Weather Dirtribotioii 1 «.m. temperature tt. Fair to- THEDMLY Today Aqr, M|jh St. Pwtly eloodjr to- ^Igfat, low M. Tomorrow, con- 24,450 iiderable cloudiness, Humid, \ Red Bank Area f Ugh m. Saturday, (air, warm, Copyright—The Red Bank Register, inc., 1965. humid. Sea weather, paga 1. - DIAL 7414)010 MONMOUTH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS SS Hid IK iMuea duly oulh Friday. Keeood Clui POK«B» SB, INU. lo i,*t Additional MiiUng OHIcei. THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Fire Destroys Supermarket In Matawan Business Area By JAMES M. NEILLAND with containing the blaze to the Matawan Fire Chief Patrick doctors who treated the injured. identified as Robert Ziegler, MATAWAN — Fire early this food store. Longo directed operations of the Russell Bucko of Haley Hose Richard Deppcn, both of Wash- morning destroyed Bell's Food- Insufficient water pressure 10 companies, consisting of 19 Co. and Richard Hackman of ington Engine Co., George town Supermarket, Main St., hampered efforts to quell the pieces of equipment and some Washington Engine Co. were O'Leary, William Forman, both threatened the adjoining Mata- flames, necessitating water being 200 firefighters. Seven ambu- treated in Riverview Hospital, of Matawan Hook and Ladder wan Wines and Liquors Store and pumped from Matawan and Lef- lances from the borough, town- Red Bank. They suffered severe Co., Arthur Nixon, Jr., borough downed seven firemen, a first ferts Lakes and from the Mata- ship and Keyport stood by, smoke inhalation. All others were First Aid Squad, alnd Thomas aid man and a teenage boy. wan Lake dam. manned by 35 aid men and three treated at the scene. They were (See FIRE, Page 3) Foodtown owners Calvin M. Bell and Martin F. Bell, broth- ers, were unable to estimate im- mediately dollar loss on the structure, but they said inventory in ihe store was at its peak, ready for weekend shoppers. Sound Alarm Raritan Selects The fire was first seen by three youths driving by in a car. One of the trio ran to a nearby alarm MATAWAN INFERNO — Frames rage out of control, destroying Bell's Foodtown Su- box and sounded the first alarm permarket, Main St., Matawan, early this morning «s firsfight&rs pour water onto at 1:16 a.m.. blaza. Tan companies from the borough, Matawan Township, Keyport and Morgan- Minutes later, as the first men Site for School and equipment reached the scene, villa responded to-general alarm bringing 19 pieces of equipment and more than 200 the structure was a roaring in- By FRANK W. HARBOUR township public school children for 17 acres of the 34-acre par- purchased by a builder who will firemen. ferno. A general alarm was RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The in grades six, seven and eight. cel. seek to subdivide the property. sounded. Board of Education has selected It will be the first departure ever The Planning Board has been George Reseter, vice presi- Four companies from this bor- a site for the township's 10th in Raritan from the "neighbor- consulted on suitability of the dent of the school board, con- ough's department, Freneau In- school—but it may have to go hood" school concept. site. Indications are. the board firmed this last night. dependent, both Matawan Town- to court to take title. The site selected by the board will approve the site, members He said the board may have to ship companies, two companies Planned is a 34-classroom in- is on the east side of Poole Ave., report, for school use, in prefer- ake court action — specifically Financial Woes from Keyport and one from Mor- termediate building—a new con- 600 feet south of Rt. 36. - * ence to housing construction. condemnation proceedings — to ganville responded. From Key- cept for this district, fourth Seek to Build Houses obtain the property. port came that borough's aerial largest in Monmputh County. Board attorney Arthur D. Lor- According to board members, In this eventuality, it was ladder truck which was credited The building will house all Ing will start negotiations today the 34 acres have recently been [earned, the board would have th« support of the Township Commit- Plague Keansburg tee which, for several years, has attempted to slow the pace of KEANSBURG — The borough's financial was the need for an increase in the rate of tax residential building here to assist woes contined to plague the governing body collections. He said one or two accounts were in getting the school system off body last night as it was forced to adopt a close to being expended up but that he would U.S. Planes in Viet Strike double sessions. $2,900 emergency appropriation to meet cur- not be able to give a clear picture until later The committee last year wound rent expenses. in the year. / up a 4'/$-year $40,000 legal