187 8. FORTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE IN KENTUCKY. HELD WITH THE BAPTIST CHURCH IN HARRODSBURG, ::r:.I.CA Y 22-24, 1878_ LOUISVILLE: CAPERTON & CATES. 1878. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ASSOCIATION MoDERATOR, E. H. BLACK, M.D., Frankfort, Ky. AssiSTANT MoDERATORS, PRES. B . .M-ANLY, JR., D. D., and PRES. LESLIE WAGGENER. SECRETARY, REv. C. E. W. DOBBS, Bowling Green, Ky. AssisTANT SECRETARY, B. W. D. SEELEY, Midway, Ky. EXECUTIVE BoARD-Located at Louisville. W. B. CALDWELL, M. D., H. G. PHILLIPS, JOHNS. LONG, GEORGE W. NORTON, ARTHUR PETER, T. M. SWANN, J. M. WEAVER, D. D., G. \V. BURTON, M.D., A. C. CAPERTON, D. D., J. B. McFERRAN, J. L. BURROWS, D. D., J.D. ALLEN, J. A. IRELAND, M. D.. JOHN HANSBOROUGH, J. W. WARDER, D. D. CONSTITUTION OF THE General Association of Baptists in Kentucky. ART. 1. This body shall be c.alled the GENERAL AssoCIATION OF KENTUCKY BAPTISTS. ART. rr. The payment of Thirty Dollars constitutes a Life Membership. Annual Members may take seats upon the payment of One Dollar. Churches and Associations auxiliary to this body, by contributing to its objects annually, are entitled to representation. ART. III. It shall be the dutyof every member to obtain leave of absence before leaving the Association, and the Secretary shall give no certificate of membership to a member who has not this leave, or who does not remain until the adjournment of the meeting. · AR'l'. IV. The business of this body shall be to promote State Missions; also the Home and Foreign Mission Work under the Boards of the Southern Baptist Convention; also Bible and Book Colportage, Sunday-Schools, and Literary and Theological Semi­ naries in the State; and to collect and preserve our denomina­ tional history in Kentucky. ART. v. This body shall exercise no ecclesiastical authority. ART. VI. The body shall, on meeting annually, elect by pri­ vate ballot a Moderator, two Assistant Moderators, and a Secre­ tary and Assistant Secretary, whose duties shall be such as custom imposes upon their respective offices. They shall bold their offices until superseded by successors. ART. vrr. At each annual meeting the body shall appoint an Executive Board consisting of fifteen members (five of whom shall constitute a quorum) to conduct its business during the intervals between its annual meetings. They may appoint a Treasurer, a Corresponding Secretary, an Agent or Agents, and Missionaries and Evangelists; shall fix and pay their salaries; and report their doings annually to this body. They shall be competent to fill vacancies in the Board. ART. vur. Visiting brethren may be invited to seats in our annual sessions. ART. rx. The body shall meet annually according to adjourn­ ment. ART. x. This Constitution may be altered or amended (except Article v) by the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. ORDER OF BUSINESS. I. Call to order by the Moderator of the last session ; or, in his absence, by either of the Assistant Moderators; or, in their absence, by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary. If all be absent, a Mod­ erator and a Secretary pro tem. shall be called by motion. II. Appointment of Committee on Enrollment and Credentials. III. Election by private ballot of a Moderator, two