REPUBLIQUE REPUBLI(; DE OF VANUATU VANUATU JOURNAL OFFICIEL OFFICIAL GAZETTE 22 DECEMBRE 2003 No.35 22 DECEMBER 2003 SONT PUBLIES LES TEXTES SUIVANTS NOTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION CONSTITUTIONAL APPOINTMENTS • APPOINTMENT OF MINISTERS • RESPONSIBILITIES • OATH OF ALLEGIANCES • OFFICIAL OATHS FISHERIES ACT [CAP.158] • NOTICE OF GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR FOERIGN FISHING VESSELS AND LOCALLY BASED FOREIGN FISHING VESSELS. CONTENTS PAGE LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ACT [CAP.119] • INSTRUMENT OF REMOVAL 1. • INSTRUMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER OF LAW COUNCIL 2. NATIONAL HOUSING CORPORATION ACT [CAP. 188] • NOTICE OF REMOVAL OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL HOUSING CORPORATION 3. .. ' _.\ i ~ -----"'~--- LEGAL NOTICES • INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES ACT NO. 32 OF 1992 4. • INTERNATIONAL BANKING ACT NO.4 OF 2002 5-6. GOUVERNEMENT DE LA GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIQUE DU VANUATU REPUBLIC OF VANUATU BUREAU DU PREMIER MIN ISTRE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER SPP 053 Port Vila, Vanuatu P M B 053 Port Vila, Vanuatu Tel: (678) 22413 Fax:26301 Tel: (678)22413 Fax: 26301 COf'JSTITUTIONAl APPOINTMENT iN EXERC~SE of the powers conferred on rne by Article 42( 1) and (2) of the Constitution of Vanuatu, I the HONOURABLE EDWARD NIPAKE NATAPEI. ) Prime tJHnister of Vanuatu. aPDoint ' . a.s Deputy Prirne Minister and i\-'inister of Infrastructure and Public UWities, you wil! havE~ and oxercise responsibilities over aU matters re!atinq to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of IrrfrEistructuri:; and PLi'blic Utilities ~ " ~ j ~ • ~ J wrHcfl are ClBtBlled and annexed hereto. ANNEX Responsibilities of Minister of Infrastructure and Public Utilities - Department and other Responsibilities: • Public Works Department • Ports & Marine Department o Department of Civil Aviation • Meteorological Department • Urban and Rural Water Supply • Construction and Maintenance of Roads • Maintenance of Government Ships and Wharves • Transport • Utilities Management Unit • Civil Aviation • Postal Service Constitutional and Statutory Bodies: • Civil Aviation Authority • Vanuatu Maritime Authority • Vanuatu Post Ltd • Air Vanuatu (Operation) Ltd • Vanuatu Internal Airline Services Limited (VANAIR REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 37) ') OATH OF ALLEGIANCE I, the Honourable Ham Lini, do swear that I will well and truly serve and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and according to the law. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this 1, C\ day of ] ~ i , ,2003.] I \j c'l1 e n) bi::.' ,( Before Me: REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP.. 37] OFFICIAL OATH I, the Honourable Ham Lini, do swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and will uphold the Constitution and the law and I will conscientiously, impartially and to the best of my ability discharge my duties as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister responsible for Infrastructure and Public Utilities and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this day of ] ,2003. ] -I--~:~--------------------------- Before Me: \ .!lj'e/ll{e/' ./fi!t/Z irtl't:­ f7[tpttolitj{u'i eft- <i/a/t{(lltlt- _0Yi12e- j/ltitij>tnt 91ejJttolic,o/ 'lfmaalll CONSTITUTIONAL APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred on me by Article 42( 1) and (2) of the Constitution of Vanuatu, I the HONOURABLE eDWARD NIPAKE NATAPEI, Prime Minister of Vanuatu, appoint HON. SATO KILMAN as Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, You will have and exercise responsibilities over all matters relating to Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, which are detailed and annexed hereto. -" It-!-t MADE at Port Vila this . !~ ..... ~ day of November 20q3.. "/'. _ '. .,,' :~ J ~~:2 .... EDWARD NIPAKE NATAPEI Prime Minister of Vanuatu-.,, ANNEX Responsibilities of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - .. Department and other Responsibilities: • Agriculture Department • Forestry Department • Department of Livestock • Fisheries Department • Quarantine Services • Agriculture Shows • Forestry and Marine Reserves • Agriculture Training School • Agriculture College Constitutional and Statutory Bodies: • Vanuatu Abattoir Ltd • Vanuatu Livestock Development Ltd • Metenensel/Cocoa Estate • South Pacific Fishing Company Ltd • CIRAD Research Facilities • Port Vila Fish Market Ltd REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 371 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE I, the Honourable Sato Kilman, do swear that I will well and truly serve and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and according to the law. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this Iq day of ] Novem he( , 2003. ] Before Me: ~-.­ /'~i'~~~- 0/ ,;;' .,/_~ \ ~' .... ,t \ ..... ( .Q 01'11.,· c "': -··'.1 j .