University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-1-1902 Sandspur, Vol. 08, No. 01, 1902 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 08, No. 01, 1902" (1902). The Rollins Sandspur. 2343. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/2343 COMMENCEMENT NUMBER. THE SAND-SPUR. "STICK TO IT." VOLUME 8, NO. 1, 1902. ROLLINS COLLEGE, WINTER' PARK, FLA. PRE . F THE Sl:!;NTl E L-KEPOR1'.b: K, ORLANDO, FL . -W. R. O'NEAL, Tr.-us rer R r. fl: ns College. a ve n i excluded by 0 ok1 coi 11 s held too clos to the eyes, iv l a\· the gazer,- the 1orcl of a fool' paradise · With the \ icl , rlcl inviting- t acti n , with huma nity yearnino- for li g ht, H e a 11 but th gol l that g ilds fa ·bio n, a nd b yond, all is swall we<l in nigh t. law a rc the 1t el l a ncl fertil ! br .td i the fa thomless 111 ain ! l ik th m unlai 11 th y' re a lling for ma nhood , but too often they sum- 111 0 11 in \·ai 11. \ hit ~ r und the fair ung fl , r. a nd th b e that within thelll lurk, l' ·1 eat, in tlteir 11dle · ~11 leavor, "ali th ~ joy of the world s pri1ws from , rk. ' Tlte1t h It w can you worships \ cakly," hen a m uarcll of money appears, \ s th · h of: of hi ·teecls o'er you tra111pl e, iu the du t tha t i wet with ·our L ar . h br tlie1-- f min l a ll l mu le-ah sister of c.leftuess a n d. ·kill , H y urselvcs ki 11 g,; a n d queen of hi rh purpo ·e, be earth s m onarchs--yon c· u1 if you will . - R BJ•:R'l ' MACKEY Ill ' u cess. THE MAN AND THE SNAKE. ~ \ "fe~. 1' is of veri tabyll report, and atte ·ted of , many that th r be ~ ' nowe of wy. e a~1d learned none to gain. aye it, that ye rpente ;,r;:-, _, hys eye ha th a mag11 ti k propertie that who o fall th in to its 0 sua ·io11 is drawn fon, ards in despytie of hi s \viii , and p rish th iserabyll y by ye er atur his byt . ' tretched at ea ·e upon a sofa, in gown and ·liJ per , Harker Bra - on mi led ash read the foregoing ·entence in old Morry ter's "Mar­ els of ci nee.'' "The only man-el in the matter ' Ji ail to him­ lf, 'is that the"' i and learn d in Morry ters's da , should hav b - ieved in : uch 11011 ·e n_ e a i rejected b) most of e,·en the ignora11t in train of reflection. followed- for Brayton was a man of thought­ and lie u11 consciou ·ly lowered the book without alt ri1w the direction f his eyes. As oon as the volume had ()'one below the line of sight, something in an obscure corner nf th room recalled his attention to his nrroundings. What he ·aw , in the , hadow und r his bed were two mall point · of light, apparent!) about an inch apart. They might haYe been reflections from the ga. jet above him in metal nai l head : he g-av them but little thought and resumed his reading. A moment later sor~ething- . ome impulse ,,·hich it did not occur t him to analyze­ impelled him to lower the book again and eek for what he sav befor . The points of li ght wer still there. They seemed to have be ome bright­ er than before, shining with a greenish luster which he had 1'i~t at fir t observed . He thought, too, that they might ha e moved a trifle- were somewhat nearer. They were still too much in hadow, however, to reveal their nature and ori 0 -in to an i11dol nt attention and he resumed his reading. Suddenly omething in the text uggested a thought which made him start and drop the book for the third time to the side of the sofa, whence, eseaping from his band, it fell ·prawling to the TJ/h' Ao r ba k upw, rd. Bra) t n, half a ri e11 \: ~ -taring intently into the ob ·c urity 11 ath th b d , wh r the point. of li o- ht hone with, it seem· ed t< him , a 11 a Id l fir . Hi · attenti n was 110,11. full y arou ·ed, his r a11d i111r rative. It di. cl o.