1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3967 REAPPOINTli~T IN THE OFFICERS' RESERVE CORPS OF THE ABYY The message also announced that the Senate agrees, with GENER~o\L OFFICER amendments, to the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill ( S. 700) entitled " An act -authorizing· the Secretary To be brigadier general, Cm·ps of Engineers Reserve of the Interior to execute an ag1·eement with the ·l\liddle Rio Brig. Gen. Jay Johnson Morrow, from 1\larch 5, 1928. Grande conservancy district providing for conservation, irriga­ POSTMASTERS tion, drainage, and flood control for the Pueblo Indian lands in ARKANSAS the Rio Grande Valley, N. Mex., and for other purposes." ORDER OF BUSINESS Ida L. Car~er, Parkin. The SPEAKER. Under the special order of the House the IDAHO Chair recognizes the gentleman from New York [1\Ir. SIROVIC'H] Clarence P. Smith, Eden. for 30 minutes. John E. l\IcBurney, Harrison. Mr. LINTIDCUM. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order Hannah H. Bills, Kimberly. that there is no quorum present. William W. McNair, l\liddleton. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Maryland makes the ILLINOIS point of order that there is no quorum present. Eviclently Bryce E. Currens, Adair. there is no quorum present. Mr. Sl\TELL. Mr. s·peaker, I move a call of the House. INDIANA The motion was agreed to. Jesse Dowen, Carbon. The SPEAKER. The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the Joseph W. Morrow, Charlestown. Sergeant at Arms will bring in absent Members, and the Clerk LaFayette H. Ribble, Fairmount. - will call the roll. · Roy Sargent, Syracuse. The Clerk· called the roll, an..d the following Members failed William I. Ellh;on, Winona Lake. to an wer to their names: IOWA [Roll No. 40] Abe Abben, Little Rock. Allen Drewry Kiess Ruthf'rford Almon Edwards Kindred Sears, Nebr. Edna Hesser, Nichols. Anthony England Kopp Somers, N.Y. MAINE Beck, Pa. Estep Kunz Sproul, Ill. Beck, Wis. Foss Langley Steagall Hugh Hayward, Asllland. Beedy Fulmer Larsen· Stevenson Thomas E. Wilson, Kittery. ·· Beers . Gallivan Leatherwood Strong, Pa. Winfield L. Ames, North Ha-ven. Berger Gambrill Lindsay Strother Boies Golder Lyon , Sullivan · Harry S. Bate. , Phillips. Britten Goodwin Michaelson Sweet Hiram W. -Ricker, jr.. South Poland. Burdick Graham Moore, N. J'. Swick George E. Sands, Wilton. Bushong GrUlin Morgan Taylor, Tenn. Campbell Hall. TIL Morin 'l'hompson Parker B. Stinson, Wiscasset. Carew Hancock Nelson, Me. Tillman NEW YORK Carley Hare Nelson, Wis. TUson Chapmllll Harri on Norton, N. J'. Tucker Henry L. Sherman, Glens Falls. Christopherson Haugen O'Conn01:, N.Y. Warren Connally, Tex. Hill, Ala. Palmer Weller OKLAHOMA Connolly. Pa. llope Perkins White, Colo, Cooper, Ohio Houston Porter Williamson George H. Passmore, Cromwell. · C1·os er Hughes Prall Wingo Crowther Igoe Quayle Winter WASHINGTOS Cun·y Irwin Ransley Wolverton Nellie Tyner, Dishman. Davey Johnson, S.Dak. Rathbone Wood Douglas, Ariz. Kearns Reed. N.Y. Wurzbach Harry B. Onn, Dryad. Doutricb Kelly Romjue Doyle Kendall Rubey The SPEAKER. Tllree hundred and twenty-six Members HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are present, a (.!Uorum. Mr. SNELL. l\lr. Speal\:er, I move to dispense with further FRIDAY, J/arch g, 1928 proceedings under the call. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The motion was agreed to. The Rev. John Compton Ball, of the Metropolitan Baptist The doors were opened. Church, of Wa~bington, D. C., offered the following prayer: QUESTION OF P.RIVILEGE Our Heavenly Father, we bow in Thy divine presence and l\lr. CRAl\ITON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of the invoke Thy divine blessing, that it may rest upon all the privilege of the House. I observe that the gentleman from New dellberati.ons of this day, knowing full well that anything done York [Mr. SmoVIOH] has brought into the House and displayed without Thy favor is bound to come to naught, and that only upon the table, apparently for use in connection with the speech as we move in co}lformity to Thy will can we hope for con­ he is about to make, various bottles and paraphernalia. ~Iy _tinued individual and national prosperity. only information as to the use to be made of them comes from And at this time, as we are one great family, -we pray espe­ a newspaper article in the ¥lashington Herald thi · morning, cially for the wife of the President of the United States as which purports to quote a statement issued by the gentleman she sits in anxiety by the bedside of her mother, and we pray from New York [Mr. SrnoVIcH] which, in brief states that be that she may realize the fulfillment of the promise that under­ " ·will set up a laboratory on the floor of the House to-day, and neath is the