Assistant Moderators, ar{d a Secretary and Assistant Secretary. IV. Reading of the Constitution and Order of BnRiness. V. Upon eaeh morning, at the opening of the business, one hour, or such less time as may be necessary, shall be devoted to the introduction of resolutions and such other business as is not provided for in the regular order. VI. Appointment of Committee.on Divine Service. VII. Appointment of Standing Committees, to report during the sessions in the order of their appointment, as follows: l. Committt>c oil Btatl' :\Ii,;,;ioll,., 2. Con1n1ittee 011 Ji'oreign :Vfh;~ion:-:. :1. Committee oil Home 2\Iis><ion>'. 4. Committee oil Bnndnv-Schoob. 5. Uo1111nittce on l{eligi~nu.; Periudi<·abi. 6. Committee on Kcntm,ky Bapti,;t Hi,;tory. 7. Committee on College>' !Uld Bchook 8. Committee on ~ omillatioll". VIII. Call for the Annual Reports. l. Report from the CmTc,.poil(1ing Secretan·. 2. Treasun>r':< Report. • IX. Appointment of the time and place of next annual meeting. X. Selection of the preacher for the next annual sermon. XI. Hearing the reports from Standing Committees in the order of their appointment. XII. Reports from Committees appointed at the last session to report at this. XIII. New business, resolutions, etc. XIV. Adjournment. PROCEEDINGS. HARRODSBURG, May 22, 1878. 1. The General Association of Baptists in Kentucky met in its forty-first session with the church in this city at 10 o'clock A. ~r. 2. The Moderator, E. H. Black, called the body to order and read Psalms cxxii and cxxxiii. Prayer by Green Clay Smith. 3. John Stout, S. F. Thompson and R. E. Johns were ap­ pointed a Committee on Enrollme11t. LIST OF MEMBERS. BAPTIST ASSOCIA'J'ION • Salvisa . E. Burrus, vV. P. Sears, J. A. }forris. Unity . .. ,J. L. Martin. BETHEL ASSOCIATION. 1st Church, BowZ.iny G., C. K W. Dobbs, :Miss Mildred T. Thornbury. Hopkinsville . A. B. Cabaniss. Jlussellt·ille . Leslie W uggener, R. E. Johns. HOJNE'S CHEEK ASSOCIATIOX • Ephesus .. A. D. Rash, ::\Irs. M. A. Rash. P1·ovidence . A. F. Baker, Mrs. Laura A. Baker. Winchester . J. L. Smith, A. Fleet, ,Jr. Bl\ACKEX A~SOCIATION, Auyusta. J. S. Felix. Cw·lL~le . A. N. White, W. H. Fritts. Lewisbury .. C. Keyes. 11Iaysville . S. L. Helm. 11fayslick . S. S. Miner. ltiillersbury . J. G. Bow, 11-Irs. Jennie Bow . Mt. Stm·liny .. J. Pike Powers, G. W. Given. Sharpsburg . ,J. K. Nunnelley. CA~!PBELI. COUNTY ASSOCIATIOX. W. W. Tinker . Licking Valley .. Thomas D. \.Yare. Wilmington . C. J. Bagby. CU:NIB~;HLAND RIVER ASSOCIATIO)f. Pleasant Point . ... A. J. Daughetee. 6 Forty-First Anniversary of the COXCORD ASSOCIATION. J. V. Riley . Dallasburg . S. H. Riley, Sr. Ghent .. S. F. Thompson. Owenton .. C. G. Skillman, H. P. 1tfontgomery, John W. Waldrop, George F. Waldrop, A. Cobb, Mrs. Kate Cobb, Mrs. J. V. Hiley . White's Rum . • . M. Barrett. DA VIESS COUNTY ASSOCIATION. Owensboro. J. S. Coleman. ELKHORN ASSOCIATION. Cane Run .. Miss N. Ware. David's Fork . , T. C. Stackhouse. Clear Creek . Joseph A. Booth. Gem·getown . R. M. Dudley, B. Manly, Jr., J. J. Rucker, J. E. Far­ nam, Mrs. Sarah Thomas, Miss Lizzie Thomas, Miss Bettie Gano, Mrs. Mary Sellin, Miss Willie Gano. Glen's Creek. • . J. C. Freeman. G1·eat Crossings . James M. Wells, J. N. Bradley. Hillsbo?