· I, almost dir ctly beneath the f the 1 d, the coil f a la rg ·erpent- th points of light It lt rrible h ead thrust fl atly f rth from the innermost n th out rm . t , ,, a dir ~ d trai ht toward him, wi l . brutal jaw a nd th icli t-like foreh ad en·ing to show th 11 r its mal vol nt o-az . The eye · " ere 110 longer 111 r 1 , lu111i11 us poin t · they look cl into his own with a 111ea11ing; a a nd a sh udder of mere loathing, His fir~t th ug ht wa · lo ring the l W h th b 11 or l dang l I within iucon­ ; it was re\'ol- with whi h B rnyt 11 was unfamiliar. tur ; the b dy a t th Jar est visible part away from the s11 ak . ,,·it11 ul l i.- Lurl ing it if l .-sil le, a 11cl Uu ug h th door. He kw.. ·w Lh · t h 'Olli l walk backwa rd ,, ilhoul obs truction, and find the , ' h uld Lb c m on.- t r f ll ow , th taste which had plasl r -' cl th , wa lls with pi lure.- h ad 0 11 .- iste11LI , s uppli cl a rack of mu n ! rous ri nta l weapons fro 11l wlii clt h u]cl ·1iatch n e lo suit the 0c ·as1 11. ln ti! · 111 ·a 11liu1 the ·11ake' · cy .· burned wilh a more piti­ lc~·.- ma! , · leu 'e than ,·er. Brayl 11 li ft · l his ri g ht f, ol fre o f tl1 e fl or lo ·tep lx1ckwanl Tha l 111 0 111t:' 11l h fell a slru 11 0· a Y er s i 11 t doiu .. .-o . " I am :.i u11l <l 1 rave, " li e murmur 1; " is bra,·er y then , no more lha 11 1 ride? B catt:c there a r no ne l) \Yi t ne, lhe sha me ·ball I re­ tr at. '' bacl- of a k11 e, and He could 1/E . n -. Pt ~N. u t think h w that c urr d. th 1 t fo t had th " :am re ·ult: it wa again in advan ' 1'he hand up i.l th e! chair wa: gra J ing- it; th a. rm was . trai . h t , t a 111 ug ·otne\\ htlt back- . ward. n might hav .-' eu that he was r lu t A. ut t 1 his hold; Th :nak ·s malignant b l was : till tbrttst flatl fo rth from the inti t coil a: b for ; th ll ck le\ el. It had 11ot moy 1 but it · ey . " ·e r n \ t'lectric spark s, radiating a n infinity of luminou · u ell : . Th rnan had an a:h y pall or. gain h t k a t p forward, and one other , partly draggin o- th chair. \ hi h \ h 11 :flnall r 1 a · d, fi 11 upon the floor with a crash. Th man gr an d · th nake made neither ·ound 11 r motion ; but it: ye v. er two dazzlin The r ptil it­ elf was wholly cone al d by th m . They o-a rich and vivid color , which a t their great t expau ion u . iv 1 vani hed like oap bubble ; they emed to ap1 roa h hi · v ry fa , and anon were an immea urable distance awa . H h ard, . m wh r the continuous throbbing of a r at drum with l ultory bur t of fa r nrn­ ·ic, inconceivably weet, lik the ·oft tones fa m locliou Aeolian harp. H e knew it for th unri: 1J1 elod · f Memn 11 ':. tatue, and th t1 rht h tood in the Nile ide r cl: , h aring w ith x , lte 1 sens , that im111 rtal anthem throug h th ·ii 11 f the enturie . The mu: i cea:ed; rath r it b a m b ' in. 11. ibl cl "'T s the listant roll of a retreatin o- thund rstorn1. A land. ap g litt ring with s 1111 and rain, stretch d befor him , arched with a vi i I raiul ow, fr:1111i11 0- in it · In themiddl d ista11 ea , a:t erpent, wearing a r wn, rear l its h a l ut of it.
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