everlasting arm; and what we ask for her we ask give a practical demonstration," and, further, that he "will for every citizen of these United States in the lowliest and invite Members of the Hou e to test the stuff he runs through lmmblest station. Bless the Speaker and every Member of this his chemist's apparatus," the article having to do with the House. For Christ's sake. Amen. que tion of alcohol, denatured and otherwise. I make the point of order that the rules of the House do not permit the setting The Journal of the procedings of yesterday was read and up of such a laboratory, and the other performance which this ·_approved. newspaper announces is the purpose of the display which is MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE before us. · A message from the Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal clerk, The Constitution appreciated tJ1e desirability of orderly con­ announced that the Senate had passed with amendments bills duct in the House when it gave the Hou--:e express authority to of the following titles, in which the concur.rence of the House of punish for disorderly conduct. The question as to what wo-uld Representatives was requested: be the situation if the gentleman from New York should go H. R. 6073. An act granting a permit to construct a bridge so far as th& article states and attempt to give to l\Iembers of OT"er the Ohio River at Ravenswood, W. Va.; and the House liquor while the House js in session I do not need H. R. 792L An act. authorizing A. Robbins, of Hickman, Ky., to urge upon the Speaker at this time. Until the gentleman his heirs, legal representatives, and assign , to con..,truct, main­ from New York makes that attempt I shall assume that he tain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River at or would not perpetrate an action of that kind, which would in near Hickman, Fulton County, Ky. my judgment be disorderly conduct, which would not be in The message also announced that the Senate had passed with­ order even by unanimous consent. out amendment a bill of the following title: I simply urge at this time that the exhibits which are to H. R 7948. An act to extend the times for commencing and accompany the speech are akin to the reading of a paper in a -completing the con truction of a bridge across the Delaware speech. They can not be of a higher privilege, . certainly. River at or near Burlington1 N. ;J. \Vhether such exhibits are of as high a privilege as the rea(l- 3968 CONGR.ESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1\f.ABCH 2 . ing of a paper, I am not sure. Certainly one could not claim Mr.. ~~"'EL~. ¥r. Speaker, tP.e gentleman. from l\.Iichigan. .in for some inanimate object or demonstration he wished to use explammg his pomt of order again t the exhibit to be used by in connection with a speech a greater privilege. than he could ~e ?entleman .ft:om. New York [Mr. SmoVIcH] says this fur­ for .a paper which he wished to read as a part of his speech. mshmg of exhibits IS nearest to, or akin to, the readin"' of a So, for the present, I make the point of order that without paper or article. which is covered by a rule. Granting. th;t that . tl1e unanirnou consent of the House the bottles and parapher­ Is so-:and I believe that statement is correct-! want to call the nalia have n.o right on the fioor of the House while. the House attention of the Speaker to Rule XXX, which provides: · is in session, and I object to tb,eir nresence and use. When the reading of a paper other than one upon which the House ill Mr. LINTHICUM. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman's ci~tion of called to give a final vote is demanded, and the same is objected to by the article from some newspaper is merely to giye color to the any 1\Iember, it shall be determined without debate by a vote of the question before the Hom;e. The question before the House at House. · - . the present time is simply this: Has the gentleman from New York [:Ur. SrnoviCH] the right to exhibit certain drugs used I ask that witho.ut further debate that question be put to a by the prohibition officials in the denaturing of industrial alco- !ote of the House, m accordance with the provisions of the rule . hoi? Has he the right to read the greatest book on the effect JUSt read to the House. · · of drugs ever written, the Pharmacopwa of the United States Mr. BLACK o~ New York. As I understand it, 1\Ir. Speaker, Government, from which all of the definitions of these drugs Rule XXX applies only to papers, and it requires a terrific and their effect upon the human system are taken? stretch of the im~gination .to make Rule XXX cover this pro· Further, whether he bas the right to exhibit certain test tubes posed demonsh·ation.
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