TER. 'fVHt-i Ii«U4d Vffeklf, Entered •• Beeond-dlasa flatter at the Foft* .VOLUME XLVIII, NO. 44. • ofllee at Ked Sank. N. J^ under tbs Act of March 8, 1878. RED BANE,% J., WEDNESDAY, AFREii 28, 1926, ?1.50 PER YEAR. • PAGES f TO 12.,! ACCIDENT ON BROAD STREET. NEW VOCAL STUDIO. WILL GIVE UP BUSINESS. ra ^|HEGB|g||E§TnVAl. HANDSQltfE HOME BURNED Frank Thompion'i Coups D»mag4d 'APER COMPANY MOVES. ormer Metropolitan Singer to A RECORD HARD TO BEAT, IG FIRE IN COAL YARD. 'in a Colliiion Lait Week. Open School Here. DETAILS AREl ARRANGED FOR tUMSON RESIDENCE OF; HOW/ GEORGE WOODS WILL RETIRE NOW OCCUPYING NEW BUILD- JOHN S. STILES HAS AN UN- GILDINGS; •• BURNED- i ON; ;:pf •• W- Miss Joanne VanElton of New •7 TOWN'S;iBi(J~CEtEBRATlONi ARD'S. BORDEf* DESTROYED, A Nash sport car ('riven by Miss AFTER 48 YEARS. ING ON RIVER STREET. ^GJJRDON1^^ PLACEi"A;^'>'ff|i|| Dorothy Gaffcy of Atlantic'High- ork will,open a votiul ituJio in a USUAL ANNIVERSARY. ' i"Bund Mu«lcr Banquet'ond .Various Lous Is Estimated 'at $400,000, But anda and a Ford coupe driven by Ho -will Turn Over hit Sewing Ma- Tlio New Quarters, . With Office!, 'ew.days at 21 Ps^crs.1 plate for Lust Friday Rounded Out 59 Yean am, Shedi and Lumber Deitroyocl V; r^' Ojh«>•Matter* TaWenJJare Of—•_ Some Thing; Logt Woro Price)r«s [•>nnk Thompson of Red Bank-col- chino Bti!ine!i Saturday; to his .Storehouse :mic!--Garag6 All .Un» oico placement, coaching, Italian of Work for Mini a« • Mason— Thursday - 'Af tornoon byr~|[^ Flf«*-f£;& ,! SJy«lUs»p!e"v'CiR»"/ From • Italian. —Pip« Organ Worth 060,000 and Ideii last Thursday afternoon on Son, Frank B. Woodt—Only One der One Roof, Was Built at a nd French. Miss VanElteii is a Only One Occasion When He Lost Which :Threatone'd:bH.Comp»ny'»fe£}; Amei'lcans and Realty .Company. Valuable Paintings Destroyed. Broad street. Miss Gaffcy was Sickneu in 48 Yean. Cost of $8,0O0. ' ;olortura soprano of . reputation. Tims From -]W°rk. Plant and Several ;New Hougei.-yv*^ ; lacking her car away from tho curb The Red • Bank Paper Com- month she demonstrated the 5;.-y;.'^ffift?;'plaSTf^iHe^"fest|yItIe» Th^'-.piretenflTO'^'Wwe7of^w"ar3' After having been engagedTin Fifty-nine years of work as a Fanned" by a strong w|nd?'n'iirM5;S nd Mr. Thompson was driving pany moved last Thursday to ighest note over sung, C above • to mark the re-opening of Cooper's Si.' Borden 'Tori ,the' ihore of tho selling Singer iscwing machines the mason, was rounded out by John S. ast Thursday afternoon: destroyed^? 'i outh on tho street. Tho two cars its new quarters on the eastern end igh C, at tho Haywood collcgo o£ ) bridge on Friday, May 7th, 'were forth, Shrewsbury-river at Rum- past 48 years, George Woods will Stiles of Branch avenue, Rod Bank, everal buildings at P. E."Gordon'5:v;35 'ame together, the front tnd of the of River street. The ddtc of the music at New York before 46 toach- h made ata; meeting -at the town; hall ibri^as destroyed by firo Sunday retire from active work Saturday last Friday. Although ho is 74 :oal yard and. for a -time .-.threatv;; % oupe crashing into the brick of the movihg«was eight months to a day rs .from all parts of the country, : Friday night, undor the 'direction'- of morning before daylight -The rcs- and will turn over the business to years of age, Mr. Stiles if "still go- ined the buildings and tanks jof;tjle",ft;- '; ithcr machine. Traffic on tlfc street of the dato of the incorporation of iliss VanEUcn has s ng at the y."the eo)Timisalpncrs of the town. Fair, danco, ^vhlw Was; of frnmo con- his son Frank B. Woods. The bus- ing strong." He suffers from poor Teicas oil company and a nqmbori'if ( was held upfor a few minutes until thp '.'company under Its, present 3ranford theator at Newark and the the.parade and for the Mardl. Gras tructlon, 'consisted of flyo large iness will be moved from the bulld- eyesight due to an accident a num- if new houses at Silyerwhltoi Garrij ? 1 name. Previously the .business was Itrand theater at Now York. She !••. and Wock dance which will follow, ections or • wings,,'with an, opertj ho cars were moved. The steering j ing it now occupies on Monmouth ber of years ago, but in other re- ens on Pinckney rqad.