Second Class tvrataae VoL LXXII No.9. Sections, 24 Pages dRANFORt), NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1965 Ctvoioti. w. J. TEN CENTfr to Spring Concert Mayor Urges Residents: Program A nn ounced 5 Reactions wen g 3t-eoncert-Band- will -pFesent-its -annual- —!Stjmd_IlB. and Be^ Coimted this week as the old Nortti Av& bridge across the Rafrway Biver sprting concert Saturday evening at 8 o'clock in tSe high school audi- v ? orium. In addition to the Concert Band, the Modern Jazz Sextet, ':'betw^n'''--!^nn;^'eid''' an!i''' ''C>witian^'' • nial Ayes.^ was barricaded at eaeii Modern Stage Band and Vocal Ensemble will perform. end iri.preparationfor its removal • The Concert fiand, under the direction of Robert Yurochko, will ,•' ". - •/,.', •',• ' ;< :*:,-•• / • :'. r"iinclude students from the ninth, to rn^ke way for a newtarid wider. A citizens' meeting to mem* Ithrough 12th grades. Auditions bridge to be installed by the S<ate orialize Rev. James J. .Reeb, Highway E&parttnent.' •.: •?' for students from the Hillside Boston Unitarian minister PoliceChie* Lester W.''Po*ell No Classes Avenue andTDrnnge Avenue Jun- ior High Schools were held in De- Statement by Mayor murdered in Seima, Ala. re- reported, there Were spine delays 1 and inconvenjeiice for motorists cember . cently, and to express concern during r^TpCTi^r rugh- hours- Tues- The Concert Band will open the On Reeb Memorial Meeting for human rights will be held iday evening and yesterday morn-' program by performing '"World's. at 8 p.m. Monday in the Cran- Fair March," by Alfred Antonini; I attended a meeting of 20 citizens of Cranford Mon- - ford High School auditorium. ing, following closing of .the bridge 1 at ,9 a.m.Tuesday.* v: ;".•• '''...- :'•' The school calendar for the 1965 - 'Overture for Winds," by Charles day afternoon. These dtize.nsr representing different seg- Mayor H. Raymond Kirwan, - The cfrief 9d(Jed', however, that 66 school year will include three Carter; "Water Music: Air and ments of our community, tfesired to hold a memorial a, sponsoring member of the he believes the situation wilj Jbes Jewish holidayday s Wi ,a two-dawyy Finale," by G F. Handel; "Haydn service for Rev. James J. Reeb ahd to focus attention on „ planning committee, has issued an : fIWhl'i Cameo," by Philip Gordon, and the entire human rights issues of today. alleviated ^ mo'toris^s become celebration ofIWashlngton's.''Birth-- appeal to all Cranford residents to used to the detour setufc or devise "Bolero for Band," by: Glenn Os- I am willing and eager to support such a program. I "stand up and be counted." tither ways of getting td| their des- . Dr. Henry MJirietrr made tiie rec- ser. invite all citizens to attend this meeting at the Cranford The program details,, many, of ' ommenaation; at; a Board of Edu- For its finale, the band wiE per- tiria.tions- It is expected; the de- High School Monday, .March 22, at 8 p.mv( - which still are incomplete, will tours ^yitbbe in effect for three or cation meeting; Tuesday night to form: "Thunderbird," by Frank include participation by several close scHool for the two-day cele- Rev. Mr. Reeb's tragic death' symbolizes the fight for four months during, the demoli- Erickson; J,'Aria for Winds," by . equality and justice for ail. I am sure Cranford stands for member* of 4he -Clergy Council, tion and conduction worfo^ '»•'• bration of^Rosh flashanah and 6n John Cacavas; "Funny Girl: Over- other interested local residents, t-Jn observance; of, detour signs ii.'om Kippur because of fth'g'A ture," by Jule Styne", and "Can protection of human rights. This is an opportunity for and musical selections, by a student erected^&y th¥ State Highway D^ Can fof Band," by Jacque Offeh- Cranford to stand up and be counted. ' , choir from the Cranford Public ; ; ;;; ;.:r:V::PoSy Ksr Aociat in the school systern who are ab- I hope Cranford H{gh~ School will be overflowing * -BArtnieai*,. .«^esibound ,. irafite»'«& "INSTITUTE DELEGATES, ALTERNATES — Shown are Granford bach. Schools. Rev. George Wh/te of the - '•f'-* sent 6n those holidays. "From Ofae with Cranford citizens paying their respects to thW princi- North Aye. is being detouVed to *"• fiil^-'ScKo^junroir-seiectecf]^y^a^i^t'mfet:'ieSi6vatid The Modern Jazz Sextet will First Baptist Chuich will serve as South: Ave. by way.of Centennial women's clubs for participation in the 19th Citizenship Institute standpoint of operation, it is inef- perform "Bluescope,1' by Sammy ples of human rights. ' master of ceremonies. Ave., withreturnIndicated -at Lin- ficient to operate school on those to be held at Douglass College in June under sponsorship of the days," he said Nesticq, and "The Girl from Ipan- — H. Raymond Kirwatt Rev. Arnold J. Dahlqulst of Cal- coln' Axr&rf-W*, and through traffic New Jersey Federation of Women's Clubs. At front-center is v ema," by Antonio Carolos Jobim. - Mayor \ vary Lutheran CHurch. will eulo- frdm Gitrwood is being shunted to Dr. Mineur's