ST/Lm/SER.B/T.7 INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL Twelfth Session UNITED NATIONS 1954 INDEX TO PROCEEDINGS OF THE TRIJSTEESHIP COUNCIL Twelfth Session 16 June to 22 July 1953 United Nations Headquarters Library Bibliographical Series No. T. 7 UNITED NATIONS New York 1954 ST/LIB/SERB/T.7 April 1953 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIO~ L-.----~jSales No.: 1954. 1. 12 Price: iU.S. 0.25; 1/9 stg.; Sw.fr. 1.­ (or equivalent in other currencies) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Explanatory note , , ~ ,... v A. Introduction Members and terms of office 1 Officers 1 Plenary meetings 1 Standing committees 1 Ad hoc committees 2 Resolutions and decisions 2 B. Agenda 3 C. Subject index 4 D. Index to speeches 16 E. Numerical list of documents 19 Hi This page intentionally left blank EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. This Index to Proceedings of the 12th session of the Trusteeship Council is intended to offer a bibliographical guide to the discussion and documentation of the meetings. Being a sessional index, it does not include standing committees or ad hoc committees meeting between sessions. However, because of the close relation of its work to each specific session, the Standing Committee on Petitions is included. The index consists of the following parts: Part A. Introduction This part includes check lists of meetings, giving, in tabular form, meeting numbers, dates of meetings, publication of the records, and relevant United Nations Press releases. Part B. Agenda The items on the agenda are listed in part B, with references to the relevant subject headings used in part C. Part C. Subjec: index The subjects dealt with during the session are arranged alphabetically in the subject index. In this index will be found, under appropriate subject headings, references to the documentation, discussions, and to the disposition of each item. The agenda item number is indicated in parenthesis following the subject heading. Part D. Index to speeches Speeches by representatives are listed in part D. The remarks of the President of the Council and of chairmen of committees are normally not indexed. However, the speeches of chairmen or rapporteurs of committees are indexed when they present or explain the reports of their committees to the Council. The index is arranged in alphabetical order by country or organization, subdivided by subject discussed and names of speakers, with the indication of the meeting at which the speech was made. Meetings are identified by the word "Plen, JJ or an abbreviation for the Committee, followed by the meeting number. Part E. Numerical list of documents This is a list of the documents included in this index, arranged by docu­ ment symbols. 2. Official Records All the summary and verbatim records of plenary and committee meetings of the Trusteeship Council appear first in mimeographed form. Summary or verbatim records of plenary meetings are later printed as separate fascicles in the Official Records of the session, whereas summary records of committee meetings remain in mimeographed form. Of the other documents, some appear initially as printed supplements to the Official Records-a fact always indicated in this index-but all the rest are first issued in mirneographed form. Most of them are subsequently printed in the annexes to the Official Records, where they are grouped into fascicles according to agenda item numbers. The reso­ lutions adopted by the Council, some of which are first issued in mimeographed form, are collected in the printed Supplement No. 1 to the Official Records 9f this session. After their re-publication in the Official Records, the provisional documents described above are no longer available in their mimeographed form. The printed material concerning a specific item on the agenda of the rzth session ofthe Trusteeship Council may easily be obtained after consulting this index and requesting: Trusteeship Council. Official Records, 12th Session For verbatim or summary records fascicles: Plenary meetings (specify meeting number) For documents: Supplement No. ... (specify supplement number) or Annexes, Agenda Item ... (specify agenda item number) For resolutions: Supplement No. 1. v A. INTRODUCTION MEMBERS AND TERMS OF OFFICE 1 STANDING COMMITTEES (continued) Basis Date 01 electioll by China, New Zealand, Thailand, United States of America, Officers: Members 01 tellllre the Generat Assembly Terms 01 ol/icea Chairman, Mr. Vernon McKay (United States of America). Series symbol: T{C.l{ . Documents in this series are not included in this Aust:ralia •......•.. Art.86a publication, but are listed and indexed in the appropriate monthly Belgium. •••....•.• Art.86a issues of the United Nations Documents Imde«, Report: T{L.888 ,"China .•........••. Art. 8Gb (New Guinea). The Committee will continue to report to each ;;:Dominican Republic. Art. 86c 2\) Sept. 1950 1951-1\)53 session. Meetings: Meetings 43 and 4lj, were held in July 1953. El Salvador •....