fight Several weeks ago Mayor Leonard S. In other business at the brief session, Mrs, in the "Raritan Valley USA" Bellezza let it be know/i that the borough's Genevieve Boden was reappointed tax col- case which although it did not stop that residential project pro- financial condition was poor because, he said, lector and Mrs. Mae Strauch, treasurer. Near Red Chinese Border The 1st Division troops landed north of Saigon. vided the school board with a the current operating budget was kept slim \ Named to a Port of Authority were John SAIGON, Sou* Viet Nam" off the infiltrators, he said. in Viet Nam last week. The Guam-based jets dropped by the previous administration. Conlon, Franklin Jackson, Anthony Auer, (AP) — U.S. war planes flew Although the number of ime span to get several hundred 500 tons of explosives "in a pro- Wallace E. Schaab and Kenneth Robinson. closer today to the Red Chinese American casualties was not There was no damage assess- students on full sessions. Last night it was announced that emer- disclosed, two men were wound- ment yet from Wednesday's gram of continuing harassment Of the Poole Ave. site, Mr. A three-man traffic study committee was border thari ever before on an gency funds would be needed to cover cost air strike over North Viet Nam, ed when a grenade, thrown at raid by 30 B52 bombers of the and disrupting of known areas Reseter commented: also appointed. William Bowman, Dominick of a salary for the dump caretaker, civil de- a U.S. military spokesman said. the Viet Cong, hit a bunker, Strategic Air Command on the of Viet Cong activity," a mili- Melevoi and Lawrence McDermott will make Termed Ideal fense incidental expenses and election costs. bounced back and exploded. D zone jungle area 30 miles tary spokesman said. up the group. Three Air Force F1C5 Thun- "For an intermediate school, Specifically, $1,200 has been appropriated derchiefs bombed a highway it is ideal. It is centrally located Mayor Bellezza said the committee would in the emergency measure for the dump custo- bridge only 41 miles from the and will keep bus transportation dian, $500 for civil defense and $1,200 for * study the traffic situation in the borough and Chinese frontier, the spokesman 10-Year Duration Seen to a minimum. The board is elections., ... make recommendations on the need for traffic said. The raiders destroyed the agreed on this." Two weeks ago, James A. McCarthy, Jr., lights, stop streets and other regulatory bridge IDS miles northwest of He said, however, that if in borough auditor, said that the main problem devices. Hanoi ana also cratered the Yen the end the property cannot be Bay railroad yards 80 miles acquired the board will consider northwest of the Communist Viet War—How Long?other sites, including the grape capital. farm, on Poole Ave. off Rt. 35, Urges Middletown Speed Heavy Groundfire WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen- Wednesday included contribu- defense appropriations and the and the Brennen tract, Union The pilots reported heavy ate Democratic Leader Mike tions by the heads of the State like. It is even anticipated on Ave. Communist groundfire, but the Mansfield says It is "anticipated Department, Central Intelli- our side that the war may go on The grape farm is less than 17 spokesman said all planes re- on our sid<s^that the war in Viet gence Agency, U.S. Information for four or five - or even ten acres, he reported, and the * Reorganization of Police turned safely. Nam may continue for 10 years Agency and other nonmilitary years and Ho Chi Minh, presi- Brennen tract is to some extent In raids last week, U.S. bomb- — while the Communist side officials. dent of North Viet Nam, has marshland. ers hit targets 43 miles from talks of 20. Today, however, the principal stated in the last day or so that The board estimates that con- MIDDLETOWN — Township accepted a suggestion that t con- just hasn't been set up," replied Communist China. Top level White House talks participants were to be McNa-1 he is prepared for a .war of 20 demnation might take from two Committeeman Edward J. Roth ference be held first with the Mr. Lawlor. In the only other raid on resume today, with military mara and the Joint Chiefs of years duration," to six months or longer if there insisted last night that reorganiza- acting police ohief, Raymond T. June 8 Code North Viet Nam reported today, emphasis, on what the Montana were appeals. The time factor Walling. Staff, pointing to work toward Mansfield called far an effort tion of the police department be Under an ordinance which was eight F4 Starfighters destroyed senator called "an ordeal of in- decisions on suoh matters as the and difficulty in acquiring the Mayor Ernest G.
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