• -------------~~~-,~ ~7.!.~---- ATT HEY GEHERAI:-· /' OF T ' E REPUBLIC OF VANUATU REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 37] OFFICIAL OATH I, the Honourable Sato Kilman, do swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and will uphold the Constitution and the law and I will conscientiously, impartially and to the best of my ability discharge my duties as the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this I q day of ] ,2003.] NoVetr7 ber Before Me: ATTOR OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE GOUVERNEMENTDELA REPUBLIC OF VANUATU REPUBLIQUE DU VANUATU OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER BUREAU DU PREMIER MINISTRE P M B 053 Port Vila, Vanuatu SPP 053 Port Vila, Vanuatu Tel: (678)22413 Fax: 26301 Tel: (678) 22413 Fax:26301 CO~~STITUT;ONAL APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred on nH~ by Article 42(1) and (2) oftha Constitution of Vanuatu, I the HONOURABLE eDWARD N!PAKE NATAPEi, Prime Minister of Vanuatu, appoint HON. JAMES BUtE 88 Minister ('lr };ealth, you wiH have ancj exercise responsibilities over ai! matters reiating to Health, wbieh are (Jetaiiecl and annexed hereto. ANNEX Responsibilities of Minister of Health - Department and Other Responsibilities: • Department of Health • Curative and Preventatives· • Nutrition • Public Health Service • Health Quarantine • Dental Health Service • Local Medical Training • Physiotherapy Service • Vanuatu School of Nursing • Liaison with WHO • Traditional Medicine Constitutional and Other Statutory Bodies: • Health Practitioner Board • Nutrition Board • Vanuatu Nursing Council REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 37] OATH OF ALLEGIANCE I, the Honourable James Bule, do swear that I will well and truly serve and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and according to the law. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this i 1 day of ] =;K~-·····-······ i\ ! . ..,,' )) ~?/ ,2003 . ] ---------7~~---------------------- 1 \Jc}r *::1 f) J/ t;l Before Me: REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 37J OFFICIAL OATH I, the Honourable James Bule, do swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and will uphold the Constitution and the law and I will conscientiously, impartially and to the best of my ability discharge my duties as the Minister of Health and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So Help Me God. ',~~ SWORN at Port Vila ] .'> "''P'-'---''---, this I Cf day of ] " /'~ -----~---------------------------- 11 ;;, Uti f'}''1{I') P II ,2003. ] I V\../ 'I i..-- • I ___ ..... ~ f Before Me: !iJ'Cmie/< .Xbuj,t/'C (ltrpa/r/itfl{['l rk· r-tll2aatlt' !Z}'imc' "lftiz/j/C/c f7t<pa6!i(: (q/'Cj tm/{(lta CONSTITUTIONAL APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred on me by Article 42( 1) and (2) of the Constitution of Vanuatu, I the HONOURABLE EOWARD NIPAKE NATAPEI, Prime Minister of Vanuatu, appoint HON. DONALD KALPOKAS MASIKEVANUA as Minister of Education You will have and exercise responsibilities over all matters relating to Education, which are detailed and annexed hereto. MADE at Port Vila this,. (~day of November 2003: .,' ~. "- ~ ~ ~~=z:t ::;;> :" .:. '.' "-: .................... .. Y.. .. ,' ~,,; ,'," . EDWARO NIPAKE NATAeEI Prime Minister of Vanuatu ANNEX Responsibilities of Minister of Education - . Department and other Responsibilities: • Department of Education • Pre-School Education • Primary Education • Secondary Education • Tertiary Education and Institution • Technical and Vocational Training • Curriculum Development Centre • Examination Office • Scholarship and Training Unit Constitutional and Statutory Bodies: • Teaching Service Commission • Scholarship Board • Examination Board • Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education • Vanuatu National Training Council • Vanuatu Institute of Technology REPUBLIC· OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 37] OATH OF ALLEGIANCE I, the Honourable Donald Kalpokas Masikevanua, do swear that I will well and truly serve and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and according to the law. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this JCI day of ] ..-.:::::i!!"'!!;;iZ:=--~l._ ---------------------------------- II J If I O( , 2003. ] / V(h.erYlIDv Before Me: " REPUBLIC OF VANUATU OATHS ACT [CAP. 37] OFFICIAL OATH I, the Honourable Donald Kalpokas, do swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Vanuatu and will uphold the Constitution and the law and I will conscientiously, impartially and to the best of my ability discharge my duties as the Minister of Education and do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So Help Me God. SWORN at Port Vila ] this 19 day of ] ~j Nrlvef(Jb-e( ,2003. ] ----------------------~---------- .!:/}'('/jl({~/' .ilt~!/\'!/'(, (//0((6119'(((' {It' (Ill/mala CONSTITUTiONAL
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