·a . George Hunt, Samuel Shouse. Lexington, First . L. B. Woolfolk, Jesse H. Talbot. Lexington, Upper St. J. M. Frost, Jr., .Joseph E. Carter, R. Eason, Mrs. J. E. Carter, Mrs. M. A. Frost, Mrs. J. M. Frost, Jr. Mt. Pleasant .. 1tL S. Barclay. Midway .. .. John H. Eager. ]}ft. Ve·rnon . B. W. D. Seeley, John Stout. Nicholasville .. J. B. Tharp, T. B. Crutcher. Paris .. .. R. S. Henderson. Providence. C. Lewis, Mrs. C. Lewis, Mrs. Lydia Black, Sallie Mack­ lin, Bettie Macklin . South Elkhorn . Ben. Bosworth, W. T. Hearne, Mrs. Jennie Hearne. Versailles . H. A. McDowell. ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION. Flat Gap ...... William Jayne, J. C. Price. FRANKLIN ASSOCIATION. Green Clay Smith . FJ·ankfort . J. M. Lewis, E. H. Black, Thomas Rodman, D. Howard Smith, Mrs. S. LeCompte, Miss Maggie LeCompte . South Benson , . Thomas J. Stevenson. GASPER RIVER ASSOCIATION. Rockport . .J. T. Casebier. H~:NDERSOK ASSOCIATION, Henderson. R. D. Pcay. IRVINE ASSOCIATION. Drowning Creek • . N. B. Johnson. LONG RUN ASSOCIATION. Louisville, Broadway . •J. L. Burrows, J. P. Boyce, J. A. Melcher. " Chestnut St. J. M. Weaver. General Association of Baptists. 7 Louisville, East. J. P. Greene, T. E. C. Brinly. " German . H. L. Dietz. Pilgrim . J. J. Stamps, William B. Smith. Walrut St . A. C. Caperton, J\L W. Sherrill, C. C. Green, J. A. Broadus. Orphans' Home . Miss 1\L A. Hollingsworth. NELSON ASSOCIATION • Bardstown .. ... W. W. 'Willett, B. F. Hill, G. W. Robertson, S.c. Humphreys, Mrs. C. F. Atkinson, Elmira Galbreath, Rebecca Galbreath . Bloomfield . Thomas Hall, A. C. Thomas, B. A. Wilson, Rebecca Wilson, Eugenia Hall, Lizzie Ray . -Cox's Creek . Tillie Cox. Little Union .. T. H. Coleman. NORTH BEND ASSOCIATION. Bullitsburg . J. A. Kutley. Covington, First . J. G. Tunison. •Covington, Madison St. J. M. Bent, C. Murnan. RUSSELL CREEK ASSOCIATION. Columbia. A. F. Pearson. Muldraugh's Hill. J. W. Raffety. SALEM ASSOCIATION • Elizabethtown . J. S. Gatton, J. W. Hays, H. G. V. Wintersmith, J. B. Wells . Hodgenville . I. W. Bruner. SHELBY COUNTY ASSOCIATION. Christiansburg .. T. M. Daniel. Clay Village .. J. S. Kent . Shelbyville . W. ~I. Pratt, Mrs. }{ary E. Pratt. SOUTH DISTRICT ASSOCIATION • Bethlehem .. W. B. Arvin, J. S. Stallings, Miss Kate Froman. Danville .. T. M. Vaughan, Jo. H. Thomas, Allen Cook, J. A. Slaughter, W. H. Harris . Forks of Dix River . E. H. :Maddox, G. E. Hackley. Harrodsburg . W. P. Harvey, Thomas C. Bell, W. T. Wood, G. L. Tal­ bert, J. R. Howard . Lancaster. 11iaggie Dunn, Eliza 111. Reynolds, Hattie Reid. Lebanon .. A. C. Graves, Milton Rogers, Edward Hilpp, V. E. Kirt- ley, Mrs. R. W. Clarke, Mrs.-- Yeager . Mt. "'Woriah . B. F. Taylor. Pen·yville .. J. R. Tewmey, T. W. Bottom. Shawnee Run . S. Cook, J. W. Smith. Sugar Grove .. D. Bruner. SOUTH KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION • Hustonville . S. V. Potts. Middleburg . J. M. Sallee. ,Somerset .. Elihu Taylor, Mrs. M. E. Scott, J. 0. Southerland, W. H. Pettus. 8 Forty-First Anniversary of the SULPHUR FORK ASSOCIATION. Cmnpbellslm?·g. .J. R. Scott, :Mrs. J. R. Scott. .Rad Fm·k, Smithfield. E. G. Berry. 1'ATE'S CREl;K ASSOCIATION. Hays' Fork . E. H. Brookshier. Kirksville . William T. Tyree, _Scqtfold Caw .
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