5 ue ss Thursday, December 1st, 2011 15 years in , I II prison X The Humor and Satire Newspaper of Vanderbilt University l. o Being secretly upset that people are laughing at us . since 1886 V w w w . t h e s la n t .n et Nick Zeppos Cancels All Upcoming Exams Of His Prostate Tells Doc “The swelling seems to have gone down on its own.” Rick Santorum Polling THISJUSTIN Tom Cruise, John Travolta Extremely Well Among New Shit/Piss Initiative Leads Join Even Crazier Cult Called Voters Named Rick Santorum to 44% Drop in Pee on Seats Catholicism claiming, “It’s miraculous that By: Dan King By: David Sanchez By: Michael Woods these two wonderful men have Urinary Tract Infector Sentient Scientologist given their lives and 10% of Santorum Sniffer tinue his push for the White their earnings to the Church.” House. José Noreña was just plain tire Commons. We’ll be hard Last Wednesday, two of the In a tweet later that evening, A new poll released this week Says Santorum, “I’m not go- sick of it. Every time he would at work in the coming weeks.” most well-known members of he insisted everyone go see by Quinnipiac University shows ing to give up. Just because my go to relieve himself of last According to Noreña, the the Church of Scientology, ac- Tom Cruise’s new film Mission that Republican presidential supporters are in the minority night’s Qdoba, he had hunt biggest obstacle has been the tors Tom Cruise and John Tra- Impossible: Ghost Protocol on candidate Rick Santorum still does not mean that our voice through three stalls before first-years’ inability to “make volta, held a press conference December 21, “just in time for holds a strong lead among vot- should not be heard. I will stay he found one without piss on it in the hole.” “It’s a challenge to announce their conversion our lord’s birthday”. ers named Rick Santorum. in this race to make sure that the seat. “It was a scavenger to get the students to care to what Travolta characterized Not everyone was as ju- The poll showed that while the things people named Rick hunt. I figured with all the about where their piss lands, as “a more time-tested pyra- bilant as Benedict over the most major categories of likely Santorum care about continue time I was wasting looking ya know?” Noreña hopes one mid scheme, I mean, religious conversion. When asked to voters, including white males, to be important issues in this for a clean toilet seat, I could day to begin a “Ready, Aim, movement.” state some of the differences women over 30, non-white race.” really make a difference,” said Pee” program for incoming Cruise elaborated, “We’re between the two cults, Cruise males, and women under 30, The consistent support San- Noreña. freshmen. “When they get just not happy anymore with replied, “Beside the obvious did not support the Santorum, torum receives from these vot- Since taping up signs la- here, they think it’s okay to do the way our Dianetics profits Jesus addition, it’s really not voters named Rick Santorum ers has baffled many pundits in beled either “Shitter” or “Piss- a little dance number while are going, and we’ve always too different, you know? Once are effectively unanimous in recent weeks. Bill O’Reilly tried er” in the bathrooms on a few they’re draining the dragon. been impressed by Papil ac- I looked to Ron Hubbard and their support of the former to make sense of the data on his floors of the Martha Rivers I’m hopeful that our program tions and fashions, way back his writings for support and senator. show last night. Ingram Commons, there has will teach these young adults even with Paul VI. Who else guidance. Now I only have to According to political analyst “Voters named Rick Santo- been a huge fall in the amount otherwise.” can make that hat look good?” look to the Pope, or Joey, as he Sean Hannity, “This poll shows rum are reactionary and intol- of urine resting on the toilet Eager to get in on the grow- He added, laughing, “I think lets me call him. I used to think that Santorum’s ideas don’t ap- erant. They hate immigrants seats. “People are really get- ing movement towards get- this is just the boost our ca- Scientology was a religion of peal to a very broad audience… almost as much as they hate gay ting on the bandwagon with ting freshmen to pee prop- reers need after Hairspray and science, but now I know the but to people named Rick San- people, and they are generally this one,” says Noreña. “They erly, Commons Dean, Frank Knight and Day.” truth – reading religious texts torum, not only is Santorum out of place in educated con- see ‘Shitter’ on the door, and Wisclo decided to make toilet The pair also announced cannot get you to heaven – the best candidate, he