed at the oper- ment upon completion of the require- ational level. ments in the following table: TABLE 1 TO § 11.333(d)—STCW ENDORSEMENT AS SECOND ENGINEER OFFICER ON VESSELS POW- ERED BY MAIN PROPULSION MACHINERY OF 750 KW/1,000 HP OR MORE AND LESS THAN 3,000 KW/4,000 HP PROPULSION POWER Competence—STCW Training required Entry path from national endorsements Sea service 1 Table A–III/2 2 by this section 3 First assistant engineer ................................................. None ............................. Yes ............................... Yes. Second assistant engineer ............................................ None ............................. Yes ............................... Yes. Third assistant engineer ................................................ 12 months ..................... Yes ............................... Yes. Assistant engineer (limited) ........................................... None ............................. Yes ............................... Yes. Assistant engineer OSV ................................................ None ............................. Yes ............................... Yes. Assistant engineer MODU ............................................. 12 months ..................... Yes ............................... Yes. 1 This column provides the minimum additional service required of the seafarer in order to meet the requirements of this sec- tion. 2 Complete any items in paragraph (a)(2) of this section not previously satisfied. 3 Complete any items in paragraph (a)(3) of this section not previously satisfied. § 11.335 Requirements to qualify for an approved seagoing service of which not STCW endorsement as an electro- less than 30 months must be seagoing technical officer on vessels powered service in the engine department of by main propulsion machinery of vessels. Experience gained in the deck 750 kW/1,000 HP or more (oper- department may be creditable for up to ational level). 3 months of the service requirements; (a) To qualify for an STCW endorse- or completion of an approved training ment as an electro-technical officer program, that includes a combination (ETO), an applicant must— of workshop skill training and seagoing (1) Provide evidence of 36 months service of not less than 12 months, and combined workshop skills training and 177 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:49 Nov 12, 2014 Jkt 232198 PO 00000 Frm 00187 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT 31 § 11.337 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–14 Edition) which meets the requirements of Sec- § 11.337 Requirements to qualify for an tion A–III/6 of the STCW Code (incor- STCW endorsement as vessel secu- porated by reference, see § 11.102 of this rity officer. part); (a) The applicant for an endorsement (2) Provide evidence of meeting the as vessel security officer must present standard of competence specified in satisfactory documentary evidence in Section A–III/6 of the STCW Code; accordance with the requirements in 33 (3) Provide evidence of having satis- CFR 104.215. factorily completed approved training (b) All applicants for an endorsement in the following subject areas: must meet the physical examination (i) Medical first-aid provider. requirements in 46 CFR part 10, subpart (ii) Basic and advanced firefighting C. in accordance with § 11.303 of this sub- (c) All applicants for this endorse- part. ment must meet the safety and suit- (iii) Proficiency in survival craft and ability requirements and the National rescue boats other than fast rescue Driver Registry review requirements in boats (PSC) or proficiency in survival § 10.209(e) of this subchapter, unless craft and rescue boats other than life- they have met these requirements boats and fast rescue boats (PSC-lim- within the previous 5 years in connec- ited); and tion with another endorsement. (4) Provide evidence of having satis- factorily completed approved profes- Subpart D—Professional Require- sional training in the following subject ments for National Deck Offi- areas: cer Endorsements (i) Onboard computer networking and security. § 11.401 Ocean and near-coastal na- (ii) Radio electronics. tional officer endorsements. (iii) Integrated navigation equip- (a) Subject to the provisions of ment. §§ 11.464(e) and 11.465(b) of this subpart, (iv) Ship propulsion and auxiliary any license or MMC endorsement for machinery. service as master or mate on ocean wa- (v) Instrumentation and control sys- ters qualifies the mariner to serve in tems. the same grade on any waters, except (vi) High-voltage power systems. towing vessels upon western rivers sub- (b) Any applicant who has served in a ject to the limitations of the endorse- relevant capacity onboard a vessel for ment. a period of not less than 12 months (b) Subject to the provisions of within the last 60 months must provide §§ 11.464(e) and 11.465(b) of this subpart, evidence of— any license or MMC endorsement (1) Seagoing service; and issued for service as master or mate on (2) Having achieved the standards of near-coastal waters qualifies the mar- competence specified in Section A–III/6 iner to serve in the same grade on of the STCW Code. Great Lakes and inland waters, except (c) An applicant who holds an STCW towing vessels upon western rivers sub- endorsement as OICEW, second engi- ject to the limitations of the endorse- neer officer, or chief engineer officer ment. will be allowed to receive the ETO en- (c) Near-coastal endorsements for un- dorsement upon completion of the re- limited tonnage require the same num- quirements in Section A–III/6 of the ber of years of service as the ocean-un- STCW Code. limited endorsements. The primary dif- (d) An applicant who does not hold ferences in these endorsements are the any other national or STCW endorse- nature of the service and the scope of ment will be issued, upon completion the required training, examination, of the requirements in this section, the and assessment. ETO endorsement without any cor- (d) A master or mate on vessels of 200 responding national endorsement. GRT or more, and a master or mate on [USCG–2004–17914, 78 FR 77909, Dec. 24, 2013, vessels under 200 GRT, may be en- as amended by USCG–2014–0688, 79 FR 58277, dorsed for sail or auxiliary sail as ap- Sept. 29, 2014] propriate. The applicant must present 178 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:49 Nov 12, 2014 Jkt 232198 PO 00000 Frm 00188 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\46\46V1.TXT 31.
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