•.• Art. 86c 27 Oct. 1952 1953-HJ55 Standing Committee on Petitions. Appointed at the 397th plenary 'Prance ......•..•.• Art.86a meeting, 13 March 1952, by resolution 425 (X). Membership for New Zealand .•.••• Art. 86a the 12th session: Belgium, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Syria .•..•••.....• Art. 86c 27 Oct. 1952 1953-1955 New Zealand, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United States Thailand ....••.... Art.86c 29 Sept. 1950 1951-1953 of America. In accordance with the decision taken at the 455th USSR . Art.86b plenary meetiug of the Council, 24 July 1952, the Dominican UI~ . Art.86a Republic replaced China at the 71st meeting of the Committee, USA ..•........... Art.86a 16 June 1953, date of the commencement of the 12th session of the Council. Officers: Chairman, Mr. Roberto E. Quiros (El Sal­ 0. Te:rms of office begin on 1 January and end on 31 December. vador), who replaced Mr. H. K. Yang (China) at the 71st meeting of the Committee. Hi June 1953. Reports: T/L.337 (examination OFFICERS procedure for 12th session); T{L.339 to T/L.348 (Somaliland under President: Mr. Leslic K. Munro (New Zealand). Italian administration); T{L.356 (Ruanda-Urundi: requests for hearings); T{L.358 to T{L.360 (Togoland under French admini­ Vice-President: Mr. M. Rafael Urquia (El Salvador). stration); T/L.367 (Togoland unification); T{L.369 (Pacific Islands under USA administration) ; T{L.370 (Tanganyika); T{L,371 (Togo­ PLENARY MEETINGS land under British administration); T{L.375 (special information concerning LIth session resolutions on petitions from Somali land J'Jecti'nq Date, 195J Ve/'batim record a Press release and New Guinea) ; T{L.376 (Nauru) ; T/L.377 (New Guinea) ; TJL.391 461 16 June T/PV.461 TR/834 (petitions not examined at 12th session); T{L.392 (examination 462 17 June 462 837 procedure); T{L.393 (Ruauda-Urundi}: T{L.394 and T{L.395 463 18 June 463 83\) (Cameroons under French administration); T{L.396 (Western 464 19 June 464 8id Samoa); T{L.397 and T/L,3\)8 (Cameroons under British admini­ 465 22 June 465 843 stration). Meetings: 466 23 June 466 845 Meeting Date Summary recora Press release 467 24 June 467 847 468 25 June 468 849 40 18 July 1952 T{C.2JSRJLO 851 460 26 June 469 41 2/1 July 1952 41 470 29 June 470 853 42 15 Oct. 1\)52 42 471 30 June 471 855 43 17 March 1\)53 43 TR{799 472 i July 472 857 44 17 March 1953 44 799 473 2 July 473 859 45 26 May 1953 45 805 474 3 July 474 860 46 26 May 1953 116 806 475 7 July 475 862 47 27 May 1953 47 807 476 8 July 476 864 48 27 May 1953 48 808 477 9 July 477 866 119 28 May 1953 49 809 478 10 July 478 867 50 28 May 1953 50 810 479 13 July 479 870 51 29 May 1953 51 811 480 ill July 480 872 52 29 May 1953 52 812 481 15 July 481 874 53 2 June 1953 53 8i3 482 20 July 482 879 54 3 June 1953 M 814 483 22 July 483 880 55 3 June 1\)51l 55 815 Round-up of the 12th session, Press release TR/88L 56 4 June 1951l 56 816 57 11 June 1953 57 817 0. 0 fficial Records fascicles. 58 5 June 1953 58 818 59 5 June 1953 59 819 STANDING COMMITTEES 60 8 June 1953 60 820 Standing Committee on Administrative Unions. Appointed at the 61 8 June 1953 61 821 62 9 June 1953 62 822 ~,}~~f~~e~~~n~r:::;~~~:Sf ~~~ 7~1~~~Si~~d212lulrX)1.95~je~~~:~i;~ 63 9 June 1953 63 823 6lj, 82/1 ~dvisory 64 10 June 1953 ;10;;;;, 1. Italy and the States members of the UN Council for 65 10 June 1953 65 827 vo~e. Sornaliland participate without right to In t.he debate ?f the 11 June 1953 66 828 ~utho.nty 66 Council at which the reports of the Adml;lIstenng. or 11 June 1953 67 829 etitions concerning Somaliland under ltallan administration are 67 12 June 1953 68 830 onsidered. 68 1 A. INTRODUCTION ============================:~ Standing Committee on Petitions (conti1tued) AD HOC COMMITTEES (continued} Drafting Committee on the Pacific Islands. Appointed a."t; PreS8 relea80 Meeting Date Summary reeord 470th plenary meeting, 29 June 1953. Membership.' Do:rnill." the Republic, France, Syria, United Kingdom. Officers.- Cha.it:"~~an 6f] 12 June 1953 TjC.2/SR.69 831 Mr. Enrique de Marchena (Dominican Republic). Ser-ies sYJ1-l1~<J,n, 70 15 June 1953 70 832/Rev.l None. Report: T/L.366. Meetings: 01: 71 15 June 1953 71 833 72 16 June 1953 72 835 Meeting Date, 195J Summary record 73 17 June 1953 73 836 74 18 June HJ53 74 838 1 2 July 75 19 JUDe 1953 75 8/10 2 7 July 76 22 June 1953 16 842 77 23 June H153 77 8U 78 2/1 June 1953 78 846 79 25 June HJ53 79 848 80 26 June 1953 80 850 8i 29 June 1953 81 852 82 30 June 1953 82 854 Meeting Date, 196J S1I1n11lary record 83 1 July 1953 83 856 8(1, 2 July 1953 84 858 1 7 July 85 7 July 1953 85 861 2 9 July 86 8 July 1953 86 863/Rev.i --------------------------- 87 9 July 1953 87 865 88 10 July 1953 88 868 D.·afting Committee 011 New Guinea.
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