is the versations. So it is natural that they know they better be sit- cleanliness a part of the Com- that, later this month, they you need an interpreter.” only candidate. These people they would identify so strongly ting the fuck down. We’re mons Cup Competition. will be flying around the world Tom Cruise, originally a [named Rick Santorum] just with Santorum. He is the em- really playing to the school’s Says Wicslo, “We’ve decid- on a “Catholic Carousal” in Catholic, says his seminary don’t trust any other candidate bodiment of all the things that strong side here – smarts.” ed to grant students one point celebration of their conver- schooling as a teenager heav- to represent them in govern- they, and only they, care about.” When I asked José what the every time they pee without sion. VH1 film crews will be ily influenced this decision. ment.” This same poll from Quin- future of the campaign held, hitting the seat and ten points following them for the next “When I went to school there, Santorum’s campaign has nipiac showed that Rick Perry he seemed optimistic. “Right for every BM that they make two months and the station is I wasn’t a big fan of the rela- been showing signs of weak- has lost significant support now our test groups are show- go bye-bye like a big boy. It’s a expected to air new episodes tionships between teachers ness after several poor perfor- from voters named Rick Perry ing really positive results. It’d great program.” of Cockpit Confessional every and students; I’ve really come mances in primary debates, but in recent weeks. The Governor be a dream come true if we Monday at 6 PM. around to that idea.” Santorum says that as long as of Texas is currently running could get labels across the en- The Pope was overjoyed, his core group of supporters second in this category to Mitt remains steadfast, he will con- Romney. INSIDETHISISSUE Turtledoves 2 French hens 3 Calling birds 4 Golden Rings 5 4 6 7 Maids a-milking 8 Time-Warping Kittens Found in Bored Public Works Official Adds LSD Katy Perry’s Single “Extraterrestri- Tacky Sweaters 8 Purr-mewda Triangle to Vanderbilt Water Supply al” Surprisingly Autobiographical 2 3 NBSEE’SYOUWHILEYOUSLEEP The Slant - www.theslant.net -December 1st, 2011 The Slant - www.theslant.net -December 1st, 2011 FROM THE EDITOR: MY SISTER IS REALLY SMART Fucked Image Actually Inside This Issue My sister is super smart! Just NBC’S PROGRAMMING: In A Downward Spi- check out this thing she wrote for ral 2 her history class in high school. ................................................................................................. It’s a mock interview of a Roman Dirty Laundry Is Aired Out general: BUTTS TOUCH: ..............3 ====================== You may have heard of Clemen- GIVE IT TO ME: Slant Writers Disclose Deepest ticus’ “10 to 1” victory at Merioni- Desires .................................................................................4-5 con, but as his general Johanthan- cus says, “the Romans scraped by, LIGHTS OUT KIDS: Bedtime Interview..................6 barely defeating the Volturi.” What DAN KING in the world could have happened AROUND THE LOOP: President Gets Roasted .....7 that would make the great Roman army falter against the Volturi? It may be the fact that their BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL: Cultural Experiences great leader Clementicus was found drunk and stuffed with 50% Off........................................................................................7 food at the time of battle. Hmm, or it could be the fact that Hanukkah Christmas Trees: for the fence sitter several soldiers mysteriously disappeared after listening to in all of us. TOP TEN: Sounds Like Christmas...Sort Of .8 Clementicus play the violin. But never fear loyal readers, I’ve ............... conducted an investigation as to what really happened at Merionicon. I sat down with Emperor Clementicus himself hoping to find out the truth. Maddie King: So Clementicus, what do you think was key to defeating the Volturi? CULTURE CORNER! Clementicus: Definitely my amazing military leadership. I’ve trained the best army in the world. Nothing could stop NBC to Replace Community With an my legions. MK: Then how do you explain the fact that 90% of your troops were killed? Auto-Tune Recap of The Biggest Loser C: (After a long pause) I don’t feel comfortable talking appear on The Biggest Loser. NBC had similar goals with the spin- about that. By: Jessica Ayers off Losing It With Jillian, but faced PR nightmares when young MK: May I ask why? male applicants got confused as to what they exactly got to do C: No.
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