Appendix D Okanogan River Spring Chinook Salmon Hatchery Genetic Management Plan Appendix I Chief Joseph Dam Hatchery Program Steering and Design Committee HATCHERY AND GENETIC MANAGEMENT PLAN (HGMP) Hatchery Program: OKANOGAN BASIN SPRING CHINOOK Species or SPRING CHINOOK Hatchery Stock: Agency/Operator: COLVILLE CONFEDERATED TRIBES Watershed and Region: OKANOGAN Date Submitted: 2004 Date Last Updated: April 30, 2004 NOTE: This HGMP is currently under review by fishery co-managers. DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables 4 List of Figures 5 Section 1. General Program Description 6 Section 2. Program Effects on ESA-Listed Salmonid Populations 31 Section 3. Relationship of Program to Other Management Objectives 39 Section 4. Water Source 48 Section 5. Facilities 51 Section 6. Broodstock Origin and Identity 57 Section 7. Broodstock Collection 61 Section 8. Mating 65 Section 9. Incubation and Rearing 66 Section 10. Release 77 Section 11. Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance Indicators 86 Section 12. Research 87 Section 13. Attachments and Citations 88 Section 14. Certification Language and Signature of Responsible Party 89 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Page APPENDICIES Appendix A Program Options Considered in Development of the Okanogan 90 River Spring Chinook HGMP Appendix B Consistency with the Northwest Power & Conservation Council’s 96 10 Policies to Guide the Use of Artificial Production Appendix C Consistency with the Independent Scientific Advisory Board’s 100 8 Recommendations on Salmon and Steelhead Supplementation Appendix D Acronyms and Abbreviations 104 3 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Spring Chinook – Adult Counts at Rock Island and Wells Dams 33 Table 2. Future Tribal & Recreational Selective Harvest of Spring 44 Chinook Above Wells Dam Table 3. Tribal Incidental Take Thresholds for ESA-Listed 44 Upper Columbia River Steelhead Table 4. Tribal & Recreational Incidental Take Thresholds 45 for Unmarked Spring Chinook Table 5. Estimated Carrying Capacity of Natural-Origin 47 Anadromous Fish – Okanogan Subbasin Table 6. Broodstock Collection Protocol for Omak Creek 52 Table 7. Desired Proportion of Naturally-Spawning, Hatchery-Origin 52 Spring Chinook Adults in Omak Creek Table 8. History of Leavenworth NFH Broodstock 57 Table 9. History of Spring Chinook Broodstock Collection 63 at Leavenworth NFH Table 10. Spring Chinook Egg Take and Survival at Leavenworth NFH 67 Table 11. Spring Chinook Fry and Fingerling Survival 70 at Leavenworth NFH Table 12. Spring Chinook Egg and Fry Survival 70 at Little White Salmon/Willard NFH Table 13. Spring Chinook Rearing Conditions 71 at Little White Salmon/Willard NFH Table 14. Spring Chinook Growth Parameters at Leavenworth NFH 72 Table 15. Spring Chinook End of Month Growth Parameters 73 at Little White Salmon NFH for Brood Year 2000 Table 16. Leavenworth NFH Feed Type, Application Rates, 75 and Food/Length Conversion Rates for Spring Chinook an Average Production Year 4 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Average Growth Rate of Leavenworth NFH Spring Chinook 74 in Grams. Figure 2 Okanogan River Basin 105 Figure 3 Okanogan River Basin 106 5 SECTION 1. GENERAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1.1) Name of hatchery or program. Phase I - Okanogan Basin Spring Chinook 1.2) Species and population (or stock) under propagation, and ESA status. Spring Chinook Salmon - Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Phase I - Carson stock (ESA-unlisted) Phase II - Methow Composite stock, (ESA-endangered species) 1.3) Responsible organization and individuals Name (and title): Joe Peone, Director F&W Department Agency or Tribe: Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Address: P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, Washington 99155 Telephone: 509-634-2110 Fax: 509-634-4116 Email: [email protected] Other agencies, Tribes, co-operators, or organizations involved, including contractors, and extent of involvement in the program: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – operates fish production facilities supplying Chinook; cooperates in monitoring and evaluation, tribal trust responsibilities Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife - cooperates in monitoring and evaluation; co-manages spring Chinook fishery Grant County Public Utility District – potential funding partner Chelan County Public Utility District – potential funding partner Douglas County Public Utility District – potential funding partner Bonneville Power Administration – provides funding, tribal trust responsibilities U.S. Bureau of Reclamation – provides funding, tribal trust responsibilities National Marine Fisheries Service – reviews program for ESA compliance; tribal trust responsibilities. 