- Fireriien t^j; run under.tho title of tho Red Bank as also broadcast over radio Eta- the bridge will bo decorated, with :ourt;Sri tlio, center. One section,- pparatus and radiator on the coupe 3treet, which is owned by Clinrlos spects he is in perfect health and rom Red Banl:, Shrewsbury'Bnd'f'K Paper -Warehouse Company a ions WJZ and WOR. She was on twelve, arches, of colored, electric ivhieh.'iaces'.the west, was not com- were-broken., Miss Gaffoy's car was Wagner, to another building on the v is as active and strong as many little Silver, aided .by a gang ,of i w^ name which was changed because our with.the Me.tropli opera cpm- ; lights and tvith flags and bunting. iletely destroyed, but wus"budly; not damaged. .: Eolfeeman John same street,_which is owijed by men much younger than himself. 5 men working at Silverwlrite-'; 'twas too lengthy. •••-*-'• icmy and she has studied with : The coBt of, the decorations- will be; damaged by fire and water. All the itoye made an investigation of the Howard Frey. New fixtures are be- Mr. Stiles was born at Lakehurst ardens, finally" conqaered {the :'•' •'"e'st of the house was. burned to the accident." Neither driver was will- ing put in tho Frey building, and ranz Prowskowsky, Galli Curci's $600. Italian-American, residents The building is 24x80 feet, with, eacher, and^ "Herbert Whiterspoon, in October, 1852. When he was ilaze after several hours' work; ih/''!;, pt.Red Bank,who ftre members 'of iroutid.: :':Tho house: was elaborate- ing to make a complaint and no fx- the stock of semng machines will a largo main office, a private office, fifteen years old he came to Red vhich the 6dds were against the j/*; ly furnished and ,on%a small part *csts wero niade, ' - •Ws increased. Frank Borelli will iormer basso of the Metropolitan jha Garibaldi '.society .and of the a big storehouse and a garage all ipera. • , Bank where he has since lived. ire fighters. Their valiant and'ef* S3 Italian-American pqlltica.l club, jwlth ~'. tho, contents was saved. ' ' move his tailor business from West under one roof. It is thoroughly Masonry has been a life-long occu- ficient work averted a mote .dlSAS-S:jj Robert S. Johnson for their chair- The loss is estimated at $400,000,' Front street to the Wagner Build- modern in every respect It is en- pation with him. His first^employ- trous destruction. .,' ' ,'' -'.;.: •'••.,1.'1,: ~'J;i£2- man-, wlirjook.v after this .detail of- This is. Bald to be a conservative iONUMENT FOR HEROES. ng. closed with hollow tile and it is as ment was with the late Isaac and The coal yard i& In Shrewsbury, ^ : ; : < one occasion did Mr. John Elliott. He worked for them ownship, just outside of the boun-:j> j : 'the'celebratfb'n'.'; •'••:' •.:'. Vi' .':••, ..-' figuro. A,, pipe .organ, which cost Only on near fireproof as it is possible for FINDS BRIDE IN ITALY. ! i . 'The banquet; whlch Is to bo held ?50,0QO, was destroyed. It was one IT IS EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Woods lose time from work because a business structure to b.e. Tlie a number of years and then started dary line of Red IJanV. It is fin the"- •' • : \n: connection, with the, celebration of the finest pipe organs in tho, of sickness during his 48 years of warehouse section of the building VITO MARASCIO HAS BEEN a mason contracting business, with north sido of the, railroad tracks *.' HERE NEXT WEEK. will take place at the now Smoke, country and was in one of the business. This was about twb has double flooring, with thirty THERE FOURTEEN MONTHS. George Krugs as his partner. Sub- and a road leads to the coal yards';;; -Shop .TaVprh; from which/place tho ivirigs of "the -'residence' known as ho Monument ii Entitled "Hand- months ago when he was taken sick concrete piers supporting tlie upper torn Broad': street. , Someonor;A\ ; .speechmoking' will bo, relayed to ;hp. niualc room. A'valuable piano ing Down Old Glory" and it iswith sciatic rheumatism and had to flooring. These piers are required He is Anxidus to Return, but Be- .ihoned the Red ^ank police head~';;j; Councilman Johnson's WJBI .wire- n tho camo: room was burned, to- Scheduled to be Shipped This stay libmo"two weeks. During those to strengthen the floor, as a stock fore He Can Do So He will Have quarters that a field was on fire at •; less station and broadcast. .Tickets gether wRh a number of. other mus-* Wook From Barre, Vermont. • 48 years Mr. Woods has been absent of paper\ weighing many tons is to Arrange for Passage for His ;he southern end of Broad street;: : will be1 printed:for 750 persons." oil instruments. Master paintings from his store on only four Satur- kept constantly on hand. Mother, who- will Accompany Him .iberty fire company of White ^5- The monument, "Handing Down Governor A.
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