recommendation , liirida Lee Bork, Visage'Improvement Association alternate, and followed presentation to the board "You're My Thrill," by Larry gize Rev. 3VIr. Reeb, the man South A.ye. at Lincoln Aye^, W., others in the picture are, left, to right: Donna tiieberman, Colony of a tentative calendar drawn up Wilcox; "Pop Gunn Theme," by whose death in Alabama symbo- ' ytiifr return to North-Aye,^ indi- Club, delegate;, Fran;. iGrayspn, Colony Clyb .alternate; Patricia by the school staff. Although it is Art Dedrick, and "Valse a la Jazz," lizes the fight for justice for all cated by was of Centen^al Ave. ^Ayeetser, VlAdilgate, and Jill Harrington," Wednesday Morning difficult to. obtain substitutes on by Rusty IDednck, will be the VFW to Fete Brinkerhoff citizens throughout the nation. VvChief;; Powell' said thevs^usitibn Club" delegate. Stephanie Tristram, Wednesday Morning Club the Jewish holidays, Dr. Clark numbers played by the Modern Rabbi Sidney Shanken of Temr was aggravated at the \stayt be^- alterhaie, was hot present .for picture. W; McDermith said, no pro- Stage Band. ple Beth-El will give a first-hand , cause- the barricades were not put vision had been made in the ten- The Vocal Ensemble will 9ing On Election jto State Office report on conditions in Selma, up on Monday as originally schedr tative calendar for the closing of Bach's "Bourree" and "Aria." - Over 400 members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will honoj where the issue of voting privi- uled and motorists who found the school Tn_' 1S8S thorn . WWA RR Members of the^ Concert Band Vincent L. Brinkerhoff, recently elected state junior vice-commander, leges for Negroes exploded into bridge still open that'day decided teachers absent on the first day.of. delude: Flutes - James Dow, at a testimonial dinner Saturday nignt at veterans Memorial Home, the violence that caused W to ,; "take a chance" on the |ami? Federated Clubs A Rosh'Hashanah and 46 on the sec- Katherine Dwyer, Roger Fingerlin, Manville. death of ihe Boston clergyman, a Michael Jones, Cathryn Kaiser, route again-Tuesday, only tot find ond day, and 54 on-Yom Kippur. Louis Feldmann, past national commander of the Veterans of man dedicated to the civil rights that the bridge finally had bten The board, voted 16-2 to close Nan Kronmeyer, Ellen Meyer, movement, and resulted in Pre- : : ; : Brenda Ruch; oboes — Dorothea Foreign Wars, will be the principal . closed;oft. 1.,;' ' •'• ••••.'.-' :-S r'V. m school on Monday Stid Tuesday! sident Lyndon B. Johnson making n speaker. Mr. Feldmannwte a prac- Merchants #n North Avce,, E., in .VP.delegates; and their .alternates t& the ^9t CUizenship September 27 and ffi for JRosh Guinther, Kathleen. Knowlson; a dramatic (appeal Monday night the vicinity 61 ;|he closed bridge InstiiuteLat Douglass pdllege were announced this,week" by Qranford's Hashanah and on Wednesday, clarinets — Paul_Bauer| Evelyn ticing lawyer and former district before a joint session of the Con- • -expressed^•tiistnayat=tlse detourixxg three; federated^^ women'k clubs, the Colony CJub, Village, Improvement October is, Yoni Kippur. Mrs. B. G, Clausnitzer, Donna iDitynikoski, attorney of Luzerne County in gress for a strong voting- rights Randolph Gross, Jeffrey Heilbrun, of traffic'.^<*3buth' Aye^, fearing' Asswdation and .Wednesday Morning Club.' The institute wiH be > Qillespfe and Robert ChristenSen Pennsylvania. He and the guest of bill for Negroes. 1 cast the..dissenting votes. Mrs. Jo Ann Otlowski, Charles Riha, Brief remarks by John JDrabble> $iat it .inigjit', have a de^mentaS , LJunei'i2l "id 25 and is'.sponsored by-the New Jersey FederatioFederation of honor were drill instructors to- : Gillespie favored closing one day, James Silverman, Jack Sperling. president' of the Cranford Teach- •effect on -theirbusiness. Several i$$. Tcime'n"s:'Clubsi;, ;. ;•;.•'•"'• • ;. • ,- gether at the Parris Island Marine them--ha-fte joined in ;an advertised Yom Kippur, f<jr a start, arid Mf. ' Also, bass^ clarinet—Scott Chris- er?' Association; Mayor Kirwajl, ^he- Colony Club, wtll sponsor as tensen; alto saxophones —> John k merit in/this issufe of 'the- Citizen delegate, D<iwia Lieber map, Christenseri favOred the staff's or- Base in 1943. and Eev. Prank N. Williams of StC ant?. Cfi^btiicle feaiv^iag a •'tnap #£ftt;er of Mi% and Mirs. i igirial calendar', ] exi ~ that Bodnar, David Gershman, Rich- Other guests will include State Marks A.M.E,- Church', als& are oa ard Schiller; tenor saxophones shovtftag ••h.owj i^iey can- be reached pl 39 Rutgers Rd. 1'we have not reacr VFVf Commander John G, Me* • * (Continued on Pf i by'wesib^otjiid traffic by, way of is Fran Grayson, daugh- v/here the closing of school; on these Joseph. Bernstein, Barry Levine, Laughlin, State Senior 3frce-Com- holidays is that pressing from that Robert Read; baritone saxophone Foresf, NorQi Union and Spring- ter of Mr.
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