6 1.4) Funding source, staffing level, and annual hatchery program operational costs. Funding: Grant PUD: $ uncertain at this time Douglas PUD: $ uncertain at this time Chelan PUD: $ uncertain at this time BPA: $ uncertain at this time USBOR: $ uncertain at this time Anticipated Staffing: Propagation: Willard/Little White Salmon Hatchery: FTE, USFWS Leavenworth Hatchery: FTE, USFWS Chief Joseph Dam Hatchery: FTE, CCT Acclimation: St. Mary’s Mission Pond: FTE, CCT Salmon Creek Ladder: FTE, CCT Ellisforde Pond: FTE, CCT Adult Collection: Leavenworth Hatchery: FTE, USFWS Future Okanogan Trapping: FTE, CCT M&E: BPA # 29033: FTE, WDFW FTE, CCT FTE, USFWS Anticipated Capital Costs: The estimated capital costs of the separable spring Chinook facilities at Chief Joseph Dam Hatchery and for modification of two acclimation ponds are $5.6 million. Anticipated Operational Costs: Propagation: Willard/Little White Salmon Hatchery, Step A: $325,000 Leavenworth Hatchery, Step A: $ uncertain at this time Chief Joseph Dam Hatchery, Step B: $198,000 Acclimation: St. Mary’s Mission Pond: $4,700 Salmon Creek Ladder: $3,000 Ellisforde Pond: $18,600 Adult Collection: Leavenworth Hatchery: $ uncertain at this time Future Okanogan Trapping: $ 7 Monitoring & Evaluation: BPA Project #29033: $162,000 1.5) Location(s) of hatchery and associated facilities. Hatcheries: Willard National Fish Hatchery – USFWS facility located on the Little White Salmon River at river mile 5.3 (rkm 8.5), near Stevenson, Washington. Little White Salmon Hatchery - USFWS facility located on the Little White Salmon River at river mile 1.2 (rkm 2), near Stevenson, Washington. Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery – USFWS facility located at on Icicle Creek at river mile 2.8 (rkm 4.5), near Leavenworth, Washington, (WRIA 45). Chief Joseph Dam Hatchery - Proposed for construction on the right bank of the Columbia River below Chief Joseph Dam at river mile 543 (rkm 875). Juvenile Acclimation Facilities: St. Mary’s Mission Pond – Colville Tribes’ acclimation pond on Omak Creek at river mile 5.0 (rkm 8), below Mission Falls near Omak, Washington. Salmon Creek Diversion – acclimation waters located on Salmon Creek at river mile 3.8 (rkm 6.1), at the Okanogan Irrigation District’s diversion dam and channel near Okanogan, Washington. Ellisforde Pond – acclimation pond located on the left bank of the Okanogan river at mile 61.7 (rkm 99.3) on the Okanogan River near Tonasket, Washington. Colville Trout Hatchery – acclimation pond to be located on the right bank of the Columbia River at the existing hatchery at river mile 542 (rkm 873). Osoyoos Lake Experimental Net Pens - floating net pens located in Lake Osoyoos immediately above Zosel Dam, at river mile 77.4 (rkm 124.6) on the Okanogan River near Oroville, Washington. Adult Collection Facilities: Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery – USFWS facility located at on 8 Icicle Creek at river mile 2.8 (rkm 4.5), near Leavenworth, Washington, (WRIA 45). Omak Creek Weir: A future facility to be constructed on Omak Creek about 0.5 miles above its confluence with the Okanogan River. Zosel Dam - Watershed Code: 17020006, at river mile 77.4 (rkm 124.6) on the Okanogan River near Oroville, Washington. This is a potential future collection site. Chief Joseph Dam Hatchery – a future facility to be located on the right bank of the Columbia River at river mile 543 (rkm 875), immediately below Chief Joseph Dam. Contingency Collection – live-capture, selective gear to be fished in the Okanogan River and in the Columbia River from Chief Joseph Dam (river mile 544.6) down to near the confluence of the Okanogan River (river mile 533.5) 1.6) Type of program. This Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan (HGMP) addresses a comprehensive, two- phase plan for spring Chinook in the Okanogan subbasin and in the Columbia River from Chief Joseph Dam downstream to the confluence of the Okanogan River. Phase I programs within this plan use Carson stock spring Chinook commonly propagated in the Columbia Cascade Province. Phase II programs within this plan use the Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU, currently listed as endangered. Spring Chinook are extirpated in the Okanogan subbasin. This HGMP primarily addresses the Phase I programs. Two spring Chinook programs would be operated simultaneously in the Okanogan subbasin: Integrated Recovery Program – re-establish natural spawning (self-sustaining or supplemented), populations in suitable habitat using Carson stock initially (Phase I), then transitioning to the Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU in Phase II. Methow Composite stock from the adjacent Methow subbasin would be used in Phase II. The Phase I goal of this program is to demonstrate the viability of spring Chinook in historical habitat and guide rehabilitation of that habitat. The Phase II goal of this program is to increase the abundance, productivity, distribution, and diversity of the ESA-listed Upper Columbia
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