Application Assessment Notes Application No: 2020 0937 Site Inspection Date n/a App Name : Householder Site Address : Larks Rise, Field Road, Weston Longville, NR9 5JN Proposal : Conversion of existing garage to form two storey workspace/office Site notice n/a Site Notice Location n/a displayed ? Checked Is it a Listed Building or in a Yes The building is not listed or in a Conservation Area Conservation Area ? Do Plans show existing Yes The existing situation is shown with elevations of all situation accurately ? four perspectives as well as with photos, a ground floor plan and block plan Context of Design and Yes The existing outbuilding is single storey with a part Materials pitched and part flat roof. It is rendered in cream colour and has a green garage door. Effect on streetscene Yes Effect on streetscene is small as the outbuilding will acceptable ? be located a minimum of 21m from the highway Impact on neighbour ? eg Yes Impact on the neighbour at Hill Farm involves minor overlooking overshadowing Changes in level in or around Yes Minimal changes in levels site ? Boundaries – Trees on site or Yes No significant trees on site abutting ? Significant ecology impact Yes There will be no impact on ecology. likely ? Highways Any highway issues n/a applicable ? Parking / turning issues ? n/a Significant Site Features : n/a Issues To Check / further actions: n/a Pre commence conds ? n/a Details sent to applicant / agent Date Applicant / Agent confirmed acceptable Date Consultees WESTON LONGVILLEPARISH COUNCIL: No response. NEIGHBOURS: No response. Assessment This application has been considered against the Development Plan for the area, this being the Joint Core Strategy (JCS) for Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk 2011 as amended 2014 and the Development Management DPD (2015). Other material considerations are The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2019 and Planning Practice Guidance (2014). The policies particularly relevant to the determination of this application are Policy 2 of the JCS and Policy GC4 of the Development Management DPD. This application seeks planning permission for the conversion of the existing outbuilding to increase the size and form a two storey workspace. The existing property is located in a rural area north of Weston Longville. The proposed outbuilding will measure 6.8m in width, 9.5m in length, 2.5m to the eaves and 6.4m in total ridge height. The ground floor of the outbuilding will have single doors in the east and west elevations, in addition to four full height windows, four smaller windows and three high level windows distributed on the other elevations. The high level windows will be located on the south elevation as it faces the neighbour’s boundary. The first floor will include a set of four windows in the east elevation, a folding door in the west elevation, four velux windows in the north elevation and no windows in the roof of the south elevation. As the west elevation of the first floor will have sliding doors that lead onto a balcony, there will be some overlooking into the garden of Hill Farm. However, this is not considered to be a major issue as there is only a field directly east. The overshadowing of Hill Farm driveway is a consideration, but as the impact will be on the driveway and garage (with no windows in the north elevation) of Hill Farm, in addition to the orientation of the properties, the impact is considered to be insignificant. Therefore, this proposal is not considered to cause any detriment to neighbour amenity, in accordance with Policy GC4 of the DM DPD. The ground floor includes a cloakroom and sink and so for the avoidance of doubt, a condition will be put in place to restrict occupancy to be incidental to the main dwelling. The proposed materials of the outbuilding will involve rendered timber frame, fibre cement roof slates, grey UPVC doors and windows and black guttering. The design, form and massing of the proposed conversion will be in keeping with the area due to the gabled pitched roof and rendered walls. Therefore, this proposal is not considered to cause any detrimental harm to the character and appearance of the area, in accordance with Policy GC4 of the DM DPD. The proposal is considered to be a sustainable form of development and as such is considered to be in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework. The Local Planning Authority has taken a proactive and positive approach to decision taking in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework. RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL, subject to the following conditions: TL01 - The development hereby permitted must be begun before the expiry of THREE YEARS from the date of this decision. AD01 - The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the application form, plans and drawings and other documents and details received as listed below : O04 - The living accommodation hereby approved shall be incidental to the use of the main dwelling and shall not be occupied as a separate and unassociated unit of accommodation or as a holiday unit. Reasons for Conditions: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with the specified approved plans, as required by the Spatial Vision and Spatial Planning Objectives of the Joint Core Strategy and the Broadland Development Management DPD 2015. To enable the local planning authority to retain control over the development which has been permitted, in accordance with Policy GC1, to meet a specific personal need and where the occupation of the annexe as a separate dwelling would be in conflict with the settlement policy contrary to Policy GC2 of the Broadland Development Management DPD 2015. INFORMATIVES INFO01 - The Local Planning Authority confirm it has taken a positive and proactive approach to reach this decision in accordance with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework. INFO29 - Please note that before any works of a building or engineering nature commence, it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any necessary consent under Building Regulations. CNC Building Control, who provide the Building Control service for Broadland, can provide advice upon the Building Regulations. Their telephone number is 01603 430100 or [email protected] and their website is www.cncbuildingcontrol.gov.uk SIGNATURE: Tom Barker DATE: 29/06/2020 .
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